Buckle up buttercup: Protesters who were arrested now want amnesty and

4,707 Views | 34 Replies | Last: 1 mo ago by aggiehawg
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...their records of being suspened from school expunged. Worried about how it will affect their adult life.


Administrators at Columbia University in New York and a few (though far from all) other colleges have finally heeded the calls for common sense and begun tearing down the pro-Hamas protest tent cities and having the rioters arrested. This welcome change was long overdue and much more remains to be done. (For one thing, they need to start arresting the faculty members who joined the protests.) Some of the students who were arrested are now waking up to a harsh bit of reality, however. Their actions have consequences that can follow them long after they finish their time on campus. With that in mind, some of them have a new set of demands. They are calling for amnesty and the erasure of their arrest records and student records revealing that they have been suspended. Will the congregation join me in a spirited cry of "Boo Hoo?" (Associated Press)

Maryam Alwan figured the worst was over after New York City police in riot gear arrested her and other protesters on the Columbia University campus, loaded them onto buses and held them in custody for hours.

But the next evening, the college junior received an email from the university. Alwan and other students were being suspended after their arrests at the " Gaza Solidarity Encampment," a tactic colleges across the country have deployed to calm growing campus protests against the Israel-Hamas war.

The students' plight has become a central part of protests, with students and a growing number of faculty demanding their amnesty. At issue is whether universities and law enforcement will clear the charges and withhold other consequences, or whether the suspensions and legal records will follow students into their adult lives.

As noted above, the students are fearful that their arrest records and suspensions will "follow them into their adult lives." Based on their recent actions, I realize that we're not dealing with the fastest set of tractors on the farm here, but I have a news flash for these rioters. Nearly every one of you is at least 18 years old and some of the juniors and seniors are in their twenties. You are already in your "adult life," despite the fact that you're not acting in a very mature fashion.

For what it's worth, you may not be learning very much at college because you're missing so many classes, but this could turn out to be one of the more educational moments of your young lives. Everyone's actions have consequences for better or worse. If you decide to tip back a few drinks and get behind the wheel of your vehicle, you may wind up with a DUI on your record or potentially something far worse. If you knowingly decide to violate the law in any fashion, the consequences of your actions can and likely will follow you around for a long time to come.
Via Hot Air.

Kraft Punk
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Awww poor terrorists
No Spin Ag
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Oh, HELL NO, should those privileged, entitled, wonder-bread suburban, participation trophy adults who were raised by helicopter parents be let off the hook?

If. they were arrested, it's because the police had reason to do that. Had they not done what they weren't supposed to, they wouldn't have been arrested.

They broke a law and they need to deal with whatever punishment comes their way.
There are in fact two things, science and opinion; the former begets knowledge, the later ignorance. Hippocrates
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They want the Bill Clinton treatment
Maroon Dawn
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All the ones in blue states with Soros DAs will face zero actual consequences
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I thought they were standing up for their beliefs? That has a cost but they don't understand that since they have been coddled their entire lives. This is entertainment to them, not real action where there are real consequences.
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You own your public record. Nothing should be removed from it unless it's wrong or due to clear misconduct of public officials. Absent that, suck it up buttercup. If you don't do anything else stupid, time tends to heal things. Highly unlikely your employment opportunities a few years from now and beyond will be limited by a single, basic civil disobedience charge. Keep it up however, and you'll increasingly get passed over for candidates with a cleaner record.

It's called consequences... something you don't learn about within your liberal network.
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kag00 said:

I thought they were standing up for their beliefs? That has a cost but they don't understand that since they have been coddled their entire lives. This is entertainment to them, not real action where there are real consequences.
I am old enough to remember anti-war protesters being proud of their arrest records. Showed their dedication, in their minds at least.
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I'm telling you, most of these kids have never had to face the consequences of their actions and now they are there ****ting their pants.

I won't be surprised if these institutions cave to this, but I hope they don't. Consequences have actions and these need to follow them for life.

As they get older, they can maybe better explain their actions and have people look past it but kids like this who have had serious parenting fails and are very susceptible to social media and peer pressure along with having very immature brains, led them to this.

