But more than that..

11,423 Views | 132 Replies | Last: 4 mo ago by agclassof08
Funky Winkerbean
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No Spin Ag said:

Until they cut the pay of superintendents, and anyone in the district who's making way more than they should, they're doing the wrong thing.

People associate cost with quality. Good luck shifting that paradigm.
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txwxman said:

All part of the state's plan to bleed public schools dry, allow them to fail, and then announce the arrival of the private school white knight to rescue Texas education and line the pockets of the private school industry.
It's not the state's money, it's the taxpayer's money. The parents that feel they're getting value from public schools will keep the kids in public schools. Those that don't will take the funding (and supplement with additional out of pocket spend) and send their kids elsewhere.
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Do schools need libraries anymore? Do we need librarians with the vast majority of learning material being digital?
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txwxman said:

All part of the state's plan to bleed public schools dry, allow them to fail, and then announce the arrival of the private school white knight to rescue Texas education and line the pockets of the private school industry.

You FIGURED it all out!!! Or if you read, you will see Covid funds are all gone…while that doesn't make up for all the debt they are in…sure doesn't help, add in inflation and it is a recipe for the mess all districts are in.
Funky Winkerbean
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Aggie95 said:

Do schools need libraries anymore? Do we need librarians with the vast majority of learning material being digital?

Let's allocate $52 billion for a study that produces an emphatic "maybe". But seriously, I think it could and probably should be initiated in some districts.
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But just think how many more illegals they can educate by cutting librarians...
No Spin Ag
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Funky Winkerbean said:

No Spin Ag said:

Until they cut the pay of superintendents, and anyone in the district who's making way more than they should, they're doing the wrong thing.

People associate cost with quality. Good luck shifting that paradigm.

I hear you. Still, one can dream.
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Weird thing with librarians is that they have to have a Masters Degree in Library Studies to be a Librarian. Talk about a completely useless waste of time and money for something that could be taught with a 2 year associates or apprenticeship.

I think the push to make this an associates degree or apprenticeship route would cut back on pay to Librarians. Add in that most Librarians are probably pushing 60 and making peak pay from their years of government service, and I could see where the cost/benefit of a librarian would work against keeping them on staff.
Urban Ag
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Aggie95 said:

Do schools need libraries anymore? Do we need librarians with the vast majority of learning material being digital?
High schools probably not. Elementary and Middle School, absolutely.

Yes, I am biased. My wife is a middle school librarian. The library is pretty much the epicenter of the school and "books" is only a small part of her job. I can expound on that but I doubt many here would care.

We've been watching this because she was just at her conference in San Antonio and was made aware this was going on in several big districts. Pflugerville and Round Rock are cutting some librarian positions as well.

My wife taught for a number of years before we had kids, did the stay at home mom thing for over a decade, then went back to work. In order for her to officially become a librarian she had to get a masters in Library Science and Technology which she did while working full time (in 15 months). It cost us $17k+.

If she gets laid off I think we should be able to sue the ISD for the cost of her masters + some other sh**.

Urban Ag
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vansprinkle said:

Weird thing with librarians is that they have to have a Masters Degree in Library Studies to be a Librarian. Talk about a completely useless waste of time and money for something that could be taught with a 2 year associates or apprenticeship.

I think the push to make this an associates degree or apprenticeship route would cut back on pay to Librarians. Add in that most Librarians are probably pushing 60 and making peak pay from their years of government service, and I could see where the cost/benefit of a librarian would work against keeping them on staff.
My wife is still in her 40's, as noted above, had to get her masters, and she barely makes more than a teacher with same numbers of years in. In fact, once she completed her masters she only got a $500/year raise. As I used to joke, hey this thing will pay for itself if you do this for 18 more years. Anyway, they're not paying librarians administrative level wages, they're basically on teacher pay but often expected to backfill a lot of the jobs the administrators (principals) do. At least my wife is.
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Most librarians that I know do a lot of other things than just check out books. The librarian at our school taught word, excel, and other courses, and was also over computer repair and maintenance (trained students how to replace screens, add ram, fix keyboards, etc). All while having little to no break.
I know a lot about a little, and a little about a lot.
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Modern librarians are valuable research assistants. When properly utilized, they are a great resource for teaching kids critical thinking skills and learning how to filter good sources from bad sources and quality vs poor quality academic research.
Tea Party
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Urban Ag said:

If she gets laid off I think we should be able to sue the ISD for the cost of her masters + some other sh**.
Woah... So screw the tax payers even more because of personal decisions to pay for schooling used almost exclusively with the government?
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Tea Party said:

Urban Ag said:

If she gets laid off I think we should be able to sue the ISD for the cost of her masters + some other sh**.
Woah... So screw the tax payers even more because of personal decisions to pay for schooling used almost exclusively with the government?
It's the same exact mentality that goes into student loan forgiveness debate. Incredibly rampant.

