I figured I'd put this up here to try to generate some interest. Perhaps someone with connections to the foreign languages department can see if there is interest in joining with this awesome project.

TongueTry is the work of an Aggie entrepreneur named Deano Sutter. He was my camp counselor at Kanakuk and he's remained a close friend of mine. He traveled throughout South and Central America a few years ago and from that trip this idea eventually sprang to mind. It's basically a program that connects Americans wanting to learn Spanish with Guatemalan women via video chat acting as private tutors, providing you with personalized language lessons and them with a wage to help support their families. The project is off the ground but has hit a few obstacles and they're needing funding to keep it moving.

Please check out the link to learn more about it and help a fellow Ag who truly wants to make a positive impact. Donate if you can, and please share the link with anyone you know that might be interested.