tu is the first SEC school to join pro-Hamas protests

38,668 Views | 385 Replies | Last: 4 mo ago by LMCane
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I might hate em but they're entitled to free speech too!

America baby!

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I wonder how many gov. Guys are holding torches.
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But they must play be the rules also. Like the protest on the A&M campus did. without permission to hold a protest on campus they had no right to be there blocking streets and sidewalks.
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bubblesthechimp said:

I might hate em but they're entitled to free speech too!

America baby!

Then why is kill blacks, democrats, queers, Muslims not free speech?
Actual Talking Thermos
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Weird how with all those cameras around the protest at UT nobody managed to find a single example of simple anti-semitic signs or slogans, or threats against Jewish members of the community, etc. Sure seems more like these protestors don't like the actions of the Israeli government and oppose what they see as the oppression and ongoing extermination of Palestinians in Gaza.

But that's slightly harder to engage with than just saying they love terrorism and hate Jews (despite Jewish students clearly being among the protestors).
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Actual Talking Thermos said:

Weird how with all those cameras around the protest at UT nobody managed to find a single example of simple anti-semitic signs or slogans, or threats against Jewish members of the community, etc. Sure seems more like these protestors don't like the actions of the Israeli government and oppose what they see as the oppression and ongoing extermination of Palestinians in Gaza.

But that's slightly harder to engage with than just saying they love terrorism and hate Jews (despite Jewish students clearly being among the protestors).
This is a comical take if it wasn't so pathetic. Total deluded with blinders on, Leftest never cease to amaze with their inability to learn from history or to apply common sense. They are a cancer of the human condition.

Anybody paying an serious attention to whats going on knows this post should be dismissed out of hand. Time to put a cap on your leaky thermos.
Irish 2.0
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What the **** do you think "From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free" means?!

It's a phrase used by Hamas calling for the extermination of Jews.
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I wonder what F16's reaction to Kent State would have been back in the day. Probably cheers.
Actual Talking Thermos
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shiftyandquick said:

I wonder what F16's reaction to Kent State would have been back in the day. Probably cheers.
Absolutely cheers for violence against "anti-American pro-communist fifth column traitors." Or some such.

It wasn't at all an uncommon opinion nationally in the immediate aftermath. But among the boomers whose peers were in the protests it was seen very differently and that's how history remembers it now that the boomers' parents and grandparents are all gone.
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What are they doing over in Austin today? More rally's ? More bums on the sidewalk ? That place likes the spot light for the worst reasons
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shiftyandquick said:

I wonder what F16's reaction to Kent State would have been back in the day. Probably cheers.
What would have been the lefty reaction to Mao's cultural revolution which killed millions. What would have been your reaction to Stalins purges. What was your reaction to Palestinian's murdering Jewish babies on Oct 7th. Let me guess "probably cheers."

Oh spare me your silly equivalence arguments. the lefties are not fooling anyone with this trash.

Nobody has more blood on their hands and has been more repressive than the far left in whatever manifestations it takes
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Racism is always wrong regardless of who perpetuates it. These rallies are in support of the extermination of Israeli Jews

The people in the protest can't name the river or the sea, but know all them Jews gotta go! If that means the death of Zionist Colonialist scum so be it! This isn't only about Palestine. This is about ALL THE THINGS I'M TOLD TO BE MAD ABOUT!
Nanomachines son
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Actual Talking Thermos said:

DarkBrandon01 said:

The police response is clearly politically motivated. Greg Abbott just told us why he sent them.
I'm just in awe of how completely the mainline politicians on both sides of the aisle have decided to go with the line that anti-Israel or anti-Zionist sentiment, even when expressed by Jewish individuals, is per se vile anti-semitism and nothing more or less. To hear them tell it, this is basically just kristallnacht going on on campus.

Meanwhile the conservatives who have been hand-wringing and pearl-clutching for years about "free speech on campus" are hooting and hollering their approval.

Leftists are finding out now that you can't criticize anything Jews do or else you get a club to the head. Protest whites all you want and burn down half the city and politicians won't care but protest Israel? Well it's to prison for you.

