***** Yellowstone - Paramount Network w/Costner by Taylor Sheridan *****
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Ag 11
10:25p, 7/3/18
Finally got around to watching the first 2 episodes tonight. Really enjoying it so far.
Now just have to wait a whole week & a day for the next one.
8:42a, 7/5/18
Okay, I kept seeing Cole Hauser's name in the credits, but I never realized that this guy:

who I've been watching since Dazed & Confused and Good Will Hunting is the guy with the black beard who killed the medical examiner (Rip Wheeler).

Holy crap! I still can't believe it.
8:52a, 7/5/18
In reply to GiveEmHellBill
Damn, I'm usually pretty good at picking out actors and knowing where I recognize them from but that one totally got me. I didn't recognize him at all. I guess it's the black beard.
9:10a, 7/5/18
I have this show on DVR but haven't watched yet. Not reading thread for spoiler concerns. What's the consensus on how good it is? And I'm assuming not family friendly at all, correct?
10:14a, 7/5/18
In reply to DTP02
I like it, not the greatest show I've ever seen but I'm looking forward to the next episode.

Not family friendly. Several F bombs.
White Liberals=The Worst
2:08p, 7/5/18
In reply to DTP02
DTP02 said:

I have this show on DVR but haven't watched yet. Not reading thread for spoiler concerns. What's the consensus on how good it is? And I'm assuming not family friendly at all, correct?
Not family friendly, pretty gritty. Some sex and violence.

I think it is a fantastic show and am glad I do not have the utmost of standards like some of the OCD people on here, who must have a hard time watching and enjoying anything as their main quest seems to be picking out the slightest of plot holes and mistakes in an effort to show off on the internet.

My only complaint is with the casting of Kelly Reilly. I just cannot stand her and honestly am not sure how so many people seem to find her to be so hot.

2:44p, 7/5/18
In reply to White Liberals=The Worst
I think she's cast perfectly as the "last gasp of fading beauty". She's still attractive in a lot of ways, but there are some hard miles on the odometer as the dialogue makes clear.

And she's not supposed to be likeable, she's supposed to be a mega*****. But she does a good job of that.
3:08p, 7/5/18
I think the casting overall is spot on with just about everyone (so far).

Kevin Costner seems like he was born for this role
Kelly Reilly plays the bltch role pretty well
Luke Grimes is great
Michaela Conlin is spot on with the innocent supportive wife caught in the middle of everything
Wes Bentley plays the cheesy pretty boy lawyer pretty well

I think the casting was knocked out of the park on this show.
White Liberals=The Worst
4:14p, 7/5/18
In reply to Ulrich
Ulrich said:

I think she's cast perfectly as the "last gasp of fading beauty". She's still attractive in a lot of ways, but there are some hard miles on the odometer as the dialogue makes clear.

And she's not supposed to be likeable, she's supposed to be a mega*****. But she does a good job of that.
I realize my opinion will be unpopular...I haven't been able to stand her in anything and think she's very overrated as an actress. Can't stand her face and voice either. She is supposed to be hot in whatever she's in but makes my skin crawl. She made me cringe in True Detective 2 as well.

That being said, the show is still GREAT imo. And she does play "evil" well...but that's mostly the script/writing imo.
Belton Ag
4:18p, 7/5/18
I was surprised that Kelly Reilly is only 41. I though she was older than that and at first didn't buy her as Costner's daughter, but he's 62 so it's surely possible.

4:51p, 7/5/18
Thanks to all for the input. I love that part of the country so I am hoping the show will be good.
7:01a, 7/7/18
Finally watched episode 1 last night and really enjoyed it. Was pleasantly surprised. I am in the odd camp of people that actually enjoy Costner movies. Looking forward to another episode tonight.
7:54p, 7/7/18
In reply to planoaggie123
Not to derail but who doesn't like Costner movies?
8:17p, 7/7/18
In reply to Ulrich
Ulrich said:

I think she's cast perfectly as the "last gasp of fading beauty". She's still attractive in a lot of ways, but there are some hard miles on the odometer as the dialogue makes clear.

And she's not supposed to be likeable, she's supposed to be a mega*****. But she does a good job of that.
She's good looking in a trailer-park trashy sort of way IMHO.
9:29a, 7/8/18
In reply to Ag_07
My saying that is more based on critics rarely liking his performances and his movies not always doing so hot in box office. Maybe overly broad statement but I don't think too wrong either.
8:59p, 7/8/18
In reply to White Liberals=The Worst
Wycliffe_03 said:

DTP02 said:

I have this show on DVR but haven't watched yet. Not reading thread for spoiler concerns. What's the consensus on how good it is? And I'm assuming not family friendly at all, correct?
Not family friendly, pretty gritty. Some sex and violence.

I think it is a fantastic show and am glad I do not have the utmost of standards like some of the OCD people on here, who must have a hard time watching and enjoying anything as their main quest seems to be picking out the slightest of plot holes and mistakes in an effort to show off on the internet.

My only complaint is with the casting of Kelly Reilly. I just cannot stand her and honestly am not sure how so many people seem to find her to be so hot.

She's playing the part of Sue Ellen Ewing. Even looks similar to her.

In fact there are several similarities to Dallas. Father (Jock Ewing) with two boys vying for his approval and one, the black sheep, having nothing to do with Dad. Drunk Sue Ellen who sleeps with everybody. It's a 21st century Dallas.
Bunk Moreland
9:06p, 7/11/18
FINALLY watched e2 and finished it just in time for the new one tonight
9:22p, 7/11/18
So they can just show boobies now on TV?
Bunk Moreland
9:26p, 7/11/18
In reply to beanbean
See my post on page 2. I guess it's fair game.
9:31p, 7/11/18
Weeeell hello butt cheeks
9:33p, 7/11/18
In reply to Bunk Moreland
Bunk Moreland said:

See my post on page 2. I guess it's fair game.
In the first episode, it was just side boob in a kind of dimly lit room. This was straight on nipple and areola in broad daylight. Really pushing the boundaries today. (not that I'm complaining)
Bunk Moreland
10:06p, 7/11/18
I liked that episode.

Interesting the critics saw the first 4(i think) and were so Meh.

I like how it has forced us into their world. Sheridan-esque in only revealing intentions as they come up in normal dialogue instead of a pilot where it just hits you over the head with every scenario and main character's thought process then goes forward.
10:08p, 7/11/18
Hell of an episode. Looking forward to see where they go with all this. What an opening. No wonder Beth is the way she is. Damn.
10:09p, 7/11/18
Why the hell was the one guy in the van wearing a gas mask?
Bunk Moreland
10:16p, 7/11/18
In reply to beanbean
brucoh said:

Why the hell was the one guy in the van wearing a gas mask?

Meth cooks who kidnapped some chick but I admittedly need to RE watch the dialogue from the scene he took her home because I'm not sure why she was kidnapped.
10:19p, 7/11/18
Pretty cool to have josh Lucas play the young John dutton
10:21p, 7/11/18
In reply to Bunk Moreland
I really don't think it was discussed. Hence why the ending of the episode was a bit of a cliffhanger. A lot to unravel there. Her dad said she wasn't raped so hope they shed more light on it in the future.
12:43a, 7/12/18
I'm really liking this show so far.
7:44a, 7/12/18
So they go and burn/bury the bodies...but no one seems concerned that a nine year old saw the whole thing?

And man, Casey has killed 4 people in two episodes. Quite the body count for a private citizen in a week. I also don't like how he just happened to be driving by again...need to work some of this into the story a bit. It's too easy.

I like the show...but it does have some big eye roll moments.
Bunk Moreland
7:47a, 7/12/18
In reply to AgGrad99
agree with all of what you said. Definitely some convenient things taking place with his storyline.
10:35p, 7/12/18
I just finished it and while I'm enjoying it there are quite a few unbelievable scenarios going down that seem a bit of a stretch. Mainly Kacey and his knack for always finding the trouble. He's a dead body magnet.

I don't feel like it's quite there yet but some of this stuff does have a tinge of Sons Of Anarchy (which I enjoyed and watched till the end) to it. Just a little much to be believable and seems like they're forcing it to some extent.

I'm still in and I'm still enjoying it but I can't take it quite as seriously as I did up until this last episode.
10:59p, 7/12/18
Upon further reflection, I'm willing to accept the coincidences for now, but... why exactly is everyone upset about the mom dying? She did not seem like a very pleasant person.
11:12p, 7/12/18
Liking so far, and agree to the SOA vibe, but they killed the brother too soon. You gotta develop characters before killing off (aka Donna season 1) otherwise it's not shocking. Lots of potential, wish Hollywood types would do at least a little research on ranch/country life though. Lots of salt grains to swallow.
1:55a, 7/13/18
In reply to duck79

Weeeell hello butt cheeks "

I think all the talk of her not being attractive is gone now...she is smoking hot in this!

edit: I meant to quote.
10:20a, 7/13/18
Its entertaining, but not a very good show. I'd say the same about sons of anarchy.
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