mark kellly lies about the lefts failed border bill being bipartisian

10,310 Views | 148 Replies | Last: 28 days ago by BusterAg
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"This was not meeting the Republicans on the 50 yard line, this was meeting them on the 10 yard line," Kelly said on MSNBC's "Morning Joe," referring to the bipartisan border bill that would have imposed tough overhauls on the border, but was killed after Trump pressured GOP lawmakers to vote against it.
"On their side of the field, we realized, we've got to get operational control over the border. I realized this, Kamala Harris realizes this, and this legislation was going to do that," he added. "And our goal here was to get this legislation passed and then start working on comprehensive immigration reform. But this was stopped dead in its tracks by Donald Trump because he wanted to have this as an election issue. Like a lot of other Republicans, they don't actually want to solve this problem."

mark kelly is leftist scum that condones the lefts border invasion to destroy our country
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> Mark Kelly lies about the left's failed border bill being bipartisan

Well he's a democrat so...
Fight! Fight! Fight!
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I wish Alien was on board his ship when he was in space.
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I really hope he's not Heels Up's VP pick unless she loses and ruins his career. If she wins, we're going to have one of the biggest gun grabbers in the country in the White House. He's a scum bag regardless of his prior career.
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And our goal here was to get this legislation passed and then start working on comprehensive immigration reform.
Yeah, right. If this bill had passed, the Democrats would have said, "We've fixed the border so we don't need to do anything more." He's also contradicting himself when he says that they didn't meet at the 50 yard line, but at the 10 yard line. If the bill was so skewed toward enforcement, what would have been left for the "comprehensive immigration reform?"
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America doesn't need yet another lifetime government worker as next in line to run our country.
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He's a democrat. That's all they do.
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That bill was nothing more than an attempt to codify the open borders policy of Oldfinger and Blowhard.

The deal contained absolutes in relation to amnesty and funding for organizations supporting open immigration.

The bill also had conditionals. All of those provisions were related to border security and immigration enforcement. If Biden did not wish to close the border after surpassing the amount of illegal alien contacts, then he could block the closure without consequence.

That immigration bill was a forfeit to Joe and Ho before the football field could ever be reached.
Max Boredom
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twk said:


And our goal here was to get this legislation passed and then start working on comprehensive immigration reform.
Yeah, right. If this bill had passed, the Democrats would have said, "We've fixed the border so we don't need to do anything more." He's also contradicting himself when he says that they didn't meet at the 50 yard line, but at the 10 yard line. If the bill was so skewed toward enforcement, what would have been left for the "comprehensive immigration reform?"

What part of Mark Kelly's comment do people think was a lie? Here's a list of some things in the bill.

  • New emergency authority that would allow the Department of Homeland Security to "shut down" the border if there are too many migrants trying to cross.
  • Any migrant who tried to cross illegally two or more times during a border emergency would be barred from the U.S. for a year.
  • The bill would also end the practice of "catch and release." If passed into law, the bill would allow migrants who come to the border through lawful ports of entry and families to enter the U.S. under federal supervision for 90 days while they complete asylum interviews. Those who pass would receive work permits as they await adjudication of their claims. Those who fail would be removed from the U.S. and repatriated to their home countries or to Mexico.
  • The bill would mandate detaining migrants who try to enter the U.S. outside of official ports of entry, pending any asylum claims. Those who fail would also be removed.
  • The bill allocates funding for repatriation flights up to 77 per day.
  • The bill also raises the "credible fear" standard during interviews for asylum claims, largely by front-loading consideration of whether migrants have disqualifying criminal histories, whether they lived safely in third countries before trying to cross into the U.S. and whether they could safely relocate within their own countries.
  • The bill would add new flexibility for U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, Immigration and Customs Enforcement and Customs and Border Patrol to make new hires, seeking to address staffing shortages.
  • The package also includes bipartisan sweeteners, including the FEND Off Fentanyl Act, which would target, sanction and block the financial assets of people involved in the fentanyl supply chain, from chemical suppliers in China to drug traffickers from Mexico.

Here's what GOP leadership said about it at the time:

Lankford, the chief GOP negotiator, touted the asylum and immigration changes in the legislation.

"The border security bill will put a huge number of new enforcement tools in the hands of a future administration and push the current Administration to finally stop the illegal flow," he said in a statement. "The bill provides funding to build the wall, increase technology at the border, and add more detention beds, more agents, and more deportation flights. The border security bill ends the abuse of parole on our southwest border that has waived in over a million people. It dramatically changes our ambiguous asylum laws by conducting fast screenings at a higher standard of evidence, limited appeals, and fast deportation."

