I'm still on the fence about Ukraine

12,631 Views | 254 Replies | Last: 5 mo ago by oh no
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PlaneCrashGuy said:

Teslag said:

PlaneCrashGuy said:

Teslag said:

PlaneCrashGuy said:

Teslag said:

PlaneCrashGuy said:

Ukraine will get smaller and Russia will get bigger. I said this very early on. It is and will remain correct.

And Russia goal was for Ukraine to not exist at all. And we stopped that dead in its tracks. Lines will be frozen largely where they are now.

You've been saying this months and the lines keep moving.

They have moved 4 miles in almost 5 months now. It's frozen.

And here we can compare and contrast the difference between fact and narrative.

The proof you're lying is when you contradict yourself.

Do you cheer for 1 yard runs on 3rd and 10? I mean, after all you gained on the play.

I'm starting to think you've legitimately never been right about anything ever.

LOL. probably right. This thread has managed to redeem itself today.
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Teslag said:

PlaneCrashGuy said:

Teslag said:

PlaneCrashGuy said:

Teslag said:

PlaneCrashGuy said:

Ukraine will get smaller and Russia will get bigger. I said this very early on. It is and will remain correct.

And Russia goal was for Ukraine to not exist at all. And we stopped that dead in its tracks. Lines will be frozen largely where they are now.

You've been saying this months and the lines keep moving.

They have moved 4 miles in almost 5 months now. It's frozen.

And here we can compare and contrast the difference between fact and narrative.

The proof you're lying is when you contradict yourself.

Do you cheer for 1 yard runs on 3rd and 10? I mean, after all you gained on the play.
You might be the dumbest mf on this message board.

And that says a LOT about you.

I pray you are only this stupid on the internet, and it doesn't leak into your real life.
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BadMoonRisin said:

Teslag said:

PlaneCrashGuy said:

Teslag said:

PlaneCrashGuy said:

Teslag said:

PlaneCrashGuy said:

Ukraine will get smaller and Russia will get bigger. I said this very early on. It is and will remain correct.

And Russia goal was for Ukraine to not exist at all. And we stopped that dead in its tracks. Lines will be frozen largely where they are now.

You've been saying this months and the lines keep moving.

They have moved 4 miles in almost 5 months now. It's frozen.

And here we can compare and contrast the difference between fact and narrative.

The proof you're lying is when you contradict yourself.

Do you cheer for 1 yard runs on 3rd and 10? I mean, after all you gained on the play.
You might be the dumbest mf on this message board.

And that says a LOT about you.
I don't know, it's a close race between them, old mcdonald and army metal.
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This dude gave his young children the Covid vaccine. I don't think it's just on a message board.
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There really is no fence to be on here.

It's a con man conning us. Our Congress is supporting Ukraine more than the American citizens.

But hey, least the nightlife is thriving.

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texsn95 said:

BadMoonRisin said:

Teslag said:

PlaneCrashGuy said:

Teslag said:

PlaneCrashGuy said:

Teslag said:

PlaneCrashGuy said:

Ukraine will get smaller and Russia will get bigger. I said this very early on. It is and will remain correct.

And Russia goal was for Ukraine to not exist at all. And we stopped that dead in its tracks. Lines will be frozen largely where they are now.

You've been saying this months and the lines keep moving.

They have moved 4 miles in almost 5 months now. It's frozen.

And here we can compare and contrast the difference between fact and narrative.

The proof you're lying is when you contradict yourself.

Do you cheer for 1 yard runs on 3rd and 10? I mean, after all you gained on the play.
You might be the dumbest mf on this message board.

And that says a LOT about you.
I don't know, it's a close race between them, old mcdonald and army metal.
has anyone ever seen them together? All socks of old Stephenville!?
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annie88 said:

There really is no fence to be on here.

It's a con man conning us. Our Congress is supporting Ukraine more than the American citizens.

But hey, least the nightlife is thriving.

Again... I said I would do it more like Reagan did in Afghanistan than Biden is doing now. Biden finds a way to F-up everything he does.
oh no
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pretty much everything the war mongering stack russian corpses ukraine flag sporting kill fans know about ukraine is western propaganda and they will simply tell you anything else but keep sending billions to beat putin is russian propaganda.
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Kozmozag said:

We arnt going to win it fast. We arnt going to win it. Territory in Ukraine is going to be negotiated away.

Exactly. This battle was lost when Biden was elected.

And once our feckless needless surrender in Afghanistan happened it could not be prevented.

