Why are so many white dudes incapable of driving the speed limit?

8,880 Views | 106 Replies | Last: 1 mo ago by Ragnar Danneskjoldd
Andrew Dufresne
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If I'm driving at the posted speed limit or maybe a slight touch over and I still have someone aggressively following me it's a white guy, aged 25-55, 90% of the time. They are usually in a truck not hauling anything.

BTW: I'm a 35 year old conservative white guy.
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Andrew Dufresne said:

If I'm driving at the posted speed limit or maybe a slight touch over and I still have someone aggressively following me it's a white guy, aged 25-55, 90% of the time. They are usually in a truck not hauling anything.

Boss Hogging runs rampant in the DNA.

BTW: I'm a 35 year old conservative white guy.
Lived in Texas all my life and I've never understood the phenomenon. It might be because the pickup truck and the people driving it are " higher" than people driving cars. I mean literally the truck is higher off the ground it's a different view from driving a car. the pickup truck drivers get a big head because their vehicle is much bigger and stronger than most and they drive like they're invincible / superior / unkillable.

Or nearly everyone who owns a pick up truck lives in the country and they have really long commutes to the suburbs/ city so by the time they get here they don't have anymore patience and just want to get to their destination?

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Get out of the left lane.
Andrew Dufresne
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gabehcoud said:

Get out of the left lane.

^^^ drives 57 in a 45 and then hard brakes at every stop light.
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What you're seeing are called dumbasses. Get out of the way. if it makes you feel better, honk at them.
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gabehcoud said:

Get out of the left lane.
That. Please.

The only thing more annying than a speeder is that asshat driver who insists on driving the speed limit in the #1 lane. Move over. You(*) don't own the road.

* Not the OP. Just any standard driver who drives like an old.
Furlock Bones
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By his response it's definitely the op.
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It annoys the hell out of me too. It really is dangerous to drive that fast and follow so closely. You really can kill yourself or someone else. It happens every day.

I used to drive that way as a kid. Then as I got older I realized how tense I was the entire time I was driving having the be so on alert. Now I'm an old doing the speed limit in the slow lane. Easy breezy.

That said, I've had to let go of getting so frustrated at aggressive drivers because they're so common. I was ticked off all the time. Now I just focus on keeping my car and passengers safe and let the aggressive drivers do their thing. I just let them cut me off all the time and it doesn't get a rise out of me anymore.

But, since we're talking about it. Slow down guys. And leave your fellow motorists plenty of space. Driving is serious business with potential serious consequences. Let all get along out there.
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Small testicles and big trucks don't mix.
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Funny, never seen the correlation OP is making. A/#1: many times the "aggressor" has tint dark enough that I can't discern ethnicity/race. B/#2: much of the time the "aggressor " is driving too fast for me to discern ethnicity/race. C/#3: I tend to keep situational awareness regarding the traffic around me and when I am in the left lane and can tell there is someone gaining on me, I move to the right and they rarely have to ride my @$$, not to mention I don't camp out in the left lane going the speed limit or slightly above. On the occasion that I get passed like I'm sitting still before I realize it is happening, I have seen no correlation with type of vehicle. Maybe OP notices what they want to notice(regarding type of vehicle, etc) and/or unwittingly invites aggressiveness by driving the speed limit in a passing lane (aka speeding lane). Maybe OP doesn't drive a truck and therefore has a bias towards them? Crappy drivers come in all shapes, sizes and colors (people and the vehicle they drive). I think it is more bias and generalization than trend.

That being said, why is it impossible for people to drive 40 mph on South College? You don't have to go 45 or 50 but 30 mph can get annoying
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gabehcoud said:

What you're seeing are called dumbasses. Get out of the way. if it makes you feel better, honk at them.
Honking is quite therapeutic!
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'Keep Right Except To Pass'....

