Potcake said:
maroon barchetta said:
Ryan the Temp said:
That show was terrible but young teens me watched it every week.
This teen had a chub for Sarah Purcell. Chip Stephenson was a weird F.
When I was a kid, my family was in Times Square and this fancy lady walks out of a door and is about to get into a cab right in front of us. My mom starts saying, "That's Sarah Purcell!" I'm in 5th grade and I know it's not her. My dad says, "It's not Sarah Purcell. I say, "It's not her". My mom goes rushing over to her as she's putting one foot in the cab and says, "Are you Sarah Purcell?' The lady looks back at her with an eat s@#% look and simply says, "No."
Little Builder was like, "I told you."
I still don't know who the lady was, but I still remember her bright dress and blonde hair was in stark contrast to the dingy 1980 Times Square backdrop.