so i just saw the hobbit (SPOILERS)

4,846 Views | 43 Replies | Last: 11 yr ago by amercer
4th and Inches
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Great movie! Is it me or Gandalf just sucks at communication.

In both movies, he could have just gone, hey guys, right before we run the desert and get chased by orcs, go to mountains that fight each other, fight thru goblin infested caves, i can call these birds that can take us a third of the way to the mountain we are going, im just gonna throw that out there, you guys decide.

Really liked it, cant wait for the second one.
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Gandalf knows that the easy way is not always the best way.
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Ha that is the first thing I said walking out of the theatre!
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great comic
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IIRC, Gandalf didn't have a relationship with the Eagles until they picked him up out of the trees.
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Eagles couldn't have flown into Mordor with Sauron watching from Barad Dur and the armies of Mordor swarming all over the place.
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Also, they're not just pets that do as they are told. They are a sentient race. A benevolent one, but they have their own stuff to do.
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in LOTR i thought the eagles refused to carry such a weapon of the enemy. too evil. Think of why Galadrial couldn't take it.

in The Hobbit i've no idea why the eagles were allowed to carry Bilbo. maybe it wasn't as powerful then. or they didn't know about it.
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Nobody knew about it in the Hobbit until later.
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They didn't know about it then. It took the years b/w The Hobbit and LOTR for Gandalf to research it and confirm what it was.
Ft Worth Ag
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In the Fellowship of the Ring movie, the group did try the "easier" path, but were turned back by the unnatural snow storm. In the Hobbit story, this was the easy path before it became apparent that evil was moving out of its strongholds.

In regards of why not the easier path to travel to the Lonely Mountain, no one knew that evil was on the move -- trolls out of the mountains and killing farmers living along the main roads, the Orcs being more brazen, and Radaghast finding out about the Necromancer, giant spiders, and evil gaining a foothold in the forest. The watch of Elrond, Galadriel, Saramauon, Radaghast, and Gandalf failed to notice the rise of what will be Sauron.

[This message has been edited by Ft Worth Ag (edited 12/20/2012 8:27p).]
Black Jack 55
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Another of the many movie failures because the writers thought they could outdo the original craft of Tolkien. Wrong.

In the novel, Gandalf doesn't summon the eagles, they come the aid of the dwarves in peril, being attracted by the fire. Tolkien conveys this episode in a way that suggests Gandalf has no special power over or alliance with the independent eagles. The eagles act on their own free will. In fact, the eagles are so concerned with being detached from the affairs of dwarves and men that they will only take the rescued party as far as the border of Mirkwood. I suppose the next movie will butcher that little detail as well. Only much later in the Two Towers is Gandalf able to summon a single eagle, after the encounter in The Hobbit and many years of Gandalf's efforts to stem the tide of evil in Middle Earth.
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@Black Jack

Actually, Radagast sends Gwaihir to rescue Gandalf from Orthanc in the The Fellowship of the Ring. Gandalf is never able to summon the eagles.

To be more specific, Radagast sent Gwaihir to tell Gandalf about the enemy being on the move and did not actually know Gandalf was being held prisoner by Saruman. And Gwaihir isn't JUST a single eagle; he is THE Lord of the Eagles.

Yeah...I"m a Tolkien nerd sometimes...

[This message has been edited by jlb2957 (edited 12/20/2012 9:20p).]
Black Jack 55
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^thanks for that correction. It has been a long, long time since reading both works and some details are lost to me, obviously. But the point remains that Gandalf did not summon the eagles to rescue the party in The Hobbit, nor were the eagles ever at Gandalf's beck and call.
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Great info jlb.

Was I right about the eagles not wanting to carry the ring?

Also, I'd love to hear you opinion on the other major plot points changed in the hobbit. Especially for the worse
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The Lord of the Eagles would not take them anywhere near where men lived. "They would shoot at us with their great bows of yew," he said, "for they would think we were after their sheep. And at other times they would be right. No!we are glad to cheat the goblins of their sport, and glad to repay our thanks to you, but we will not risk ourselves for dwarves in the southward plains."

They are very much not at anyone's beck and call but I can't seem to find exactly what they were in order to define why they wouldn't help. You would have to read the other books to understand them better. They were created by Manwe, the leader of the Valar, and were sent to middle earth to keep watch over the exiled elves and Morgoth. I believe this is the reason for their involvement with rescuing the dwarves, fighting at the Battle of the Five Armies and fighting at the end of ROTK. They are enemies of Morgoth and Orcs are creations of Morgoth so they keep tabs on Orc movements. Whenever Orcs gather in force or come down from the mountains, the Eagles love to interfere it seems. I also can't remember what action they are referring to when they mention "repaying" thanks.

Really, it's been a long time since I read The Silmarillion. If you are at all interested and don't mind reading a book that is 10 times harder to get through than LOTR, give it a read. You really gain a grander understanding of the events in LOTR. The book also makes the events of LOTR seem so small and insignificant. Sauron himself is a lesser evil than many others in the mythology.