And the thing is I think all of these protestors are idiots and I despise all of them, but it's very obvious why they are cracking down this hard and didn't do the same thing for the BLM protests.
Nanomachines son
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Nonregdrummer09 said:

A&M had their protest first actually, but it was put on by the YDSA chapter, who are an extremely small group, and went on per A&M guidelines and started and ended without incident or anyone giving a crap.

Because the group that would be interested in this cause at A&M is much smaller than at tu, it just didn't get noticed at all.

They also actually did what they were supposed to do, did it peacefully, and it went off without incident. I mean it did nothing like all protests do, but still.
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What is the point of these protests in the US? It accomplishes absolutely nothing and makes zero difference to the conflict.

Feels like some people just get off on virtue signaling
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93MarineHorn said:

Marvin_Zindler said:

Expel them all.
I love that they sent in the "cavalry" and cops in full riot gear. Let the beatings begin!

Were they doing more than protesting (vs rioting or violence or obstruction) on public university lands? As much as I dislike it, as long as they are only peacefully protesting and not doing the mentioned above, wouldn't they be protected by the first amendment? Would we be applauding the actions of the protest if it was a pro Israel one and would we be upset if the cops were to beat up pro Israel protestors in this situation?

I don't follow Austin news so there may be more to the story. Please correct me if I am missing something
Nanomachines son
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rsf0626 said:

What is the point of these protests in the US? It accomplishes absolutely nothing and makes zero difference to the conflict.

Feels like some people just get off on virtue signaling

All protests are virtue signaling. None of them have ever worked anywhere on earth. What works is violent Revolution or actual coups, but none of these people hold that level of conviction.
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Actual Talking Thermos said:

shiftyandquick said:

I wonder what F16's reaction to Kent State would have been back in the day. Probably cheers.
Absolutely cheers for violence against "anti-American pro-communist fifth column traitors." Or some such.

It wasn't at all an uncommon opinion nationally in the immediate aftermath. But among the boomers whose peers were in the protests it was seen very differently and that's how history remembers it now that the boomers' parents and grandparents are all gone.
I'm still around and remember how the campus had been
closed and everyone told to go home because of danger
from rock throwing protestors. Instead of leaving, some
protestors stayed and threw rocks at armed guardsmen.
The order to fire in return was wrong but understandable.
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Bored narcissists…who hate capitalism, western values, white people (including their own self loathing), etc. This is all the usual agitated people. This is their new cause du jour, to stand up for terrorists and be antisemites.

I also see some of the resident libs have received their talking points to defend these terrorist sympathizers.
Ghost of Andrew Eaton
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Rongagin71 said:

Actual Talking Thermos said:

shiftyandquick said:

I wonder what F16's reaction to Kent State would have been back in the day. Probably cheers.
Absolutely cheers for violence against "anti-American pro-communist fifth column traitors." Or some such.

It wasn't at all an uncommon opinion nationally in the immediate aftermath. But among the boomers whose peers were in the protests it was seen very differently and that's how history remembers it now that the boomers' parents and grandparents are all gone.
I'm still around and remember how the campus had been
closed and everyone told to go home because of danger
from rock throwing protestors. Instead of leaving, some
protestors stayed and threw rocks at armed guardsmen.
The order to fire in return was wrong but understandable.
It was my understanding that there was never an official order to fire.
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You may be right. There was some controversy about that who said to fire.
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bubblesthechimp said:

we are ok with press getting arrested and police being called out to quell protest because the governor doesn't like the content of what the protesters are saying

this first amendment thing is going super swell

Biden voter who supports terrorism against Americans.
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rsf0626 said:

What is the point of these protests in the US? It accomplishes absolutely nothing and makes zero difference to the conflict.

Feels like some people just get off on virtue signaling

I love it. It exposes the American hating left and pushes regular folk to the right. Just look at the reaction of the beta boys on this site. So mad! Will probably get out the "so sorry" shirts today and join their terrorist brothers and sisters and chant/repeat nonsense from some white tub of goo with a megaphone like a mindless drone.
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Rongagin71 said:

You may be right. There was some controversy about that who said to fire.
Itchy/panicky finger from a young guardsmen
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I can remember going to tu campus for Boys State in '70. Hippies protested us. Told us, since we were leaders of schools, to go home and enlighten. our student bodies. They were real entertaining.

How about kids who just want to go to class and learn something and they are blocked from doing so, or are afraid to attend. do they have rights? Or only these Marxists are ones with rights?

Kind of like liberals who took over our public schools, and turds who interrupt classes are treated lwith kid gloves, because liberals say they are too poor , too black, too queer to sit down and learn something.
LOL, get rid of the selfish ones and all of the sudden, public schools become great again.
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e=mc2 said:

bubblesthechimp said:

we are ok with press getting arrested and police being called out to quell protest because the governor doesn't like the content of what the protesters are saying

this first amendment thing is going super swell

Biden voter who supports terrorism against Americans.

Anti free speecher who wants daddy government to tread harder as long as they're wearing the right shoes
Tony Franklins Other Shoe
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Nanomachines son said:

rsf0626 said:

What is the point of these protests in the US? It accomplishes absolutely nothing and makes zero difference to the conflict.

Feels like some people just get off on virtue signaling

All protests are virtue signaling. None of them have ever worked anywhere on earth. What works is violent Revolution or actual coups, but none of these people hold that level of conviction.
Like Jan 6.

Person Not Capable of Pregnancy
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shiftyandquick said:

I wonder what F16's reaction to Kent State would have been back in the day. Probably cheers.
You have story time going again in that marxist dream state you call your brain?
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Rapier108 said:

Ellis Wyatt said:

Thunderstruck xx said:

Kick them out of the SEC.

Let's not pretend this is organized by students.
Yep, it is being organized by an outside group, "The Palestinian Solidarity Committee of Austin."

Anything with "solidarity committee" in it is definitely communist
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Actual Talking Thermos said:

Weird how with all those cameras around the protest at UT nobody managed to find a single example of simple anti-semitic signs or slogans, or threats against Jewish members of the community, etc. Sure seems more like these protestors don't like the actions of the Israeli government and oppose what they see as the oppression and ongoing extermination of Palestinians in Gaza.

But that's slightly harder to engage with than just saying they love terrorism and hate Jews (despite Jewish students clearly being among the protestors).

Weird how they moved their protests to the jail and someone (in reality, a Soros funded NGO) bought several days worth of food and supplies for the students.

The signs are there - you are just seeing one small segment of the entire event. The screams of antisemitism are there. They just aren't chanted. These are bougie terrorists.
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bubblesthechimp said:

e=mc2 said:

bubblesthechimp said:

we are ok with press getting arrested and police being called out to quell protest because the governor doesn't like the content of what the protesters are saying

this first amendment thing is going super swell

Biden voter who supports terrorism against Americans.

Anti free speecher who wants daddy government to tread harder as long as they're wearing the right shoes
so, if one these protestors step on my shoes while going to class, have I been violated?
Build It
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Calling for the death of Jews, gays, the subjugation of women.

No place for that here. Hate speech not protected. Unleash the rednecks and get this over with.
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Actual Talking Thermos said:

Weird how with all those cameras around the protest at UT nobody managed to find a single example of simple anti-semitic signs or slogans, or threats against Jewish members of the community, etc. Sure seems more like these protestors don't like the actions of the Israeli government and oppose what they see as the oppression and ongoing extermination of Palestinians in Gaza.

But that's slightly harder to engage with than just saying they love terrorism and hate Jews (despite Jewish students clearly being among the protestors).
Ah, I think there was something on October 7th that you missed. You might want to go back and review.
Fight! Fight! Fight!
American Hardwood
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Spin that narrative. This isn't a free speech issue anymore, as much as you would like to frame it that way.

Once these "protests" became violent and obstructed the conducting of business, they ceased being peaceable assemblies of protest.
Build It
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I'm really hoping that the top 10 percenters are expelled and not able to be admitted in any public university in Texas.

No Nazi's allowed!
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