These manufactured protests.

8,085 Views | 89 Replies | Last: 4 mo ago by OPAG
Hubert J. Farnsworth
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Are they being used to take the American peoples attention away from the border, the recent foreign aid bills, and the economy? Not to mention the Biden administrations debacle in Niger. Taking attention away from those things is definitely beneficial for the democrats and RINOs.
Kyle Field Shade Chaser
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Whatever it is, this is 100% intentional and organized with many not even associated with the schools.
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I'd say they're coordinated by Iran-backed affiliates to make Biden look bad. To what end, I don't know, considering Trump would be even worse for Iran.
Fatboy Thaddeus
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I like the way OP thinks, and the questions they're asking. Blue star for OP!

Sadly the "Wag the Dog"-style sensationalistic distraction fits all too well.

They may also be garden-variety social discontent being sown by one near-peer rival or another, but I don't think it's very effective along those lines.

The thing that really irritates me is that no one on the inside ever comes out and exposes operations like this to the general public. Are they that fanatical about their cause?

In any case I'd argue that these protests are likely to have the effect of eroding Palestinian support in the US, basically by invoking memories of CHAZ or other Covid-time stupidity. I think that notion is table stakes on this board, but it might also implicate one high-capability intelligence agency or another.
Ask yourself 3 questions:
1) Do I live in an echo chamber?
2) Do I spend all my energy barking when I hear a dogwhistle?
3) If this was me, how would I even know?
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This has more of a 1968 feel to it than a 2020. In '68, the democrat party was in shambles over the Vietnam war and some domestic policy issues. LBJ wasn't running again (and wouldn't get elected if he had). Even before Bobby was offed, there was a split as to who the nominee would be and Chicago (convention location) erupted. That could happen again this year.

In 2020, the whole idea was to cause enough chaos to keep Trump and the Feds tied up AND get the Black vote riled up both to the polls and to vote against Trump. The BLM riots accomplished both of those.

I'm not suggesting there isn't anything to other ideas here. Hell, I wouldn't put anything past leftists in order to remain in power. But I don't see the same dynamic as 4 years ago.
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I think it will backfire if that's what they're doing. It's just more chaos and everything since biden has taken office is chaotic. The border, rampant inflation, protests, crime, racism against whites, trans bull****, etc.
There's a breaking point where people just want some semblance of normalcy to return.
BMX Bandit
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problem with this theory is that placing attention on these protests is definitely non-beneficial for the democrats

Things like the Trump criminal charges or marijuana classification change be a better example of things being done to distract from the border
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I think this is all Soros. His entire life has been spent in pursuing Marxist, antisemite policies. He makes no effort to hide the fact he financially supports these efforts.

He and his son are an enemy of the people and should be treated as such.
Old Sarge
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Fat boy,

It's usually not someone from within a radicalized org like this that exposes it, but someone that has infiltrated it from an "agency" as such as part of an investigation. Being it has been proven that some of these "organizers go back thru BLM back to Occupy Wall Street, it is obvious a lot of this is highly coordinated and well funded. Back when the FBI and CIA were not a tool of the DemocRat Party, the whole shebang would be exposed, terrorist group leaders in the US arrested as the terrorists they are, and the Soros types would have attained room temp by now.

That alone tells you these organizers/terrorists are directly aligned with the DemocRats, if not operating with their blessing and assistance.
"Green" is the new RED.
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Yeah, I was thinking these protests seem a lot like the Occupy Wall Street stuff.

And after 2020, you have to wonder how many of these students are really Feds.
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Really shows how many kids society has failed. Their need to feel like they belong somewhere leads to their radicalization.
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I remember '68 DNC coverage on TV. Complicated times and different actors/bad actors. Very different than all these coordinated campus hissy fits. Back then the components were: 1) Vietnam War was at peak and no end in sight; 2) LBJ had withdrawn from election, leaving a political void; 3) MLK/RFK assassinations; 4) Detroit and other urban riots within the year; 5) VP and nominee Humphrey was the last New Deal Democrat, thinking if we just had another 'program' everything would be fine; 6) George Wallace; 7) Chicago Mayor Daley and his police force; 8) MSM beginning to show America who they really were, taking sides out in the open; 9) Counter culture/'Student' activists/Radicals/Etc showing up for the 'cause'.

The FDR New Deal Democrat coalition was breaking apart. Northern liberals versus Southern conservatives. It took 100 years for the 'Solid South' Democratic voting block to finally end. By 1980 it was completely gone.

Nixon had already been nominated by the GOP. Wallace was getting double digit poling support, mostly from normally Democratic leaning voters. It was Nixon's election to lose and he almost did.

