Cringiest wedding things you've seen

32,198 Views | 197 Replies | Last: 1 mo ago by CDub06
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CoachtobeNamed$$$ said:

My own wedding.

I flew down for the ceremony. We would take her car and drive back upstate to where I was living and working after our wedding night.
The ceremony goes fine. We have the reception at her parents house. I ask her about the car and she tells me she hid it in a neighbors garage down the street so it wouldn't get "dressed up" as I was expecting.
Things are winding down and we go outside and there's her car all dressed up. Everyone followed us out and in a jovial mood. She turns around and absolutely goes ballistic. Screaming, yelling every curse word in the book. I remember clearly everyone's mouth open in shock and their big eyes at her tirade. I was embarrassed as hell.
Marriage didn't last a year. Her own father told me months before the wedding that he felt she wanted to marry to get out of the house and the RGV. Should have listened to him.
Um, yeah. I dated a girl from the RGV. She kicked my windshield with boots and spidered it like a body had hit it from 10 stories.

Sex was good though.
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Not a cringey wedding, but a cringey engagement party.

Maid of Honor had a drinking problem (Sadly, it eventually led to a premature death). Friends of the bride's family threw an engagement party at their home. Teenage daughters of the host family were allowed to invite their boyfriends to the engagement party. Maid of Honor got blotto and started hitting on the teenage boyfriends. She almost got kicked out of the wedding party.
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justnobody79 said:

I went to a pandemic outdoor wedding with color coded wristbands indicating what level of comfort you had being around others, green was open to handshakes and hugs, yellow was okay with fist bumps or elbow bumps, red was no contact whatsoever
I vaguely remember doing something like this as well? Perhaps we were at the same wedding?

This didn't happen at the wedding, but the night before. The wedding party was staying at La Torreta (margaritaville). After the rehearsal dinner, everyone was hanging out at the hotel bar and waiting for the golf carts to take all of us groomsman back to our cottage we were staying on at the golf course. While waiting the groom decides he needs to pee so he proceeds to walk outside and piss around the front door of the hotel. Next thing you know two cops proceed to handcuff him and threaten to arrest him for indecent exposure. Luckily we were able to convince them to let him go.

Fast forward 6 years or so and the groom got arrested for pissing outside the local dollar store in town. Needless to say he enjoys peeing outside instead of going inside. lol.

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Cringy at my wedding. Has the maid of honor deliver an almost ten minute speech full of pauses and stories nobody got. Very damn awkward standing there having to go along just praying she'd stfu and end it.

which leads me to my next point. The speeches and toasts need to be under 2 min top. Nobody gives a **** about old stories, inside jokes, etc. Say congrats, I'm happy for you and move along.
Milwaukees Best Light
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I was the best man and I dropped the ring during the hand off. Oops.
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Two stories…

1. My cousin was getting married (I think in Lubbock). Literally, the night before the wedding, they cancel (her groom was backing out). Some of our family had already booked hotels and had arrived, since they were coming from all over. All the food had been bought. Bad situation, made worse that the groom still wanted to go on the honeymoon trip (not sure where they were going). Months later my brother calls me and tells me that our cousin has decided to keep all the wedding gifts. She basically called him up and said, "hey, I've decided I'm keeping the gifts.".

2. Not a wedding. I had a friend group through my ex and several of us were getting married around the same time. We are at one pair's engagement party which was pretty big but not so big that you couldn't meet everyone. Late into the evening everyone is feeling pretty good. Everyone is chatting and out of nowhere we hear two people screaming at each other. It turns out to be the bride's biological parents. They had divorced many years ago and both had new people. And those new people were holding them back because it was starting to get physical…shoving. A few people step in and separate them and one of them quickly leaves. I walk over to see the bride who is obviously in tears and ask her if she needs anything, she has the 1,000 yard stare and just keeps saying, "what the ****?".
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2010, my wedding, my MIL Kanye West'd us and stopped the ceremony to read a letter to us, to the shock of everyone including the pastor.
maroon barchetta
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I can't believe anybody cared at a Dollar Store.
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Super Awkward....not really cringey.

