What is alot of work travel?

5,084 Views | 55 Replies | Last: 1 mo ago by MouthBQ98
Howdy Dammit
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"A lot" of work travel means different things to different people. My wife thinks I travel a ton, whereas I talk to some folks who make me thankful for what "little" I'm gone. Just curious. What's considered a lot? I've caught a plane 10 different weeks this year so far. Stays only range from 1- 4 nights.
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My high year was 46 weeks for four days a week.
The Kraken
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It's all perspective. I don't travel for work...so by comparison, you travel "a lot".
plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose
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Sounds like you may be averaging a trip a little more than once every other week. Do you have young kids at home?
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Is driving considered "travel?" I drive 3-4K a month for my business; mostly day trips. I can make DFW, Houston, Austin, San Antonio days trips from home base in College Station. I do have to stay overnight sometimes.

Howdy Dammit
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HowdyAgs03 said:

Sounds like you may be averaging a trip a little more than once every other week. Do you have young kids at home?

That's probably accurate. And yes, a one year old and a 5 month pregnant SAHM wife. So to her, it's a ton. lol
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Slowed down this year. Only 9 nights away thus far. Last year did 76 over a 4 month stretch.
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Howdy Dammit said:

HowdyAgs03 said:

Sounds like you may be averaging a trip a little more than once every other week. Do you have young kids at home?

That's probably accurate. And yes, a one year old and a 5 month pregnant SAHM wife. So to her, it's a ton. lol
I absolutely would think this is a lot. We've had roughly 17 weeks since the start of the year and you have been gone part of 10 of them. Not staying this is a bad thing, but it is quite a bit and I can see a mom with a kiddo and being pregnant that it seems more when you are home alone.
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I handled 6 states in my sales region. Company gave us a vehicle so rarely they approved flying.
On average I was gone from home 200-240 nights a year. From January to May I may only be home 2-3 weekends total.
Ghost of Bisbee
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AndAg said:

My high year was 46 weeks for four days a week.

Used to do this too, straight out of college. It was awesome

Now I value my time and sleep more. I travel for work once every 1.5 months on average now.
Ragnar Danneskjoldd
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dont know how yall do it. air travel is the absolute worst. I';d rather renew my drivers license.
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Howdy Dammit said:

"A lot" of work travel means different things to different people. My wife thinks I travel a ton, whereas I talk to some folks who make me thankful for what "little" I'm gone. Just curious. What's considered a lot? I've caught a plane 10 different weeks this year so far. Stays only range from 1- 4 nights.

Sounds like a whole lot. Don't miss out on your kid's childhood.
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I would venture to say that the only person's whose perspective of what is "a lot" that matters is your wife's.

And that is only because your kid and one on the way aren't old enough to voice their opinions on it.

I'd probably need at least a 100% bump in pay to consider traveling that much. And that would be after talking it over with my wife with the understanding that we'd do this for just a couple of years to build a little nest egg.
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this is the 17th week of 2024 and you've traveled in 10 of those? that definitely qualifies as a lot, that's almost 60%

i was consulting/traveling for work when my kids were very young and it was extremely difficult. i was traveling maybe 35-40% of weeks and it was very hard on my wife who also works full time. but we had bills to pay and i was making great money.

i made it until the kids were 4 and 2 before we just couldn't do it anymore. my wife was very supportive but i missed her and the kids terribly on the road and i could tell it was starting to wear on them. very glad i got out when i did because a few of the guys i know who were in the same situation and continued traveling wound up divorced and miserable.

if your wife is telling you she is frustrated you should take that very seriously. do not mess up your life over some stupid ass job that means nothing in the big picture.
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AndAg said:

My high year was 46 weeks for four days a week.

Sounds miserable tbh
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It's all about the wife and kids unless you just want to give your life to your career.