These current campus riots are way different. The MSM would have excoriated the antisemitism of today back then. There was adult leadership on campus back then, mostly. The unrest today shows obvious signs of behind the scenes funding, paid agitation bad actors, foreign infiltration. Today we have the Usual Suspects footing the bill for the unrest - Soros and his merry band of piggy bank disbursements folks. The Federal alphabets look the other way. Urban city/county DAs, elected via Soros money, decline to prosecute rioters' destructive actions. Obama, the 'clean' and annointed designated mouthpiece, told us about his vision of fundamentally transforming America. Same mess, different way of getting there.

Should be an interesting summer.

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Does the pope wear a funny hat?

Does a snake drag its ass?

Does a bear **** in the woods?

Does Howdy Doody have wooden balls?
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What I find funny is that the organizations behind this have to prey on what could be argued as the dumbest, most ill-informed, narcissistic, and impressionable demographic in America to use as useful idiots. Not just "dumb" college kids, but coddled suburban white kids and foreigners pursuing useless arts degrees to pour coffee for a living. Guarantee you the engineering students are like "**** that. You know how much work I put into this? I'm not ****ing this up for your cause."
Old Sarge
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45-70Ag said:

I think this is all Soros. His entire life has been spent in pursuing Marxist, antisemite policies. He makes no effort to hide the fact he financially supports these efforts.

He and his son are an enemy of the people and should be treated as such.

Room Temperature
"Green" is the new RED.
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these are organized by the Marxists and the Islamist terror groups.

it actually hurts Biden as it makes Jews flee the democrat party and puts him in the middle of events he wants to stay out of.

it also demonstrates Biden's weakness (again!!) and shows the country is in chaos.

no way the White House wants this on TV screens like 1968 all over again.
Hungry Ojos
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lol, this has nothing to do with defending Palestinians. Palestinians as a people, have the same world wide reputation of Nigerian internet scammers. Do we have protests defending the plight of Nigerian internet scammers? Of course not. They just needed a patsy to justify their disgusting behavior.
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My dilemma is wtf do I do with my Ukraine flag now?
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All I'm going to say is, wait for it. The conquering hero will arise and be hailed as the only way forward. The white house, as with everything else, has no control over this.
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91AggieLawyer said:

This has more of a 1968 feel to it than a 2020. In '68, the democrat party was in shambles over the Vietnam war and some domestic policy issues. LBJ wasn't running again (and wouldn't get elected if he had). Even before Bobby was offed, there was a split as to who the nominee would be and Chicago (convention location) erupted. That could happen again this year.

In 2020, the whole idea was to cause enough chaos to keep Trump and the Feds tied up AND get the Black vote riled up both to the polls and to vote against Trump. The BLM riots accomplished both of those.

I'm not suggesting there isn't anything to other ideas here. Hell, I wouldn't put anything past leftists in order to remain in power. But I don't see the same dynamic as 4 years ago.
100% correct

this is not indigenous to democrat party politics

it's indigenous to Marxists who infest our campuses (faculty, administration and students) acting out a cosplay of being cool terrorists to assuage their own "white privilege"

how many white chicks have we seen cosplaying being a member of Hamas while mommy and daddy pay for her $380,000 'education' at Columbia and Yale and Harvard?!?
Sid Farkas
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No. This is putin, Xi.....and soros trying to erode America.
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I think they are trying to bait the police into making mistakes so they police and justice system look bad. The police have shown an amazing amount of restraint so far. That said, the Columbia leadership looks extremely weak on this issue. They are the exact types of pushovers these "paid protestors" are trying to trigger into making a mistake.

Look for this issue to ramp up as the summer progresses.
Get Off My Lawn
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Sid Farkas said:

No. This is putin, Xi.....and soros trying to erode America.
What makes no sense to me is that they have their puppets in control. I don't see how turning voters toward Trump furthers their goals more than quiet continued subversion.
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How has Soros not been tried in some court and thrown into prison for life for his crimes against humanity?
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My opinion is this is mostly pushed by tic-toc/xi to cause upheavel and chaos in their primary rival.

Tic-Toc is a real problem with young folks. I get a lot of teens self diagnosing as autistic/trans/vaccine refusers based on tic-toc videos. Tic-toc for sure pushes the anti-semitic/pro-hamas posts.
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Hubert J. Farnsworth said:

Are they being used to take the American peoples attention away from the border, the recent foreign aid bills, and the economy? Not to mention the Biden administrations debacle in Niger. Taking attention away from those things is definitely beneficial for the democrats and RINOs.


