Ft Bend ISD Class Ranking Controversy

7,572 Views | 70 Replies | Last: 4 mo ago by cecil77
combat wombat™
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Caused by, listen to me here, stupid government policies


Basically, a kid can be the Valedictorian of a school they NEVER SET FOOT IN. They are ranked based upon the school they are zoned to based on their home address, not the school they actually attended.

Never mind if one school offers a more rigorous academic environment with more AP classes than another. I read that a student was told they would be Valedictorian of the school they attended all 4 years. Then they ended up actually ranked no 48 at the school they were zoned to. Can you imagine the valedictorian of your HS class being a complete stanger to everyone??
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That's the dumbest ****
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Commies gonna commie
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One thing you can always trust government, any government, to do is to screw things up. Government and common sense go together like oil and water.
Sid Farkas
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As soon as you setup rules/laws, people find ways around them.
Martin Q. Blank
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Can you imagine the valedictorian of your HS class being a complete stanger to everyone??
I have no idea who the valedictorian of my HS was. I think some asian chick.
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Trying to determine what kind of moron came up with this idea and thought it sounded like a good one?
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Who even comes up with that type of ranking system? So weird.
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kinda like having a C.O. of a unit in the Corps from an outfit he did not go through fish year with. (I know a bit off topic but very germane)
Silent For Too Long
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FBISD gerrymanders the **** out their zones, so this likely has something to do with that.

Really, really stupid policy.
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I think that, to be very honest with you, I do believe that we should have rightly believed, but we certainly believe that certain issues are just settled.

- Kamala Harris

Vote for Trump.
He took a bullet for America.

Four Seasons Landscaping
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Virtually every rule like this was birthed by somebody doing something that wasn't against the rules but patently bull *****

I'd put serious money on some parents at one of the higher-level schools transferring their kid to one of the lower-performing schools in the district to get valedictorian. The result was some school administrators coming up with this rule without thinking about the secondary impacts of it.
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MD1993 said:

Who even comes up with that type of ranking system? So weird.

Probably someone who's kid or friends kid could been the valedictorian at another school
combat wombat™
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Four Seasons Landscaping said:

Virtually every rule like this was birthed by somebody doing something that wasn't against the rules but patently bull *****

I'd put serious money on some parents at one of the higher-level schools transferring their kid to one of the lower-performing schools in the district to get valedictorian. The result was some school administrators coming up with this rule without thinking about the secondary impacts of it.

One of the articles I read indicated that this policy was instituted to combat parents transferring their children into a lower performing school for the last semester and having themranked valedictorian.

My kids go to a private school. Our schools policy is that you must have attended the school for four (or six?) consecutive semesters in order to be considered for valid valedictorian.
Four Seasons Landscaping
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That's a lot more common, and common sense, approach to that issue
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This is the law of unintended consequences in action.

They would never say this, but it's very likely the rule was changed so Indian/Asian students didn't dominate the top spots at every single campus.

FBISD added math, medical and other academies at its lowest-performing high schools years ago to change the demographics. It worked, but those kids were always the top grads and it took away opportunities for the majority.

So they made those academy students compete back at their home campuses to allow for more diversity in the valedictorian/salutatorian races. But now THAT has backfired, as the academy kids STILL win. And now they win at campuses they never even attended.

ETA: That Channel 2 story was almost incomprehensible.
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The issue was exacerbated by individuals falsifying their address so that they would appear to be zoned to lower-performing schools where they would rank higher.

FBISD has a huge problem with false addresses.
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My nearly daily "public education is broke" post.
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Not normally over here - but my kid is affected by this.

No one is happy about it no matter the outcome and the problem is not at all what you guys are thinking. It's all about the academy's. My son goes to the international business academy - he was bussing over an hour to get to Travis HS each way for an opportunity he wanted in a 'GT' type academy (I dropped him at the bus stop at 5:45 each morning, getting back at the house at 4). Most kids doing this are at the top of the class.

Here is the real controversy. The academy's are generally located in schools that don't have the greatest academics and are used by the schools to boost accreditation scores. The kids are promised additional education opportunities.

