Endgame vs GoT

4,986 Views | 75 Replies | Last: 5 yr ago by Zombie Jon Snow
Brian Earl Spilner
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Which conclusion are you more hyped for, Avengers or Game of Thrones? (If you can really call Endgame a "conclusion".)

For me it's GoT, and it ain't close. Crazy that they're happening within a few weeks of each other.
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Endgame and it ain't close. For some reason, GoT hasn't really been the same for me since season 4. I think it's because seasons 5 and 6 were kind of meandering, and that I don't really like Dany at all. She has a lot of plot armor. Also, years of trailer lines like "I'm going to break the wheel" and then taking 7 years to get to Westeros. Glad it's finally amounting to something.

Excited to see where it ends up, though. I just gotta gear back up into fan mode.

We are definitely in for a treat, as fans!
Urban Ag
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GoT. But I was a book reader so I invested quite a bit of time in the whole thing.

As for the story meandering since season 4, try reading the books
the books are great but after the third, GRRM put seventeen forks in the road.
Brian Earl Spilner
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I think 5 was hit or miss. Some bad eps, but some very good ones.

IMO, season 6 was very good. Outside of the conclusion to Arya's storyline in Braavos, it was mostly great. The Door, BoB, and WoW in particular were awesome.
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How can GoT conclude when Winds of Winter hasn't even been released?
Bruce Almighty
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End Game for sure.
Zombie Jon Snow
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GOT no question. Heavily invested for years as a reader and voracious watcher and spent a lot of time on message board discussions, etc....I actually talk about the show in person to many many people as well.

For End Game - meh... it's a superhero thing. I mean I've personally never gotten that excited about superhero movies. I watch most of them but that's about it. I've never been a comic superhero reader. I don't get into discussing them on message boards and the only one I talk to about it with is my son. Iw was really good though I did enjoy it. But they are just escapism watching for me - not like I need to dissect them.

No comparison really.
Brian Earl Spilner
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Not a reader, but I'm in 100% agreement here.

I have actually gotten pretty hyped for superhero movies before (TDK and Infinity War in particular), but I don't know if I've ever been this invested in characters before as I am with GoT. It's right up there with Breaking Bad for me, and may have surpassed LOST. (And I was a massive Lost nerd back in the day.)

I've been dialed in for 6 years and can't wait to see how this finishes out.

(I'm glad I jumped in when I did -- I caught up in time for the S3 premiere, and watched the Red Wedding with the rest of the world. Was at a bar for that episode, and you could hear in a pin drop in there when the credits rolled.)
Urban Ag
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It's not really a comparison for me either and I didn't give a rip about comic book/super heroes movies until my son got me to take him and his friend to The Avengers in summer of 2012. I was completely blown away and jumped on the MCU train. I'm just hats off to Marvel/Disney on how superbly well they've pulled this all together. MCU has become, like SW, a family event, and we even pull mom along too.
Bruce Almighty
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I really like GoT, but once the show is over, it's likely I'll never think about the show again. I've been reading Marvel comics since the early 90s.
Cinco Ranch Aggie
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Having never watched any Game of Thrones (and no intention to), obviously I'll go with Endgame.
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Cinco Ranch Aggie said:

Having never watched any Game of Thrones (and no intention to), obviously I'll go with Endgame.

That's like never having sex, buddy. And I assume you know how thoroughly good that s*** is.

Buy season one today at Target or Walmart. It costs nothing.

Edit: it costs next to nothing
Zombie Jon Snow
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Might not even have to buy if you have HBO - HBO Go or On demand through your cable box.

But amazingly I have completely failed to ever get my wife to watch it - I think she just refuses to ever watch or like anything I like. Special kind of relationship we have.

She watches other drama, medieval even period pieces. And the entire extended family watches GOT - except her.
Duncan Idaho
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Urban Ag said:

GoT. But I was a book reader so I invested quite a bit of time in the whole thing.

