hey folks, we have breaking news on the origin of COVID

7,833 Views | 97 Replies | Last: 23 days ago by MouthBQ98
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suburban cowboy said:

CCP & DNC released it intentionally
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Burdizzo said:

snowdog90 said:

Rapier108 said:

I know a lot of people want all of this to be some kind of grand, global conspiracy, especially one against Trump, but in reality, it is far more likely that the simplest explanation is the correct one.

Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by incompetence.

The Chinese ****ed up and let it get out of the lab, a facility which had a history of problems and sloppy handling of pathogens. Once it got out and the Chinese realized they lost containment, they decided to use it to their advantage. It was the prefect excuse to lock down Hong Kong and end the increasing protests. They also ensured it spread across the world because at the very least, it meant havoc and economic chaos, which they worked overtime to cause with their psyops campaign.

It was loose no later than October, 2019 and very likely 3-4 months before that.

We also had plenty of people in the US and around the world who saw it as an opportunity to make money, gain power, or pursue whatever else they wanted. People like Fauci and the intelligence community likely knew it was loose for 6+ months, but said nothing, and like the Chinese, decided to exploit it for their own ends.

This is dumb.

You want to believe in a myriad of coincidences.

Trump had this country moving in a major positive direction in 2019. He was going to be reelected in a landslide.

Then, by your genius interpretation, "whoops", and a deadly virus is released that leads to millions of deaths and Trump being "defeated" by fraud and mail in ballots.

Meanwhile, ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine were not allowed to treat covid, for some strange reason. 2 very safe medicines basically banned for use against covid... why?

No, there were no "coincidences". Everything that happened was planned to happen. Anyone who can't see that is blind or lying.

And they are not finished. Currently they're perpetrating the "let all illegals in the country, give them free room and board, and let them vote" plan. It seems to be working exactly as planned, just like covid. They don't care how many "little" people are killed, they just care about increasing their power.

Just because people are out to get you doesn't mean EVERYTHING is about you. That might a hard thing for the hardcore Trumpers to understand. Yes, they hate Trump. But not everything is about getting Trump.

Yes, everything is a conspiracy... Meanwhile, they are so scared of him that they are actively trying to remove him from ballots and trying to put him in prison. All this while they are letting millions of illegals into the country and are trying to legalize the vote for non-citizens.

But hey, ALL OF THIS is coincidence, just like the mass pandemic of 2020, which "coincidentally" led to the downfall of the most successful president in 40 years.

Joe Biden is President. JOE BIDEN. Nobody likes him, nobody liked him 4 years ago. They are chanting FJB in Scranton, his "hometown". They manufactured 81 million votes to get him "elected". When he wins again in November, you will probably mention Occam's Razor. "I guess Biden won because that's the simplest answer. He just got more votes."

No. This country, at the top, is a cesspool of corruption. The Dems will steal another election and get away with it, because the ones in authority to stop the corruption and fraud are bought and paid for.

Anyone who doesn't see this is blind or lying.
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BadMoonRisin said:

wait, i thought a pangolin ****ed a bat or some ***** That's what the science said.

Not only did the CCP cover it up, but they made those videos with people falling dead in the street and those Party Members in hazmat suits spraying disinfectant spray on streets, welding people inside of their homes, building hospitals in a week, ordering urns, etc to spread fear and panic.
It's far more likely, imo, that the virus leaked inadvertently. That has always been the biggest risk with gain of function research. Once it leaked, China did everything to spread it. They didn't want to be the only country ****ed.

That's why they shut down domestic flights from Wuhan, but kept International flights on. Democrats played right into their hands, because mean tweets

And they did panic, genuinely, because they had no idea how to contain it.
Funky Winkerbean
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Burdizzo said:

snowdog90 said:

Rapier108 said:

I know a lot of people want all of this to be some kind of grand, global conspiracy, especially one against Trump, but in reality, it is far more likely that the simplest explanation is the correct one.

Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by incompetence.

The Chinese ****ed up and let it get out of the lab, a facility which had a history of problems and sloppy handling of pathogens. Once it got out and the Chinese realized they lost containment, they decided to use it to their advantage. It was the prefect excuse to lock down Hong Kong and end the increasing protests. They also ensured it spread across the world because at the very least, it meant havoc and economic chaos, which they worked overtime to cause with their psyops campaign.

