1) Yoda- can fight and is wise, he's got it all
never almost got killed or needed some one to save him, of course we didn't see the 1st 800 yrs of his life
2) Obi Won- I think he is under-rated by most, he can pretty much do it all, does get saved by Annakin numerous times though, but takes one for the team by getting struck down by Vador and becoming part of the force that can comunicate w/ Luke, works Anakin over in Lava Land
3) Luke- started late or could be the best, needs Obi Won spirit guiding him, just started to to late, oh what could have been
4) Vador/Annakin- compete head case, no mental capacity at all Palpatine played him like a fiddle
5) Palpatine/Emperor- he's got skills but anyone that choses the dark side can't be ahead of Yoda/Obi/Luke/Annakin, b/c the Dark Side loses.
Honorable Mention- Mace Windu held his own againest Palpatine, but Palpatine was giving a little rope a dope
Most overrated- Dooku Annakin cut his head off in like 2 minutes and the 3 Jedis that went w/ Mace to arrest Palpatine what did they last 30 secondes
[This message has been edited by jmc25 (edited 5/24/2005 3:16p).]
never almost got killed or needed some one to save him, of course we didn't see the 1st 800 yrs of his life
2) Obi Won- I think he is under-rated by most, he can pretty much do it all, does get saved by Annakin numerous times though, but takes one for the team by getting struck down by Vador and becoming part of the force that can comunicate w/ Luke, works Anakin over in Lava Land
3) Luke- started late or could be the best, needs Obi Won spirit guiding him, just started to to late, oh what could have been
4) Vador/Annakin- compete head case, no mental capacity at all Palpatine played him like a fiddle
5) Palpatine/Emperor- he's got skills but anyone that choses the dark side can't be ahead of Yoda/Obi/Luke/Annakin, b/c the Dark Side loses.
Honorable Mention- Mace Windu held his own againest Palpatine, but Palpatine was giving a little rope a dope
Most overrated- Dooku Annakin cut his head off in like 2 minutes and the 3 Jedis that went w/ Mace to arrest Palpatine what did they last 30 secondes
[This message has been edited by jmc25 (edited 5/24/2005 3:16p).]