If my choice doesn't turn out the way it was supposed to, someone else should pay.
Urban Ag
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Tea Party said:

Urban Ag said:

If she gets laid off I think we should be able to sue the ISD for the cost of her masters + some other sh**.
Woah... So screw the tax payers even more because of personal decisions to pay for schooling used almost exclusively with the government?
Considering what I have paid in property taxes in this county for the last 22 years and what I consider an implied in fact contract for us to fund her masters degree, yeah I think the ISD should pay it. Couple that with everyone else getting students loans paid off, yeah I think we should get our money back.

And yes I know it won't happen.
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What really needs to happen is that public schools need to divest from anything but teaching classes. No outside activities at all. Sports, band, cheer, etc...all of that needs to be privately run. Taxpayers shouldn't pay for any of that. It ought to be paid for by the participants and the sponsors of those activities.

Schools can focus on educating ONLY. And having coaches and instructors of band and cheerleaders/dancers would be able to make more being private employees.
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My with is on the PTO for our kid's CFISD elementary. She has been all over this. There are several at our school, including the principal, that is blaming this on Abbott. They claim that he is withholding funding because the legislature keeps voting down vouchers.
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chjoak said:

My with is on the PTO for our kid's CFISD elementary. She has been all over this. There are several at our school, including the principal, that is blaming this on Abbott. They claim that he is withholding funding because the legislature keeps voting down vouchers.
Why not just ask the local voters to pay more in taxes? Seems reasonable if they believe it's a cause worth fighting for.

I suppose it's just easier to get the state to pay since those outside of CFISD don't have a choice in the matter once the state agrees.
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This info also came out a couple days after a list of the highest paid super intendents in the state was circulated and CFISD was #1 on the list at over $500k/yr. Granted I think the guy listed is no longer around and the new guy is lower but I do not 100% know those details.
Tea Party
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Urban Ag said:

Tea Party said:

Urban Ag said:

If she gets laid off I think we should be able to sue the ISD for the cost of her masters + some other sh**.
Woah... So screw the tax payers even more because of personal decisions to pay for schooling used almost exclusively with the government?
Considering what I have paid in property taxes in this county for the last 22 years and what I consider an implied in fact contract for us to fund her masters degree, yeah I think the ISD should pay it. Couple that with everyone else getting students loans paid off, yeah I think we should get our money back.

And yes I know it won't happen.
Your family made a financial decision to work for big gov and now want to sue big gov for not being big enough.

Imagine if more people took your mentality. Our country would financially collapse incredibly quick due to the lack of personal responsibility and desire for an unsustainable big gov.

And I'm all for keeping librarians around if our education leaders quit prioritizing big stadiums, lavish admin buildings, and frivolous performance arts centers.
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I'm in CFISD, married to an ES teacher and in that huge FB group about 'parents for librarians'...it is a massive echo chamber and everyone blames republicans and Abbott. Everyone is begging for raising taxes to save the librarians. If you even begin to point out this is a spending problem years in the making, the massive unnecessary facilities (new admin building and performing arts center), bloated admin salaries or anything else, 18 karens jump your ass.

They are all ok with facilities because "paid by bonds" are different, but fail to realize how the M&O taxrate is impacted with so much of the total having to go to pay debt...

We're going private in the fall.
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That's so weird that financing things with a 3 - 5 year useful life for 40 years and then doing it over again every 3 years isn't working out.
Funky Winkerbean
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Why not just ask the local voters to pay more in taxes?

What will you do when 100% of your income goes to taxes? Or your home values increase at a rate that the taxes will prevent you from retiring? Extreme? Yes, but it's the trend we are on and it can't last forever. Whose generation is going to fix it?
Funky Winkerbean
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With all the innovation in the world today, why aren't we trying different methods of delivery to students?
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Funky Winkerbean said:


Why not just ask the local voters to pay more in taxes?

What will you do when 100% of your income goes to taxes? Or your home values increase at a rate that the taxes will prevent you from retiring? Extreme? Yes, but it's the trend we are on and it can't last forever. Whose generation is going to fix it?

