Great Covid Results

13,505 Views | 131 Replies | Last: 4 yr ago by Not Coach Jimbo
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Great results in the U.S. on the most critical outcome of all. I was totally surprised at this chart. I must be watching the wrong news channels for information. Fox News at home mostly. CNN only at the gym. All I get from both is fear and panic headlines. Am I missing somewhere that the truth is made available and communicated to the public in an adult fashion?

The TC Jester
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Hide this from the Karenabros, they will not be pleased.

It's a weak ass virus. Flu 10x worse for almost everyone.
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Aw, learning about graphs? Here's Texas.

I want to make sure that we get all the credit of our great leaders, instead of lumping us in with all of those liberal states. You know.
The Fife
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Whatever you do, don't plot a trendline of that moving average from late April through now!
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about a week or two away before we're right back at the top again, don't you worry.
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bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb said:

about a week or two away before we're right back at the top again, don't you worry.

Sorry, Karen, but a big spike is due to younger people getting it and they feel totally fine..

What is the average age of those being hospitalized or who have died? Why won't the media share this as well as info such as race and other pre-existing conditions?
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bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb said:

about a week or two away before we're right back at the top again, don't you worry.

There it is!
Just wait two weeks!
Not Coach Jimbo
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bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb said:

Aw, learning about graphs? Here's Texas.

I want to make sure that we get all the credit of our great leaders, instead of lumping us in with all of those liberal states. You know.

Are our hospitals overrun? Why are you shifting the goal posts?

Youre either extremely disingenuous or just brainwashed. A 2nd wave was inevitable... if you're compromised stay home, if not, go about your life till there is a threat of overrunning the hospital.

Coronavirus is over... only the democrats are being bitter clingers... clinging to their facemasks and authoritarian orders.
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Given the numbers from my last graphs, are you able to deduce where this trend is going? Do you comprehend that the graph below, that details hospitalizations, lags the graphs above, that detail positive cases? Given the graph below is already showing an increase in hospitalization and a decrease in available beds, are you able to comprehend why there might be concern? Let me know if not, I can give you more pretty graphs.
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Also, to emphasize, you know why people say 2 weeks, right? It's because hospitalizations and deaths trail positive cases by 1-3 weeks. This has always been true and never been disputed, so not sure why it's a meme or a joke all of a sudden.
Not Coach Jimbo
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So you're such a great statistician that you've deduced we are going to overrun the hospitals in short order?

Let's check back in two weeks, i'm sure your post will have aged well by then.

Inb4 "new mask regulations worked as intended and that's why we never got close to being overrun"
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Did you save 10% at petco or not?

Chewy is cheaper and a bigger selection, and they deliver!
Philip J Fry
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Go check the covid forum. We are a lot more knowledgeable on how to treat people than we were at the beginning. I think we have our hands wrapped around this thing enough at this point where we should move on with our lives. We just have to make sure we have the drugs/capacity to treat everyone.
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bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb said:

Also, to emphasize, you know why people say 2 weeks, right? It's because hospitalizations and deaths trail positive cases by 1-3 weeks. This has always been true and never been disputed, so not sure why it's a meme or a joke all of a sudden.

We make fun of "2 week" because every time the doom and gloom predictions don't come true all we hear is "just wait 2 weeks." And I guarantee you when you don't get the death numbers you desire you will be telling us to just wait 2 weeks. Live in fear for 2 more weeks. Rely on the government for just 2 more weeks.
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Stories from the SAT. Run by Nirenberg (Independent? yeah, right), Previously run by Julian Castro. Forget that he was a Democrat. Look at this!

Those are the faces of La Raza activists. Guess who's also associated with La Raza? Maya Santamaria, former owner of El Nuevo Rodeo, who said that both Floyd and Chauvin worked security at the club in Minneapolis. Chauvin for 17 years, and Floyd for 1 year. I think in time you'll see that Fast and Furious is tied in with this group: gun running, counterfeit money running, and yes human trafficking. So deflect the truth as fast as you can. It's too late for your political spam.