Problem is, those academy schools don't want their entire top 10% to be dominated by kids that are bussed in. I understand those parents. After years of those parent's complaining, the school board relented and changed the policy to ranking against your home school instead of the school you went to.

In the international business academy, the business class are not counted as AP and so they don't get the grade bump. This change will lower his ranking significantly against kids who were in more AP classes. Same for all of the kids at that academy.

Not only that - his high school transcripts shows a ranking for one school and a high school profile of a different school. We're trying to contact the colleges he is applying from to work it out up front because most are going to assume fraud and throw out the application otherwise. All of the kids are trying to figure out how to navigate this.

So for the guys pointing to 'Indians and Chinese' in the academy trying to force this, you are wrong on so many levels. One - I've got a white boy. Two - no one - no matter the race - wants to be ranked at their home school. Three - if they did go to the home school they would be ranked way higher than the currently would be.

So there are some kids who have to go to graduation at a place they never went to school, sitting by kids they don't know. For the tip top - there may be a valedictorian having to make a speech to a massive audience who are as misguided as some of this thread is and kids resentful of them being there. It won't be my kid - he's trying to get in the top 10% when he would have been in the top 5% at Travis.
Four Seasons Landscaping
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Interesting. It's also noticeable that nowadays...

If a school has a dual-language magnet for the district, that school would generally have high academics and they bring in kids to water down their accreditation issues elsewhere.

If a school has a business, nursing, or engineering magnet, it's a school that would typically have accreditation issues, but they rig the numbers by bringing in GT kids from elsewhere.
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Lol. So it's a crt/dei thing, predictably.

1. Minorities are disadvantage by thebsystem that gives white students more opportunities
2. Create special, gifted programs for good students, but put them in under performing schools so that disadvantaged students have a chance, too.
3. In an attempt to mask a ****ty dei/crt based decision based on above, allow any student from anywhere in the district to attend
4. Some of the best students choose to attend lower performing schools to take part in specialty programing. This is the system created by the district, heavily influenced by the dei administrator.
5. Being that some of the best students now attend the worst schools, they outperform the "local" students.
6. Local students parents get mad because it's unfair or some such, despite it all being born of stupid school policy to begin with.

A valedictorian should come from the school they attend, not the neighborhood they live in.

This is so simple
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ISDs trying to eat their cake and have it too.
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Agthatbuilds said:

Lol. So it's a crt/dei thing, predictably.

1. Minorities are disadvantage by thebsystem that gives white students more opportunities
2. Create special, gifted programs for good students, but put them in under performing schools so that disadvantaged students have a chance, too.
3. In an attempt to mask a ****ty dei/crt based decision based on above, allow any student from anywhere in the district to attend
4. Some of the best students choose to attend lower performing schools to take part in specialty programing. This is the system created by the district, heavily influenced by the dei administrator.
5. Being that some of the best students now attend the worst schools, they outperform the "local" students.
6. Local students parents get mad because it's unfair or some such, despite it all being born of stupid school policy to begin with.

A valedictorian should come from the school they attend, not the neighborhood they live in.

This is so simple
You're trying really hard to make this a race thing. There was nothing in my post that indicates crt/dei - every race is represented pretty proportionally in both schools my son is at. I'm white, although I guess my son would be considered first generation American since his mom is Australian.

The issue is they have created a situation that really doesn't have a good solution. Take the kids in the magnet program with the local kids - everyone there pissed. Take the kids to their home schools - everyone in the home schools pissed. Take the kids off on their own and suddenly the kid that would be top 10% everywhere else is the bottom 20% of a gifted class.

My kid is going to get screwed more than a kid who got bumped a spot in their home school. There aren't going to be many (if any) valedictorians coming from these magnet schools even though these kids would normally compete for that. It'll be 20 kids in my son's home school in a class of 700 that get scatter in the top 20%.

At some point, the answer will be to shut these programs down. I know I wouldn't have a kid of mine do it again. Not for the education that he's getting, but for all this kind of crap. I don't know that the programs are done well enough to warrant the 2 hours a day commute for 4 years.

