History of our origins...will change
2,974 Views | 10 Replies
11:39p, 8/5/23
"I have been told that we have recovered technology that did not originate on this".-Former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Intelligence-Chris Mellon

“Behind the scenes, high-ranking Air Force officers are soberly concerned about UFOs. But through official secrecy and ridicule, many citizens are led to believe that unknown flying objects are nonsense.” Former CIA Director, Roscoe Hillenkoetter, public statement, 1960.
5:40p, 8/7/23
They lost me me with the yellow glasses and Santa Fe location……
one safe place
9:57p, 8/7/23
In reply to tmaggies
tmaggies said:

They lost me me with the yellow glasses and Santa Fe location……
All those true believers, whether UFO types, Bigfoot believers, paranormal ghost hunters, etc. who have thoughts and opinions but never any evidence always are weird looking. Not normal looking. Almost 100% of them.
fka ftc
11:03p, 8/7/23
In reply to one safe place
one safe place said:

tmaggies said:

They lost me me with the yellow glasses and Santa Fe location……
All those true believers, whether UFO types, Bigfoot believers, paranormal ghost hunters, etc. who have thoughts and opinions but never any evidence always are weird looking. Not normal looking. Almost 100% of them.
The Netflix series I watched recently definitely supported this. "How to Become a Cult Leader". Nearly without exception they were weird looking with the weirder progressed exponentially with the cults popularity.
12:48p, 8/10/23
Forget the decades of painstaking research into our origins?... I think I will pass.
Ag Tag
12:08p, 8/11/23
Weak-minded people will believe anything.
Leonard H. Stringfield
8:28p, 2/28/24
In reply to Ag Tag
Ag Tag said:

Weak-minded people will believe anything.
And yet, those who have difficulty rationally, reasonably, connecting a few dots are the ones with the tinfoil in place perhaps? A psychological defense shield perhaps?
Farsight Institute, Atlanta, GA
3:36p, 3/9/24
New Pentagon UFO report. "It was unequivocal in its conclusions, finding "no evidence that any [U.S. government] investigation, academic-sponsored research, or official review panel has confirmed that any sighting of a UAP represented extraterrestrial technology." Reports of flying objects or suspected alien craft usually turned out to have quotidian explanations: They were "ordinary objects and phenomena and the result of misidentification," sometimes by well-meaning witnesses who thought they had spotted something otherworldly."

Leonard H. Stringfield
7:05p, 3/9/24
The Pentagon is digging a very big hole to fall into...

Hint: I wouldn't listen to anything coming out of AARO.

"It sounds a bit like science fiction, but it actually is science fact,' Greer told DailyMail.com. 'These breakthroughs have been kept very, very secret, much to the detriment of the American people and the planet.
'We feel it's very important that the public understand this is not just a silly story about Little Green Men. This has very significant implications for the environment, for energy independence, for global poverty.'
Greer and his organization, the Disclosure Project, gained international attention as well as derision in 2001 when he gathered 20 retired Air Force, Federal Aviation Administration and intelligence officers at the National Press Club to tell their stories of extraordinary UFO and alien encounters.
-Dr. Steven Greer-2023

One of several you should keep an ear towards...
Farsight Institute, Atlanta, GA
Leonard H. Stringfield
6:14p, 3/23/24

How will history change? There is already data suggesting we had assistance with the construction of The Great Pyramid...but potentially, what all else?
Farsight Institute, Atlanta, GA
Leonard H. Stringfield
6:36p, 3/24/24

This data was collected using a technique developed by our CIA and Stanford Research Institute back in the 1970's. Military espionage was the initial plan for usage and Farsight Institute in Atlanta, GA uses it for exploration etc. currenty.
Farsight Institute, Atlanta, GA
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