The Vanity Fair piece purports, in its headline, to be The Lab-Leak Theory: Inside the Fight to Uncover COVID-19's Origins. In fact, it is something very different. There was no "fight to uncover COVID-19s origins." Rather, it details the scramble inside of the State Department and other federal agencies to effectively shut down any discussion of any theory other than that the Wuhan virus had mutated and made the leap from bats (yes, bats) to humans.There are several sad conclusions that can be drawn from this story.Quote:
In an internal memo obtained by Vanity Fair, Thomas DiNanno, former acting assistant secretary of the State Department's Bureau of Arms Control, Verification, and Compliance, wrote that staff from two bureaus, his own and the Bureau of International Security and Nonproliferation, "warned" leaders within his bureau "not to pursue an investigation into the origin of COVID-19" because it would "'open a can of worms' if it continued."
A small group within the State Department's Arms Control, Verification, and Compliance bureau had been studying the Institute for months. The group had recently acquired classified intelligence suggesting that three WIV researchers conducting gain-of-function experiments on coronavirus samples had fallen ill in the autumn of 2019, before the COVID-19 outbreak was known to have started.
As officials at the meeting discussed what they could share with the public, they were advised by Christopher Park, the director of the State Department's Biological Policy Staff in the Bureau of International Security and Nonproliferation, not to say anything that would point to the U.S. government's own role in gain-of-function research, according to documentation of the meeting obtained by Vanity Fair.
There is absolutely no guiding ethical principle inside the US scientific community. They will happily create viruses that can bring the world to a screeching halt just because they can. The bureaucrats who are supposed to oversee the scientists working with federal grants seem much more interested in basking in the reflected glory of the research they are funding than ensuring you and I are safe. Scientific consensus statements are merely propaganda toolsI hope "climate change" papers get some scrutiny in the future.
Our civil service will make major decisions based on whether they like a president or not.
All in all, it is damned hard to see how this situation can be rectified short of knocking stone from stone and plowing the earth with salt.
coolerguy12 said:
InfectionAg will not be happy to see this.
It's amazing how little I think of the majority of the medical community after the last 15 months. Talk about a god complex in so many of them.
A major new study by German scientists at Munich University has found that lockdowns had no effect on reducing the country’s coronavirus infection rate.https://t.co/JQQDhzvOmw
— Paul Joseph Watson (@PrisonPlanet) June 4, 2021
TChaney said:
...and some people wonder why others are hesitant to get the vaccine.
JW said:
If the government, media, and tech lied about this, can you imagine what else they are doing. Wake up.
Clob94 said:A major new study by German scientists at Munich University has found that lockdowns had no effect on reducing the country’s coronavirus infection rate.https://t.co/JQQDhzvOmw
— Paul Joseph Watson (@PrisonPlanet) June 4, 2021
And if course-- then there's this.
These f***ing people that pushed this narrative should be lined up against the wall.
coolerguy12 said:
InfectionAg will not be happy to see this.
It's amazing how little I think of the majority of the medical community after the last 15 months. Talk about a god complex in so many of them.
BuddysBud said:JW said:
If the government, media, and tech lied about this, can you imagine what else they are doing. Wake up.
In addition to suppressing therapies that help overcome the disease, I wouldn't be surprised if they intentionally put COVID patients with the most vulnerable to get it in order to increase the death count by tens of thousands to re-enforce the message of fear. Thus taking extreme measures that destroy the economy and kill basic human rights would be accepted.
Edit to add that these power hungry beasts are pure evil.
Dr. Soumya Swaminathan, the Chief Scientist at the World Health Organisation (WHO), was apparently served a legal notice by Indian Bar Association (IBA) on May 25, 2021, for her alleged act of spreading disinformation and thus misleading the people of India, in order to fulfill her own agenda, so the plaintiff's action declares. It is reported that Dr. Soumya Swaminathan deliberately ignored and suppressed the FLCCC and BIRD Panel's data regarding the effectiveness of the drug Ivermectin, with an intent to dissuade the people of India from using Ivermectin. Moreover, the nation of India has included ivermectin in their national protocol and, as TrialSite recently reported, in states where the treatment is in wide use an unprecedented reduction of cases is now reported.
Yes but a very quiet/distinct and marginalized minority. I was certainly derided for noting that he is a camera *****.pimplepopper said:coolerguy12 said:
InfectionAg will not be happy to see this.
It's amazing how little I think of the majority of the medical community after the last 15 months. Talk about a god complex in so many of them.
Some of us were very skeptical of Fauci from the very beginning.
Remember when J&J vaccine got paused? There are theories why... but you can see FROM THE BEGINNING Dr. Fauci giving the stiff arm to J&J. The very day he scheduled time w/an executive from PepsiCo he REJECTED J&J request saying his time wasn't his own to schedule.#FAuciEmails pic.twitter.com/ZOBN5s2nHd
— Justin Hart (@justin_hart) June 4, 2021
pimplepopper said:coolerguy12 said:
InfectionAg will not be happy to see this.
It's amazing how little I think of the majority of the medical community after the last 15 months. Talk about a god complex in so many of them.
Some of us were very skeptical of Fauci from the very beginning.
WolfCall said:
While we are on the subject of criminally misreporting the beneficial effects of human drugs that could be repurposed for prevention/treatment of Covid-19, look at the story below. Ivermectin has been mass distributed in African countries since the early 1990s to prevent/treat River Blindness.
Indian Bar Association Serves Legal Notice Upon Dr. Soumya Swaminathan, the Chief Scientist, WHOQuote:
Dr. Soumya Swaminathan, the Chief Scientist at the World Health Organisation (WHO), was apparently served a legal notice by Indian Bar Association (IBA) on May 25, 2021, for her alleged act of spreading disinformation and thus misleading the people of India, in order to fulfill her own agenda, so the plaintiff's action declares. It is reported that Dr. Soumya Swaminathan deliberately ignored and suppressed the FLCCC and BIRD Panel's data regarding the effectiveness of the drug Ivermectin, with an intent to dissuade the people of India from using Ivermectin. Moreover, the nation of India has included ivermectin in their national protocol and, as TrialSite recently reported, in states where the treatment is in wide use an unprecedented reduction of cases is now reported.
We need a class action lawsuit for:waitwhat? said:
Never forget the video of a group of doctors swearing by the hydroxywhatever drug's effectiveness last May or so that was removed by Big Tech and subsequently forgotten.
coolerguy12 said:
InfectionAg will not be happy to see this.
It's amazing how little I think of the majority of the medical community after the last 15 months. Talk about a god complex in so many of them.