reville graves
9,763 Views | 57 Replies
Angry Beaver
9:42p, 7/9/08
not trolling at all, the "graves" are there as a memorial but there aint no dog bones in them thar graves...promise

Plus, I have pictures of the whole process of unearthing and re-burying of the caskets during construction of the The Zone. I'll have to look for them in the mass collection of random A&M pictures that I have.

And I was there for the burial of Reveille VI in '03.

[This message has been edited by Angry Beaver (edited 7/9/2008 8:45p).]
9:54p, 7/9/08
Burial of Reveille I, January 19, 1945 just outside the tunnel at the north end zone of Kyle Field.

This link will take you to photos of the burial ceremonies for the various Reveilles. (Enter the Search Term of Mascots in the block provided and then click on Search.)

[This message has been edited by fossil_ag (edited 7/9/2008 9:11p).]
10:28p, 7/9/08
awww....look at Reveille II.

10:31p, 7/9/08
is this ranger?

Angry Beaver
10:32p, 7/9/08
10:33p, 7/9/08
Rev IV:

10:36p, 7/9/08
the block t in the that the same block t at the bottom of the zone today?

[This message has been edited by txdawg80 (edited 7/9/2008 9:39p).]
Angry Beaver
10:45p, 7/9/08
The pictures that I have show a chain-link fence around the pseudo graves with a black plastic covering them. I still can't find them!

I'll post some other ones for now.
Angry Beaver
10:46p, 7/9/08

Dan Scott
10:51p, 7/9/08
That guy in the blue shirt and short shorts is so out of place.
10:56p, 7/9/08
In the pic with the zips carrying the casket, look at the man facing the photographer behind the last cadet on the left side......

One blue shoe and one boot (or what looks like a boot).

Dan Scott
10:59p, 7/9/08
Angry Beaver
11:11p, 7/9/08
He looks to be at attention. Maybe he's a fish in some outfit, and they made him wear those shoes.

I'll give him the benefit of the doubt by saying that he hurt his foot, therefore has to wear a sneaker.
C-ya @ the Chicken
7:42a, 7/10/08
Ranger was Gen. Rudder's dog. My aunt worked for A&M for 40 years, and knew both the dog and the owner.

Ranger had the run of the campus, with no leash or handler.
7:59a, 7/10/08
Fossil Ag- My grandparents gave Rev. III and we have a few photos of her before and during her time as Mascot that my grandparents took. Do you think that would be something Cushing library would like to get a hold of?
9:38a, 7/10/08
andesag ... I cannot speak for the University Archives but I would assume that the photos you describe would be welcome additions to their collections.

It is important that each photo be accompanied by its date and a description of its content. You might call first for instructions on the proper procedure.

With the number of photos and other documents the Archives has received over the years, filing and cataloging must be a monumental task. (I see the benefit of a group of trained volunteers to assist in this area.)

One would hope to see his contributions available to the public at the on-line site fairly soon but do not count on that. That process apparently is slow and tedious considering the volume ... and may have space constraints as well. Whatever, it is important that every bit of A&M history eventually find a resting place in a central repository instead of being lost for all time as memories fade and family collections become scattered.

(Even the color markings of a mascot can be valuable in the identification process and aid in reconstructing history. For example, comparing the markings of a longhorn in old photos reveals that the original Bevo branded 13-0 by A&M students was later barbecued by the athletic department of the University of Texas.)
Dave Robicheaux
9:57a, 7/10/08
Is this the Barbecue Invite, FossilAg?

[This message has been edited by CavJock07 (edited 7/10/2008 9:00a).]
10:13a, 7/10/08
CavJock07 ... Yes, that is the invitation from tu to A&M administrators to attend the barbecue. The date was 1917. Below is a photo of Bevo as originally branded 13-0.

A rumor has floated around campus for many years that after the cookout the hide of Bevo was given to the A&M guests ... and that the hide was on campus for several years. No documentation of that could be located.

Note in the invitation that tu referred to the steer as "Bevo" probably dispelling the tale that the name Bevo was somehow constructed from the 13-0 score.
agz win
10:13a, 7/10/08
is that the same block t at the bottom of the zone today?


As to the barbqueing of the original BEVO, A&M officials were invited to attend and the sips had the head stuffed and mounted and hung in one of their buildings. Later, it was magically de-horned.

10:22a, 7/10/08
I strongly suspect that the individuals in the photo below dated 1917 had a role in the 13-0 branding of Bevo .... moral support and transportation possibly....

(The object in the hand of the fellow in the left of the photo appears to be a "running iron," an old time tool used in cattle branding.)

[This message has been edited by fossil_ag (edited 7/10/2008 9:26a).]
1:32p, 7/10/08
CavJock07 said that he and his Buddies buried Rev VI at that grave site.

I will tell you that my Buddies and I buried Rev IV at the grave site.

I would be willing to bet that Rev V is there.

Any other eye witnesses?

They are there. end of discussion.

Angry Beaver
9:34p, 7/11/08
The Start
Austin, TX

[This message has been edited by Angry Beaver (edited 7/14/2008 9:24a).]
6:50p, 10/9/16
Boo boo is more/less correct. The caskets and carcasses were extremely decomposed. There was nothing left of the older dogs that could be positively identified as being a dog. They just dug up a bunch of dirt, put it in a box, and hoped that the dog was in there somewhere.
7:08p, 10/9/16
In reply to Angry Beaver
Angry Beaver said:


The Start
Austin, TX

[This message has been edited by Angry Beaver (edited 7/14/2008 9:24a).]
My neighbor's grandfather , Merlin Mitchell class of 1917, was one of those who branded bevo.
He is the man on the far left in the fire picture
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