Buck up, buttercup.
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aggiehawg said:

kag00 said:

I thought they were standing up for their beliefs? That has a cost but they don't understand that since they have been coddled their entire lives. This is entertainment to them, not real action where there are real consequences.
I am old enough to remember anti-war protesters being proud of their arrest records. Showed their dedication, in their minds at least.

And yet many of those same protesters are still rabid liberals who have become tyrannical themselves. With vaccines, and other things.
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Maroon Dawn said:

All the ones in blue states with Soros DAs will face zero actual consequences

And they'll be right back out there doing it again. They won't change their behavior. They expect to get off the hook, they probably will and then they'll just keep doing it.
FDT 1999
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Actions have consequences. Should've thought about that beforehand.

I know, I know….thinking for leftists is hard. They rather act on their feelings.
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annie88 said:

aggiehawg said:

kag00 said:

I thought they were standing up for their beliefs? That has a cost but they don't understand that since they have been coddled their entire lives. This is entertainment to them, not real action where there are real consequences.
I am old enough to remember anti-war protesters being proud of their arrest records. Showed their dedication, in their minds at least.

And yet many of those same protesters are still rabid liberals who have become tyrannical themselves. With vaccines, and other things.
Rebels without a cause. Nature abhors a vacuum. They have to find something for which they can be outraged.

It was Obama that brought normalization to Bill Ayers and his wife who were terrorists. Ayers was "just a guy from the neighborhood: to Obama.
Funky Winkerbean
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It's like they are in the beginning stages of understanding the purpose of laws..to deter. Suck it Pinkos.
rocky the dog
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Elections are when people find out what politicians stand for, and politicians find out what people will fall for.
- Alfred E. Neuman
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People are free to act dumb and make mistakes. I've made PLENTY in my life. But you do people no favors by removing the consequences. I'm a better person for having dealt with the consequences. That's life. Wish more people understood this.
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aggiehawg said:

kag00 said:

I thought they were standing up for their beliefs? That has a cost but they don't understand that since they have been coddled their entire lives. This is entertainment to them, not real action where there are real consequences.
I am old enough to remember anti-war protesters being proud of their arrest records. Showed their dedication, in their minds at least.

Give me an F, give me a U, What are we fighting for?
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Aglaw97 said:

People are free to act dumb and make mistakes. I've made PLENTY in my life. But you do people no favors by removing the consequences. I'm a better person for having dealt with the consequences. That's life. Wish more people understood this.
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Watching the idiocy on college campuses this week and seeing all the explanations for protests in favor of murderous Hamas, two tweets seem particularly on point. There's the great David Burge (Iowahawk), who calls these outbursts "Hamas slumber parties," and says, "This is like staging a pro-Nazi lunch counter sit-in and getting mad that people won't treat you like you're a modern-day Rosa Parks." He attributes protests for the Intifada and slogans reading "from the River to the Sea" by numbskulls who have admittedly no idea what they are protesting as the result of baby-proofing houses. "There is," he says, "no better educational experience for a child than finding out what happens when you stick a butter knife into an electrical outlet."

I think he's right. Helicopter parents who shield kids from the consequences of their actions have raised a generation of reckless, entitled, ill-educated brats. (I'd add to his admonition the habit of so many parents to spend evenings "helping" their kids with their homework. My view is they either do it or don't and, if they don't, they can learn the consequences.)
Tanya 93
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aggiehawg said:

annie88 said:

aggiehawg said:

kag00 said:

I thought they were standing up for their beliefs? That has a cost but they don't understand that since they have been coddled their entire lives. This is entertainment to them, not real action where there are real consequences.
I am old enough to remember anti-war protesters being proud of their arrest records. Showed their dedication, in their minds at least.

And yet many of those same protesters are still rabid liberals who have become tyrannical themselves. With vaccines, and other things.
Rebels without a cause. Nature abhors a vacuum. They have to find something for which they can be outraged.

It was Obama that brought normalization to Bill Ayers and his wife who were terrorists. Ayers was "just a guy from the neighborhood: to Obama.