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., praised the bill for providing "direct and immediate solutions to the crisis at our southern border." He added that America's sovereignty "is being tested here at home" and that adversaries are watching.

To answer your question on "what's left", this bill was focused on securing the border but it didn't address other problems with our immigration policy/system. These are a few of the things that still need to be solved with immigration reform.
  • It didn't provide a solution for DREAMERS
  • It didn't do anything to crack down on employers hiring illegal immigrants
  • It didn't do anything to address our dependence on immigrant labor through a work visa program or some other solution

There's a lot more to it:
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The lie is that the Democrats were ever going to do anything more in the way of enforcement if they got that bill passed. That's a bald faced lie, and everyone knows it.
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Yeah just like those 4 constables and sherrifs (I bet they're on the cartel take) that Collin Allred dredged up...

IF that that so-called "Bipartisan" border bill was truly bipartisan it would have passed!!! Getting one RINO to sign onto it or having Republicans vote it out of committee to kill it on the floor is not bipartisan support.

It was nothing but pork and money to Ukraine along with money that BP doesn't want. They want their hands untied!!!
Kyle Field Shade Chaser
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why did we even need a new bill? Under trump, border security. Under biden, no border security.

Not passing a bill didn't change this. It was working before this proposed bill. It's not working anymore under Biden/Harris.
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Of course they want operational control. They realize this is to ensure they have a steady stream of voters coming yet. They're so good at running these organizations in the government. Why not just turn the whole country over to them? Just kidding.

They run the Secret Service so well, FBI, DA, CIA, etc., etc. etc. they want operational control so they can run it in the ground.
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Looky, it's an Act Blue staffer here on TexAgs. Don't you have some fraud to take care of?
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Here's what GOP leadership said about it at the time:

Lankford, the chief GOP negotiator, touted the asylum and immigration changes in the legislation.

"The border security bill will put a huge number of new enforcement tools in the hands of a future administration and push the current Administration to finally stop the illegal flow," he said in a statement. "The bill provides funding to build the wall, increase technology at the border, and add more detention beds, more agents, and more deportation flights. The border security bill ends the abuse of parole on our southwest border that has waived in over a million people. It dramatically changes our ambiguous asylum laws by conducting fast screenings at a higher standard of evidence, limited appeals, and fast deportation."

All of that required approval of the President before it could proceed.

What makes you think Biden would have given approval?

Notice what Lankford said regarding his negotiated bill. The bill gives enforcement tools to a future GOP Administration.

If those enforcement tools could only come from approval of a President, then Lankford full well knew they would be blocked in the same manner by Oldfinger.

Dead on arrival because it did nothing but guarantee a steady flow of illegal aliens while delaying any chance of real enforcement on the border.

oh no
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once word got out that they were about to sign into law an allowance to continue admitting so many thousands of asylum seekers in per week and republicans were deciding they weren't going to sign it, all Trump had to do was post a truth on Truth Social that it was a terrible deal.

Now, the lying leftists and pravda can continue this BS narrative that Trump strong armed and bullied republicans out of a great bipartisan compromise to close the border. Awe too bad. NOW, the Biden-Harris admin's hands are tied and they cannot enforce the existing laws they have been choosing to disregard for 3.5 years. It's all Trump's fault because Trump was bully 3.5 years in after they intentionally opened the border.

These people really are counting on that many people being that stupid.
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They are trying to tie that one bull**** bill with all the pork in it to this crap when we know for 3 years, they didn't do a ******* thing. They only admitted there was a problem when the leftist sanctuary cities got illegals dropped off in their areas.

These *******s are lying, and the media is lying along with them again. It's absolutely disgusting.

Unless other people either believe it or don't care.
Currently a happy listless vessel and deplorable. #FDEMS TRUMP 2024.
Fight Fight Fight.
Danny Vermin
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Another lefty must have got banned.
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Opposed to posting someone's opinion from Twitter, why not post what is in the bill and determine if you agree with it. No clue who that guy is, but use the facts to make an informed opinion.

