Looking at different floors and came across this company: CaliFloors
Local Lowe's has one of theirs that can be special ordered - an engineered one. They don't know anything about it so we contacted the manufacturer directly. They sent us a lot of samples to look at and some of them are really nice. They have solid bamboo & engineered (bamboo over plywood). Looks to be very durable.
We are assuming the engineered would be more dimensionally stable - is that right? The actual bamboo layer on that product is thick - about 1/8". We'd be going over slab and floating it, but we could glue it down. We want to float it so we can change our mind later if we want to.
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Local Lowe's has one of theirs that can be special ordered - an engineered one. They don't know anything about it so we contacted the manufacturer directly. They sent us a lot of samples to look at and some of them are really nice. They have solid bamboo & engineered (bamboo over plywood). Looks to be very durable.
We are assuming the engineered would be more dimensionally stable - is that right? The actual bamboo layer on that product is thick - about 1/8". We'd be going over slab and floating it, but we could glue it down. We want to float it so we can change our mind later if we want to.
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