Yeah sorry, that was my point albeit abstract circuitously made.

Bring it to the local voters and you get an up or down vote - it's either supported or not.

Trying to leverage the state to do it because the misuse of funds hurts less at the state fund level than the local fund level is their strategy. Leveraging the state is much more "out of sight, out of mind" than having to actual ask your local constituency.
B-1 83
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akm91 said:

B-1 83 said:

aggiehawg said:

How about cutting admin staff and coaching staff instead of librarians? Would seem to me there would be even bigger savings by doing that.
Our local varsity football team alone has 7 coaches.
But do they teach in addition to coach?
Sure! 5 or 6 classes a day of physics, and with a stipend to boot! I suspect there are better bang for the buck teachers out there.
Being in TexAgs jail changes a man……..no, not really
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Highlights from Superintendent's email..

- projected $138 Million deficit for 24-25
- attendance down since 2019, costing CFISD $15M annually
- attendance down cause losing pandemic funds
- Poor CFISD, we lose $63M annually to homestead exemptions
- State increased school safety allotment from $1.04M to $2.3M but CFISD safety/security costs are $51M annually.
- Special Ed funding from State is $88M, actual costs $138.5M
- Record inflation since 2019 of 19%, CFISD hasn't asked for an increase
- Federal stimulus funding eliminated which offset budget shortage last 3 cycles runs out in September
- We need more time to figure it out, need state to pay our deficit now
- laying groundwork for tax increase, but won't help till 25-26, when it'll be twice as bad
- this is tip of the iceberg, next year will be worse
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Dewey Decimate System

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At one of their top high schools, there are 9 people with "principal" as part of their title.

23 years ago I went to a similarly sized high school. We had 5. The main and one AP for each grade.

Feels like 4 AP salaries is likely about 7 teachers.

HISD is a worse offender.
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texsn95 said:

My wife is a teacher at CFISD but is safe.

Covid federal relieve runs out in September? WTF? that was four years ago.
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We're in Pflugerville where the librarians were cut a year or two ago and where this superintendent came from. We have EA's as librarians now which isn't awful. Our school has an amazing one so that worked out for us. Basically they maintain/checkout the books, maintain/checkout the Chromebooks, and they do a short reading lesson with every class in the school once a week. I didn't see much difference between her and the old "true" librarian.

I think CFISD was cutting them completely, where every two schools share a librarian and that would definitely impact kids at school. I don't know if that would be positive for the kids.

There's also new laws about to kick in about what books can be in the classroom and how to give parents information about what books kids have access too (most school districts have to individually catalogue every book in a classroom) so exposure to books could drop across the state. That's not good either.
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Most of the public school librarians I've ever known should be venerated.
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Big_Time_Timmy_Jim said:

Highlights from Superintendent's email..

- projected $138 Million deficit for 24-25
Plan better
- attendance down since 2019, costing CFISD $15M annually
? less students, less need for $$. They want budget for x students, and when they get x-2k students (making up number) they want the same number of funds.
- attendance down cause losing pandemic funds
Pandemic was four years ago... what are you even talking about
- Poor CFISD, we lose $63M annually to homestead exemptions
lol ok
- State increased school safety allotment from $1.04M to $2.3M but CFISD safety/security costs are $51M annually.
complaining that they got an increase of 1.3M... ok

EDITED TO ADD: 2019 1.8 BILLION bond that passed with 75% of soccer moms, they allocated Safety and security: $207.7 million!

- Special Ed funding from State is $88M, actual costs $138.5M
manage better, so much waste. Nobody complains more than educators
- Record inflation since 2019 of 19%, CFISD hasn't asked for an increase
Welcome to the party (/mcclain)
- Federal stimulus funding eliminated which offset budget shortage last 3 cycles runs out in September
- We need more time to figure it out, need state to pay our deficit now
Not even sure what to say about this. So stupid... idiodic.
- laying groundwork for tax increase, but won't help till 25-26, when it'll be twice as bad
"laying groundwork for a 4 billion bond... good luck suckers! (another bond same amount every few years, which will pass every time because white female suburbanites will blast on Facebook)
- this is tip of the iceberg, next year will be worse
Ohhhhhhh... scary!!!
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Funky Winkerbean said:

Why not both?
Because librarians actually interact with students.
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Hays CISD is talking about eliminating all librarian positions as well for '24-'25. School libraries would be covered by para-professionals.
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