  • $2.334 billion, available until 2025 to the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to distribute to state governments and NGOs for "refugee and entrant assistance programs", such as youth and family services, housing, medical care, and legal counseling (p. 32 of the bill).
  • $36 million for the Department of Justice (DOJ) to fund lawyers for "certain incompetent adults" in immigration proceedings. The bill also would have authorized taxpayer-funded counsel for unaccompanied illegal alien minors, but no amount was specified for that program. (p. 62 and p 338).
  • $1.4 billion from the budget for Customs and Border Protection (CBP) to be transferred to the Federal Emergency Management Administration (FEMA) Shelter and Services Program, to be awarded to NGOs for providing shelter and other services to illegal migrants. Of this total, $933,333,333 million would be available immediately. An additional $350,000 could be spent if ICE is able to acquire detention capacity for 46,500 aliens and if DHS hires 200 CBP officers, 200 deportation officers, and 800 asylum officers. An additional $116 million could be spend if ICE conducts 1,500 removal flights and if 75 percent of Border Patrol officers are trained on asylum claims. (p. 67 and p. 82).
  • $350 million to HHS to award grants and contracts to NGOs or state and local government agencies for additional "Refugee and Entrant Assistance" services to unaccompanied minors. (p. 84).
  • $850 million to the State Department for "International Disaster Assistance", to spend on unspecified "humanitarian needs in the Western Hemisphere". Typically, much of this money is re-distributed to NGOs and contractors who apply for the funds in competitive and non-competitive programs (p. 85).
  • $415 million to the State Department, available until 2026, to be paid to foreign governments. Of the total, $230 million is to increase the ability of grantee countries to "accept and integrate deportees". Another $185 million is awarded to countries in the Western Hemisphere to reduce illegal migration. (p. 85).
  • $1.287 billion to ICE to pay contractors to administer a greatly enlarged Alternatives to Detention Program (ATD) to lightly monitor illegal migrants who have been caught and released. For more on this provision, see here.
  • The bill would have allowed international or American NGOs, or other agencies, to become approved fingerprint collection contractors, apparently in addition to the current contractor, Amentum, which specializes in security-oriented contracts with U.S. military and intelligence agencies, among other government business. (p. 275).
  • [/ol]
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    damiond said:

    "This was not meeting the Republicans on the 50 yard line, this was meeting them on the 10 yard line," Kelly said on MSNBC's "Morning Joe," referring to the bipartisan border bill that would have imposed tough overhauls on the border, but was killed after Trump pressured GOP lawmakers to vote against it.
    "On their side of the field, we realized, we've got to get operational control over the border. I realized this, Kamala Harris realizes this, and this legislation was going to do that," he added. "And our goal here was to get this legislation passed and then start working on comprehensive immigration reform. But this was stopped dead in its tracks by Donald Trump because he wanted to have this as an election issue. Like a lot of other Republicans, they don't actually want to solve this problem."

    mark kelly is leftist scum that condones the lefts border invasion to destroy our country

    I suppose he's close, if he meant the Republican's 10. Though that might be generous. They tried to pin the Republicans on their own 1.
    Max Boredom
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    Claverack said:


    Here's what GOP leadership said about it at the time:

    Lankford, the chief GOP negotiator, touted the asylum and immigration changes in the legislation.

    "The border security bill will put a huge number of new enforcement tools in the hands of a future administration and push the current Administration to finally stop the illegal flow," he said in a statement. "The bill provides funding to build the wall, increase technology at the border, and add more detention beds, more agents, and more deportation flights. The border security bill ends the abuse of parole on our southwest border that has waived in over a million people. It dramatically changes our ambiguous asylum laws by conducting fast screenings at a higher standard of evidence, limited appeals, and fast deportation."

    All of that required approval of the President before it could proceed.

    What makes you think Biden would have given approval?

    Notice what Lankford said regarding his negotiated bill. The bill gives enforcement tools to a future GOP Administration.

    If those enforcement tools could only come from approval of a President, then Lankford full well knew they would be blocked in the same manner by Oldfinger.

    Dead on arrival because it did nothing but guarantee a steady flow of illegal aliens while delaying any chance of real enforcement on the border.

    A couple other folks also mentioned that Dems wouldn't have enforced the law. I'm going to respond to you here because you're making a more thoughtful case than most, which I appreciate, so thank you.

    The gist of the argument is, "We didn't pass the bill because the Dems wouldn't have enforced it anyway. Any Dem who says they would have enforced it is a stupid, commie liar." That is weak sauce for two reasons.

    First, even if that was a real concern, you still pass the bill, call the Dems out if they don't take action and then you at least have the legislation in place the next time a Republican administration is in power. You still dare the Dems to decline action even if you think they aren't sincere. Seriously, this is the only reasonable thing to do.