There will be more wars before the next election. And we will have no support to give thanks to the idiots on both sides in our congress

But hey they swamp made money. They DO NOT care about the suffering and death that they have caused because they don't have to pay for it.
The world needs mean tweets

My Pronouns Ultra and MAGA

Trump 2024
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the ukraine is weaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaak without our tax dollars.

plz believe us, stupid ****** taxpayers!
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annie88 said:

There really is no fence to be on here.

It's a con man conning us. Our Congress is supporting Ukraine more than the American citizens.

But hey, least the nightlife is thriving.

Those dudes in the bar should be humping ruck sacks and shooting Russians…

If I'm a worthy Ukrainian woman; I am questioning why these cowards aren't fighting…
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Biden finds a way to F-up everything he does.

Biden IS a F-up. It's in his DNA.
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Reasonable take.

Where is the EV ******?
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We shouldn't be sending them cash. We should procure the stuff they want and then ship them that directly.
Fatboy Thaddeus
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Ciboag96 said:

One country thinks men in dresses are women.

The other country thinks men in dresses are freaks.

Don't believe everything you see in the media.
LOL...Long live the Axis of Traditional Genders. Especially when it comes to nuclear and economic geopolitics.

How does that relate to the Axis of Single-Issue Voters?
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How exactly is China going to invade Taiwan? It's 100 miles from the mainland, with a Navy bereft of any amphibious assault experience on a target that it MUST keep intact. China would have to coordinate air, sea, & land forces as well as cyber and electronic warfare systems. Something they've never done before. Then you have to time it. Think the English Channel with worse weather.

China needs the chip manufacturing as much as we do. It's not just the fab sites, it's the intellectual library of people who run them. Think Operation Paperclip after WWII. They are attacking a target that has spend decades preparing for this very thing, supported by one the largest Navies in the world. Even if the US sat it out, which they would not, Taiwan has the capability with their air force and long range ship attack capabilities to make this all but impossible without China having to resort to what Russia is doing now leveling everything (which them defeats the purpose)
Nobody cares. Work Harder
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BadMoonRisin said:

Who. ****ing. Cares.

Our country is broke and you're super excited about sending unaccountable taxpayer dollars to a corrupt country, that was caught red-handed by our former POTUS who actually asked about their money laundering scheme and was IMPEACHED for it, and once his admin was out of power, more dollars flowed. WOW amazing.

You are a joke.

And now that same former president and I agree on Ukraine
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BlueSmoke said:

How exactly is China going to invade Taiwan? It's 100 miles from the mainland, with a Navy bereft of any amphibious assault experience on a target that it MUST keep intact. China would have to coordinate air, sea, & land forces as well as cyber and electronic warfare systems. Something they've never done before. Then you have to time it. Think the English Channel with worse weather.

China needs the chip manufacturing as much as we do. It's not just the fab sites, it's the intellectual library of people who run them. Think Operation Paperclip after WWII. They are attacking a target that has spend decades preparing for this very thing, supported by one the largest Navies in the world. Even if the US sat it out, which they would not, Taiwan has the capability with their air force and long range ship attack capabilities to make this all but impossible without China having to resort to what Russia is doing now leveling everything (which them defeats the purpose)
All that matters for this discussion is China THINKING they could. Enough to try at least. If they obliterate Taiwan in the process, then it doesn't matter for us, as we are just as screwed anyway.

Right now, WE are the primary reason they don't try. If Biden let Putin run over Ukraine and then said something stupid (again) like his "minor incursion" comment regarding Taiwan, then the Chinese might try.
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Teslag said:

BadMoonRisin said:

Who. ****ing. Cares.

Our country is broke and you're super excited about sending unaccountable taxpayer dollars to a corrupt country, that was caught red-handed by our former POTUS who actually asked about their money laundering scheme and was IMPEACHED for it, and once his admin was out of power, more dollars flowed. WOW amazing.

You are a joke.

And now that same former president and I agree on Ukraine
Yay, he's a lib and wrong. Evidently you're proud to be both, too. Congratulations!!
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Maybe there isn't a fight.
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aTmAg said:

Ukraine is a drop in the bucket compared to all these other problems.

Saving $75B by not funding Ukraine is not going to fix the border, our economy, or our culture.

We need to cut entitlements by TRILLIONS to do that. Which we should absolutely do.

Use Ukraine funding to get concessions from democrats on cutting THAT.
you dont think $75,000,000,000 dedicated to the southern border would have made a dent in the influx of people?

$38,187,372 per linear mile, doesn't secure the southern border?

Liberal rag, here you go. 1/2 the price

Logos Stick
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aTmAg said:

BigRobSA said:

aTmAg said:

If only you guys were as passionate about cutting entitlements as you are about cutting Ukraine.