It was loose no later than October, 2019 and very likely 3-4 months before that.

We also had plenty of people in the US and around the world who saw it as an opportunity to make money, gain power, or pursue whatever else they wanted. People like Fauci and the intelligence community likely knew it was loose for 6+ months, but said nothing, and like the Chinese, decided to exploit it for their own ends.

This is dumb.

You want to believe in a myriad of coincidences.

Trump had this country moving in a major positive direction in 2019. He was going to be reelected in a landslide.

Then, by your genius interpretation, "whoops", and a deadly virus is released that leads to millions of deaths and Trump being "defeated" by fraud and mail in ballots.

Meanwhile, ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine were not allowed to treat covid, for some strange reason. 2 very safe medicines basically banned for use against covid... why?

No, there were no "coincidences". Everything that happened was planned to happen. Anyone who can't see that is blind or lying.

And they are not finished. Currently they're perpetrating the "let all illegals in the country, give them free room and board, and let them vote" plan. It seems to be working exactly as planned, just like covid. They don't care how many "little" people are killed, they just care about increasing their power.

Just because people are out to get you doesn't mean EVERYTHING is about you. That might a hard thing for the hardcore Trumpers to understand. Yes, they hate Trump. But not everything is about getting Trump.
And your opinion doesn't mean "Trumpers" believe everything is a conspiracy. If you look at the collective of "activity" against Trump, COVID conspiracy moves beyond just a plausible thought.
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snowdog90 said:

Burdizzo said:

snowdog90 said:

Rapier108 said:

I know a lot of people want all of this to be some kind of grand, global conspiracy, especially one against Trump, but in reality, it is far more likely that the simplest explanation is the correct one.

Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by incompetence.

The Chinese ****ed up and let it get out of the lab, a facility which had a history of problems and sloppy handling of pathogens. Once it got out and the Chinese realized they lost containment, they decided to use it to their advantage. It was the prefect excuse to lock down Hong Kong and end the increasing protests. They also ensured it spread across the world because at the very least, it meant havoc and economic chaos, which they worked overtime to cause with their psyops campaign.

It was loose no later than October, 2019 and very likely 3-4 months before that.

We also had plenty of people in the US and around the world who saw it as an opportunity to make money, gain power, or pursue whatever else they wanted. People like Fauci and the intelligence community likely knew it was loose for 6+ months, but said nothing, and like the Chinese, decided to exploit it for their own ends.

This is dumb.

You want to believe in a myriad of coincidences.

Trump had this country moving in a major positive direction in 2019. He was going to be reelected in a landslide.

Then, by your genius interpretation, "whoops", and a deadly virus is released that leads to millions of deaths and Trump being "defeated" by fraud and mail in ballots.

Meanwhile, ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine were not allowed to treat covid, for some strange reason. 2 very safe medicines basically banned for use against covid... why?

No, there were no "coincidences". Everything that happened was planned to happen. Anyone who can't see that is blind or lying.

And they are not finished. Currently they're perpetrating the "let all illegals in the country, give them free room and board, and let them vote" plan. It seems to be working exactly as planned, just like covid. They don't care how many "little" people are killed, they just care about increasing their power.

Just because people are out to get you doesn't mean EVERYTHING is about you. That might a hard thing for the hardcore Trumpers to understand. Yes, they hate Trump. But not everything is about getting Trump.

Yes, everything is a conspiracy... Meanwhile, they are so scared of him that they are actively trying to remove him from ballots and trying to put him in prison. All this while they are letting millions of illegals into the country and are trying to legalize the vote for non-citizens.

But hey, ALL OF THIS is coincidence, just like the mass pandemic of 2020, which "coincidentally" led to the downfall of the most successful president in 40 years.

Joe Biden is President. JOE BIDEN. Nobody likes him, nobody liked him 4 years ago. They are chanting FJB in Scranton, his "hometown". They manufactured 81 million votes to get him "elected". When he wins again in November, you will probably mention Occam's Razor. "I guess Biden won because that's the simplest answer. He just got more votes."

No. This country, at the top, is a cesspool of corruption. The Dems will steal another election and get away with it, because the ones in authority to stop the corruption and fraud are bought and paid for.

Anyone who doesn't see this is blind or lying.

The Truth!! Bluestar for snowdog90!

