Graphic Novel Comes Alive in 'Sin City'
Associated Press Writer
March 29, 2005, 5:56 PM EST
NEW YORK -- When Robert Rodriguez approached Frank Miller about adapting "Sin City," he knew he needed a great pitch. "I told him we shouldn't insult it by turning it into a movie. We gotta take cinema and turn it into this book," Rodriguez recalls.
But to adapt Miller's black-and-white 2-D world of tough guys in trench coats and back-alley crooks, the duo thought they had to go to extreme lengths of digital mimicry.
The movie is based on three of Miller's "Sin City" comic books, an extravagant noirish world of fantastical ultraviolence. Famous among comic book readers for his "Elektra" and "Daredevil" series, Miller always said Hollywood would never get its hands on "Sin City."
"When it comes to adapting material, very, very rarely do you get `The Silence of the Lambs,'" says Miller. "Usually you end up with `Catwoman' -- something that just uses the title and throws out the source material."