Looks like the beginning of the push to normalize pedophilia. When Libs change references in an attempt to soften and sanitize their nonsense and degeneracy, it's a good indicator that a full bore push to legitimize it is occurring.
Just remember how the push for homosexuality went. It started off with a gay character here and there for comedy relief. Before you knew it, there was a character on every show. I cannot see the same gradual acceptance with pedophilia, but something is about to change.
Just do this. Go back to 1985 in your head. Now I'm gonna tell you that homosexuals will get married. What's your reaction? Now what's your impression of pedophiles being accepted? I'd imagine the reactions would largely be the same.
Before I go into examples - this image shows the attention to detail. Note the F to M Trans cartoon has breast removal scars the others do not.
This one is a stretch but notice the small pink heart inside the larger heart.
This is very similar to the "Girl Lover" symbol
Now, Look back at the "boy lover" symbol above compared to these.
Again not the exact same but very similar.
Now for the last image to compare. Now look at the "child lover" symbol above - pink heart and blue heart. Pink and Blue hearts on the float. All kinds of flags for the full LGBTQ+ spectrums. But the real find is not all of the loose ties I have listed, though those should be taken into account. The "tell" here is the color combination of the base of the float itself.
The color combo for the MAP flag (Minor attracted person aka Pedo) BLUE - LIGHT BLUE - YELLOW - WHITE - YELLOW - PINK - RED
This combo is on the float base, but upside down. This is not a mistake. Every float corresponded to an identifying flag within the LGBTQ+ community.
I remember sitting on our couch with my sister in the early eighties watching a culture club music video. My dad walks in and I told my dad hey check out this weirdo that dresses like a girl. He watched for a minute, walked over turned off the tv and told us he would destroy every tv in the house if he caught us watching that trash in his house again. He would have too.
Then he told us that stuff was poison and that one day in our lives we'd wake up and Boy George would no longer be a weirdo and we would be parents and worried about our kids because child molesters would be making music videos.
The man saw the future coming. After that day every time I see some other deviant behavior become ok I'm reminded of his words.
I'm a lot more worried about the overt stuff than trying to find hidden meaning in Blues Clues.
I just posted an example of a children's show covertly supporting sex with minors and it's no big deal. It's not like they distribute content to kids everywhere often times left to watch with no parental supervision. Yeah, it's a big nothingburger. They are totally not coming for the kids.
Before I go into examples - this image shows the attention to detail. Note the F to M Trans cartoon has breast removal scars the others do not.
This one is a stretch but notice the small pink heart inside the larger heart.
This is very similar to the "Girl Lover" symbol
Now, Look back at the "boy lover" symbol above compared to these.
Again not the exact same but very similar.
Now for the last image to compare. Now look at the "child lover" symbol above - pink heart and blue heart. Pink and Blue hearts on the float. All kinds of flags for the full LGBTQ+ spectrums. But the real find is not all of the loose ties I have listed, though those should be taken into account. The "tell" here is the color combination of the base of the float itself.
The color combo for the MAP flag (Minor attracted person aka Pedo) BLUE - LIGHT BLUE - YELLOW - WHITE - YELLOW - PINK - RED
This combo is on the float base, but upside down. This is not a mistake. Every float corresponded to an identifying flag within the LGBTQ+ community.
possible one of the people involved is a sicko and snuck something in. But I'd take all that with a grain of salt. You start looking for hearts and spirals on kids stuff and you'll find them.
That said, I wouldn't have my kids watching that show or any other that pushes a sexual preferences message. The target demo for that show is what, 3 year olds? It's abhorrent.
What people are posting that? Should Musk censor or remove posters promoting such activity?
Sure he should censor and remove these freaks. Anything promoting a felony is prime and appropriate for being censored. Anyone that argues otherwise is in support of pedophila and needs to be taken out with the trash There's a lot of things I don't have the heart to fight. But, harm a child, I'll do whatever it takes to stop it. Swift, Old Testament style is what they deserve
I'm convinced now that the left's ideal utopia society is one that does not regard individuals as criminals based on what they do, but rather based on how and why they do what they do.
In this utopia every member of society would ideally fit into at least one box of digeneracy, which would require some exclusive form of government protection to enable their issues/deviant behavior; and no one can commit a crime by acting on their desires or addictions.
Instead the only true crime would be to question or oppose the authorities, as their power and influence would be essential in upholding organized degenerate society.
You could call it anarchy with a roof over it. Don't look up and all is well.
What people are posting that? Should Musk censor or remove posters promoting such activity?
Sure he should censor and remove these freaks. Anything promoting a felony is prime and appropriate for being censored. Anyone that argues otherwise is in support of pedophila and needs to be taken out with the trash There's a lot of things I don't have the heart to fight. But, harm a child, I'll do whatever it takes to stop it. Swift, Old Testament style is what they deserve
So you prefer that pedos remain unknown in their community & are able to attack children under cover of censorship?
Before I go into examples - this image shows the attention to detail. Note the F to M Trans cartoon has breast removal scars the others do not.
This one is a stretch but notice the small pink heart inside the larger heart.
This is very similar to the "Girl Lover" symbol
Now, Look back at the "boy lover" symbol above compared to these.
Again not the exact same but very similar.
Now for the last image to compare. Now look at the "child lover" symbol above - pink heart and blue heart. Pink and Blue hearts on the float. All kinds of flags for the full LGBTQ+ spectrums. But the real find is not all of the loose ties I have listed, though those should be taken into account. The "tell" here is the color combination of the base of the float itself.
The color combo for the MAP flag (Minor attracted person aka Pedo) BLUE - LIGHT BLUE - YELLOW - WHITE - YELLOW - PINK - RED
This combo is on the float base, but upside down. This is not a mistake. Every float corresponded to an identifying flag within the LGBTQ+ community.
The problem with this kind of conspiracy is that it makes people who are actually trying to root out real overt attacks against kids look like nuts and ultimately will be dismissed. It's just like the satanic panic of the 80s where the devil could be found in every album/lyric. F16 is becoming another Q thread
Before I go into examples - this image shows the attention to detail. Note the F to M Trans cartoon has breast removal scars the others do not.
This one is a stretch but notice the small pink heart inside the larger heart.
This is very similar to the "Girl Lover" symbol
Now, Look back at the "boy lover" symbol above compared to these.
Again not the exact same but very similar.
Now for the last image to compare. Now look at the "child lover" symbol above - pink heart and blue heart. Pink and Blue hearts on the float. All kinds of flags for the full LGBTQ+ spectrums. But the real find is not all of the loose ties I have listed, though those should be taken into account. The "tell" here is the color combination of the base of the float itself.
The color combo for the MAP flag (Minor attracted person aka Pedo) BLUE - LIGHT BLUE - YELLOW - WHITE - YELLOW - PINK - RED
This combo is on the float base, but upside down. This is not a mistake. Every float corresponded to an identifying flag within the LGBTQ+ community.
"If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without blood shed; if you will not fight when your victory is sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival. There may even be a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves." - Sir Winston Churchill
A second grade teacher in @AustinISD allegedly gave students worksheets on furries. These included a furry wordsearch and an activity on designing your own furry persona. pic.twitter.com/8SUWeOUgQd