However, if you want my opinion; the reason the Eagles didn't take the Fellowship to mount Doom was because they were not NEAR powerful enough to fight through the Nazgul. Remember in LOTR, when the Eagles came to help at the battle near the Black Gate, the Witch King of Angmar had already been slain. He was either more powerful or just as powerful as Gandalf when in his White incarnation. The other Nazgul would even avoid confrontation with powerful foes without him around (like when Gandalf rides out to stop them from attacking the retreating Gondorian soldeirs and the Nazgul retreat even though they outnumber him). Also, the Eagles would be torn apart by arrows if troops on the ground aren't otherwise pre-occupied.

This is a major problem I had with the movies as it was MUCH larger an issue than they made it out to be. The Lord of the Nazgul was EXTREMELY powerful and was only destroyed because of the ancient enchantments laid on Merry's dagger that he found in the barrow downs outside of the Shire.

Here is a little about what they were:

On a side note, if you haven't read LOTR and you are a fan of fantasy, you should man up and read it. Yes, book 4 is like a marathon, but there is so much greatness in that book (the LOTR). In particular, the chapters on the Siege of Gondor and the Battle of the Pelennor Fields are masterpieces of modern fiction, imo. The movie COULD NOT do the scene of Minas Tirith's gates breaking justice. Those couple of pages are probably my favorite in any book I have ever read.

The drums rolled and rattled. With a vast rush Grond was hurled forward by huge hands. It reached the Gate. It swung. A deep boom rumbled through the City like thunder running in the clouds. But the doors of iron and posts of steel withstood the stroke.

Then the Black Captain rose in his stirrups and cried aloud in a dreadful voice, speaking in some forgotten tongue words of power and terror to rend both heart and stone.

Thrice he cried. Thrice the great ram boomed. And suddenly upon the last stroke the Gate of Gondor broke. As if stricken by some blasting spell it burst asunder: there was a flash of searing lightning, and the doors tumbled in riven fragments to the ground.

In rode the Lord of the Nazgul. A great black shape against the fires beyond he loomed up, grown to a vast menace of despair. In rode the Lord of the Nazgul, under the archway that no enemy ever yet had passed, and all fled before his face.

All save one. There waiting, silent and still in the space before the Gate, sat Gandalf upon Shadowfax: Shadowfax who alone among the free
horses of the earth endured the terror, unmoving, steadfast as a graven image in Rath Dnnen.

'You cannot enter here,' said Gandalf, and the huge shadow halted. 'Go back to the abyss prepared for you!Go back!Fall into the nothingness that awaits you and your Master. Go!'

The Black Rider flung back his hood, and behold!he had a kingly crown; and yet upon no head visible was it set. The red fires shone between it and the mantled shoulders vast and dark. From a mouth unseen there came a deadly

'Old fool!' he said. 'Old fool!This is my hour. Do you not know Death when you see it? Die now and curse in vain!' And with that he lifted high
his sword and flames ran down the blade.

Gandalf did not move. And in that very moment, away behind in some courtyard of the City, a cock crowed. Shrill and clear he crowed, recking
nothing of wizardry or war, welcoming only the morning that in the sky far above the shadows of death was coming with the dawn.

And as if in answer there came from far away another note. Horns, horns, horns. In dark Mindolluin's sides they dimly echoed. Great horns of the North wildly blowing. Rohan had come at last.

It's hard to impress on anyone how that passage gives me goosebumps. But read in context with the doom you feel while reading about the siege in the book and because all of this happens before you read about the Ride of the is absolutely amazing. Especially when I read it before the movie came out. You had NO idea that Rohan would arrive in time.

Anyways...can't really remember how I got here. I just love talking shop when it comes to LOTR, lol.

EDIT: Just thought I'd mention that it is completely possible the Eagles just don't care or understand the evil/importance of the ring. Like Tom Bombadil, they may just not care and just do what they do...

[This message has been edited by jlb2957 (edited 12/21/2012 8:24a).]
4th and Inches
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great info guys thanks!
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Ewok It Out08
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In terms of Gwaihir and him repaying Gandalf, according to memory and google, he had been injured by an arrow and Gandalf is able to mend the wound and return him to health.
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In terms of Gwaihir and him repaying Gandalf, according to memory and google, he had been injured by an arrow and Gandalf is able to mend the wound and return him to health.

Now that you mention sounds very familiar. Perhaps I missed it when rereading the parts about him.
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Remember in LOTR, when the Eagles came to help at the battle near the Black Gate, the Witch King of Angmar had already been slain. He was either more powerful or just as powerful as Gandalf when in his White incarnation.

jlb2957, great post, but I have to disagree here. The Witch King was indeed very powerful, but certainly not more powerful than Gandalf (especially when white). He was a man given powers by Sauron, a Maia. Gandalf himself was a Maia and was sent back with more power by Eru. I couldn't believe in the extended edition of ROTK they had the Witch King break Gandalf's staff for this very reason. Gandalf himself even says that there is no one in Middle Earth more powerful than himself except for Sauron.