Day of the wedding walked in on my wife and her mother talking.

Her mother was giving her a big speech about how regardless of the cost of the wedding she would support my wife (then fiance) backing out anytime she wanted and that leaving me at the altar was okay and that getting married young was often a mistake and that good sex didn't always necessarily mean love. I was 23. Fiance was 21.

I listened to this speech for about 5 minutes while my wife's face went ghost white. She tried to give her mother the "stop talking sign" multiple times while I stood there listening but her mother just kept talking even when my wife tried to interrupt her.

As she was wrapping up her speech, I wrapped my arms around her and gave her a big hug and told her that I appreciated how much she loved her daughter and wanted to take care of her and that I would try to do the same.

The woman literally ran from the room and refused to make eye contact with me the rest of the day.

Still married.

And that's pretty much been my MIL and my relationship ever since.

Her thinking the worst and me trying to take her bad behavior in good humor.
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jwoodmd said:

CoachtobeNamed$$$ said:

My own wedding.

I flew down for the ceremony. We would take her car and drive back upstate to where I was living and working after our wedding night.
The ceremony goes fine. We have the reception at her parents house. I ask her about the car and she tells me she hid it in a neighbors garage down the street so it wouldn't get "dressed up" as I was expecting.
Things are winding down and we go outside and there's her car all dressed up. Everyone followed us out and in a jovial mood. She turns around and absolutely goes ballistic. Screaming, yelling every curse word in the book. I remember clearly everyone's mouth open in shock and their big eyes at her tirade. I was embarrassed as hell.
Marriage didn't last a year. Her own father told me months before the wedding that he felt she wanted to marry to get out of the house and the RGV. Should have listened to him.
Um, yeah. I dated a girl from the RGV. She kicked my windshield with boots and spidered it like a body had hit it from 10 stories.

Sex was good though.
Yeah, they know how to ****.
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CoachtobeNamed$$$ said:

Yeah, they know how to ****.
The crazy ones always do!

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CoachtobeNamed$$$ said:

jwoodmd said:

CoachtobeNamed$$$ said:

My own wedding.

I flew down for the ceremony. We would take her car and drive back upstate to where I was living and working after our wedding night.
The ceremony goes fine. We have the reception at her parents house. I ask her about the car and she tells me she hid it in a neighbors garage down the street so it wouldn't get "dressed up" as I was expecting.
Things are winding down and we go outside and there's her car all dressed up. Everyone followed us out and in a jovial mood. She turns around and absolutely goes ballistic. Screaming, yelling every curse word in the book. I remember clearly everyone's mouth open in shock and their big eyes at her tirade. I was embarrassed as hell.
Marriage didn't last a year. Her own father told me months before the wedding that he felt she wanted to marry to get out of the house and the RGV. Should have listened to him.
Um, yeah. I dated a girl from the RGV. She kicked my windshield with boots and spidered it like a body had hit it from 10 stories.

Sex was good though.
Yeah, they know how to ****.
This was a redhead Latina. Let that sink in!
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Couple of stories

1. I was pretty young 10 or so when a cousin was getting married. My dad being the prankster armed up myself and another young cousin with some shoe polish etc.. to decorate the getaway car. The Bride's father had been speaking with my dad and told him what car they would be using.

Cousin and I decorate the heck out of this car. As the reception is coming to a close an older guy comes running out yelling at us. My dad saw the commotion and came over. Turns out Bride's dad pointed out step dads car and they absolutely hated each other. The step dad was pretty cool after it was discovered but the Bride's dad quickly became the most hated man at the weddding for trying to put 2 kids in the middle of their fights..

2. In college and was a groomsmen in a friends wedding. Groom was good guy from a country family, bride was from a pretty wealthy family and the bride's family wasnt too excited about the groom or the wedding.

