For now, WBC will be separate from Greenpots and will not be involved with their responsibilities. Possibly in the future, these two may merge. We are using the name "Reload Crew" in honor of the past, the goal is NOT to create a separate "crew" that will undermine the efforts of the other "crews" that are already established at Bonfire.
WBC will not be used to take girls away from crews or to find girls who would otherwise be out in the woods working/killing trees/etc. This is a way for women to recruit women for every dorm/crew by offering a perspective about Bonfire that will be attractive to women- a perspective men don't necessarily have. Through WBC, we can get women in contact with the correct yellow pot, butt pot, head crew chief, or chair which can also help get girls out from dorms that might not have crews. In other words, WBC is the umbrella organization for women at Bonfire and a great recruiting tool.
Reload Crew is a great opportunity for those girls that want to participate but haven't yet found a way to do it that fits their interests. For example, some people work late on Fridays and can't make it early mornings. So instead of those girls working on Sunday only, they will have a way to work on Bonfire, despite this restriction. There are girls who want to contribute to Bonfire that cannot commit to every weekend, whether that is due to school, work, or any other reason, and that is where Reload Crew comes in. Also, there are those girls who just don't want to do the physical aspect every weekend and would stay at home because they are tired. Reload Crew will provide an opportunity to continue to work, despite this. This is not to take away from crews who are out there all the time working, but it is aimed to girls who would typically miss days here or there another opportunity to contribute.
Another purpose for bringing back Reload crew is to increase the productivity during cut and stack. Crews loose a few fish when they send them to the front to refill their water coolers. With WBC/RLC that won’t happen because there will be girls who will drive around with a water tank in the back of a truck doing that for the crews. The fact that crews bring their own food and drinks is because there hasn’t been anyone to do it for them since Student Bonfire started. Back when Bonfire was on-campus, students would swipe their cards at Sbisa and it would charge a meal to their meal plan. WBC would pick them up on a day of cut and deliver it to each crew. They would drive around cut, delivering water to all the crews. We are planning on providing more nutritious (and GOOD!) food for everyone, which will also increase productivity because everyone will be well-fed and have plenty of water at all times. Also, crews will not lose members due to driving into town or leaving because they didn’t bring their own lunch. During stack, RLC will have a trailer at site to sell tobacco, water, and food, which will provide food and water to those that would otherwise not have it. It will also prevent people from having to make food runs during a stack shift- the food will be there already. This will maintain participation and increase productivity.
Because of the interest voiced last fall and the fall before, I have decided to start this up again. It is my desire to get as many students as possible involved with maintaining one, if not the oldest, traditions at Texas A&M.
I hope this answers the questions and clears up the concerns. If it didn’t, please direct your questions, comments, and concerns to me personally. You can send me a message via Facebook. I want to hear ideas, questions, and concerns to make this as best as it can be.
Build The Hell!
Shannon Reagan '08