Ultra-MAGA Cultist :-))

Lex Talionis Trump 2024
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Rapier108 said:

Of course, because I refuse to believe everything is a conspiracy, especially against the god king Trump, then I'm dumb according to you.

Exactly the kind of crap I expect from Trumpers, and why you people constantly make it harder for me to ever want to vote for Trump again.

I didn't call you dumb. What you wrote was dumb. I'm not a Trumper. Never voted for or against him. He did an incredible job while fighting the most corrupt, powerful machine in existence - Washington DC. He continues to fight, when most people in his position would have already given up. The Dems would drop all charges and give him anything he wants if he would just go away.

He won't, though. He continues to fight. It's pretty amazing and damn inspirational. I don't think he has a chance to win, the dem fraud machine is probably too much to overcome, but I admire his willingness to fight when he could just make a deal with the dems to leave him alone while he just plays golf.

The fact that you are hesitant to vote for Trump and against Biden says a lot about you. I haven't voted since my horrible vote for McCain in 2008. There was no good vote in that election or in any election since 88. All swamp creatures.

Until Trump. That should be so obvious. Yet you evidently don't see it.

When Biden is "elected" this year, despite no signs that he should have any chance of winning, will you see the corruption and fraud then? Or is that just too "conspiracy theory" for you?
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DrEvazanPhD said:

But did you trust the science??

I did and still do. Not all the "scientists" who told us we are science deniers.

Once again, we are right and they should be locked up.
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I didn't call you dumb.


Sad that TDS is serious business and oftentimes disables the mind.
Harry Stone
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Question, has any single lib ****wad come on here and apologized for vehemently chastising people who said this was on obvious lab leak?

Answer, no. Libs are the dog **** on the bottom of shoes.
Harry Stone
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Rapier108 said:

Of course, because I refuse to believe everything is a conspiracy, especially against the god king Trump, then I'm dumb according to you.

Exactly the kind of crap I expect from Trumpers, and why you people constantly make it harder for me to ever want to vote for Trump again.

Omg. What a pathetic whoa is me post. Go ahead and vote for the incompetent boob that is ruining our country because the other guy says mean things. Very intelligent use of a vote.
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Anyone who isn't a knuckle dragging mongoloid knows by now that it was leaked from the Wuhan lab.

If you're of average intelligence you probably believed it came from a pangolin in March 2020 because that's what the news said and that's what good lil sheep believe.

If you knew all along that it came from that lab then congratulations you have an ounce of common sense and you can think for yourself.

The only real question today is whether or not it was leaked intentionally or if it was an accident.
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Another "wild right wing conspiracy theory " comes true.

J. Walter Weatherman
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Rapier108 said:

I know a lot of people want all of this to be some kind of grand, global conspiracy, especially one against Trump, but in reality, it is far more likely that the simplest explanation is the correct one.

Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by incompetence.

The Chinese ****ed up and let it get out of the lab, a facility which had a history of problems and sloppy handling of pathogens. Once it got out and the Chinese realized they lost containment, they decided to use it to their advantage. It was the prefect excuse to lock down Hong Kong and end the increasing protests. They also ensured it spread across the world because at the very least, it meant havoc and economic chaos, which they worked overtime to cause with their psyops campaign.

It was loose no later than October, 2019 and very likely 3-4 months before that.

We also had plenty of people in the US and around the world who saw it as an opportunity to make money, gain power, or pursue whatever else they wanted. People like Fauci and the intelligence community likely knew it was loose for 6+ months, but said nothing, and like the Chinese, decided to exploit it for their own ends.

Definitely agreed with this. Accidental release makes the most sense and in a pre-24/7 media world it probably never develops into what we saw. But after whatever idiots let it escape in China, two groups are really at fault for how bad the reaction was in the US - 1. The media blew everything out of proportion because Covid panic = ratings, ad dollars, increased engagement/twitter followers etc.. And 2. Dem politicians and administrators (and people who voted for them) saw it as an opportunity to take more power.

Trump also made it worse by letting Fauci and Birx run wild and lead the messaging from the feds, but thankfully there were people like DeSantis, Kemp and others who saw through the bs quickly and knew shutdowns and masks were 100% pointless theater.
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snowdog90 said:

Burdizzo said:

snowdog90 said:

Rapier108 said:

I know a lot of people want all of this to be some kind of grand, global conspiracy, especially one against Trump, but in reality, it is far more likely that the simplest explanation is the correct one.

Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by incompetence.

The Chinese ****ed up and let it get out of the lab, a facility which had a history of problems and sloppy handling of pathogens. Once it got out and the Chinese realized they lost containment, they decided to use it to their advantage. It was the prefect excuse to lock down Hong Kong and end the increasing protests. They also ensured it spread across the world because at the very least, it meant havoc and economic chaos, which they worked overtime to cause with their psyops campaign.

It was loose no later than October, 2019 and very likely 3-4 months before that.

We also had plenty of people in the US and around the world who saw it as an opportunity to make money, gain power, or pursue whatever else they wanted. People like Fauci and the intelligence community likely knew it was loose for 6+ months, but said nothing, and like the Chinese, decided to exploit it for their own ends.

This is dumb.

You want to believe in a myriad of coincidences.

Trump had this country moving in a major positive direction in 2019. He was going to be reelected in a landslide.

Then, by your genius interpretation, "whoops", and a deadly virus is released that leads to millions of deaths and Trump being "defeated" by fraud and mail in ballots.

Meanwhile, ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine were not allowed to treat covid, for some strange reason. 2 very safe medicines basically banned for use against covid... why?

No, there were no "coincidences". Everything that happened was planned to happen. Anyone who can't see that is blind or lying.

And they are not finished. Currently they're perpetrating the "let all illegals in the country, give them free room and board, and let them vote" plan. It seems to be working exactly as planned, just like covid. They don't care how many "little" people are killed, they just care about increasing their power.

Just because people are out to get you doesn't mean EVERYTHING is about you. That might a hard thing for the hardcore Trumpers to understand. Yes, they hate Trump. But not everything is about getting Trump.

Yes, everything is a conspiracy... Meanwhile, they are so scared of him that they are actively trying to remove him from ballots and trying to put him in prison. All this while they are letting millions of illegals into the country and are trying to legalize the vote for non-citizens.

But hey, ALL OF THIS is coincidence, just like the mass pandemic of 2020, which "coincidentally" led to the downfall of the most successful president in 40 years.

Joe Biden is President. JOE BIDEN. Nobody likes him, nobody liked him 4 years ago. They are chanting FJB in Scranton, his "hometown". They manufactured 81 million votes to get him "elected". When he wins again in November, you will probably mention Occam's Razor. "I guess Biden won because that's the simplest answer. He just got more votes."

No. This country, at the top, is a cesspool of corruption. The Dems will steal another election and get away with it, because the ones in authority to stop the corruption and fraud are bought and paid for.

Anyone who doesn't see this is blind or lying.
Blue parachute for you Sir!
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Technically its not breaking news there were posters here finding that connection in 2020.
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snowdog90 said:

Burdizzo said:

snowdog90 said:

Rapier108 said:

I know a lot of people want all of this to be some kind of grand, global conspiracy, especially one against Trump, but in reality, it is far more likely that the simplest explanation is the correct one.

Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by incompetence.

The Chinese ****ed up and let it get out of the lab, a facility which had a history of problems and sloppy handling of pathogens. Once it got out and the Chinese realized they lost containment, they decided to use it to their advantage. It was the prefect excuse to lock down Hong Kong and end the increasing protests. They also ensured it spread across the world because at the very least, it meant havoc and economic chaos, which they worked overtime to cause with their psyops campaign.

It was loose no later than October, 2019 and very likely 3-4 months before that.

We also had plenty of people in the US and around the world who saw it as an opportunity to make money, gain power, or pursue whatever else they wanted. People like Fauci and the intelligence community likely knew it was loose for 6+ months, but said nothing, and like the Chinese, decided to exploit it for their own ends.

This is dumb.

You want to believe in a myriad of coincidences.

Trump had this country moving in a major positive direction in 2019. He was going to be reelected in a landslide.

Then, by your genius interpretation, "whoops", and a deadly virus is released that leads to millions of deaths and Trump being "defeated" by fraud and mail in ballots.

Meanwhile, ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine were not allowed to treat covid, for some strange reason. 2 very safe medicines basically banned for use against covid... why?

No, there were no "coincidences". Everything that happened was planned to happen. Anyone who can't see that is blind or lying.