As for the story meandering since season 4, try reading the books
the books are great but after the third, GRRM put seventeen forks in the road.

Part of me hopes that when grrm gets around to finishing asoiaf, he goes so far off the rails and pulls back in characters and subplots from the books that the series finale and the book finale have as much in common as World war z.

Belton Ag
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I already know Thanos will be defeated and that the world will be put back in place somehow, the only question is who of the Avengers makes it out alive, which we also have decent guesses at.

With GOT, I'm not so sure how they're going to end it and who, if anyone, will be sitting on the throne at the end.
double aught
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Zombie Jon Snow said:

I think she just refuses to ever watch or like anything I like. Special kind of relationship we have
I laughed at this.
Zombie Jon Snow
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Belton Ag said:


I already know Thanos will be defeated and that the world will be put back in place somehow, the only question is who of the Avengers makes it out alive, which we also have decent guesses at.

With GOT, I'm not so sure how their going to end it and who, if anyone, will be sitting on the throne at the end.

Yeah one aspect of superhero movies that always makes me a little less engrossed with anyone dying or whatever is.... they always come back. it's a farce almost. reboots or retcons or whatever....and IW killed so many but we KNOW they are coming back because they have other movies.

GOT - you die and you stay dead.....mostly. Yes....I see the irony of saying that given my username and Jon's thing but that's the exception not the rule and other than zombie/wights/etc and maybe Lady Stoneheart in the books.....people stay dead.

I expect significant deaths in the final run of GOT. And we've had many many many deaths of loved and hated characters. They are all gone (except me).

And GOT seems like a one off thing - this story will not be retold or rebooted ...although I could see some spinoffs or prequels.

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Maybe it's just been too long between seasons and books, for me. I finished book 5 in 2011. At this point, I probably won't bother to read Winds of Winter (if it even releases).
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I love GoT, and think it's one of the best TV series ever made, but last season really went off the rails for me. Instead of telling seven hours worth of story, they tried to stuff the typical 10 hours of story into seven episodes and it showed. While there were definitely some awesome moments, they were brought down a peg by all the skipping around and continent hopping that would have been episodes in their own right should they have had more time, to the point where it really dampened my expectations of this final season. It was just so hurried and rushed and "off" and I'm worried they're going to repeat those same mistakes here, only with six episodes to work with instead of seven. I'll still never understand why they couldn't have just done ten episodes last season. It's not like they don't have the money or resources. Anyway, hopefully this really is just like a 6+ hour finale, and not ten episodes stuffed into six.

Either way, now knowing we have more than enough time to wrap up Endgame - with a three-hour runtime, apparently - I'm way more excited for that. Plus, it's been in the making for three years longer than GoT (in terms of film/tv series debuts), and that counts for something as well.
Tree Hugger
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GOT - you die and you stay dead.....mostly. Yes....I see the irony of saying that given my username and Jon's thing but that's the exception not the rule and other than zombie/wights/etc and maybe Lady Stoneheart in the books.....people stay dead.

"Excuse me, Mr. Snow? Beric Dondarrion is on Line 1."
Brian Earl Spilner
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I hear all of that, but for me, all of that is more than offset by the finality of it.

This will forever be the end of GoT, and those characters in particular. I think that in and of itself really ups the stakes for me.

With Marvel, we know many of the characters will continue on in their own franchises, and some may even be rebooted, as seems to be the norm these days.

(Plus, having 4 80+ minute episodes this time around certainly can't hurt...)
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I've never seen a single episode of GOT
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Endgame, hands down.

