NW Liberals admitting mistakes…

4,898 Views | 37 Replies | Last: 1 yr ago by RangerRick9211
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Read the article…very short so I didn't post quotes.

Portland is near and dear to my heart as I have friends there and would usually take at least 2-3 trips and stay in the city.

I haven't been and stayed in the city since BLM riots.

I told a more liberal friend that regardless of the liberal circle jerk for BLM and the anti trump movement that Portland was being used by national extremist like Soros and others.

This is verified by the huge percentage of out of state agitators of the worts offenders that were actually arrested.

My take is that, even if you have a liberal leaning political protective the mistake that was unforgivable was by local mayors and city planners and politicians that got so caught up in the national hype that they allowed their city to be destroyed by people who ultimately did not live there and did not elect those people to represent them at the city level.

I see this as a cautionary tale against extremism and being sucked into group think by people who ultimately do not care about people they supposedly represent or anyone other than themselves.

Modern liberalism is evil and people who are liberal need to recognize that their protective is fine (we are a free country and you get to think anything you want to) but the leaders of this movement are using them and pushing them to extremes to serve their purposes.

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I tried to relocate to PDX in 2006-7, but without a local address no one would even look at my resume. There was a lot of protectionism going on as so many people were moving there. And I wasn't in a position to quit and move. I have friends there that have been there for 20 years. While most are democrats they're far from "progressives" and after watching their city tank they've swung rightward. Which has accelerated in recent years to the point they now sound very republican.

They're appalled by the current situation.
aTm '99
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AlaskanAg99 said:

I tried to relocate to PDX in 2006-7, but without a local address no one would even look at my resume. There was a lot of protectionism going on as so many people were moving there. And I wasn't in a position to quit and move. I have friends there that have been there for 20 years. While most are democrats they're far from "progressives" and after watching their city tank they've swung rightward. Which has accelerated in recent years to the point they now sound very republican.

They're appalled by the current situation.

My experience is the same. I have buddies that would probably describe themselves as liberal, because saying anything else is almost a dirty word up there when you're talking to people.

They care about some of the issues that the Democratic Party pushes but do not support the methodology in the more extreme aspects of the woke liberal party.

It was pretty stunning when I visited them during all of the Covid lockdowns. The wear and tear and strain on their faces for a big family of 75+ people in that area was 100% evident across the board.

The way that the Woke Democratic Party threatens and forces its adherents into a singular groupthink is evil .

I keep saying the word evil, but I don't really know another way to put it when you see it.
Anastasia Beaverhaven
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I currently live in Seattle (Lower Queen Anne). The local candidates for city council the article was discussing are a disaster and just more of the same.

Public transport (Link Train and Busses) are just a moving homeless and drug shelter. They are disgusting to ride but they cannot make improvements because charging riding fares "reduces equity." The new 150k tax is going to move more companies out. For any employee making over 150k in the Seattle area, the business is assessed an additional tax for businesses with an annual payroll of 7 million or more.

It's complete lunacy and I haven't even addressed the homeless issue. Don't you dare say you vote for any right leaning policy as you will be outcasted immediately.

I should be out of here in the next 6-8 weeks but the problems will remain. When I initially moved here, I figured I would learn something new and gain a different perspective. All I have learned is that the policies of the left absolutely do not work. I am now more conservative after having seen the direct effects of liberal and socialist policies.
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Most live in Beaverton now, but work throught PDX. B-Town used to be a bedroom community but they're shocked by how many businesses are moving out of the city. A decade ago we'd have to go into Portland to do.anything fun, now there's no reason to go into the city.

1 works managing large apartment complexes and he has to deal with the worst. They have tenants owning them 20k they can't evict without a long term process.

He used to be very non political and he's a republican now. Not that it helps.
aTm '99
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I'm so glad to be leaving the northwest in a few months. Even though I hear of people swinging to the right due to the problems in Portland and Seattle, it's really only a tiny fraction. Most of the people here will continue to vote blue. Having said that, I'm still a little shocked that Seattle elected Ann Davison over that nut job NTK

This area will still hold a special place in my heart. I have lived here for over ten years, and there is still a lot to love.
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No sympathy. They got what they voted for.
Franklin Comes Alive!
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"Admitting mistakes"

