Fat Man to Fit Man Thread (diary)
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12:45p, 4/12/21
Ok. So I have let myself go completely and am tired of feeling fat and worn out all the time. I'm going to use this space as a diary of sorts. I welcome encouragement and constructive criticism.

I am trying to keep my approach simple:
Food: Eat more unprocessed home cooked meals. Lower carbs eat more protein and moderate fats.
Exercise: Move more. Various activities for cardio, stretching and strength training.
Tools I am using: I am using Weight Watchers for tracking and recipes and all things dietary
for Workouts using the Peloton app for cardio and strength and stretching workouts. Will be adding walking and running.

Goals: Generally fit. I want to work my way to running a 5k most mornings and 10k's regularly in my workouts. Wanting to be able to pretty much participate in a half-marathon with about a couple month's preparation.
Want to get back down around 200 lbs and be in the 15-18% body fat.

Where I am currently: 43 yo. 6'00" male 282 pounds as of this morning. Body fat % ~28-30% Sedentary work from home life.

Plan on weighing in each Monday. Hoping that keeps me more focused on weekends.

Today's food:
Breakfast: 2 eggs, 2 slices of bacon 2 cups of coffee
Morning snack: Banana, and cashews
Lunch: Leftover grilled salmon and minute rice cup.
Afternoon Snack: 1 oz cheddar cheese, 2 beef sticks
4 olives, handful of grapes. Cup of coffee
Supper: Steak kabobs and field greens with Italian dressing

Today's activity: 20 minute spin class

12:51p, 4/12/21
this is good, but i'd encourage you to hop on the weight loss thread and daily workout threads if you aren't already on them. Good to have others around you who are on a similar path. They might mention something that would never come up on a "diary" thread that is solely/mostly focused on what you are trying.

and good luck!
12:57p, 4/12/21
In reply to AggieOO
Will do. Thanks!
2:59p, 4/12/21
I'm in the same boat buddy. Signed up a tri in August. Going to use that as motivation.
3:08p, 4/12/21
I like using a wifi scale. That way you can login and track your performance on a graph. Otherwise with all the daily fluctuations it's difficult to get a feel for when you're retaining water vs losing real weight vs just had a big bowel movement.

Good luck
3:36p, 4/12/21
In reply to lb3
I'll have to look into it. We have a pretty simple scale right now that does weight and body fat.
3:38p, 4/12/21
In reply to AgFB
AgFB said:

I'm in the same boat buddy. Signed up a tri in August. Going to use that as motivation.

Yeah I went from running a marathon in 2017 to where I am now. Want to get back to being fit and feeling better. Good on you too!
10:14p, 4/12/21
Cool, I'll be following. Good luck sir
11:22p, 4/12/21
In reply to AgBQ-00
AgBQ-00 said:

Ok. So I have let myself go completely and am tired of feeling fat and worn out all the time. I'm going to use this space as a diary of sorts. I welcome encouragement and constructive criticism.

I am trying to keep my approach simple:
Food: Eat more unprocessed home cooked meals. Lower carbs eat more protein and moderate fats.
Exercise: Move more. Various activities for cardio, stretching and strength training.
Tools I am using: I am using Weight Watchers for tracking and recipes and all things dietary
for Workouts using the Peloton app for cardio and strength and stretching workouts. Will be adding walking and running.

Goals: Generally fit. I want to work my way to running a 5k most mornings and 10k's regularly in my workouts. Wanting to be able to pretty much participate in a half-marathon with about a couple month's preparation.
Want to get back down around 200 lbs and be in the 15-18% body fat.

Where I am currently: 43 yo. 6'00" male 282 pounds as of this morning. Body fat % ~28-30% Sedentary work from home life.

Plan on weighing in each Monday. Hoping that keeps me more focused on weekends.

Today's food:
Breakfast: 2 eggs, 2 slices of bacon 2 cups of coffee
Morning snack: Banana, and cashews
Lunch: Leftover grilled salmon and minute rice cup.
Afternoon Snack: 1 oz cheddar cheese, 2 beef sticks
4 olives, handful of grapes. Cup of coffee
Supper: Steak kabobs and field greens with Italian dressing

Today's activity: 20 minute spin class

Good luck. Only thing I'll say when looking at that food log is fiber won't kill you.
6:28a, 4/13/21
Slept well last night. Feeling good. A little saddle sore from spin class .

Today's food:
Breakfast: two eggs scrambled. Jimmy Dean natural breakfast sausage patty. 2 cups coffee
Morning Snack: Handful of grapes, 3 olives, 4 strawberries 16 oz water
Lunch: leftover kabob (4oz of steak) field green salad with Italian dressing
Afternoon snack: Gala apple, cashews, cup of coffee, 2 beef sticks, 1 oz chedddar
Supper: 2 hot dogs. 16 oz water
6:28a, 4/13/21
In reply to ATM9000
I am going to have to find a way to work it in. I've always been bad about low fiber
1:11p, 4/13/21
I supplement with fiber tablets.

My only suggestion is don't try to do too much too fast. We didn't get obese in one month and we won't get fit in one either. I started and stopped way too many times as I tried to do too much too fast.

I also encourage people not to try and lose weight but to instead strive to be healthy. The weight then takes care of itself.

I tried to incorporate one healthy habit per week. Week one was just cut our processed sugar. Week 2 move 30 minutes per day. If I failed that week, I tried again until I succeeded. And so on.

Consistency is the key. Consistent effort over a long period of time.

If an old fat man like me can do it, you can too.

