These guys are in serious trouble.
At this rate, they will lose almost 1% of their population every 5-6 years.
That's bad.
"China ended 2023 with 1.410 billion people, a drop of 2.08 million, as births continue to plummet
The latest number points to a fertility ratethe number of children a woman has over her lifetimethat is close to 1.0, a level considered by demographers as "ultralow."
China's Population Decline Accelerates
At this rate, they will lose almost 1% of their population every 5-6 years.
That's bad.
"China ended 2023 with 1.410 billion people, a drop of 2.08 million, as births continue to plummet
The latest number points to a fertility ratethe number of children a woman has over her lifetimethat is close to 1.0, a level considered by demographers as "ultralow."
China's Population Decline Accelerates