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ts5641 said:

My nearly daily "public education is broke" post.

I saw a sticker on a car , just yesterday that said "Don't mess with Public Schools" and though what kind of idiot puts that sticker
(SWAustin )
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deddog said:

ts5641 said:

My nearly daily "public education is broke" post.

I saw a sticker on a car , just yesterday that said "Don't mess with Public Schools" and though what kind of idiot puts that sticker
(SWAustin )
A school Admin making 6 figures.
"The most terrifying words in the English language are: I'm from the government and I'm here to help."

Ronald Reagan
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Martin Q. Blank said:


Can you imagine the valedictorian of your HS class being a complete stanger to everyone??
I have no idea who the valedictorian of my HS was. I think some asian chick.
I didn't know who out valedictorian was either... I was too busy enjoying life in the early 80's.

Back then, high school wasn't a 'job'.
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No matter what rules they try and dream up someone will abuse them and there will always be unintended consequences.

FWIW my wife was from a small town in West Texas. She came from nothing and no one in her family had ever gone to college. She was smart and worked her tail off though and was the #1 student in her class her entire school career. Senior year though they get a new Superintendent and their daughter comes in. The Super decides to give his daughter bonus points for AP classes from her other school) there were no AP classes at the school my wife went to) and made his daughter Valedictorian over my wife. Really sucked for her as she had to pay for all of her school and could have really used that scholarship they gave to Valedictorians at the time for their first year of college in Texas.

The irony of course is if she was going now she would easily have a free ride at A&M because her Dad made almost nothing and didn't contribute a penny to her college. Our boys can't get crap though and now we get to pay higher fees to pay for kids like what my wife was. The screwjobs never stop, sometimes you just have to laugh as you hear these idiot Admins dreaming up their little social engineering experiments for admissions and how to charge for college who never seem to grasp that the only way to do it is to make the rules the same for everyone and quit being SJW's.
"The most terrifying words in the English language are: I'm from the government and I'm here to help."

Ronald Reagan
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AgBQ-00 said:

kinda like having a C.O. of a unit in the Corps from an outfit he did not go through fish year with. (I know a bit off topic but very germane)
Not really, but this isn't the thread for that
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I'm not trying to make this a race thing in any way. I'm correctly pointing out that when decisions are made within the framework of crt/dei, ot will inevitably lead to unnecessarily complicated and unfair results.

I know nothing of ftbisd racial make up. That's why said underperforming.
Four Seasons Landscaping
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Create special, gifted programs for good students, but put them in under performing schools so that disadvantaged students have a chance, too.
They do it to bring up the test scores of those schools by bringing in GT-type kids, not to give "disadvantaged students a chance"

It's about state test scores and accreditation.

At least that's what the superintendent of one of the 20 largest districts in the state told me.
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Agthatbuilds said:

I'm not trying to make this a race thing in any way. I'm correctly pointing out that when decisions are made within the framework of crt/dei, ot will inevitably lead to unnecessarily complicated and unfair results.

I know nothing of ftbisd racial make up. That's why said underperforming.
You realize you are the one pulling in CRT/DEI into the conversation - the school board, the news, etc - no one is stating that's an objective or part of the conversation. You realize what the R in CRT is, right?
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Four Seasons Landscaping said:

That's a lot more common, and common sense, approach to that issue
What does common sense have to do with anything these days?
Ghost of Andrew Eaton
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combat wombat said:

Caused by, listen to me here, stupid government policies


Basically, a kid can be the Valedictorian of a school they NEVER SET FOOT IN. They are ranked based upon the school they are zoned to based on their home address, not the school they actually attended.

Never mind if one school offers a more rigorous academic environment with more AP classes than another. I read that a student was told they would be Valedictorian of the school they attended all 4 years. Then they ended up actually ranked no 48 at the school they were zoned to. Can you imagine the valedictorian of your HS class being a complete stanger to everyone??

So ****ing dumb.
Maroon Dawn
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So it's that both the parents and the district are fighting each other to game the system and get the outcome they want
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Our school district will not allow student or parent see the transcript of when and what was exactly sent to a university.
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