New Statement from Starr

17,974 Views | 116 Replies | Last: 8 yr ago by End Of Message
3 Toed Pete
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"Baylor University is committed to maintaining the highest degree of campus safety to protect the welfare of all our students. This is central to Baylor's mission as a Christian university and at the heart of our commitment to our students, faculty and staff. We must have zero tolerance for sexual violence on our athletic teams and our campus."

Lace Dunn is laughing his ass off at this.
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In fairness, staff has probably been forgiving of some of my posts.

Any attempt to defend this topic regarding Baylor is pathetic. They knowingly let a "sexual predator" on campus and a girl was raped because of it. To turn around and throw out values that the institution claims it instills is disgusting.
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This will be most upsetting to the scandal fappers. They are rooting for anything but accountability.
How many more murders, rapes, assaults before BU shows any accountability?
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Briles should have taken the "Find a Fall Guy - by Chris Carter" seminar.

Briles and Star have thier "Fall Guy" in the person of Associate Dean Bethany McCraw. I just hope she was told to not really investigate, and has the proof (which I doubt).

No matter, I also hope the press does not let this go with this one fall guy, being a scapegoat for the whole cover up that went on afterwards.

As has been stated multiple times, there is way too much smoke for one person being responsible for the cover-up.
Walter H. White
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So their "internal investigation" showed them they need outside investigation?

Sounds like it did its job. Nobody would (or should) accept its findings regardless, but if they found something serious enough then for whatever integrity can be salvaged, an outsider will need to lead the charge.
Walter H. White
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In fairness, staff has probably been forgiving of some of my posts.

Any attempt to defend this topic regarding Baylor is pathetic. They knowingly let a "sexual predator" on campus and a girl was raped because of it. To turn around and throw out values that the institution claims it instills is disgusting.

What sexual assault occurred with this kid before the one he was recently convicted of?
Walter H. White
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Briles should have taken the "Find a Fall Guy - by Chris Carter" seminar.

Briles and Star have thier "Fall Guy" in the person of Associate Dean Bethany McCraw. I just hope she was told to not really investigate, and has the proof (which I doubt).

No matter, I also hope the press does not let this go with this one fall guy, being a scapegoat for the whole cover up that went on afterwards.

As has been stated multiple times, there is way too much smoke for one person being responsible for the cover-up.

Hopefully the truth will come out after an outside investigation. Will the fappers accept anything that doesn't implicate the football coaches?
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In fairness, staff has probably been forgiving of some of my posts.

Any attempt to defend this topic regarding Baylor is pathetic. They knowingly let a "sexual predator" on campus and a girl was raped because of it. To turn around and throw out values that the institution claims it instills is disgusting.

What sexual assault occurred with this kid before the one he was recently convicted of?
Getting beyond the semantics of assaulting a woman vs sexually assaulting her, why is it that a less than genius guy like Muschamp was able to figure it out and not pursue him, but Art couldn't?
Why do you suppose nothing more than a cursory investigation was done by Baylor?
Why was someone accused of raping another student allowed on campus? (UF didn't let Treon Harris on campus while the charges were pending for example).
Why was the victim the one essentially forced off campus and not given any accomodations as title 9 requires?
Why would Briles make a claim against Petersen that he later had to "amend"?
Why would Baylor declare they would investigate themselves only to reverse course in a few days?

I think there are a whole lot of questions any self respecting Baylor alum should be asking their own admin about before racing around to defend the indefensible to outsiders. Especially given your recent history. But the fact that you are probably says a fair amount about the culture that allowed all this to happen.
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FOIA doesn't apply for Baylor, right?

That would have been epic
Walter H. White
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Edit, reading is hard
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FOIA could be had for Boise State though?
Walter H. White
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In fairness, staff has probably been forgiving of some of my posts.

Any attempt to defend this topic regarding Baylor is pathetic. They knowingly let a "sexual predator" on campus and a girl was raped because of it. To turn around and throw out values that the institution claims it instills is disgusting.