Funky Winkerbean
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Follow the bouncing ball boys and girls. Don't waste your thoughts realizing you are being used for selfish political and financial gains by your representatives and leaders.
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I have a question. Who is supplying all these similar tents around the whole country ?
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Hubert J. Farnsworth said:

Are they being used to take the American peoples attention away from the border, the recent foreign aid bills, and the economy? Not to mention the Biden administrations debacle in Niger. Taking attention away from those things is definitely beneficial for the democrats and RINOs.
This absolutely is benefiting Trump and the GOP so long as they don't screw it up. All they have to do is let the Dems keep fighting each other and where Republicans are in control they need to clean up the mess. They have done that in Texas and Florida where they have kept these protests very much under control.

The key is for the normies who hate Trump personally to reach a point where they will put up with him simply because they finally see Biden and the Dems are completely incompetent and it's impacting their lives. The 1968 example is a good one. Let the Dems continue to descend into chaos and don't try and stop them.

Essentially our choices are Pinochet vs Chavez or Bukele vs Noriega, it's just most people can't see the obvious. Lots of lessons to be learned from the Spanish Civil War as well.
"The most terrifying words in the English language are: I'm from the government and I'm here to help."

Ronald Reagan
Sid Farkas
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Get Off My Lawn said:

Sid Farkas said:

No. This is putin, Xi.....and soros trying to erode America.
What makes no sense to me is that they have their puppets in control. I don't see how turning voters toward Trump furthers their goals more than quiet continued subversion.

Sowing discord is priority #1 for that crew. If the election is close, it will always fall for Dems. Soros' syndicate will make sure of it. If by some chance Trump wins, then the Syndicate will attempt another coup.
Al Bula
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Our borders are being destroyed and the government is sending the wealth of the middle class overseas...

But our attention is focused on some smelly anarchists protesting on college campuses.
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Kyle Field Shade Chaser said:

Whatever it is, this is 100% intentional and organized with many not even associated with the schools.

There are some organized protesters, but this is absolutely associated with the schools through the students. Don't be fooled. Just because they're stupid dupes doesn't mean they don't know what they're doing.
Ag in Tiger Country
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KidDoc said:

My opinion is this is mostly pushed by tic-toc/xi to cause upheavel and chaos in their primary rival.

Tic-Toc is a real problem with young folks. I get a lot of teens self diagnosing as autistic/trans/vaccine refusers based on tic-toc videos. Tic-toc for sure pushes the anti-semitic/pro-hamas posts.

Well you certainly have gulped down Zuckerberg's funded Kool Aid; I literally saw a video on TikTok today that exposed, with actual documentary evidence, the funding of these "protest" by Soros & the Rockefeller family trust- NOT CHINA. I also saw videos of 'Patriots' at UNC protecting the American flag while the resident Communists tried to rip it down in order to hoist the Palestinian flag, which would NEVER be shown by the MSM.

In other words, at least that platform gives BOTH viewpoints, so if you're inclined to support trans issues &/or 'refusing the vaccine', such will show up on your FYP feed whereas if you aren't a dumbass, your FYP feed will show testimonials from folks suffering from vaccine side effects &/or gay people expressing regrets about their transition.

The propaganda against TikTok is not surprising since the MSM & social media companies can't control their preferred narratives; after all, how in the hell are we supposed to trust Meta/ Facebook in light of the proof exposed that these groups suppress Conservative viewpoints (either burying stories &/or refuting their substance via "Fact Checkers")?!?!

Just look at the pushback against Musk & his support for Free Speech; he's literally Hitler nowadays in the eyes of Libs, but then again, so is everyone else that upholds constitutional principles.

But hey, TikTok will go away (b/c why would the owners agree to a lesionary compulsory sale?), so what's another nail in the coffin for free speech & free market capitalism???
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100% domestic creation and 100% election year distraction. BLM 2.0.
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Im with you, but why? Regular people, or anyone that pays attention, knows that it's the left and their Biden supports doing this stupid ***** They knew it in 2020 as well with BLM -- with Veep Throat even going so far as to set up a bail fund for them.

Then, closer to the election, they tried to stop them because they realized they were polling poorly.

How did they not realize this? They think normal people love seeing this insane **** occur and it makes them want to vote for the party that either supports or tacitly approves of these actions?

And somehow that "platform" received the most votes counted the most ballots in history? It doesnt make any sense.

I would think if they were trying to drum up support, they would send the feds in with their khakis, ballcaps, and white face gaiters and march around with -- was it flags? or torches? who knows.

I wouldnt think you get the same optics/results with a bunch of stinky, non-binary, genderqueer, intersectional, marxist malcontents
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