I turned down my street earlier to find a couple of hawks in the middle of my cul de sac. One of them was puffed up, standing over something and the other was standing back looking jealous. I drove within 10 feet of the killer before it flew about 10 yards away with its kill (Dove). I went in the house to get a proper camera (not iphone) and was able to take several pics and get within 15 feet or so before they bailed.
I google image searched for an ID so I could tell my kids what they were. I think I figured it out but I'd like the experts here to confirm (or just guess). What say you?
[This message has been edited by MEENag (edited 4/25/2014 9:28p).]
[This message has been edited by MEENag (edited 4/25/2014 9:31p).]
[This message has been edited by MEENag (edited 4/25/2014 9:31p).]
I google image searched for an ID so I could tell my kids what they were. I think I figured it out but I'd like the experts here to confirm (or just guess). What say you?
[This message has been edited by MEENag (edited 4/25/2014 9:28p).]
[This message has been edited by MEENag (edited 4/25/2014 9:31p).]
[This message has been edited by MEENag (edited 4/25/2014 9:31p).]