Single, 75% travel was fine
Married no kids, 50% but negotiate she can travel too
Married with little kids, 25% absolute max. You'll start to miss lots of things and she'll lose her mind. I was able to bring her on some trips too, but by the time we had two kids it was usually more work than fun for her (since she's usually visiting stuff with two kids while I worked. Congrats, you're now chasing the kids around but you're not even home)

Now that I have 3, I picked a job that I travel maybe twice a year. There's just too much life going on at home.
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AgsMyDude said:

AndAg said:

My high year was 46 weeks for four days a week.

Sounds miserable tbh

Disagree. Before I was married I knew I would never have another chance to earn my stripes as a road warrior and made that clear to my girlfriend. We got engaged and married and by the time kids came around we'd given me the chance to get a desk job with plenty of field experience.

I loved the work travel life. I didn't have many worries except the tasks and the time.
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Mine has really ebbed and flowed post pandemic. Im pretty mucb outta town at some point every week until late June but Q1 only had one work trip. Im so used to it though, it is just going through the motions. I find this pace doable the older I have gotten. The weekly commuting to another city and essentially living in 2 places at once for years is not something I would prefer to go back too.
maroon barchetta
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Have a friend that lived in two places right out of school.

Kept a place in Houston. Worked in a couple of other states over the first several years and had an apartment in whatever city they were working in.

The friend eventually got married but they have never had children so there has still been some out of town work at times, but not as much.

One of them retired at 50 or 51. The other still works but I don't know how long that will go on.
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Howdy Dammit said:

HowdyAgs03 said:

Sounds like you may be averaging a trip a little more than once every other week. Do you have young kids at home?

That's probably accurate. And yes, a one year old and a 5 month pregnant SAHM wife. So to her, it's a ton. lol

Two under 2… good luck friend. I am there right now, and it can be difficult (especially for the SAHM).
CW Griswold
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Corporate says to me, "Gabe, we need you in Scranton." Scranton says, "Gabe, go back down to Florida. You're needed there." So, Tuesdays and Thursdays, I'm up there. Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, I'm down here. I can think of no better way to confront my deathly fear of flying.
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every week is a lot
agz win
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Is there a nanny or household help to support the wife? It's too much time away from important responsibilities. Ruin the wife and have a crappy life.
Sea Speed
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Yall have some weak wives. No offense. I've been gone to sea 6+ months(sometimes straight) per year for the 10+ years we've been married. We have 3 kids 7 and under, 3 dogs, 3 cats, 13 chickens, live on a few acres and own a couple rent houses and my wife owns her own interior design business and I'm not sure I have heard her ever complain. She's hands down the strongest person I know, no doubt about it.
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Sea Speed said:

Yall have some weak wives. No offense. I've been gone to sea 6+ months(sometimes straight) per year for the 10+ years we've been married. We have 3 kids 7 and under, 3 dogs, 3 cats, 13 chickens, live on a few acres and own a couple rent houses and my wife owns her own interior design business and I'm not sure I have heard her ever complain. She's hands down the strongest person I know, no doubt about it.

It's all relative. But I think you're doing well brother. Try not to brag too much
Sea Speed
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I was just feeling froggy ha, wasn't trying to be a braggart. I have a habit of talking my wife up though. She truly is amazing and my favorite person on earth. I could never do what she does. Ever. I dont think she understands how much she does compared to the average woman and how strong she is. I always laugh when I hear other women complain about how tough things are after seeing my wife deal with it all over the last 10 years. You're correct that it is all relative though. The worst thing thats happened to you is the worst thing thats happened to you.
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Sea Speed said:

Yall have some weak wives. No offense. I've been gone to sea 6+ months(sometimes straight) per year for the 10+ years we've been married. We have 3 kids 7 and under, 3 dogs, 3 cats, 13 chickens, live on a few acres and own a couple rent houses and my wife owns her own interior design business and I'm not sure I have heard her ever complain. She's hands down the strongest person I know, no doubt about it.

It's not about being strong.

Can I do it all myself? Absolutely.
Do I want to? Hell no.