Then they continue to vote libtard…

**** em, let 'em burn
Buck Turgidson
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Liberal parasites flock to whatever area is booming and then collapse it under the weight of their insane politics. They took down the whole damn state of California, now they're going to collapse the remainder of the west coast. They still won't have learned a ****ing thing.
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Whatever you do don't read the comments in that article. They almost all blame "fascist republicans" who don't care about the working class. And that caring policies that "help" the working class aren't socialist. Meanwhile they completely ignore the fact that the idiots they voted for created this environment where drugs and homelessness flourish.
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94AGBQ said:

Whatever you do don't read the comments in that article. They almost all blame "fascist republicans" who don't care about the working class. And that caring policies that "help" the working class aren't socialist. Meanwhile they completely ignore the fact that the idiots they voted for created this environment where drugs and homelessness flourish.
Couldn't help it, I went to the comments and you are correct. These people have no clue as to the cause and effect of the insane policies they push.
The budget should be balanced, the treasury should be refilled, the public debt should be reduced, the arrogance of officialdom should be tempered and controlled and the assistance to foreign lands should be curtailed, lest Rome become bankrupt.
People must again learn to work, instead of living on public assistance.
-- Cicero, 55 B.C.
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Haha on public transport, I'd like to see that meme that shows all the cars, then a bus… except it is set up so there are only 5 drug addict riders per articulating bus, which is the actual reality.
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This, but with 50 people in 10 buses.

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richardag said:

94AGBQ said:

Whatever you do don't read the comments in that article. They almost all blame "fascist republicans" who don't care about the working class. And that caring policies that "help" the working class aren't socialist. Meanwhile they completely ignore the fact that the idiots they voted for created this environment where drugs and homelessness flourish.
Couldn't help it, I went to the comments and you are correct. These people have no clue as to the cause and effect of the insane policies they push.
Of course not...

The dots are too close together to make the connections...
Little Rock Ag
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I'd like to think that at some point in the future, probably distant future, that people who live in these areas will eventually stop voting for suicidal policies and leaders and repudiate chaos that is wrought by it all. However, as has been said before, you can vote in communism, but you have to shoot your way out.
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Little Rock Ag said:

I'd like to think that at some point in the future, probably distant future, that people who live in these areas will eventually stop voting for suicidal policies and leaders and repudiate chaos that is wrought by it all. However, as has been said before, you can vote in communism, but you have to shoot your way out.
I do feel as though the people who are voting for this really believe that they are voting correctly. That eventually if they vote for leaders who are liberal enough, this utopian liberal society will finally exist. This is one reason why I continue to urge people to get out and get involved in local politics as much as possible, understand who you are voting for, what you are voting for, how your actions impact your family and your community.
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What has happened to Seattle and Portland is no different as to what is/has happened to any Democratic controlled city or State where the only way of thinking is the liberal way where they have convinced themselves that the problems they are having will eventually be solved by their policies even when these policies have been going on for decades with the same failed result.

1. Failed liberal result: Just throw more money at the problem and it will get solved.

2. Failed liberal result: Society is to blame as to why people commit crimes.

3. Failed liberal result: Racism, white supremacy, and non equality is the reason minorities fail.

4. Failed liberal result: Dumbing down and lowering education standards will help underachievers achieve success.

5. Failed liberal result: Anyone speaking against any liberal policy is considered a racist white supremacist (no matter the race) and what is discussed hate speech.

I could go on and on as to liberal policies that have failed and they just will not learn.
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Liberals are loons and a cancer to society.
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AlaskanAg99 said:

I tried to relocate to PDX in 2006-7, but without a local address no one would even look at my resume. There was a lot of protectionism going on as so many people were moving there. And I wasn't in a position to quit and move. I have friends there that have been there for 20 years. While most are democrats they're far from "progressives" and after watching their city tank they've swung rightward. Which has accelerated in recent years to the point they now sound very republican.

They're appalled by the current situation.

Wondering if that time period was Portlands peak. We were there in 2008 for a wine trip to Willamette. It was awesome. We bookended the week in Portland and had a good time there.

It was basically Austin on a much smaller scale at the time. The worst thing I saw was an extremely well dressed bum who asked me for $5. I laughed at him and made some comment about inflation being so much higher here vs Texas that he was asking me for $5!!!

Have never made it back and now have no reason to after the last few years.
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94AGBQ said:

Whatever you do don't read the comments in that article. They almost all blame "fascist republicans" who don't care about the working class. And that caring policies that "help" the working class aren't socialist. Meanwhile they completely ignore the fact that the idiots they voted for created this environment where drugs and homelessness flourish.