What sexual assault occurred with this kid before the one he was recently convicted of?
Getting beyond the semantics of assaulting a woman vs sexually assaulting her, why is it that a less than genius guy like Muschamp was able to figure it out and not pursue him, but Art couldn't?
Why do you suppose nothing more than a cursory investigation was done by Baylor?
Why was someone accused of raping another student allowed on campus? (UF didn't let Treon Harris on campus while the charges were pending for example).
Why was the victim the one essentially forced off campus and not given any accomodations as title 9 requires?
Why would Briles make a claim against Petersen that he later had to "amend"?
Why would Baylor declare they would investigate themselves only to reverse course in a few days?

I think there are a whole lot of questions any self respecting Baylor alum should be asking their own admin about before racing around to defend the indefensible to outsiders. Especially given your recent history. But the fact that you are probably says a fair amount about the culture that allowed all this to happen.

These are all great questions that Baylor alumni should be asking. Things have been confounded by the transfer aspect of the story. Now that that has been resolved, the real part can get the attention it deserves. It is less click bait though so you'll have to be patient.
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What happened is that there was an announcement that the victim lawyered up. That caused the internal investigation to screech to halt and led the school to seek it's own outside council. As Ken said, this is about doing the right thing, but it's not about doing the right thing for the victim, it's about doing the right thing to minimize the school's liability. Once again bailer is throwing out a red herring and trying to get the media to take the bait.

Seriously, to put a halt to their investigation after less than a week shows their true colors. This is not going to end well for them.
marble rye
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FOIA doesn't apply for Baylor, right?

That would have been epic

Earlier threads on this indicated that Title IX applies to Baylor bc they receive federal funds. FOIA isn't the same? I honestly don't know.
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This will be most upsetting to the scandal fappers. They are rooting for anything but accountability.
So you are ok with how that girl was treated by the athletic department and by the university?

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The FOIA would only help the press dig out info. It wouldn't matter in a lawsuit as everything will be subpoenaed. As a private institution my understanding is they have no sovereign immunity. [Of course I'm no lawyer so I might have just spoken out of my ass]
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empty words by a liar. Too many events have made Ken Starr and the Baylor administration incredibly trustworthy.

a new position that reports to the president? How do we know the president can be trusted

outside council? who decides outside council? probably just as effective as their sham investigation

zero tolerance against sexual assualt? where was this zero tolerance for Lacedarius Dunn or Tevin Elliott? Where was the concern for the victim before this story came out?
To 1,000,000 touchdowns ...and beyond
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i think theyre going to have a hard time joining conference usa after this all settles
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What happened is that there was an announcement that the victim lawyered up. That caused the internal investigation to screech to halt and led the school to seek it's own outside council. As Ken said, this is about doing the right thing, but it's not about doing the right thing for the victim, it's about doing the right thing to minimize the school's liability. Once again bailer is throwing out a red herring and trying to get the media to take the bait.

Seriously, to put a halt to their investigation after less than a week shows their true colors. This is not going to end well for them.

This^^^ nailed it.

Baylor was planning on a nice little "investigation" where the finding would be that they crap roses. Once the victim moved forward with the title 9 case they realized that any fluff in their own investigation would have been scrutinized...

Would have been great if the judge could had thrown out findings from a second Baylor "investigation" though...

Baylors hypocrisy never ceases to amaze me.
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Starr is not only trying to cover Baylor's backside but his own. There are more questions that need to be asked outside of the ones already posted. Bottom line Baylor and Star and the AD are in deep deep kimchi. They are doing what ever they can to try to contain what is going to be a flood. The dam has many crack in it and not even Starr can stop it. He is try to throw out fixes after the fact. Here are some other questions that I would love to ask.

1. Did Ken Starr know about the rape indictment, if not why not, if so when did he know?

2. When Starr found out about the indictment what did he do about it?

Any time a girl reports a rape on campus, such as this, if I am the President of any university let alone an avowed Christian one, I want to know it ASAP. If I am the AD I want to know it ASAP if it involves one of my players, I want to know ASAP. Or is this such a common occurrence that it is left in the hands of underlings?

