The big problem right now in Texas is that demand for grapes is far outstripping supply, so there's little to no incentive to grow at lower yields and make better wine. If you own the vineyard, that can change that dynamic a lot. People like Dan and Ben are stuck paying that higher price for that lower yield, because some other schmuck is willing to pay them the same equivalent price per acre to grow the grapes at 8 tons/acre and slap a Texas label on a mediocre bottle of wine.
Yes, but there have been years where a bunch of those crappy grapes don't sell, either. And also yes, Dan's very best wines come from the vineyard where he is the grower.
People are willing to pay premium prices for mediocre or even sub mediocre product just because it has Texas on the label.
Frustratingly true. The big boys (you know who they are) are blocking using "Texas" on the label w/ integrity, i.e. 100% Texas grapes. They complain of too much wine in the pipeline, etc. When you tell them "you can still sell that wine, just put "American" on the label" - they balk saying they want Texas on the label, meaning they know it has value. So it begs the question why not make the Texas Appellation real? Heck, it would be nice to not see CA wine tanker trucks on 290.
Agreed on DTC being key, but I would also emphasize on premise
Agree, most DTC that's not on premise began as on premise.
Getting placements in high end restaurants where the service staff can relay the story of a particular wine, winery, or the general Texas wine scene in general would be a great additional step in the right direction.
Ten years ago Inwood was in most of the top restaurants in the state. However, given the very small margins coupled with the amount of attention they demand and subscription sales taking up the bulk of production (a good place to be) we've de-emphasized it. Maybe a dozen restaurants around they state can still get Dan's wines - and it does do well in them. Had a somm from one of them in just last week, and as you indicated, he's an enthusiastic supporter.
Kalasi is pushing Teraldego as their grape variety. It's pretty good, and will be fun to watch. That being said, if you can produce $100+ Cabernet and Bordeaux wines - do that. I get the theory of different grapes, but to me it adds an additional layer of marketing, i.e getting the consumer to notice and then convincing them it's a good grape and then convincing them your version is great. With established varieties there's already an established level of quality, and if you can meet that level you just have to get the consumer to try it.
Fun stuff - even having a few people interested enough to discuss it is great. And I don't think Texas can approach CA, or even Washington, really.