All from the bot farm
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It's a religious movement. You express virtue by professing and adhering to the leftist dogma and you condemn and persecute the unfaithful and heretical conservative nonbelievers as an evil threat to do harm. You can't be seen by virtuous leftist peers to be sympathetic to or even conciliatory to conservatives and their political arguments or you risk becoming targeted as an apostate by the mob of religious social media activist police on the left.

It's like living in Iran but the religion is a conglomerate of progressive dogmas.
Emotional Support Cobra
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I adored the show Portlandia when it came out 10 years ago. I am not sure you could reboot the show now because of how the landscape has changed so much and the issue of homelessness and drug addiction is so rampant and a hotbutton issue.
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YouBet said:

AlaskanAg99 said:

I tried to relocate to PDX in 2006-7, but without a local address no one would even look at my resume. There was a lot of protectionism going on as so many people were moving there. And I wasn't in a position to quit and move. I have friends there that have been there for 20 years. While most are democrats they're far from "progressives" and after watching their city tank they've swung rightward. Which has accelerated in recent years to the point they now sound very republican.

They're appalled by the current situation.

Wondering if that time period was Portlands peak. We were there in 2008 for a wine trip to Willamette. It was awesome. We bookended the week in Portland and had a good time there.

It was basically Austin on a much smaller scale at the time. The worst thing I saw was an extremely well dressed bum who asked me for $5. I laughed at him and made some comment about inflation being so much higher here vs Texas that he was asking me for $5!!!

Have never made it back and now have no reason to after the last few years.

Austin wanted to be Portland down to ripping off the saying "Keep Portland Wierd". It was full of hippies and those looking for an alt lifestyle "Move to Portland and retire in your 30s". Then people moved, real estate prices exploded quickly, progressive passed asinine laws and the place has gone to *****

When major retailers were moving out of downtown there was an effort to force to keep them there as the politicians were starting to realize they were murdering their tax base. Same vein with major lib states trying to pass laws on wealth and taxing people who no longer live in the state for years after they've left. Reeks of the silent admission they've screwed up and are terrified of what's about to happen to their budgets.
aTm '99
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APHIS AG said:

What has happened to Seattle and Portland is no different as to what is/has happened to any Democratic controlled city or State where the only way of thinking is the liberal way where they have convinced themselves that the problems they are having will eventually be solved by their policies even when these policies have been going on for decades with the same failed result.

1. Failed liberal result: Just throw more money at the problem and it will get solved.

2. Failed liberal result: Society is to blame as to why people commit crimes.

3. Failed liberal result: Racism, white supremacy, and non equality is the reason minorities fail.

4. Failed liberal result: Dumbing down and lowering education standards will help underachievers achieve success.

5. Failed liberal result: Anyone speaking against any liberal policy is considered a racist white supremacist (no matter the race) and what is discussed hate speech.

I could go on and on as to liberal policies that have failed and they just will not learn.
At the risk of creating an additional argument, Liberals have basic, flat, learning curve...
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Any chance the Democrats in Oregon let the Conservative Counties leave and join Idaho?

It would cement their power in Salem forever.
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TheEternalPessimist said:

Any chance the Democrats in Oregon let the Conservative Counties leave and join Idaho?

It would cement their power in Salem forever.
And probably reduce their taxable base to near zero.
Anastasia Beaverhaven
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TheEternalPessimist said:

Any chance the Democrats in Oregon let the Conservative Counties leave and join Idaho?

It would cement their power in Salem forever.
Not a chance. Control is the most important thing to socialists. They think over time that rural folks will submit to their ideology/religion.
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Austin, Houston, Dallas...take note.
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AlaskanAg99 said:

Most live in Beaverton now, but work throught PDX. B-Town used to be a bedroom community but they're shocked by how many businesses are moving out of the city. A decade ago we'd have to go into Portland to do.anything fun, now there's no reason to go into the city.

1 works managing large apartment complexes and he has to deal with the worst. They have tenants owning them 20k they can't evict without a long term process.

He used to be very non political and he's a republican now. Not that it helps.

See also. Austin
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I was in PDX early last summer and in Austin last week. Austin is following those footsteps but not nearly as bad.

aTm '99
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SA68AG said:

No sympathy. They got what they voted for.
Yeah, except no one wants the cancer to spread.

Most of these folks who are moving are liberal, and will continue to vote Democrat and spread the cancer.
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From barbarism to civilization requires a century; from civilization to barbarism needs but a day.
Will Durant
“We don't have a government of the people, by the people, for the people. We have government of the people, by the bureaucrats, for the bureaucrats.”

-Milton Friedman
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They'll admit it, ask for forgiveness, then gladly do it again in 2024.
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