2:04p, 4/13/21
In reply to wbt5845
OH WOW!! That is exactly what I am wanting to do. Be more healthy. My brother had a heart attack a couple of months ago and my family as a whole has that history. So it has hammered home that if I want to actually grow old with my wife, I have to get healthy again. Good job on all the work you did and results you have!
6:16a, 4/14/21
Woke up a bit tired this morning. But slept well.
Breakfast: 2 eggs 2 bacon 2 coffee
Morning Snack: n/a
Lunch: 2 left over hot dogs (we got groceries before we decided to start everything)
Afternoon Snack: 1 banana, 2 strawberries, cup of unsweet tea
Supper: jerk chicken thigh, butternut squash 2%milk
5:56a, 4/15/21
Breakfast: 2eggs 2 bacon 2 coffee
Morning Snack: Beef Sticks, Grapes, Strawberries
Lunch: grilled nuggets 12, side salad 2 tbs dressing un sweet tea
Afternoon Snack: Grapes and Cashews
Supper: Kevin's cilantro lime chicken, cup basmati rice. Water

Activity: 20 minute body weight circuit
10:19p, 4/15/21
Good job, keep it up!!
6:03a, 4/16/21
In reply to ClassicAg18
6:04a, 4/16/21
Weighing in today. My best friends birthday is this weekend so I wanted to weigh both today and Monday.
Weight: 275.6
Breakfast: bagel and shmear coffee
Lunch: Leftover cilantro lime chicken. basmati rice field greens with 2 tbs italian vinegarette.
6:42a, 4/16/21
I'm always amazed reading about guys starting and they lose almost 10 pounds in just a few days. It takes me a 2-3 months of incredible dedication to achieve the same thing.
6:52a, 4/16/21
In reply to wbt5845
I'm sure it will slow down and fluctuate. I'm really looking forward to getting my body used to moving more
9:15a, 4/17/21
Breakfast: western omelet. Slice of toast and coffee
Lunch: Jason's Deli half Santa Fe sandwich and fruit. Water
Dinner: Chicken florentine flatbread, charcuterie board, mini brisket egg roll, 3 glasses temperanillo.

Fun night for my friend's birthday..
5:09p, 4/17/21
Drop those fattening breakfast meats. Get low sodium Turkey deli meat or something
5:50p, 4/17/21
In reply to Matsui
This was made with ham and veggies. But yes grocery shopping tomorrow with better eating in mind.
8:29a, 4/18/21
Back at it today after a birthday dinner last night with friends.

Breakfast: scrambled eggs with diced jalapeo red salsa and bacon.
Pepper Brooks
8:02p, 4/18/21
Good idea! How'd you think your body would handle no morning meals? A 16/8 intermittent fasting regimen might be beneficial for you and would simplify your meal planning.

My routine is no calories after 8p and before noon. Water and coffee only in the morning. I've been doing it for 10 years religiously and it's been fantastic. It's not an excuse to eat like **** but just up the portions at lunch, afternoon snack, and dinner to get to the same daily caloric intake as you are now.
6:14a, 4/19/21
Check in weight after weekend: 275

Breakfast: eggs coffee and bacon
Morning Snack: Grapes, Banana
Lunch: homemade tuna salad sandwich.
Dinner: baked salmon, corn and green beans
6:14a, 4/19/21
In reply to Pepper Brooks
I'll have to look into it. Had not considered it.
9:41a, 4/19/21
Love IMF. I mix it in with Keto and it has helped.
10:47a, 4/19/21
Hit the pool for the first time in about 20 years and paid for it. Went in with visions of looking like Michael Phelps in the water, ended with just trying to not drown as the olds cruised by me.
7:06p, 4/19/21
In reply to AgFB
Yeah I have found I am more of a party pool person rather than a lap pool person.
Pepper Brooks
7:27p, 4/19/21
In reply to AgBQ-00
The first two weeks suck while your body adjusts to the new schedule and after that it's easy. Drink lots of water in the morning is my only recommendation.

Cut your feeding window back the night before if you plan on going to brunch the next day or something.
6:09a, 4/20/21
Feeling pretty good this morning. Going for a changeup on breakfast.
Breakfast: Oatmeal with strawberries and blueberries
Morning Snack: Beef Sticks and Cashews
Lunch: Salmon and baby spring mix salad greek vinegarette
Dinner: cheeseburger bowl. (Not as bad as it sounds) 2 cups romaine. Quarter pound 96% lean ground beef, onions pickels shredded cheddar. And special sauce dressing.

Snack: glass of 2% milk, Handful of kind clusters
6:42p, 4/20/21
I'd suggest you eat more. At 275, that looks like a significant cut to your daily caloric requirements. Common mistake is to be too aggressive at first and it becomes non sustainable. You'll lose a good amount at first, but as your body adjusts to its new normal caloric intake, you won't have anywhere else to cut. Its also hard to tell without portion sizes but you also may not be intaking enough protein. You want probably 150-200 grams of protein intake daily. This will prevent significant muscle loss as your body will prioritize fat loss. I'd also recommend sticking to strength training only for awhile, that way you can add cardio as weight loss slows.
7:40p, 4/20/21
In reply to aggielax48
Appreciate the advice. My biggest change has really been cutting sugars and starchy carby snacks like crackers. And sweets. I was eating waaay too many sweets.
6:32a, 4/21/21
Breakfast: eggs bacon coffee
Lunch: left over cheesburger bowl/salad
Dinner: Italian chicken stew.

Snacks: banana, apple, pickels, cashews and milk
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