Once Game of Thrones wasn't able to rely any longer on the books as source material, the show really went down the tubes in quality. Last season was almost laughable. And since it's clear that Martin is never going to finish the book series (which I absolutely love up to this point), I've really lost almost all interest in Game of Thrones.
Brian Earl Spilner
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People love to throw that out as a quick soundbite, but arguably the two best episodes of the series (and the IMDB ratings back it up) were not based in the books -- Battle of the *******s, Winds of Winter.
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Brian Earl Spilner said:

People love to throw that out as a quick soundbite, but arguably the two best episodes of the series (and the IMDB ratings back it up) were not based in the books -- Battle of the *******s, Winds of Winter.
They may be the best episodes, but the overall quality has suffered.
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Probably GoT but I am afraid of what I think the ending will be like. My personal theory would be fitting but very unsatisfying to me.

I believe Endgame will have a mostly happy ending and I like that. I'm not afraid that I will suddenly end up hating Iron Man or something like that. Can't say the same for GoT.
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Endgame... full stop. This will be a conclusion to a story that has been building up for 10 years via individual hero movies, Avengers, and fueled a lot by post credit scenes. I am stoked for the conclusion and then we get to see where Disney takes the Marvel franchise next.

Looking forward to GoT for that ending as well but I can't say it has been as big of a build up for me.
Brian Earl Spilner
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Why is that something to be afraid of? Most people hated Walter White by the end. Still a great show.
Bruce Almighty
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Last season of GoT had possibly the best and worst episodes of the entire series back to back.
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AMW2010 said:

I've never seen a single episode of GOT

I started the first episode a couple years ago, but fell asleep during it and never went back.
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Good topic

My history with both runs deep. I read comics back in 80s through 00s and I discovered GoT I think when the second book was released & fighting the Potterverse for scifi book awards.

I can't decide. Why not both?

Endgame will be epic. The Russo Bros have proven to be excellent producers of exciting content that remains mostly inline with source material. This will be a great product but I have some dislike of the fact that we know this movie will undo and cheapen Infinity War, plus as stated, comic book characters can come back.

GoT is a bit more adult and, I appreciate the falsehood of this word so bear with me, realistic feeling. They have cut plots from the books and tried to keep all the stories flowing together so easier digested by the masses. This one I may be a little more excited for, since we have no idea what is going to happen. will it be a happyish ending or more like GRRM started, where no character is safe.

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Brian Earl Spilner said:

People love to throw that out as a quick soundbite, but arguably the two best episodes of the series (and the IMDB ratings back it up) were not based in the books -- Battle of the *******s, Winds of Winter.

Haha, you can be dismissive, but it's not a quick soundbite it's legit how I feel. The poster below me was correct, minus a few scenes, the overall quality of the writing has dropped off dramatically since they departed from the books.
Brian Earl Spilner
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I don't disagree that the overall quality has gone down, but I don't think it has anything to do with departing from the books. They did that plenty in earlier seasons, and much of the time it was for the better.

I think in S7 specifically, it was a matter of needing to fast-forward through travelling in order to get everything ready for the final season. They really could've used the 10 episodes to not rush everything. (And yes, Beyond The Wall was a pretty awful episode. Can't defend that one.)
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Brian Earl Spilner said:

Why is that something to be afraid of? Most people hated Walter White by the end. Still a great show.

It can still be great without me enjoying it very much.

Good example is The Godfather Part II. I acknowledge it is great but I don't especially enjoy it (at least not the Michael arc).

So obviously they can end it however they want and it's not going to affect my life much at all so it's not like actual FEAR. I just wouldn't enjoy watching Dany pull a full Godfather Part II Michael Corleone.
Zombie Jon Snow
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bagger05 said:

Brian Earl Spilner said:

Why is that something to be afraid of? Most people hated Walter White by the end. Still a great show.

It can still be great without me enjoying it very much.

Good example is The Godfather Part II. I acknowledge it is great but I don't especially enjoy it (at least not the Michael arc).

So obviously they can end it however they want and it's not going to affect my life much at all so it's not like actual FEAR. I just wouldn't enjoy watching Dany pull a full Godfather Part II Michael Corleone.

I don't know... I mean she already had her brother killed.

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