One has to ask if this was reported to higher ups then why not? If so when, what is the chain of command here? I have to assume that the reporting of campus rapes is not a common thing is it?

3. That leads me to another question, how many reports of sexual assault have been reported either to police over the last 5 years whether by athlete or not?

If I am the girls attorney I am going after the top guys. I will not allow a patsy to take the fall, I get the big settlement and I get the sleaze bags out as well. I also, make a big example for others. They will get their house in order on this stuff across the board.

4. Baylor (under Starr) has a horrible history of hold their coaches and athletes accountable. There has been a massive double standard when it comes to athletes.

1. Griner -- Baylor has a conduct code that is pretty straight forward. They kicked students out for posing in Playboy. Yet it was common knowledge that BG was a homosexual, she made no efforts to hide this. Mulky knew this, she did not care. This was a direct violation of the code of conduct requirements at Baylor. The point being that athletes, especially top class athletes do not have to abide by the code of conduct that all other students need to ascribe too. This basically undermines the very fabric of Baylor's "Christian moral values" Starr is going to be proven to be a hypocrit, and Baylor as an institution should be forced to make a consistent stand and hold all students to the same standards and discipline. IT IS 100% CLEAR that this is not the case at Baylor. And they cannot point finges at A&M or tu as we do not claim to be a "Christian base university".

2. Baylor has history of hiring shady coaches who will do anything to win and they do nothing about it unless they are caught. Then after being caught they are told to keep quiet or are fired only because they were caught beyond a shadow of doubt and then Starr and Baylor goes 'Oh my we didn't know!" Nonsense, they should know, and especially after all the other nonsense that has gone on before like::

3. Dunn--- We know Dunn punched a girl in the face (under Starr) yet very little was done. Dunn was playing again in short order. Baylor has a bad habit of hiding behind the law and the girl friend was quickly silenced and did not file a charge though she originally was going to. Starr knew this, shoot even I knew this. He did little.

4. Drew-- It is well known and there have been many articles about Drew recruiting kids who were huge behavioral risk, especially early. He went after guys that other school could not go after. Especially early.

5. Briles-- SU is not the first thug that he has recruited. Dixon was a 4 star recruit that virtually no major school went after because of his known thuggish character.

One has to ask a question. would accept any of these students if they were not athletes, OF COURSE NOT. They are only interested in "second chances" for those who are athletes and can help them win. Baylor athletics has never been about second chances or a program of high moral standard or character at least, not since Teaff. Unlike Stanford, Notre Dame and most other top notch private schools who do not recruit kids unless they meet certain standards in the classroom and have no observable issues outside it, Baylor does the opposite, they use their private school privileges to go get thugs, grade risk, etc and do it all in the name of giving them a second chance. If SU was the fist of this sort of thing it could be forgiven and called an anomaly. However this is far from the anomally, THIS IS THE NORM and now Baylor's private designation is going to bite them in the butt big time. No immunity and not set limits.

The only reason Starr goes with an outside council is to cover his butt. He is the first guy I go after.

I am going to ask him,

"Why now Ken are you doing all these things to get a handle on your athletes when you have a public record of having events major events with your athletes in the recent past?"

Another question I ask is.

"Coach Briles, did you make any effort to find out the reason SU was dismissed from Boise? You are on record as not having any info and then when Coach Peterson said HE INITIATED a call to you, you admitted that 1. He did call and 2. Said something about problems with a girlfriend. So my question is where you not interested to find out the specifics concerning why a freshman all American had been dismissed from another D-1 schools football program? If no why not? Do you not care that you could be bringing in a risk to not only Baylor but it's students? Or is all about winning at any cost for you coach? Do you really believe that you have no responsibility in this? So why would you not be the one to initiate a call to the Coach Peterson or someone in the Boise program to ascertain the details of why he was dismissed? We already know that another program (Florida) passed on this player because of the behavioural risk he represented. Why didn't you?

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Too many
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Don't read college thesis on Old Rivalries.
Aggie Joe 93
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This will be most upsetting to the scandal fappers. They are rooting for anything but accountability.