    Second, after the bill got shot down, Biden did take executive action to reduce asylum claims while illegal crossings were up. But, it would have been preferable to have the legislation in place to more explicitly authorize the action. This is what makes me think he would have given approval to act. Since he finally took action without the legislation, it's disingenuous to say he wouldn't have taken action with the bill in place.

    You have to do some serious mental gymnastics to think either of these lines of reasoning hold any water. The only folks who sound more silly are the ones in west Austin who can't muster an argument beyond, "hur dur, you dummy with your facts and logic."
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    Max Boredom been here for 5 days and spittin facts! Best of luck to you. Also, thanks for the insight to the bill. Much better than a Twitter post from some random guy looking for clicks and shares
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    Why was the bill needed? Joe could have kept Trumps policies in place which were working. He could have also been a man and admitted he made a mistake reversing them and re-implemented them. A bill was unnecessary. That's really the issue here and proves why this was nothing more than a Democrat stunt in an election year to do exactly what they are doing now: blame Trump for the border and make it out like they had it all solved.

    The key is not getting distracted by the bill itself and instead cutting right to the heart of it that Joe/Kamala had 3 years to fix what they broke and didn't.
    nu awlins ag
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    Spitting facts, like out of his ass facts? As been stated, nothing needed to be done since Trump already had a plan in place. All that needed to be done was enforce it, but it went against the liberal agenda.
    Psycho Bunny
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    A democrat who lies.

    "All the gods, all the heavens, all the hells are within you"
    Joseph Campbell

    "What is hell? Hell is oneself. Hell is alone, the other figures in it merely projections".
    T.S. Eliot.
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    Max Boredom said:

    Claverack said:


    Here's what GOP leadership said about it at the time:

    Lankford, the chief GOP negotiator, touted the asylum and immigration changes in the legislation.

    "The border security bill will put a huge number of new enforcement tools in the hands of a future administration and push the current Administration to finally stop the illegal flow," he said in a statement. "The bill provides funding to build the wall, increase technology at the border, and add more detention beds, more agents, and more deportation flights. The border security bill ends the abuse of parole on our southwest border that has waived in over a million people. It dramatically changes our ambiguous asylum laws by conducting fast screenings at a higher standard of evidence, limited appeals, and fast deportation."

    All of that required approval of the President before it could proceed.

    What makes you think Biden would have given approval?

    Notice what Lankford said regarding his negotiated bill. The bill gives enforcement tools to a future GOP Administration.

    If those enforcement tools could only come from approval of a President, then Lankford full well knew they would be blocked in the same manner by Oldfinger.

    Dead on arrival because it did nothing but guarantee a steady flow of illegal aliens while delaying any chance of real enforcement on the border.

    A couple other folks also mentioned that Dems wouldn't have enforced the law. I'm going to respond to you here because you're making a more thoughtful case than most, which I appreciate, so thank you.

    The gist of the argument is, "We didn't pass the bill because the Dems wouldn't have enforced it anyway. Any Dem who says they would have enforced it is a stupid, commie liar." That is weak sauce for two reasons.

    First, even if that was a real concern, you still pass the bill, call the Dems out if they don't take action and then you at least have the legislation in place the next time a Republican administration is in power. You still dare the Dems to decline action even if you think they aren't sincere. Seriously, this is the only reasonable thing to do.

    Second, after the bill got shot down, Biden did take executive action to reduce asylum claims while illegal crossings were up. But, it would have been preferable to have the legislation in place to more explicitly authorize the action. This is what makes me think he would have given approval to act. Since he finally took action without the legislation, it's disingenuous to say he wouldn't have taken action with the bill in place.

    You have to do some serious mental gymnastics to think either of these lines of reasoning hold any water. The only folks who sound more silly are the ones in west Austin who can't muster an argument beyond, "hur dur, you dummy with your facts and logic."

    A lot of words to admit the fact the enforcement and security mechanisms remained in the hands of a President who…failed to enforce the border laws at his disposal in the first place.

    You don't pass a law codifying Biden's open borders while giving him free rein to block any attempt at enforcing the security/ immigration control provisions. That is meaningless and a waste of time that doesn't address the issue at all for those Americans who have suffered through these Biden-Harris policies on the border since the first week of their tenure.

    Biden took executive action…only recently and only after leftists discovered the border was a losing issue for them.

    Why did he need a bill to do the job he already had the power to do?