Edit to add: I approve of the flagging of the pics I shared of the ambigously gay Castro twins. They creep me the freek out like you know "The Shining".
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bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb said:

about a week or two away before we're right back at the top again, don't you worry.
How is our health care system doing?

What about treatments now compared to the beginning? Hows that going?

Have we had any major "super seeder events" outside the protests... because you know the protests don't count right?

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Philip J Fry said:

Go check the covid forum. We are a lot more knowledgeable on how to treat people than we were at the beginning. I think we have our hands wrapped around this thing enough at this point where we should move on with our lives. We just have to make sure we have the drugs/capacity to treat everyone.

Does that mean we need to be stupid and have massive gatherings like concerts and such? No. Those are called super seeders and something the media neglected to tell you about italy. Just before their outbreak they had a major Soccer event that caused their spread.

NYC... that city is so crammed packed it's ridiculous. even on the streets of Manhattan people are standing shoulder to shoulder.

And side note places like Japan and Taiwan have to wear masks because as we all know they don't respect people's personal space. I taught my child this weekend how to respect other's personal space.

But as usual the rural people of Texas are going to prop up the nation's economy. And then listen later for people to tell us how dumb we are, and how backwards we are.
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COVID is one of the greatest CONS pulled on the world ever! Follow the money and who does it hurt!?

If the lying, murdering progressive left, succeeds in taking HCQ off the list of treatments were definitely going to see a spike in numbers of bad COVID cases, but even then it is going to target a specific people group, elderly and those with immunodeficiencies, the same ones that the NAZIS and Gates and the Depopulation, "Green New Deal" folks want to knock off anyway!

I have absolutely no confidence in the diagnosis or numbers submitted on COVID.
Why, WE KNOW THAT THERE IS AN ATTEMPT TO KEEP THESE NUMBERS HIGH, we saw it at ELMHURST, ground zero for the COVID explanation in New York. They actually tried to get people COVID and then on ventilators because of the money they got from Medicare. The vast majority of these patients were black. TRUTH.

Cuomo and other DEM govs and authorities actually pushed COVID patients into Nursing Homes, seeking to keep the severe cases spiraling.

The numbers of John Hopkins I do not truts either, why?
They are strongly related to NIH, the same NIH that has Fauci as head and Fauci's wife as "Bioethics" head, The same Fauic that is tied in the hip with Gates and China, and BIG Pharma. The same NIH that just had 54 researchers indicted and arrested for taking foreign money and selling stuff to them, (China) led by Harvard's top virologist researcher. The one with Fauci's wife overseeing bioethics!

Here is the real problem, that is what the progressive left, political mafia wants!
They are gangsters and thugs, could care less about you, whether white, black or Hispanic, etc.

If you want to know the real history of the Democratic party that has morphed into Progressive Left movement.

I dare you to Watch this:

B-1 83
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Somewhere there should be a good chart/graph on numbers of daily tests over time and % positive tests.
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Do you comprehend that we are doing almost a half million tests a day now and hospitalization rates and deaths are declining?

All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others
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An increase was inevitable. Inevitable and unstoppable. All we can do is manipulate the rate of increase relative to the amount of economic suppression and damage we sustain, and the harm to health from that. It's a balancing act.

All this mask, lockdown, distancing, hygiene stuff bought us time to enhance capacity, learn much more about the disease and how to treat it better, what works and doesn't to mitigate exposure, who is vulnerable and who isn't. That was successful more or less. Now we need to stop destroying our futures for diminishing returns, and prudently open up activities that will allow for a functional economy without it spreading too radically.

