Are Republicans finally becoming hateful?

6,411 Views | 80 Replies | Last: 4 yr ago by titan
Fightin TX Aggie
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For as long as most of us can remember, the loudest voices in the liberal media and prominent Democrat politicians have told us that Republicans are hateful.

This is one of the big lies they tell. Most Republicans, of course, know that they aren't hateful and never have been, and for much of the last 25 years or longer, many on our side responded to the lie by trying to prove to Democrats that it is indeed a lie. "Really, I'm not that way! I promise!"

But I sense a shift in the average Republican voter.

There is a growing certainty that a large percentage of the country really and truly hates them. They feel the left hates them because the left repeatedly tells them how terrible they are. It's a pack of lies. They're racists. They hate science. They don't care about the poor. They're dumb. They're conspiracy theorists. They are a "rot" in the country.

And the average GOP voter is losing the desire to say yet again, "Really, I'm not that way! I promise!" The average GOP voter has lost all patience with the lies.

Instead of trying to prove them wrong, at least what I am sensing, is that they are ready to say, "Fine. F you. You want to hate me over a bunch of bull**** lies? Well, f you. I'm done caring 1/2 a dog crap what you think. Go F yourself."

Cue the Star Wars emperor gif: "Good, let the hate flow through you."

All the post-DC riot moves to silence and shame Republicans just make it worse. I would like to be rationally disturbed by the DC riot, but given that Nancy Pelosi, AOC and company want to blame me for it, I find myself thinking the entire thing is overblown. I am not alone.

Not sure where this goes, but the left has lived for all their lives with a mostly good hearted GOP. They have no idea what the country will look like when the other 1/2 finally starts to hate them back.

[EDIT: The "finally" in the post title is not intended to mean, "Good, finally!" It is intended to mean that after all these years of false claims about GOP hate, maybe the hate is actually coming about.]
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The hate is already there and being exacerbated by the censorship in the media. It is a boiling pressure cooker with no release valve.
Old Army Ghost
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Life is more than politics. God reigns no matter whonis in The White House.
Old Army has gone to hell.
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Doesn't matter. Media is owned and run by the democrat party. Whatever they want to be true is reality.
Fightin TX Aggie
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Old Army Ghost said:

Life is more than politics. God reigns no matter who is in The White House.
I agree completely, but do you think the left is willing to leave Republicans alone?

For all the proclamations of unity, the real message right now is the left's burning desire for dominance.

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Not hateful, tired of the bull schiff.
Fightin TX Aggie
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92ags said:

Not hateful, tired of the bull schiff.
There is a fine line between angry and hateful.
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Trump wouldn't have received a record number votes for a GOP candidate if there weren't a lot of voters that were tired of all the bs being hurled at them from the left...being called racists, bigots, uneducated, hicks, simple, overly patriotic, unsympathetic, etc.

Trump's days might be over, but I think the GOP is going to find it harder to push Romney/Jeb candidates moving forward that just sit there and take all the false accusations from the left. People are tired of the double standard. They want someone that fights back.

Will we ever see a GOP candidate as combative as Trump? Probably not. But the meek, cordial, days of the GOP could be coming to an least becoming more of the minority.
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A lot of people who voted for Obama in 08 ended up voting for Trump in 16 and 20. "Change" indeed. Turns out that calling people racist merely for being white and dividing the country for two terms has consequences. How can I vote for a party that hates me?
tk for tu juan
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Fightin TX Aggie said:

Old Army Ghost said:

Life is more than politics. God reigns no matter who is in The White House.
I agree completely, but do you think the left is willing to leave Republicans alone?

For all the proclamations of unity, the real message right now is the left's burning desire for dominance.

The issue is that the more Republicans hate and fight back, the more dominance the Dems will be able to gain. They are hoping for a violent reaction today. They take advantage of a crisis unlike Republicans. A lot of this has to do with controlling the media but they have no qualms about killing freedoms and wiping their ass with the Bill of Rights in the name of a crisis.

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Neither side has a monopoly on hate, and neither side is innocent of hate. Hate makes the world go 'round these days.
Old McDonald
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Fightin TX Aggie said:

They have no idea what the country will look like when the other 1/2 finally starts to hate them back.
if the rhetoric and tone of like 80% of the posts on this board are any indication, we hit this point a looooong time ago

then again f16 has always been a home to the fringe right so i don't think it applies to most Rs
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Anyone who consumes news media regularly is hateful, left and right. That's what they make you feel so you keep coming back to them again and again to get another round of feels.

I know I personally am a lot happier when I go out of my way to ignore all "news" entertainment. I know retirees that all they do is consume morning news, local evening news, and nightly news and all they do is complain and hate. It's a sad to watch.
Fightin TX Aggie
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Neither side has a monopoly on hate, and neither side is innocent of hate. Hate makes the world go 'round these days.
Not a monopoly.