And they are not finished. Currently they're perpetrating the "let all illegals in the country, give them free room and board, and let them vote" plan. It seems to be working exactly as planned, just like covid. They don't care how many "little" people are killed, they just care about increasing their power.

Just because people are out to get you doesn't mean EVERYTHING is about you. That might a hard thing for the hardcore Trumpers to understand. Yes, they hate Trump. But not everything is about getting Trump.

Yes, everything is a conspiracy... Meanwhile, they are so scared of him that they are actively trying to remove him from ballots and trying to put him in prison. All this while they are letting millions of illegals into the country and are trying to legalize the vote for non-citizens.

But hey, ALL OF THIS is coincidence, just like the mass pandemic of 2020, which "coincidentally" led to the downfall of the most successful president in 40 years.

Joe Biden is President. JOE BIDEN. Nobody likes him, nobody liked him 4 years ago. They are chanting FJB in Scranton, his "hometown". They manufactured 81 million votes to get him "elected". When he wins again in November, you will probably mention Occam's Razor. "I guess Biden won because that's the simplest answer. He just got more votes."

No. This country, at the top, is a cesspool of corruption. The Dems will steal another election and get away with it, because the ones in authority to stop the corruption and fraud are bought and paid for.

Anyone who doesn't see this is blind or lying.

Thanks for demonstrating exactly what I was trying to show you and many like you. Keep living the dream.
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"germ warfare"

ok, did they win? they shut the world down which crushed their economy and shifted minds on global supply chains.

how does that lead to china coming out a winner?
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I'm not convinced that China released it on purpose. There's no way they could have known how the world would react. There's no way they would have known they wouldn't face any repercussions. There's no way they they would have known that it wouldn't mutate into a more deadly virus and wipe out hundreds of millions if not billions.

And what motivation did China have? To get rid of Trump? The guy that's going to be gone in 4 years anyway? It just doesn't make sense to me.

I could be wrong of course. I don't think we'll ever know for sure, I just doubt that it was released intentionally. I'm more inclined to believe that the dems simply used covid to their advantage when they realized they could justify limitless mail in ballots.
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Waffledynamics said:

Friendly reminder that people were censored over this.

And people had their careers ended over it.
Ag in Tiger Country
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MouthBQ98 said:

I doubt they let it out on purpose. Once it was out, the CCP made damn sure it was spread globally ASAP. **** the CCP. I hope they burn.

They absolutely intentionally leaked it, as it was the justification to stop the Hong Kong protests. Do you not remember "Trump: Don't trust China; China is az-hooooolll"?!?!

COVID was a real windfall for China... And Fauci... And Big Pharma... And especially Democrats.
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So the only way China could shut down Hong Kong protests was to start an international pandemic?
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nortex97 said:

It should permanently be renamed the Fauci Ecohealth Coronavirus.
The budget should be balanced, the treasury should be refilled, the public debt should be reduced, the arrogance of officialdom should be tempered and controlled and the assistance to foreign lands should be curtailed, lest Rome become bankrupt.
People must again learn to work, instead of living on public assistance.
-- Cicero, 55 B.C.
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Rapier108 said:

I know a lot of people want all of this to be some kind of grand, global conspiracy, especially one against Trump, but in reality, it is far more likely that the simplest explanation is the correct one.

Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by incompetence.

The Chinese ****ed up and let it get out of the lab, a facility which had a history of problems and sloppy handling of pathogens. Once it got out and the Chinese realized they lost containment, they decided to use it to their advantage. It was the prefect excuse to lock down Hong Kong and end the increasing protests. They also ensured it spread across the world because at the very least, it meant havoc and economic chaos, which they worked overtime to cause with their psyops campaign.

It was loose no later than October, 2019 and very likely 3-4 months before that.