    Because he never wanted to enforce border law and wanted his open borders policy codified into law with Republican help.
    Red Dane
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    So you know what a conservative in the Senate took issue with rather than your leadership group that (dirty little secret) thinks illegal immigration is great to overcome birth rate drops in order to keep adding cheaper labor and more customers:


    Senator Lee Releases "Dirty Dozen" Disasters in So-Called "Border Deal"
    February 5, 2024
    Senator Lee Releases "Dirty Dozen" Disasters in So-Called "Border Deal"

    The proposed border deal will not secure our border. Passing it into law would worsen the border crisis. Here's why:

    CODIFIES CATCH AND RELEASE: Gives the Secretary of Homeland Security unchecked authority to release an alien into the United States under ineffective "alternatives to detention." The illegals only have to express "credible fear" of persecution or the intent to apply for "protection determination." (SEC. 235B)

    ALLOWS UP TO 1.8 MILLION ILLEGAL ALIENS TO ENTER BEFORE TEMPORARILY CLOSING PARTS OF THE BORDER: The Secretary of Homeland Security is only required to shut down the border if there are 5,000 average illegal crossings over a consecutive seven-day period or 8,500 in a single day. The Secretary may shut down the border if crossings are at 4,000 daily average over a consecutive seven-day period. Even during a border emergency, this bill requires the administration to process a minimum of 1,400 illegal immigrants a day. This is 400 more per day than Obama's DHS Secretary Jeh Johnson said constituted a crisis in 2019. (SEC. 244B)

    LOOPHOLES: Does not count any unaccompanied alien children from non-contiguous countries, suspected trafficking victims, aliens who are determined "exempted" based on decisions by ICE, or aliens who meet screening criteria for asylum. Also allows the reopening of the border once encounters are at 75% of the number that caused the shut down, so if the number was 10,000 per day, it only has to be reduced to 7,500/day to reopen.

    LIMITED DURATION: Limits the number of days each year where authority to shut down the border can be in place: 270 days in first calendar year, 225 days in the second year and 180 days in the third year. The period that this "border shutdown" is mandatory decreases in year one, the first 90 days are mandatory; in year two, the first 75 days are mandatory; and in year three, only the first 60 days are mandatory.

    PRESIDENTIAL DISCRETION: Allows the president to reopen the border any time it is in the "national interest to temporarily suspend the border emergency authority" for up to 45 days.

    FUNDS SANCTUARY CITIES AND NGOs SENDING ILLEGALS AROUND THE COUNTRY: Includes $1.4 BILLION for more FEMA grants to NGOs that provide shelter, transportation, legal advice and other services to illegal aliens and $2.3 BILLION to HHS for Refugee Entrant And Assistance, a slush fund for services to unaccompanied alien children.

    SUBSIDIZES FREE, TAXPAYER-FUNDED LEGAL COUNSEL TO ILLEGAL ALIENS: Orders the Secretary of Health and Human Services to ensure that "all unaccompanied alien children who are or have been in the custody of the Secretary of Health and Human Services or the Secretary of Homeland Security…have counsel to represent them in legal proceedings" and free legal counsel for any illegal alien who a judge determines is mentally "incompetent." Mandates that the government provide legal counsel for UACs 13 years old and under. (SEC. 3512-3513)

    EXPANDS PAROLE INSTEAD OF LIMITING IT: Does nothing to meaningfully limit President Biden's abuse of parole. The language makes a fake exemption that seems to sanction Mayorkas' current abuse of parole. Under this bill, Mayorkas can parole in all these groups with the implicit approval of Congress. It also creates a dangerous EXPANSION of parole by saying it can now be granted for anyone the DHS Secretary determines has an "urgent humanitarian reason" to stay and any "culturally important purpose warranting the alien's presence in the United States on Tribal land located at or near an international land border." (SEC. 3146)

    INCREASES GREEN CARDS BY 50,000 PER YEAR FOR FIVE YEARS: This includes 32,000 family-based green cards and 18,000 employment-based green cards. Hurts American workers by importing cheap foreign labor. (SEC. 3402)

    WORK PERMIT FOR ADULT CHILDREN OF H-1B VISA HOLDERS: Hurts American workers by providing indefinite work permits to an estimated 250,000 adult children of H-1B nonimmigrant visa holders who will be competing for jobs with recent college graduates. (SEC. 3403)

    IMMEDIATE WORK PERMITS TO EVERY ILLEGAL RELEASED FROM CUSTODY AFTER THEY PASS AN INITIAL SCREENING: Current law requires a 6 months waiting period after filing an asylum claim before you can apply for a work permit. Under this bill, applicants are granted an IMMEDIATE work permit if they pass the initial asylum credible fear screening. (SEC. 235C)

    NOTHING TO DEPORT ILLEGALS: Does not require the President or Secretary of Homeland Security to deport anyone.