They had a fairly well known country singer play the reception and he went out to the bars after to keep the party going. Singer is also a good friend of us and the groom and by this point pretty hammered. Not surprising some of the bride's family show up to the bar we are at. Im making small talk with the brides dad and singer walks up (he did not like the dad bc dad was kind of a dick) slaps the dad on the shoulder and says something like "holy **** can you imagine the f***** S*** the groom is doing to your daughter in that hotel room right now!" He damn near stated a fight and of course that side of the family departed.

That marriage did not last btw..
maroon barchetta
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Username maybe checks out.
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I feel bad because I was on the bad side of this one. My best friend at the time's dad was real piece of work. Anyway, my friend, who was broke when he got married, saved up to buy a bottle of Dom Perignon for the wedding toast for him and his bride, not an insignificant purchase for him. They open the bottle, and the bride and groom each get a glass. The groom's dad lifts the bottle from the ice bucket, finds me and another groomsman, and we kill the bottle. At the time I sort of went along with it and treated it like a prank. It wasn't until later I realized what a dick move that was.
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My great-uncle (blood relative) and great-aunt (marriage relative) got married in the 1930s. He owned the house prior the the marriage that they then lived in all their years. They never had any children. So when he died intestate (without a will) in the 1970s, she got the house and all the cash he had stashed away. We thought it was a little peculiar he didn't have a will because everything about him was perfect and squared away, but we couldn't say anything. After he died, we heard the story that she had been stood up at the altar prior to marrying my great-uncle. That made sense since she always seemed to be a real prude. When she died about 20 years after him, all the stuff my great-uncle had including the house and all his money went to her nieces and nephews because she DID have a will. They promptly cashed out on the house because it was in an older established neighborhood in Austin.

After she died some of us grand-nieces and grand-nephews lamented about how she was unapproachable. My dad then goes off on her about how she was a real btch to him and his siblings when they had been kids. He was basically, "Eff her. Glad she is dead."

Fast forward another year or two, and I found out a friend of a friend who flips houses had bought the house. He had stories about the cool stuff he found cleaning out the attic. Some fo which he kept. Some sold. Some thrown out. I passed it along to my parent who said, "Wonder if he found Uncle's will or all the wedding gifts she kept."

Bad blood
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Cringy but not because it was embarrassing, but because it was sad and odd and tragic and memorable for all the wrong reasons.

Big family wedding with lots of family in attendance. The night before the rehearsal dinner the bride's father is moving tables and drops dead of a heart attack at the rehearsal dinner venue. Total bolt out of the blue.

Father of the bride ran the local funeral home and others in our family also ran funeral homes so in some ways death was no stranger. And the bride made the decision to continue with the wedding as planned.

So the rehearsal dinner goes on the next night as planned in the same room where the bride's father died the night before.

The day of the wedding an open casket wake is held in the home of the deceased. Everyone basically goes from the wake to the church for the wedding.

The next day is the funeral and the wedding participants gather again for the funeral and burial.

Memorable and sad for sure.
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Was it Doug Supernaw?
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Burdizzo said:

Was it Doug Supernaw?
ha it was not but something he likely would have done.
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My crazy narcissistic ***** half sister who is nine years older was getting remarried. She reunited with a high school friend 25 years after high school. She's totally consumed by money and my parents kept her out of bankruptcy many times. So, the friend is some bug eyed nerd - my ***** sister was very pretty so you can imagine she was only going for this marriage for money. He took her on expensive trips and had friends with money so he was using them to lead her on that he was rich.

My half sister sets a wedding date with just two weeks notice and I already had an international trip for work all set up so I passed on the wedding. I was of course the bad guy for not attending on such short notice. Anyway, I knew it wouldn't last and wasn't going to change my plans. So, a year after the "marriage" my half sister has fully found out the guy is a broke ass loser. So, she treats him like ****, kicks him out, etc. He finally brings up divorce and she says, "no need for a divorce, I never turned in the final signed marriage certificate so we're not actually married". She was only going to file it once she knew he had money and then divorce him for what money she could get.
maroon barchetta
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Some single guy on this board is going to ask for Rule 1 on your half-sister.
Ghost of Bisbee
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HFS that is twisted
Ghost of Bisbee
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AggieArchitect04 said:

Two stories…
Months later my brother calls me and tells me that our cousin has decided to keep all the wedding gifts. She basically called him up and said, "hey, I've decided I'm keeping the gifts.".

