Commander called me...
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10:08a, 1/5/06
My squadron commander(San Angelo State grad and tsip fan) called me this morning to ask "how i was doing this morning?"

He doesnt rag on A&M, so I have no issue with is gloating about the Sips winning, but it is annoying to hear happiness after 4 hrs of sleep and a night like the Aggies had.

So far that is the worst gloating I have gotten today. And I thank god I am living in North Dakota right now, because texas would un-bearable.

"I never liked Texas, though," Heard said of A&M's rival, the Longhorns. "They were always uppity, and I was raised not to act like that."

Kellen Heard-Fightin' Texas Aggie
10:13a, 1/5/06
our GM's secretary just walked up tp me and flashed the horns---yes, the secretary who has a high school education is a naturalized citizen (i.e. no ties to UT.)

That stuff makes my blood boil. I have no issue with UT alums and current students enjoying the victory, or taking ribbing from by UT buddies. I friggin HATE t-shirt fans!!!
10:19a, 1/5/06
god i feel ill

"I never liked Texas, though," Heard said of A&M's rival, the Longhorns. "They were always uppity, and I was raised not to act like that."

Kellen Heard-Fightin' Texas Aggie
10:28a, 1/5/06
You think you saw a lot of t-sip t-shirts before the game. Every fairweathered moron who's never set foot on a college campus will be wearing burnt orange now.
Pure Aggie
10:31a, 1/5/06
Every fairweathered moron who's never set foot on a college campus will be wearing burnt orange now.

whats worse is that every ad for sports gear in every f'ng newspaper and internet ad will be displaying the burnt orange vag|na.
10:33a, 1/5/06
I'm waiting for it to hit here in Austin. Luckly, so far, none of the die hard sip fans have shown up for work (they were up a bit late last night having a bit to much fun I hear). I expect the onslaught to begin tommorrow.

"Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me." John 14:6

"These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world." The words of Jesus; John 16:33
10:40a, 1/5/06
Don't work with any sips..Thank God. But I do work with a couple of utsa posers, who proceeded to throw the sign of the devil and send out a worthless bragging email.

I informed them that the roadrunners were not playing yesterday. If you want to talk trash you need to have attended the school.
You can be a fan of a team...but if you want to throw smack, you have to have attended the school.
They crawled back in their hole shortly after.
10:42a, 1/5/06
but it is annoying to hear happiness after 4 hrs of sleep and a night like the Aggies had.

Did A&M play last night?
10:44a, 1/5/06
There are people in my office today with tu crap hanging on their walls. People I never knew went to tu, but they did. Waiting until the day after the game to come out of the closet.

I guess I should consider myself lucky, considering what I've read some of you have to deal with - annoying, actual year-round fans.
10:46a, 1/5/06
No we didnt play, but we are all in a state of depression
10:47a, 1/5/06
No WE aren't.
10:49a, 1/5/06
I was in the courthouse this morning, and all the sips were gloating, but I could not help but laugh at the number of criminal defendants wearing sip shirts.
old ag 2003
10:50a, 1/5/06
thank god I am living in North Dakota

That's something you don't hear every day.
10:57a, 1/5/06
I'm glad I don't eat Wheaties! If I did I think I would change to another cereal!
10:57a, 1/5/06
They are even wearing burnt orange gear down here in Mexico. Sad stuff.
10:57a, 1/5/06
Angelo State University (ASU) not San Angelo State....sorry didn't go there but grew up there and it seems noone knows this these days
10:58a, 1/5/06
I SIL went to tu, but she still a t-shirt fan. I only hear about tu football from her when they win. I don't think she even knows who the starting QB is but she gloats all to hell when they beat us.

Last year, she was REALLY effing annoying during the game but I managed to keep my mouth shut. Then her husband, also a tu grad, told her "Good God, SHUT UP!! You're being annoying"... I told her after the game she was banned from my house on T+1.
11:02a, 1/5/06
I heard it all last night at work, and now I'm hearing it from a bunch of 16 years at the high school I sub at part time. I almost lost it there for a minute cause they know I'm Ag. I told them they couldn't even sniff a chance at going to A&M or tu.
11:03a, 1/5/06
00, you showed those 16 year olds didn't you!
11:05a, 1/5/06
I'm keeping it in, but it does annoy the hell outta me. It's going to be worse when I have a bunch of managers giving me the same hell this afternoon.
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