c-jags said:
BigRobSA said:
PneumAg said:
I've never seen a straight up bro speak so much truth in my entire life.
A Canadian-bro at that.
that dude was definitely from Alberta. those people are like the southerners of the US.
but absolutely insane how spot on he was with everything. hilarious that it came from a dudebro perfectly articulating everything.
Not really tbh, right wing bodybuilder culture is actually a pretty big thing. There is a direct correlation between muscle mass, lifting weights, and being right wing. That is, studies have proven the connection.
Almost every bug bodybuilder is right wing. You can check Instagram for all of the major accounts in both strong man and bodybuilding and I would say about 90% are right wing. Very very few of them are socialists.
Also, people who train like this are rarely meatheads. Why? Because it takes tons of research and effort to hit that level. You cannot just wing it and expect to get where you want to go. These guys treat their bodies as if they are Petri dishes with nutrition, sleep, steroids, and weight routine. It's not remotely a surprise that this drive translates into learning about other topics as well.