I respect the chutzpah from the cousin. Good lord
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Ghost of Bisbee said:

HFS that is twisted
She's done a lifetime of stuff like this. On a scale of 1 to 10 where 10 is her craziest stunt, this one is about a 5.
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Tecolote said:

Ghost of Bisbee said:

HFS that is twisted
She's done a lifetime of stuff like this. On a scale of 1 to 10 where 10 is her craziest stunt, this one is about a 5.
is her name Sarah?
Beer Baron
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Tecolote said:

Ghost of Bisbee said:

HFS that is twisted
She's done a lifetime of stuff like this. On a scale of 1 to 10 where 10 is her craziest stunt, this one is about a 5.
Well now we need to know what the 10 was.
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justnobody79 said:

Tecolote said:

Ghost of Bisbee said:

HFS that is twisted
She's done a lifetime of stuff like this. On a scale of 1 to 10 where 10 is her craziest stunt, this one is about a 5.
is her name Sarah?
No. Her name is Karen. A real life, true to the name, Karen.
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Beer Baron said:

Tecolote said:

Ghost of Bisbee said:

HFS that is twisted
She's done a lifetime of stuff like this. On a scale of 1 to 10 where 10 is her craziest stunt, this one is about a 5.
Well now we need to know what the 10 was. 10s were.
Beer Baron
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Great. List them please.
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Nephew and his new bride danced to Bad Company's "Feel Like Makin' Love" as their first dance.
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Beer Baron said:

Great. List them please.
I'll send you her contact info if you want to experience the total nutcase. She's in her 60s and through alcoholism looks like she's 80.
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I may know the Lubbock bunch. I'm not sure, but I remember a similar story about some friends of my kids or something.
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AustinCountyAg said:

Cringy at my wedding. Has the maid of honor deliver an almost ten minute speech full of pauses and stories nobody got. Very damn awkward standing there having to go along just praying she'd stfu and end it.

which leads me to my next point. The speeches and toasts need to be under 2 min top. Nobody gives a **** about old stories, inside jokes, etc. Say congrats, I'm happy for you and move along.
agreed. Was the best man for a wedding and my speech consisted of re-enacting the "one man wolf pack" speech from The Hangover (this was a ways back) and added a few lines afterwards referencing another girl he'd dated that was a real B that I didn't want joining our wolf pack….got a lot of laughs and I think I was done in about 5 minutes max
one MEEN Ag
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Got a best man speech coming up this year. The options are:

A) Realize you are a comedic genius and can thread the needle between making everyone laugh without making fun of anyone, especially the bride/groom and parents.

B) Realize you aren't a comedic genius, get up there and say thank you all for coming, congratulate the couple, tell the bride she looks beautiful, thank the parents for putting together this day, then sit down and shut up.

I'm gonna shoot for A, my wife is gonna ask me to do B.
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one MEEN Ag said:

Got a best man speech coming up this year. The options are:

A) Realize you are a comedic genius and can thread the needle between making everyone laugh without making fun of anyone, especially the bride/groom and parents.

B) Realize you aren't a comedic genius, get up there and say thank you all for coming, congratulate the couple, tell the bride she looks beautiful, thank the parents for putting together this day, then sit down and shut up.

I'm gonna shoot for A, my wife is gonna ask me to do B.
I strongly suggest the underlooked Option C: stand up, look the flower girl dead in the eye, and recite the middle third of Samuel Taylor Coleridge's Rime of the Ancient Mariner in a deadpan. Then set the mic down gently and walk out of the door and into the night. Cut off all future contact with everyone in the wedding party.
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