There have always been haters on both sides.

But if you don't think there has been far, far more of it coming from the left, the only thing I can tell you is that most Republicans don't feel that way. They feel like they've been falsely slandered for their entire lives.
Fightin TX Aggie
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Old McDonald said:

Fightin TX Aggie said:

They have no idea what the country will look like when the other 1/2 finally starts to hate them back.
if the rhetoric and tone of like 80% of the posts on this board are any indication, we hit this point a looooong time ago

then again f16 has always been a home to the fringe right so i don't think it applies to most Rs
I agree with you that f16 has many posters who lost patience years ago.

In the current atmosphere, I think more average folks are getting to a similar point.
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I wholeheartedly agree. The submission of the right to the left is due to weak minded people who yearn for the acceptance of those who already hate them.
Boo Weekley
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I don't know if it is the Republican party en masse that is hateful, but I have said this many times. There are a lot of people in this country addicted to conflict, drama, and escalation in politics, and the proliferation of social media is enabling its growth. The bias mainstream media is fanning the flames in search of ratings and advertising money.
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Fightin TX Aggie said:

For as long as most of us can remember, the loudest voices in the liberal media and prominent Democrat politicians have told us that Republicans are hateful.

This is one of the big lies they tell. Most Republicans, of course, know that they aren't hateful and never have been, and for much of the last 25 years or longer, many on our side responded to the lie by trying to prove to Democrats that it is indeed a lie. "Really, I'm not that way! I promise!"

But I sense a shift in the average Republican voter.

There is a growing certainty that a large percentage of the country really and truly hates them. They feel the left hates them because the left repeatedly tells them how terrible they are. It's a pack of lies. They're racists. They hate science. They don't care about the poor. They're dumb. They're conspiracy theorists. They are a "rot" in the country.

And the average GOP voter is losing the desire to say yet again, "Really, I'm not that way! I promise!" The average GOP voter has lost all patience with the lies.

Instead of trying to prove them wrong, at least what I am sensing, is that they are ready to say, "Fine. F you. You want to hate me over a bunch of bull**** lies? Well, f you. I'm done caring 1/2 a dog crap what you think. Go F yourself."

Cue the Star Wars emperor gif: "Good, let the hate flow through you."

All the post-DC riot moves to silence and shame Republicans just make it worse. I would like to be rationally disturbed by the DC riot, but given that Nancy Pelosi, AOC and company want to blame me for it, I find myself thinking the entire thing is overblown. I am not alone.

Not sure where this goes, but the left has lived for all their lives with a mostly good hearted GOP. They have no idea what the country will look like when the other 1/2 finally starts to hate them back.

What you are seeing is the right go from conservative to reactionary. Conservatives are not willing to use violence whiles reactionaries are. Reactionaries are also willing to use authoritarianism to crush their opponents.

Why is this happening? For the exact reasons you stated. People have drawn a line in the sand and will no longer accept the progressive changes lying down like conservatives did for 70 years.

When the left goes communist, the right always goes reactionary. It's an inevitable backlash that can and has the potential to take on monstrous forms. But this is what happens when you make it so that the people feel they ave no other choice.

"And slowly he began to hate them..."
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I'm not hateful, and I'm not even angry anymore.

Sadly, I'm resigned.

The Media Industrial Complex (which includes Big Tech and Hollywood), along with the Federal Government Bureaucratic Industrial Complex, have taken over this country. Combine that with the systematic take over of our education systems over the past almost 100 years (thanks a lot, Dewey) and you now have generations of Americans who have been literally programmed to take as gospel everything that comes across their blue screen.

As an American, I feel we've lost that war and will never get it back.

As a Christian, I am reminded of the beautiful words of scripture that tell me to be in the world but not of the world. In the end, I put my trust and faith in God and I know that the worst these enemies of freedom and truth can do to me is kill me, which in the end, is not all that bad knowing where I am going.


I used to scoff at those, both from the left and the right, but mainly from the left, who wrote about the "submerged state" or the "deep state".

After witnessing what has taken place the last four years, I no longer laugh at the notion as if it is a conspiracy theory. It's real. I now laugh at the same liberals who used to write about the submerged state who now mock those on the right who talk about the swamp. It's the same thing, folks.
Dr. Teeth
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I don't hate them.

But my ability to put up with their BS has been exceeded.
Tom Kazansky 2012
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Old McDonald said:

Fightin TX Aggie said:

They have no idea what the country will look like when the other 1/2 finally starts to hate them back.
if the rhetoric and tone of like 80% of the posts on this board are any indication, we hit this point a looooong time ago

then again f16 has always been a home to the fringe right so i don't think it applies to most Rs
You are incredibly naive.