We also had plenty of people in the US and around the world who saw it as an opportunity to make money, gain power, or pursue whatever else they wanted. People like Fauci and the intelligence community likely knew it was loose for 6+ months, but said nothing, and like the Chinese, decided to exploit it for their own ends.
All of what you say may be true.
That does not excuse that POS Fauci knowingly lying about it was likely released from the Wuhan lab.
It does not excuse Fauci sidestepping the funding of the Wuhan lab with American tax dollars.
Dr. Fauci should be tried in international courts for crimes against humanity.

edit spelling
The budget should be balanced, the treasury should be refilled, the public debt should be reduced, the arrogance of officialdom should be tempered and controlled and the assistance to foreign lands should be curtailed, lest Rome become bankrupt.
People must again learn to work, instead of living on public assistance.
-- Cicero, 55 B.C.
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PlaneCrashGuy said:

Technically its not breaking news there were posters here finding that connection in 2020.
Especially after a Chinese researcher exposed the impossibility that it was a natural mutation. As far as I know, since she disappeared she has not been found.
The budget should be balanced, the treasury should be refilled, the public debt should be reduced, the arrogance of officialdom should be tempered and controlled and the assistance to foreign lands should be curtailed, lest Rome become bankrupt.
People must again learn to work, instead of living on public assistance.
-- Cicero, 55 B.C.
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PlaneCrashGuy said:

Technically its not breaking news there were posters here finding that connection in 2020.
and joined band camp!
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Rapier108 said:

MouthBQ98 said:

I doubt they let it out on purpose. Once it was out, the CCP made damn sure it was spread globally ASAP. **** the CCP. I hope they burn.
That's actually the most likely scenario.

As soon as they lost containment, they decided to make sure the entire world suffered along with them, and to find a way to exploit to their advantage.

No one should forget the psyops campaign they were running on social media. Thousands of videos designed to ramp up the fear; accounts claiming that so called "air analysis" proved millions of bodies were being incinerated daily in China in massive burn pits, and of course telling the rest of the world that the only solution is to put people on ventilators.

A lot of the fear campaign can be found on the WuFlu thread here on F16. The "virus enthusiasts" as they were first called, loved posting it all day, everyday.

Actually, it is an extremely unlikely scenario, both by the facts and by what the "official" record suggests. "Officially," patients were complaining of respiratory illnesses in hospitals in and around Wuhan in December of 2019 and these were reported to the Wuhan health department. So "officially," there was no containment plan, or if there was, it was so bad it failed on Day 1.

In fact, Covid was already in the US by December of 2019 (some say earlier than that). There was no containment of travel in late 2019 to other parts of China or other countries. So either the Chinese government didn't know what was going on (nonsensical), they did and lost containment early (almost as nonsensical since there were no apparent efforts, or they didn't care about what happened.

I'm almost certain Covid was released to break up the HK protests in the Fall of 2019. It made its way here in late 2019 and later caught the attention of health officials worldwide. They could only use what public information they had to guess its origin (in terms of timing) and transmission to other countries, including the US. That's where we got the Washington state late January 2020 stuff. I'm pretty sure that was falsely put out to cover up what was really going on, but sadly, too many people bought in the thousands of lies surrounding the issue.
Tony Franklins Other Shoe
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Maroon Dawn said:

I see we are now in "Whisper the retraction" step after years of "Screaming the Lie"

Deeply shocked
You forgot to add "Recreate my truth" for a number of people that want to try to change their stance back then.

Person Not Capable of Pregnancy
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Just because something became convenient or presented an opportunity doesn't mean it was automatically purposeful. CoVID wrecked economies globally and dangerously destabilized the CCP's power domestically, and badly set back their economic growth and exposed the bubble. They surely didn't want that. They didn't need CoVID to suppress Hong Kong protests. They had tanks and guns and communist party thugs if they needed them.

Not everything is a planned conspiracy. Some things are, however. I think based on actual actions, it looks like China attempted domestic containment, failed, and then purposefully seeded it globally via no international travel restrictions so that their competitors would at least suffer the same challenges.

And domestically in the USA, there was no conspiracy to bring CoVID in, though there was a conspiracy to cover up its origins and US funding by those responsible. I seem to recall broad consensus in 2019 that the Democrats were doomed to a titanic landslide defeat in 2020, but CoVID, by chance, presented an incredible opportunity to change the game, and the left exploited this yo the absolute political maximum. The conspiracy wasn't that they released it or brought it in. It was the ridiculous hyperbolic reaction to it and the extremely well coordinated effort to blame Trump for all the negative effects of the CoVID outbreak and utterly idiotic Democrat planned civil responses to it.

The Democrats are political opportunists in every way, and with their previous media control, they can maximize such opportunities when they arise. Slowly, some of that control is being broken, but CoVID was a perfectly timed opportunity for them and they maximized its political utility.
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