You should keep using the description "fappers". It totally sells us on you and your school's piousness and Christian values.
St Hedwig Aggie
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This will be most upsetting to the scandal fappers. They are rooting for anything but accountability.

You should keep using the description "fappers". It totally sells us on you and your school's piousness and Christian values.

Baptist U:"Christian" values::Rachel Maddow: feminine
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ken star hard at work

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Well, I'll be! File this under "Blind Squirrel-Nut". From baylorfans:

I don't understand this position move. Of 13 sexual assaults reported on Baylors campus in 2013, only one was reported as committed by an athlete. How does this move help the general student population? I thought Title IX applied for student population when it comes to sexual assault. Do they not care about the other victims.

Law of unintended consequences. Starr only really wants to know when it is an accusation against an athlete.
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Holy ****. They had 13 reported sexual assaults in 2013? According to TAMU UPD there were 5 in 2013, 6 in 2012 and 3 in 2011. So we have, what, 3 times the student population and they have more than double the number of rapes? It's not Baylor University it's Rape University.

Edit. As Hawg pointed out this number is made up BS. The BU crime report shows only 6 sex assaults on campus in 2013. So the have the same number in less than 1/3 the student population. It's still Rape U.
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Holy ****. They had 13 reported sexual assaults in 2013? According to TAMU UPD there were 5 in 2013, 6 in 2012 and 3 in 2011. So we have, what, 3 times the student population and they have more than double the number of rapes? It's not Baylor University it's Rape University.
Keep in mind this is from baylorfans. That number could just as easily been pulled out of the poster's azz as be true.
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baylorfans again:

So the internal investigation only lasted 1 week? Doesn't seem like it could have been all that thorough. Especially since one of its purposes was to examine the thoroughness of the other investigation.
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Holy ****. They had 13 reported sexual assaults in 2013? According to TAMU UPD there were 5 in 2013, 6 in 2012 and 3 in 2011. So we have, what, 3 times the student population and they have more than double the number of rapes? It's not Baylor University it's Rape University.
Keep in mind this is from baylorfans. That number could just as easily been pulled out of the poster's azz as be true.
And it was. The BU documentation shows 6 sexual assaults in 2013.
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Holy ****. They had 13 reported sexual assaults in 2013? According to TAMU UPD there were 5 in 2013, 6 in 2012 and 3 in 2011. So we have, what, 3 times the student population and they have more than double the number of rapes? It's not Baylor University it's Rape University.
Keep in mind this is from baylorfans. That number could just as easily been pulled out of the poster's azz as be true.
And it was. The BU documentation shows 6 sexual assaults in 2013.
LOL. I actually hesitated about posting that quote, for that precise reason, that the numbers were bogus. The overall point of singling out athletes for additional scrutiny and oversight was too tempting to out weigh the probable incorrect number.

The shag has many idiot posters, but even the self-proclaimed lawyers on baylorfans are FOS, much less the IANALs.
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I didn't find Ken Starr's statement to he informative. So there weren't any findings?

Classic misdirection. Just more investigation and a new position created to monitor sex assaults. Looks like he's just waiting for the media crush to die down. If he can get to the season, then maybe everyone will forget all about it. Short attention spans and such...
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Law of unintended consequences. Starr only really wants to know when it is an accusation against an athlete.
I don't think this is correct. Just as I don't think the victim hiring a law firm has anything to do with this. There was always going to be a lawsuit and there was always going to be a DOE/DOJ Title IX investigation. It was a foregone conclusion the day of the Texas Monthly article. Starr knows this

When you consider that, the move to create a new position that doesn't report to the AD and hire external counsel takes on new light. Fixing a problem within the AthDept doesn't help with either the lawsuit or the Title IX inquiry if you have systemic issues elsewhere.

IMO the most likely reasoning is there were documented issues with SU within the AD that were never looked at as part of the Title IX investigation. And maybe when they were made aware of the sealed indictment, they administered AD discipline without consulting the Title IX coordinator. They systemically siloed information.

And if I were the AD, I'd look out for falling objects. Creating a position within your department that reports above you is laying the groundwork to drop a piano on your head.
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