1. How do I change the information in my account or update my subscription (or subscribe)?
Look at the top of any page on the site and locate the “account” link in the maroon menu bar. Click on this and it will take you to your “profile” page where you may edit your personal information, update your subscription, or subscribe if you desire to do so.
2. What if I encounter billing problems or other issues with my subscription?
If you have issues with your subscription please contact us via email at
TexAgs Administration or via phone at 979-446-0560.
3. Can I change my user name?
Although this can be done, it is a function that we must do for you. Send an email to
TexAgs Administration with your current user name, the name which you would prefer to have, and the reason why you need to change.
4. Why can’t I get into all the forums?
Three forums on TexAgs require subscriptions before entry is allowed. These forums include Aggies Only, Maroon and White Recruiting, and Five Star General. The Aggies Only forum requires the possession of the Ag tag as well as a subscription. For further information concerning subscription options, simply click on the “account” link in the maroon menu bar at the top of any page.
5. What are those letter symbols which appear below a poster’s name?
These symbols designate a person’s posting status and are related to the number of posts which they have made on TexAgs. The different symbols below show which each means and the minimum number of posts required to reach each level.

Rookie (Minimum Posts: 0)

Pro (Minimum Posts: 31)

Veteran (Minimum Posts: 100)

All Star (Minimum Posts: 500)

Hall of Famer (Minimum Posts: 2000)

TexAgs Legend (Minimum Posts: 5000)

symbol signifies “Staff” and is reserved for members of the administrative staff on TexAgs.
6. What are those stars below a poster’s name?
These symbols signify at which level a poster has subscribed to the site.

Bronze Star = Basic Level Supporter

Two Silver Stars = Premium Level Supporter

Three Gold Stars = Varsity Level Supporter
For an explanation of what is required for each level, click on your “account” link in the maroon menu bar at the top of the page. The “Subscription Level” section in your account gives a description of each classification.
7. What is an AgTag and how do I get one?
An AgTag is a designation which we apply to a poster’s profile if they are a current or Former Student. The

symbol shows up beneath a user’s name in any post which they may make on the forums.
AgTags are verified through The Association of Former Students and can be added to your account via our
AgTag Verification page.
8. What is an Aggie Spirit tag and how do I get one?
Our "Aggie Spirit" tag,

, is actually much more difficult to obtain than an Ag tag. Those who have this designation have close ties to A&M (parents of students, wives/husbands, etc.) who are Aggies in every way except for their actual attendance at A&M. It is considered a real honor to obtain one and is reserved for those that are more than just fans of A&M. It is not awarded easily.
If you would like to be considered for this designation, please send us an email with some information about yourself and your family which you consider is an indication of the Aggie Spirit you possess. Your email should be detailed as possible. Please also include your full name, address and phone number, which university (if any) you attended and your user name.
All information for “Aggie Spirit” tags should be sent to
9. How do I post pictures, links, etc. in my post on the forums?
Note: Only users with a PRO status or above can insert pictures directly into a post. Prior to that, only a link to an image can be posted.
To the left of the text box in which you post your message, there is an active link entitled “forum code help”. Clicking on this link will open a new window in which a page appears that includes how to link URLs, insert images, place text in a quote box and other features such as making text stand out in your post (bold or italics).
For ease of reference, here is the direct link:
Forum Code Help
Please note that if you wish to insert an image into your post, it must already reside on the web. You cannot post an image directly from your hard drive; it must be uploaded to a website that offers hosting for images.
10. I just registered. Why am I unable to make more than 5 posts?
ROOKIE level accounts are only allowed to start 1 topic and make 5 replies during a 24 hour period.
PRO level accounts are only allowed to start 3 topics and make 10 replies during a 24 hour period.
Once an account reaches
VETERAN status, there are no posting restrictions.
User accounts with subscriptions (Basic or above) are not affected by the posting limitations.
11. As a reminder, what are the posting guidelines I agreed to upon registering?
You agreed that you will not use TexAgs to post any material which is knowingly false and/or defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, vulgar, hateful, harassing, obscene, profane, sexually oriented, threatening, invasive of a person's privacy, or otherwise violative of any law. You agreed not to post any copyrighted material unless the copyright is owned by you or by TexAgs. You agreed that posting is a privilege and not a right and that any message posted can be deleted for any or no reason whatsoever and that posting privileges can be revoked for any or no reason at all. Please note that advertisements (including promotion of other sites on the Internet), chain letters, pyramid schemes, and solicitations are inappropriate on TexAgs.
For problems with your account or subscriptions:
TexAgs Administration
For other concerns: