Rose City Flying Clays ishaving their last Protection Shoot of the year tomorrow and my usual partner
had to work and I need a partner for this two man shoot.
If youhave never shot a protection shoot, they are a blast. Teams are two men and it is shot on the sporting clays course. First shooter is in the cage is the primary shooter; partner is in a hula hoop of to the side and is the backup shooter. The backup shooter can fire on any bird the primary shooter misses. Any birds broken by the backup shooter go on the primary shooters score card as a B. Each shooter in the two man team will shoot as both the primary shooter and the backup shooter. Total team score wins
the pot, plus there is a Lewis Class pot.
I have a shooting cart to get around the course, the cost is $50 I believe and usually includes
lunch. Registration is at 8am and shooting starts around 8:30, lunch around noon while awards are handed out, occasionaly it goes past 1 if it is a big turn out and there are shootoffs for money spots. You will need about 5 boxes of shells, your 100 birds plus a few to back me up. The course is typically laid out tougher than a normal charity shoot but not quite registered level.
If anyone isinterested email me, my screen name at g
Thanks and Gig'em.
had to work and I need a partner for this two man shoot.
If youhave never shot a protection shoot, they are a blast. Teams are two men and it is shot on the sporting clays course. First shooter is in the cage is the primary shooter; partner is in a hula hoop of to the side and is the backup shooter. The backup shooter can fire on any bird the primary shooter misses. Any birds broken by the backup shooter go on the primary shooters score card as a B. Each shooter in the two man team will shoot as both the primary shooter and the backup shooter. Total team score wins
the pot, plus there is a Lewis Class pot.
I have a shooting cart to get around the course, the cost is $50 I believe and usually includes
lunch. Registration is at 8am and shooting starts around 8:30, lunch around noon while awards are handed out, occasionaly it goes past 1 if it is a big turn out and there are shootoffs for money spots. You will need about 5 boxes of shells, your 100 birds plus a few to back me up. The course is typically laid out tougher than a normal charity shoot but not quite registered level.
If anyone isinterested email me, my screen name at g
Thanks and Gig'em.