Average annual earnings in 1972 were $7100, so back then the average person could afford to buy 11,000 big macs per year.
— Joe Weisenthal (@TheStalwart) October 8, 2021
Now average annual earnings are like $54,000, and a big mac is like $4, so now a person can buy over 13,000 big macs per year.
Progress! https://t.co/bbQEeyg7z5
My question is, what's changed in the recipe of the big Mac?
Whats the nutritional content then and now?
Where are the ingredients sourced then and now?
I imagine the cost to produce big Mac has dramatically decreased as have the nutritional content, as empty calorically and nutritionally perhaps more so than the backing of the USD since 71.
Coming soon:
AE Ventures - sooner than soon
*Psychedelic Retreats
*Physical and mental exercises
*Addiction services
Step 3: property found
Step 4: set date
Step 5: plan agenda for participants, food, logistics etc, integration and counseling post-experience
Step 6: long-term planning
I am amped.