The former is the cause of our ruin.
I am, since I'm a conservative. You don't say "Well, we can't get a cut in entitlements.....might as well go full ruhtard and add more debt....". You say "No" to adding more debt and then work on the other stuff.
I'm not the one saying "well we can't cut entitlements". Most people on this thread are saying that.

Europe can fund Ukraine. Europe ain't funding our entitlements.

Cut the Ukraine funding completely and Europe can step in.
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You said, "NATO has been marching east for decades now,".

That's not correct. The truth is the former Soviet block countries are marching west.
Among the latter, under pretence of governing they have divided their nations into two classes, wolves and sheep.”
Thomas Jefferson, Letter to Edward Carrington, January 16, 1787
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It's hard to fathom why anybody ever supported any monies going to Ukraine.

I just heard on the radio this morning that the CIA got busted for partnering with Wuhan (Metabiota?) to release Covid under Trump in order to oust him and usher in globalist rule.

Russia didn't want us pulling another virus attack on the world, either, so they stopped all that BS.

Thanks, Russia.
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nortex97 said:

PlaneCrashGuy said:

Teslag said:

PlaneCrashGuy said:

Teslag said:

PlaneCrashGuy said:

Teslag said:

PlaneCrashGuy said:

Ukraine will get smaller and Russia will get bigger. I said this very early on. It is and will remain correct.

And Russia goal was for Ukraine to not exist at all. And we stopped that dead in its tracks. Lines will be frozen largely where they are now.

You've been saying this months and the lines keep moving.

They have moved 4 miles in almost 5 months now. It's frozen.

And here we can compare and contrast the difference between fact and narrative.

The proof you're lying is when you contradict yourself.

Do you cheer for 1 yard runs on 3rd and 10? I mean, after all you gained on the play.

I'm starting to think you've legitimately never been right about anything ever.

LOL. probably right. This thread has managed to redeem itself today.

This is great.
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aTmAg said:

BigRobSA said:

aTmAg said:

BigRobSA said:

aTmAg said:

BigRobSA said:

aTmAg said:

If only you guys were as passionate about cutting entitlements as you are about cutting Ukraine.

The former is the cause of our ruin.
I am, since I'm a conservative. You don't say "Well, we can't get a cut in entitlements.....might as well go full ruhtard and add more debt....". You say "No" to adding more debt and then work on the other stuff.
I'm not the one saying "well we can't cut entitlements". Most people on this thread are saying that.

And supporting an ally and sticking to your word is not a "liberal policy". Actually having a set of strong allies would enable us to have LESS military, since our allies would pick up any slack. The fact that we screw over allies and have to do everything ourselves is WHY we have to blow our budges on the military.

I don't care about Ukraine in the least, nor Russia. Neither means dick to daily life in America. Russia is obviously not the superpower they make themselves out to be. They can't even kick Ukraine's ass. We would curbstomp them....in heels. And Ukraine? LoL....anyways....

And yes, fiscally supporting them is a liberal policy since we're having to hock our great grandkids' future to do it.

So, basically, F NotAmerica. Fix **** here. Then maybe we can send them a few million..
You say the same thing about China invading Taiwan?


If we fix **** here, Taiwain fades into Bolivian as far as any relevance. Fixing **** here would make it feasible to move mfg back here.
We aren't going to fix that **** today. If Taiwan got invaded now, we would be SCREWED. We import 44% of our chip logic from Taiwan. We HAVE to keep that from happening in the short and middle term.
True we need to restore microchip manufacturing in the U.S.
'They would not listen to us': inside Arizona's troubled chip plant
While our borders are a hot mess allowing unskilled labor, terrorists & outright felons free access, our digits in the government are kowtowing to the unions.
Among the latter, under pretence of governing they have divided their nations into two classes, wolves and sheep.”
Thomas Jefferson, Letter to Edward Carrington, January 16, 1787
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PlaneCrashGuy said:

nortex97 said:

PlaneCrashGuy said:

Teslag said:

PlaneCrashGuy said:

Teslag said:

PlaneCrashGuy said:

Teslag said:

PlaneCrashGuy said:

Ukraine will get smaller and Russia will get bigger. I said this very early on. It is and will remain correct.

And Russia goal was for Ukraine to not exist at all. And we stopped that dead in its tracks. Lines will be frozen largely where they are now.

You've been saying this months and the lines keep moving.

They have moved 4 miles in almost 5 months now. It's frozen.

And here we can compare and contrast the difference between fact and narrative.

The proof you're lying is when you contradict yourself.

Do you cheer for 1 yard runs on 3rd and 10? I mean, after all you gained on the play.