    AFGHAN ADJUSTMENT ACT: Creates a pathway to citizenship for over 60,000 poorly vetted Afghans who were brought to the country due to President Biden's disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan. (SEC. 331)

    WEAKENS ASYLUM SCREENING BY CODIFYING BIDEN POLICY: Codifies the Biden asylum officer regulation and empowers USCIS asylum officers to grant asylum, withholding of removal, and protection under the Convention Against Torture without review by an Immigration Judge, ensuring significantly higher approval rates. (SEC. 3141)

    NO IMMEDIATE FUNDING FOR THE WALL: The bill claims to give $650 million for "building the border wall." This is a budgeting gimmick without any new money. The bill would simply rescind current money and then put it back in with a later date (FY2028) so that President Biden and Sec. Mayorkas don't have to build any wall and can delay spending money on the border wall. (SEC. 205)
    I personally would add that it places all court jurisdictions related to the act in Washington DC ONLY. Given how the only courts interested in securing a border are on the border, that alone is a non-starter.
    NU '95 Texas A&M '97
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    nu awlins ag said:

    Spitting facts, like out of his ass facts? As been stated, nothing needed to be done since Trump already had a plan in place. All that needed to be done was enforce it, but it went against the liberal agenda.

    He had the power to enforce border law.

    Let's see if the Biden groupies can explain why he failed to use those powers as his predecessor did to strong effect.
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    T-Rexican said:

    Max Boredom been here for 5 days and spittin facts! Best of luck to you. Also, thanks for the insight to the bill. Much better than a Twitter post from some random guy looking for clicks and shares

    Almost three and a half years this mental midget of a President spent denying there was a problem.

    And you expect Republicans to pass a bill granting that same President power to reject every enforcement provision in it?
    nu awlins ag
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    Claverack said:

    nu awlins ag said:

    Spitting facts, like out of his ass facts? As been stated, nothing needed to be done since Trump already had a plan in place. All that needed to be done was enforce it, but it went against the liberal agenda.

    He had the power to enforce border law.

    Let's see if the Biden groupies can explain why he failed to use those powers as his predecessor did to strong effect.

    Exactly my point. Same with gun laws. After each shooting they have to pass "another law" instead of forcing what's already on the books. That way if the law isn't passed they can point fingers. Liberals are truly a bunch of stupid and disingenuous people.
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    nu awlins ag said:

    Claverack said:

    nu awlins ag said:

    Spitting facts, like out of his ass facts? As been stated, nothing needed to be done since Trump already had a plan in place. All that needed to be done was enforce it, but it went against the liberal agenda.

    He had the power to enforce border law.

    Let's see if the Biden groupies can explain why he failed to use those powers as his predecessor did to strong effect.

    Exactly my point. Same with gun laws. After each shooting they have to pass "another law" instead of forcing what's already on the books. That way if the law isn't passed they can point fingers. Liberals are truly a bunch of stupid and disingenuous people.

    They waited until this year to actually do something to enforce border law.

    This after spending more than 75% of their time in office claiming the border was safe and secure.

    The Lankford/Murphy/Scinema bill was merely an attempt to let Biden and his stooge VPOTUS off the hook for their failure on the border while at the same time maintaining the policy allowing terrorists, human traffickers and drug cartels into the country unabated.

    Glad most Republicans saw through the con job.

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    I love Trump, but people that think millions of illegals didn't get into this country in his term and are now living here are just burring their head in the sand. If Trump was the toughest President we have ever had on illegal immigration, and I think he was, and he could NOT stop the massive flow of illegals with the tools he had, then Congress needs to pass laws to give the President more power.
    nu awlins ag
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    agaberto said:

    I love Trump, but people that think millions of illegals didn't get into this country in his term and are now living here are just burring their head in the sand. If Trump was the toughest President we have ever had on illegal immigration, and I think he was, and he could NOT stop the massive flow of illegals with the tools he had, then Congress needs to pass laws to give the President more power.

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    agaberto said:

    I love Trump, but people that think millions of illegals didn't get into this country in his term and are now living here are just burring their head in the sand. If Trump was the toughest President we have ever had on illegal immigration, and I think he was, and he could NOT stop the massive flow of illegals with the tools he had, then Congress needs to pass laws to give the President more power.
    Congress doesn't need to do anything but demand the Executive Branch enforce the existing laws on the books and stop allowing the bending of asylum laws.

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