We're headed for herd immunity, through exposure of the healthy or a vaccine. One way or the other, it is inevitable.
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We've vastly increased testing in Texas and the positive rate has gradually gone from 5 to 10 percent. A lot of those are false positives though now as the cheap/not-really-fda-cleared tests have become much more prevalent. In truth anything at/around 10 or 12 percent isn't a reason to panic. We also had some of the largest marches/protests/stupidity around whatever BLM/Antifa said (though relatively less looting than elsewhere).

Nationally, the positive rate of those taking the test has not jumped much (still around 5). In Louisiana, it's dropped to 3 percent, and in Oklahoma, where our national press has tried to convince people the entire state is going to die next month, it's around 7. Frankly, the positive rate of tests taken is what matters, not 'total cases' etc.

The Italians have about had it with the alarmists/coronabros, and think it might just go away;


Zangrillo said some experts were too alarmist about the prospect of a second wave of infections and politicians needed to take into account the new reality.

"We've got to get back to being a normal country," he said. "Someone has to take responsibility for terrorizing the country."

The government urged caution, saying it was far too soon to claim victory.

"Pending scientific evidence to support the thesis that the virus has disappeared ... I would invite those who say they are sure of it not to confuse Italians," Sandra Zampa, an undersecretary at the health ministry, said in a statement."The strength the virus had two months ago is not the same strength it has today," said Matteo Bassetti, head of the infectious diseases clinic at the San Martino hospital in the city of Genoa.

"It is clear that today the COVID-19 disease is different."
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The last lib here that was so sure of himself with the whole 2 week thing never showed his face again when he was completely wrong. Bookmarking this for when you look like an idiot in a few weeks.
Privileged Ag
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I lick every door knob I see, and I can't seem to catch this damn thing.
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Coach Jimbo said:

So you're such a great statistician that you've deduced we are going to overrun the hospitals in short order?

Let's check back in two weeks, i'm sure your post will have aged well by then.

Inb4 "new mask regulations worked as intended and that's why we never got close to being overrun"

That's 100% what it will be if we don't overwhelm the hospitals, which we almost assuredly will not.
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bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb said:

Not yet
Your graph is showing exactly what is happening on the ground. A bunch of healthy people are testing positive and the mortality rate keeps getting lower. Even with all the fake corona deaths (car accidents, etc.). The more and more healthy people that test positive, the better if will be for those at risk.
Deaths will increase but not some apocalyptic number.
Just like these types of deaths increase during flu season.
"I wanna go home with the Armadillo."- Gary P. Nunn
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You know that graph just shows state run lab tests right? It's not a very good way to try and make a point, especially one given with no comment.
The Fife
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Tmoneyag99 said:

Have we had any major "super seeder events" outside the protests... because you know the protests don't count right?

Everyone knows protests don't count because virtue kills coronavirus.
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aggiebq03+ said:

bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb said:

about a week or two away before we're right back at the top again, don't you worry.

There it is!
Just wait two weeks!
Why would he say two weeks? Do you know?
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And the morons like Abbott who are pushing for masks should all be primaried for being too stupid to breathe.
"The Declaration of Independence and the US Constitution was never designed to restrain the people. It was designed to restrain the government."
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Yeah, frustrating there is not one definitive graph listing all factors. Almost purposefully evasive.
So this is 1% deaths. What was the Stanford data? 2.6% or .026%
What % deaths of all ages had no pre-existing contributing factors?
How much $ does a hospital get for:
Diagnosing positive for Covid?
Admitting with Covid?
Placing in ICU with Covid?
Placing on respirator with Covid?
Zombie Jon Snow
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Significant increase in testing in prisons, meat packing facilities, and old folks homes.

Duh. Of course it went up with that population.

Meanwhile Dallas releases data that HALF of all positive cases since June 1 are 18-39. And that 80% of those requiring hospitalization are frontline medical workers and first responders. They are the victims of the idiotic young who went out without masks, etc. and got infected but have very few or mild symptoms.

This thing would be gone already if young people weren't stupid. Protests, partying, etc.

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