I told my husband before we got married that I wanted someone who was going to be around. I purposely didn't date people who were gone alllll the time (like a pilot). Does he travel? Yes. Is he done weekly or even monthly? No. And it has nothing to do with being alone, that doesn't bother me. I just wanted a spouse who was going to be here.
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Pilot here
Gone most weeks 3-4 days but I'll sometimes have 10+ days off in a row
If I average it out for the year I'm gone around 145-150 / days a year or 12 or so a month.
But on the flip side when I'm home, I'm home. Zero work related responsibilities.
Easy to get a week off straight every month if I want it and I can turn a week of vacation into 17-20 days off.
Took a lot of time in the industry and seniority to get this schedule but I'm willing to bet that I have FAR MORE quality time at home than almost any normal 9-5 job.
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Lots of absolutes here. Every person is different. Every spouse is different. Every couple is different. But at the end of the day, if you make it work, you won.
Sea Speed
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Guppy said:

Pilot here
Gone most weeks 3-4 days but I'll sometimes have 10+ days off in a row
If I average it out for the year I'm gone around 145-150 / days a year or 12 or so a month.
But on the flip side when I'm home, I'm home. Zero work related responsibilities.
Easy to get a week off straight every month if I want it and I can turn a week of vacation into 17-20 days off.
Took a lot of time in the industry and seniority to get this schedule but I'm willing to bet that I have FAR MORE quality time at home than almost any normal 9-5 job.

Yep I'm essentially a stay at home dad/handyman half the year and its great. I am not sure I could ever survive in the rat race these days. I work 28s now and often am home for part of my 28 on so it gets better. 6 months off per year now is fantastic.
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ac04 said:

this is the 17th week of 2024 and you've traveled in 10 of those? that definitely qualifies as a lot, that's almost 60%

i was consulting/traveling for work when my kids were very young and it was extremely difficult. i was traveling maybe 35-40% of weeks and it was very hard on my wife who also works full time. but we had bills to pay and i was making great money.

i made it until the kids were 4 and 2 before we just couldn't do it anymore. my wife was very supportive but i missed her and the kids terribly on the road and i could tell it was starting to wear on them. very glad i got out when i did because a few of the guys i know who were in the same situation and continued traveling wound up divorced and miserable.

if your wife is telling you she is frustrated you should take that very seriously. do not mess up your life over some stupid ass job that means nothing in the big picture.

This right here. Jobs come and go. Wife and kids do not.
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My ex and I own a business together. He and most of our 12 employees are away from their homes anywhere from 200-280 days a year. When we first started the business and were too dumb/scared to hire anyone, he had two years in a row he traveled 300+ days. The kids and I often traveled with him when we could, but it still was pretty miserable to be the sole parent at home most of the time. While there were a lot of factors that led to our divorce, the traveling certainly was a big one. In fact, the majority of our employees are also divorced or have generally unhappy personal lives, for what it's worth.

I know you didn't ask for marriage advice, OP, but if I could go back in time, I would tell myself that everything we gained from working and growing the business like we did was *not* worth the trade off of what it cost our family.
Sea Speed
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Wasn't this on the B&I board?
one safe place
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Gone for a week for my first job after A&M. After that, never traveled.
Howdy Dammit
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ac04 said:

this is the 17th week of 2024 and you've traveled in 10 of those? that definitely qualifies as a lot, that's almost 60%

i was consulting/traveling for work when my kids were very young and it was extremely difficult. i was traveling maybe 35-40% of weeks and it was very hard on my wife who also works full time. but we had bills to pay and i was making great money.

i made it until the kids were 4 and 2 before we just couldn't do it anymore. my wife was very supportive but i missed her and the kids terribly on the road and i could tell it was starting to wear on them. very glad i got out when i did because a few of the guys i know who were in the same situation and continued traveling wound up divorced and miserable.

if your wife is telling you she is frustrated you should take that very seriously. do not mess up your life over some stupid ass job that means nothing in the big picture.

Yes I've traveled 10 of those. But like I said, the actual nights away have ranged from 1-4. So I definitely haven't been gone 10 weeks straight. Also, when I'm home I work from home, so I am very present. I feel like it isn't as bad as it sounds due to those two factors.
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