I wasn't a first time Trump voter. I thought his policies would lead us to ruin since he was too much of a populist. I found out i was wrong. Second go round I was enthusiastically a trump supporter. Now you consider me fringe.

At this point, I used to think of myself as principled in politics, now I am admittedly sort of passe on the principles that made me believe our country had a middle ground we could come together on.

Now I see rules for one side and rampant cheating and power grabbing from the other.

I dont see a middle ground now and if there was some sort of war that broke out, I would sort of shrug my shoulders and say, "yep. could have told you that was going to happen." Admittedly, I just dont care now if this world we know has severe strife that overcomes it.... as where we are has allowed cheating murderous elite democrats to not only take over, but convince enough sheep to run to the slaughter house. That means it is time for a divorce.

I guess what I am saying is that I have zero desire to personally have discourse with people either dishonest enough or stupid enough to associate themselves as or with leftist thoughts and ideas. It is a path to nowhere but a waste of my time and energy.

I've become radicalized.
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The problem is that people don't tend to view people they know personally and individually like that, but once you leave the sphere of personal relationships and start talking about groups or categories of people you have no personal relationship with, stereotypes and identity politics rapidly come into play. This is where value systems and personality types take over and play a very substantial role in how categorized groups of anonymous persons are viewed, and ideology influences the views.

Studies show that over all, conservatives tend to view their opposition as misguided more than malicious, while the liberal and progressive left tend to view conservatives as malicious more than misguided, when viewed as categories based on political ideology. It has a lot to do with the type of value system predominant within each group. The conservative value system provides for a less emotionally charged interpretation of progressive behaviors than the views of the conservatives by progressives tend towards. Keep in mind these are still broad overlapping distributions with different means.
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Tom Kazansky 2012 said:

I've become radicalized.
This isn't something to be proud of.
combat wombat™
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Burdizzo said:

I don't know if it is the Republican party en masse that is hateful, but I have said this many times. There are a lot of people in this country addicted to conflict, drama, and escalation in politics, and the proliferation of social media is enabling its growth. The bias mainstream media is fanning the flames in search of ratings and advertising money.
It's an extension of the "if it bleeds it leads" attitude in media, IMO.

BAD news is usually what is on the news every night. Now it's pervasive in social media, too.
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I do find it hilarious that so many Trumpers here have deluded themselves into believing that the hate is only heading from left to right. If you casually post on F16 for a week and say anything critical of Trump, you're bound to receive at least half a dozen messages calling for you to be hung for treason. "Democrats are an enemy of the state and should be treated as such" ring any bells?

The sooner the reasonable people in this country can escape the fog of "orange man bad" and "god-emperor Trump" and realize that both fringes are more alike than they want to admit, the better it will be for everyone.
Fightin TX Aggie
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The problem is that people don't tend to view people they know personally and individually like that, but once you leave the sphere of personal relationships and start talking about groups or categories of people you have no personal relationship with, stereotypes and identity politics rapidly come into play.

Absolutely. But, is this starting to bleed over into real relationships? One of my friends is married to a pretty hardcore liberal, and he tells me that she has begun excluding Republicans from her life - friends and family alike. It is sad.


Studies show that over all, conservatives tend to view their opposition as misguided more than malicious, while the liberal and progressive left tend to view conservatives as malicious more than misguided,

Fightin TX Aggie
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You brought up Trump. He is no longer president. I've never been a Trumper. I never, ever liked the guy.
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MouthBQ98 said:

Studies show that over all, conservatives tend to view their opposition as misguided more than malicious, while the liberal and progressive left tend to view conservatives as malicious more than misguided, when viewed as categories based on political ideology.
No idea what these studies are, but this doesn't comport with what I've seen in studies regarding the emotional nature of political allegiance.

Conservatives are fearful. Liberals are secure.

Fearful people are more hateful
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That difference in interpretation of intent is why the left tends to drive cancel culture and engage in it much more aggressively than conservatives.
Tom Kazansky 2012
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bad_teammate said:

Tom Kazansky 2012 said:

I've become radicalized.
This isn't something to be proud of.
If you think introspection is bragging or thats something I am proud of... eh nevermind.
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The problem is that they just don't know, nor get to know, Republicans as people and they make assumptions about what we believe and support. They don't know that we cry, grieve and pray with people of other races who suffer around us. They don't know that we show up to do disaster relief in neighborhoods not necessarily like ours. They don't know that individuals of us build Habitat homes, give or serve at food pantries, donate to charities and other acts of mercy, kindness and love. In many cases, they and we both want the same things, we just have different methods that we believe are the solutions. Some of them think every white person, or every Christian, etc. believes XYZ and hate us for it. Only God knows the heart of a man.
Shevy '08
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Jonathan Haidt and his peers has spent years doing very good science on this. It's strongly supported by studies and of much better quality than the typically poor and unrepeatable social sciences work.
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