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in the city, speed limit ~45, should go ~45-50, all lanes are open

on the freeway, speed limit 70 or whatever, if you are not keeping pace, scoot over -- left lane = speeders, middle lane(s) = the limit, right lane = slow or exiting

regardless of situation, tailgating is dangerous
Bruce Almighty
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Drive on the right, pass on the left. Slower traffic keep right. It's amazing how many people don't know this. It's actually illegal in some states to hang out in the left lane.
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…..and while we're at it, how about mixing in a turn signal every now and then?
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Guys are really insecure about the size of their sausage. Driving fast and making a lot of noise is an easy way to attract attention.
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Andrew Dufresne said:

If I'm driving at the posted speed limit or maybe a slight touch over and I still have someone aggressively following me it's a white guy, aged 25-55, 90% of the time. They are usually in a truck not hauling anything.

Boss Hogging runs rampant in the DNA.

BTW: I'm a 35 year old conservative white guy.
1. No one should be aggressively following you, so they're in the wrong.
2. Most of that happens in the left-hand lane when the left-hand lane driver is driving slower than the other traffic. If that's you, then you're breaking the law. Section 545.051 of the Texas Transportation Code requires that all drivers moving more slowly than the normal speed of other vehicles at the time and place under the existing conditions shall drive in the right-hand lane. If you're in the left-hand lane driving the same speed as the guy next to you, that's discourteous driving, so speed up a little or slow down a little to let someone pass if they need to. I learned that at an early age - don't block others by driving in sync alongside others, especially when you're in the left-hand lane. So, here's what you need to do: after you pass someone, move into the right lane once you've safely cleared the vehicle next to you and that won't happen.

Problem solved.
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Ah yes, the 'ol 18 wheeler going 8 under the speed limit making the 10 minute pass of the 18 wheeler going 10 under the speed limit while traffic backs up for a mile behind them.
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Yes. Plus, the thing a lot of people (probably the OP) forget is that the purpose of a speed limit isn't simply to establish a max speed for the sake of having a max speed. It's an attempt to ensure smooth flow of traffic to reduce accidents. With that said, most of the time in real life, the actual smooth flow of traffic is higher than the speed limit. When that happens, the guy in the left-hand lane like the OP "driving the speed limit or just a touch over" is actually driving slower than the flow of traffic and forcing others to shift around him more than necessary. It creates more opportunities for more accidents.
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OP definitely does not live in Houston

1.) Speed limit is the flow of traffic, which when not in a traffic jam is 20 over minimum

2.) Speeding in Houston is genderless and colorblind. I've been doing 80 on 290 and been passed up by a woman in a minivan doing at least 90+ countless times.
The Dog Lord
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GigEmTx said:

Andrew Dufresne said:

If I'm driving at the posted speed limit or maybe a slight touch over and I still have someone aggressively following me it's a white guy, aged 25-55, 90% of the time. They are usually in a truck not hauling anything.

Boss Hogging runs rampant in the DNA.

BTW: I'm a 35 year old conservative white guy.
1. No one should be aggressively following you, so they're in the wrong.
2. Most of that happens in the left-hand lane when the left-hand lane driver is driving slower than the other traffic. If that's you, then you're breaking the law. Section 545.051 of the Texas Transportation Code requires that all drivers moving more slowly than the normal speed of other vehicles at the time and place under the existing conditions shall drive in the right-hand lane. If you're in the left-hand lane driving the same speed as the guy next to you, that's discourteous driving, so speed up a little or slow down a little to let someone pass if they need to. I learned that at an early age - don't block others by driving in sync alongside others, especially when you're in the left-hand lane. So, here's what you need to do: after you pass someone, move into the right lane once you've safely cleared the vehicle next to you and that won't happen.

Problem solved.

I don't know why cops don't enforce this. Could write a lot more tickets for it than for speeding, and it'd actually help improve traffic, reduce the dangerous lane changing, etc.
Andrew Dufresne
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Furlock Bones said:

By his response it's definitely the op.

Nah. This happens on single lane country roads like 105 all the time, even if im already going 10% over the speed limit.

Happens still in dense traffic in the middle lane when that same road switches to three lanes on each side.