To quote Tom Petty

A rebel without a clue
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Not sure about the arrest records but I have no doubt that the Universities will expunge all disciplinary matters.
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These are the same irresponsible adults that want to study woke trans majors and expect the taxpayers to pick up their bills, right?

Yeah, that's a no for me dawg
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"I realize that we're not dealing with the fastest set of tractors on the farm here ..."

That is greatness!
Cinco Ranch Aggie
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BQ_90 said:

They want the Bill Clinton treatment
I'd say they actually want the Joe Biden treatment. No consequences for their actions, period. At least Clinton was impeached - yes, not even a slap on the wrist in his case, but that's more than Biden will ever get.
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Swan Song
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Is it two-tier justice time again?
America the Beautiful
1776 - 2020
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The troubles on Columbia University's campus began over six months ago, long before last week's protests. Shortly after Hamas' October 7th attack on Israel, a box truck covered in LED screens displaying the names and photos of dozens of Columbia students started circling a pro-Palestine protest near the university's Morningside Heights campus. The truck, paid for by the conservative nonprofit Accuracy in Media, called the students "Columbia's Leading Antisemites."

"I literally did not leave my apartment the days my friends told me about it," a computer science undergraduate, whose name was listed on the truck, told me outside the Columbia encampment on Tuesday afternoon. The student, who did not wish to be identified for fairly obvious reasons, said her name was listed on the truck because a club she was no longer a part of had signed onto an open letter urging Columbia to cut ties with Israel. It was a traumatizing experience for her. "I completely wiped as much as I could of my online presence and stayed in my apartment as much as I could," the student said. "I felt like I couldn't go to classes."

Like most of the other people who filtered in and out of the encampment, the student stayed masked as we spoke. Students covered their faces with surgical masks, sunglasses, and kaffiyehs, both to prevent spreading covid-19 in close quarters and to shield themselves from the prying eyes of outsiders who they feared would target them over their involvement in the encampment.

At Columbia and elsewhere, pro-Palestine protesters have attempted to balance their public-facing activism with increasingly dire concerns over their privacy and safety. People who have attended marches or rallies, organized fundraisers for displaced Palestinians, or belonged to certain campus clubs have found themselves and even their families on the receiving end of relentless online harassment after their names were publicized by anonymous accounts that claim to combat antisemitism. In some cases, they have even lost their jobs.
Never been a fan of doxxing anyone. But gee shouldn't they have thought about it beforhand?

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Kraft Punk said:

Awww poor terrorists
Ok just put all of them on the no-fly list for the rest of their lives and we will call it even.
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The same idiots want non-violent J6 protesters in prison for life. Eff them, they are lucky they are D's or their college records would be the least of their worries.
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Arrest all of them. Then, whether they are convicted or not, single them out by exempt them from debt cacellation by the govt.
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Companies need to say if they remove the consequences then they will assume any grads from these schools were involved in the protests. That will force them to keep the consequences in place.
Definitely Not A Cop
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Kanye sees the future

Kyle Field Shade Chaser
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The students' plight has become a central part of protests, with students and a growing number of faculty demanding their amnesty. At issue is whether universities and law enforcement will clear the charges and withhold other consequences, or whether the suspensions and legal records will follow students into their adult lives...Questions about their academic futures remain. Will they be allowed to take final exams? What about financial aid? Graduation? Columbia says outcomes will be decided at disciplinary hearings, but Alwan says she has not been given a date. "This feels very dystopian," said Alwan, a comparative literature and society major...For international students facing suspension, there is the added fear of losing their visas, said Radhika Sainath, an attorney with Palestine Legal, which helped a group of Columbia students file a federal civil rights complaint against the school Thursday. It accuses Columbia of not doing enough to address discrimination against Palestinian students. "The level of punishment is not even just draconian, it feels like over-the-top callousness," Sainath said...More than 40 students were arrested at a Yale demonstration last week, including senior Craig Birckhead-Morton. He is due to graduate May 20 but says the university has not yet told him if his case will be submitted to a disciplinary panel. He worries about whether he will receive a diploma and if his acceptance to Columbia graduate school could be at risk.
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