Dangerous? And so am I, very dangerous: more dangerous than anything you will ever meet, unless you are brought alive before the seat of the Dark Lord. And Aragorn is dangerous, and Legolas is dangerous. You are beset with dangers, Gimli son of Gloin; for you are dangerous yourself, in your own fashion.
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It's debatable as to whom is more powerful at this time.

Gandalf does tell Aragorn, Gimli, and Legolas that about himself, but Treebeard also tells the Hobbits he is the oldest being in Middle Earth when Tom Bombadil is said to be older. We have certain facts to draw shady conclusions from

  • Gandalf is one of the Maiar who are sent to Middle Earth in the form of the Istari.
  • Sauron is one of the Maiar as well and is believed to be one of the most powerful Maiar.
  • Gandalf destroys the Balrog as Gandalf the Grey (also a corrupted Maiar) but this feat costs Gandalf his life.
  • Gandalf is sent back by the Valar as Gandalf the White in order to continue to help the free peoples and their struggle with Sauron.
  • Even as Gandalf the White, he does not claim to be more powerful than Sauron.
  • The WitchKing of Angmar is Sauron's most powerful servant and Sauron imbues him with much more of his power.

With what we know, we CANNOT conclude that Gandalf is more powerful than The Witch King. I know there are some who believe that who is more powerful could be determined by the time of day (Gandalf at night and Witch King during the day).
But it was no orc-chieftain or brigand that led the assault upon Gondor. The darkness was breaking too soon, before the date that his Master had set for it: fortune had betrayed him for the moment, and the world had turned against him; victory was slipping from his grasp even as he stretched out his hand to seize it. But his arm was long.

I know some believe this to mean that, because of the darkness that came from mount Doom, the Witch King didn't realize dawn had arrived and therefore his power slightly diminished.

Also, the powers of the Istari are limited by the Valar as is their direct influence on events in Middle Earth. Though, I know some believe Gandalf the White was allowed to use more of his power because of the perceived failure of the other Istari.

Another way we could look at it is by understanding the nature of the Nazgul themselves. They never attack if they do not believe to have the upperhand. That would lead us to believe, at least at that particular moment, the Witch King believed he could defeat Gandalf.
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I love this thread so freaking much.
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I just came on here to congratulate the E-board for getting this far without someone griping about this being content that fit existing threads. Maybe we're evolving?
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Love this thread. Keep posting. Loved all of tolkien. And all the movies
Philip J Fry
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I just came on here to congratulate the E-board for getting this far without someone griping about this being content that fit existing threads. Maybe we're evolving?

Honestly have no idea why this thread was made when there are already several hobbit threads in the Entertainment Forum.
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Working on the simalrillion again. Its a tough tough read but Im determined to get through it this time. (ive tried 3 separate times previously and gotten bogged down).
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Just posting my thoughts on the movie. I am not a big fan of LOTR (movies). I thought they were cheesey, melo-dramatic and pretty boring. Fellowship was extremely painful - I found myself ready for it to finally end. I'm not saying the LOTR movies were terrible, just not nearly as good as the critics said.

The Hobbit, on the other hand, was extremely enjoyable to me. I took my 13, 11, and 9-year-old boys to see it and they LOVED it. I was pretty nervous that they would be bored, which is why I've never had them watch the LOTR movies, and they were NOT at all. When I told them after the movie that it was 3 hours, they were stunned that it was that long. I was really happy to have seen it and to have taken them. We saw it in 3d, but I didn't see the value in the 3d. Would have been the same movie without it IMO.

I think the biggest reason it was better was the main characters. The actor that played Bilbo was PERFECT, whereas I never thought Elijah Wood was believable as Frodo. Thorin and all the dwarves were much better characters than the Fellowship characters also, IMO.

The scenes with Bilbo and Gollum were mesmerizing, just incredible. I could not picture Gollum done any better. His angst and torment were palpable. I will miss him in the next movies, or maybe they will show his journey out of the mountain, which would definitely add value to the story.

[This message has been edited by snowdog90 (edited 12/24/2012 11:24a).]
Brock Sampson
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In terms of Gwaihir and him repaying Gandalf, according to memory and google, he had been injured by an arrow and Gandalf is able to mend the wound and return him to health.

True. I'm reading the book now and this was mentioned.
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Why does Thorin and Kili (I think) not have the large noses or foreheads like the other dwarves. Does anyone think they wanted to market Thorin and they couldn't if he was covered fully in makeup?
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Ears and noses don't stop growing and they are relatively young dwarves, I guess. The older the dwarf, the bigger the nose and larger the beard, usually.
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is there a difference in the regular 3d showing and the Real D 3D showing?
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