Occasionally in the left lane because, sometimes people are close to their left turn, or a needed u turn on a median filled road.
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My word for those drivers "Idiots"!!
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I almost never go the speed limit.

I'm usually in a hurry, because my life is busy…but mostly I just like going fast.

It doesn't matter to me what lane you are in - I'll get around you soon enough.

If I get a ticket - no worries - it's the cost of going fast.

For the record I've never been in a wreck that was determined to be my fault….or anything close to a fatality wreck.
maroon barchetta
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LukeDuke said:

I almost never go the speed limit.

I'm usually in a hurry, because my life is busy…but mostly I just like going fast.

It doesn't matter to me what lane you are in - I'll get around you soon enough.

If I get a ticket - no worries - it's the cost of going fast.

For the record I've never been in a wreck that was determined to be my fault….or anything close to a fatality wreck.

Username checks out
Complete Idiot
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What does "aggressively following" you mean?

You change lanes, or turn to a different road, and they keep following you?

Or you are on a single lane (going your direction) road and they are tailgating very close to you?
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13B said:

Funny, never seen the correlation OP is making. A/#1: many times the "aggressor" has tint dark enough that I can't discern ethnicity/race. B/#2: much of the time the "aggressor " is driving too fast for me to discern ethnicity/race. C/#3: I tend to keep situational awareness regarding the traffic around me and when I am in the left lane and can tell there is someone gaining on me, I move to the right and they rarely have to ride my @$$, not to mention I don't camp out in the left lane going the speed limit or slightly above. On the occasion that I get passed like I'm sitting still before I realize it is happening, I have seen no correlation with type of vehicle. Maybe OP notices what they want to notice(regarding type of vehicle, etc) and/or unwittingly invites aggressiveness by driving the speed limit in a passing lane (aka speeding lane). Maybe OP doesn't drive a truck and therefore has a bias towards them? Crappy drivers come in all shapes, sizes and colors (people and the vehicle they drive). I think it is more bias and generalization than trend.

That being said, why is it impossible for people to drive 40 mph on South College? You don't have to go 45 or 50 but 30 mph can get annoying
Very true. When I hear someone asking "why do white people always do....?" or "why do black people always do ...?", I start with the idea that the person has an agenda regarding race one way or another. The truth rarely has a skin color bias.
Ragnar Danneskjoldd
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Andrew Dufresne said:

Boss Hogging runs rampant in the DNA.

BTW: I'm a 35 year old conservative white guy.

And a ******. Get out of left lane
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pdc093 said:

'Keep Right Except To Pass'....

This !!!. Life in prison for slows in the left lane. Dont be in the left lane unless you are passing.
Jack Cheese
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DisAg said:

OP definitely does not live in Houston

1.) Speed limit is the flow of traffic, which when not in a traffic jam is 20 over minimum

2.) Speeding in Houston is genderless and colorblind. I've been doing 80 on 290 and been passed up by a woman in a minivan with a donut spare in place of a front wheel doing at least 90+ countless times.

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Andrew Dufresne said:

If I'm driving at the posted speed limit or maybe a slight touch over and I still have someone aggressively following me it's a white guy, aged 25-55, 90% of the time. They are usually in a truck not hauling anything.

BTW: I'm a 35 year old conservative white guy.

Mine is usually an older white woman.
Philo B 93
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How do you guys feel about blinkers? I think they're a good thing.
Ryan the Temp
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This phenomenon is exceedingly common between The Woodlands and Huntsville. People in a big hurry to get nowhere.

I used to drive like that, but at some point realized there wasn't any real benefit to it. These days, I do tend to drive a bit over on local freeways because, well, everyone is, but I have a 70-mile commute some days and I set my cruise control at the optimum fuel efficiency/speed combination, which is right at 73-75 MPH in an area where the speed limit is 75. I make a point to stay out of the left lane unless I'm passing someone else.
agz win
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Be courteous to faster flowing traffic and move to the right lane.

Valentine One radars for those in need.
Tanya 93
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Philo B 93 said:

How do you guys feel about blinkers? I think they're a good thing.

Make sure your blinker fluid is full.
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