I'm starting to think you've legitimately never been right about anything ever.

LOL. probably right. This thread has managed to redeem itself today.

This is great.

And wrong. Remember that same poster told us Ukraine would fall in "two weeks" back in December.
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Ragoo said:

aTmAg said:

Ukraine is a drop in the bucket compared to all these other problems.

Saving $75B by not funding Ukraine is not going to fix the border, our economy, or our culture.

We need to cut entitlements by TRILLIONS to do that. Which we should absolutely do.

Use Ukraine funding to get concessions from democrats on cutting THAT.
you dont think $75,000,000,000 dedicated to the southern border would have made a dent in the influx of people?

$38,187,372 per linear mile, doesn't secure the southern border?

Liberal rag, here you go. 1/2 the price

Even if Trump finished the wall and made it impregnable, Biden would just let them all in through the checkpoints.

The best way to solve the illegal immigration problem is to pass a law that forbids non-citizens from getting any government benefits. Trump could have passed that when he had both houses of congress. Instead, he increased Obama's budget and basically kept ObamaCare intact.
Funky Winkerbean
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Government is the problem, not the solution.
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richardag said:

aTmAg said:

BigRobSA said:

aTmAg said:

BigRobSA said:

aTmAg said:

BigRobSA said:

aTmAg said:

If only you guys were as passionate about cutting entitlements as you are about cutting Ukraine.

The former is the cause of our ruin.
I am, since I'm a conservative. You don't say "Well, we can't get a cut in entitlements.....might as well go full ruhtard and add more debt....". You say "No" to adding more debt and then work on the other stuff.
I'm not the one saying "well we can't cut entitlements". Most people on this thread are saying that.

And supporting an ally and sticking to your word is not a "liberal policy". Actually having a set of strong allies would enable us to have LESS military, since our allies would pick up any slack. The fact that we screw over allies and have to do everything ourselves is WHY we have to blow our budges on the military.

I don't care about Ukraine in the least, nor Russia. Neither means dick to daily life in America. Russia is obviously not the superpower they make themselves out to be. They can't even kick Ukraine's ass. We would curbstomp them....in heels. And Ukraine? LoL....anyways....

And yes, fiscally supporting them is a liberal policy since we're having to hock our great grandkids' future to do it.

So, basically, F NotAmerica. Fix **** here. Then maybe we can send them a few million..
You say the same thing about China invading Taiwan?


If we fix **** here, Taiwain fades into Bolivian as far as any relevance. Fixing **** here would make it feasible to move mfg back here.
We aren't going to fix that **** today. If Taiwan got invaded now, we would be SCREWED. We import 44% of our chip logic from Taiwan. We HAVE to keep that from happening in the short and middle term.
True we need to restore microchip manufacturing in the U.S.
'They would not listen to us': inside Arizona's troubled chip plant
While our borders are a hot mess allowing unskilled labor, terrorists & outright felons free access, our digits in the government are kowtowing to the unions.
To do this, we need to gut the government, reduce taxes, regulations, etc. Make the cost of production here a fraction what it currently is. That's going to require a conservative president, house, and senate (60%).

In short, that's not going to happen anytime soon. In the meantime, we need to make sure that Taiwan doesn't get their asses invaded by China.
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Funky Winkerbean said:

Government is the problem, not the solution.
Agreed. Which is why I want to get government out of the way.
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See number 1. This has to be the biggest money laundering crime in history.
Second place to the Covid Vax scam!
"only one thing is important!"
Funky Winkerbean
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OPAG said:


See number 1. This has to be the biggest money laundering crime in history.
Second place to the Covid Vax scam!

I sure do wish the country would wake up to what's happening.
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Wars end when the loser decides and neither Russia or Ukraine is anywhere close to losing yet, so I wouldn't worry about it. That particular conflict probably has several more years of run in it if not far beyond that in a Cold War state. Technically the Korean War never ended and we are still paying $$$ for a large base over there.
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Nothing to be on the fence about.

1.) killing and depleting Russians on the battle field is good.

2.) learning about the real capabilities of the Russians vs what was thought is immensely useful.

3.) how ever much it costs …..I personally don't care.

4.) but none of it should happened, no funds made available, until the democrats are choked into submission and order is restored to the border and there is a stop to illegals applying for entry.

5.) all funds that supports the Ukrainian mission should have accountability and transparency.

6.) Republicans had the best whipping stick available. Nothing gets funded till order is restored along the border.

Because it would easy to restore order at the border only means the ruling class politicians on both sides don't want to fix it. Border security doesn't require one more dime than what has already been budgeted.

Yet again, our politicians refuse to as a Republic.

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