
Earlier this month in western Australia, the Fair Work Commission, a workplace tribunal, found that the electrician who was fired last year had indeed been fired for good cause: He had been ditching work while on the clock, the commission concluded, and had hidden his whereabouts from his employer by MacGyvering a Faraday cage out of an empty bag of Twisties.

But let's back up a step: A Faraday cage, named for 19th century scientist Michael Faraday, blocks electromagnetic fields. Faraday found that an enclosure or, in this case, the foil-lined interior of the cheesy corn snack bag can keep these charges out if there's enough conductive material.


As one might expect, Colella's supervisors proved a little more skeptical. Tipped off by an anonymous note claiming the electrician was golfing while he was supposed to be working, they uncovered what Riordan described as "a large number of workplace attendance irregularities."