I'm still on the fence about Ukraine

12,596 Views | 254 Replies | Last: 5 mo ago by oh no
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1) Biden is corrupt as hell, and I wouldn't be surprised if his support is basically hush money to ensure that Ukraine doesn't expose all of this schemes.

2) We are in massive national debt. Reagan spend $3B in Afghanistan to push the Soviets out of Afghanistan. That was when the Soviets were still a superpower. That is $7-$12 billion in today dollars (depending if that figure was in 1980's dollars or 1989 dollars). Biden has spent ~$75B so far in Ukraine (in less time) and Russia is a shadow of their former selves. So what gives? Reagan did stuff like only provide stingers in exchange for empty stinger tubes. To ensure that they were actually used in war and not stockpiled. Is Biden just blindly shipping them stuff?


1) F Russia. They have been funding our enemies for YEARS getting American soldier killed. They need pay back. Make them think twice about supporting our enemies again. So far, they are up to almost the amount we lost in Vietnam. Not to mention the number that died in other conflicts they supported. I'd be happy with 3X, but not at the expense of fast victory.

2) If we had let Putin waltz into Ukraine unopposed, then he wouldn't have stopped there. Just like he wasn't satisfied with Crimea. He probably would have taken every non-NATO country.

3) We need to make sure China does not try to take Taiwan. That would be a severe blow to our economy and way of life. Even if we just let it happen and didn't engage at all. Maybe our actions in Ukraine so far postponed that? A complete defeat of Russia would probably postpone any action in Taiwan for 50+ years. (assuming no future democrat president projects weakness)

4) None of our troops are fighting. The Ukrainians are doing all the grunt work. While $75B is a lot, it's NOTHING compared to the $2.3T we spent in our war in Afghanistan. And 0 American deaths is WAY better than ~2500 that were killed in Afghanistan. I'd rather all of our conflicts were like this. Yet people are more anxious about this war than the 20 years we fought in Afghanistan. It makes no sense.

5) We have screwed over nearly every ally since Vietnam, and that has made our allies weak in return. We let Saddam wipe out the Kurds, even though the Kurds are the only decent people in the area. If anybody deserves their own country over there, it's them. We screwed over the people who helped us in Afghanistan. We have screwed over Israel (and Biden is starting to do that again now). If we had let Russia roll over Ukraine, then we would have screwed over yet another country that we had promised to help protect (in exchange for them giving up nukes). If we withdraw all our support now, then THAT will be what is remembered by future allies. Not the fact that we blew $75B prior. And it will be remembered as Russian victory and them "standing up" to us and winning.

In short, I think we need to win this fast. Don't drag it out for 10 years. Do it the Reagan way and ensure victory as fast as possible. We need to cut spending elsewhere (like entitlements) to pay for it. And before anybody says nonsense about the "military industrial complex", I think we should not give them any F-35s.
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One country thinks men in dresses are women.

The other country thinks men in dresses are freaks.

Don't believe everything you see in the media.
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At least you are critically thinking...

How about... Just stay the hell out of it. It is a slush fund where people are dying so money can be made.
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Their leader is so scared for his life that he catches flights to the US to beg for money (to be laundered later) from our elected representatives...
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We arnt going to win it fast. We arnt going to win it. Territory in Ukraine is going to be negotiated away.
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American Hardwood
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I'd be far more in support for Ukraine if our own country was actually in good shape and prosperous instead of being in the gigantic **** show we are in economically, culturally, and politically.
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***types "Ukraine" into Google Maps***

***sees that "Ukraine" is not in America***

F NotAmerica
rocky the dog
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Elections are when people find out what politicians stand for, and politicians find out what people will fall for.
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Ukraine is a drop in the bucket compared to all these other problems.

Saving $75B by not funding Ukraine is not going to fix the border, our economy, or our culture.

We need to cut entitlements by TRILLIONS to do that. Which we should absolutely do.

Use Ukraine funding to get concessions from democrats on cutting THAT.
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Dude, they already said the estimated "Marshal Plan" for Ukraine will be 1.1 trillion. That was 2 years ago, when Blackrock got real 'interested' in their banking/infrastructure plans 'post-war.' Knowing government planning that's probably something like 3 trillion today.
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aTmAg said:


1) Biden is corrupt as hell, and I wouldn't be surprised if his support is basically hush money to ensure that Ukraine doesn't expose all of this schemes.

2) We are in massive national debt. Reagan spend $3B in Afghanistan to push the Soviets out of Afghanistan. That was when the Soviets were still a superpower. That is $7-$12 billion in today dollars (depending if that figure was in 1980's dollars or 1989 dollars). Biden has spent ~$75B so far in Ukraine (in less time) and Russia is a shadow of their former selves. So what gives? Reagan did stuff like only provide stingers in exchange for empty stinger tubes. To ensure that they were actually used in war and not stockpiled. Is Biden just blindly shipping them stuff?

1. We already have seen quid pro quo to protect Hunter and The Big Guy's Burisma scheme:

"I said, 'You're not getting the billion.' I'm going to be leaving here in, I think it was about six hours. I looked at them and said: 'I'm leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you're not getting the money,'" Biden recalled telling Poroshenko. "Well, son of a *****, he got fired.

2. See number 1. This has to be the biggest money laundering crime in history.
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Ciboag96 said:

One country thinks men in dresses are women.

The other country thinks men in dresses are freaks.

Don't believe everything you see in the media.
So that makes them the good guys? Well that's certainly a take.
Hungry Ojos
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We might as well take $80 billion and light it on fire. Ukraine can't defeat Russia. Russia is eventually going to win and we did nothing but burn billions of dollars and ensure thousands more Ukrainians are killed. The only way Russia was going to be defeated was if other countries contributed troops on the ground which no one is willing to do. Stupid, stupid, stupid. I take solace though knowing that every quarter when I write a huge check to the government, they send it off to Ukraine who funnels it right back into our politician's pockets. Awesome.
Kraft Punk
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The fact Ukraine wasnt obvious to everyone as a scam on the American middle class is hilarious

They squeezed every last drop out of hoax virus & then immediately segwayed to muh russia....

& magically all of the sudden liberals are pro war

Make the idiocy stop already
Logos Stick
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Dems will shut down the government before cutting a single penny from anything. You ain't getting them to negotiate.

On Ukraine, Europe can fund it.
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I conceptually support helping Ukraine with military aid because Russia needs to be defeated with their ongoing land grabs and hostile actions that could pull us in deeper if they are unchecked, and I'd much rather see Ukrainian soldiers do it than ours.

But we should prioritize things, and defending our borders is much more important. I don't support helping Ukraine without first addressing our border security.
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aTmAg said:

Ukraine is a drop in the bucket compared to all these other problems.

Saving $75B by not funding Ukraine is not going to fix the border, our economy, or our culture.

We need to cut entitlements by TRILLIONS to do that. Which we should absolutely do.

Use Ukraine funding to get concessions from democrats on cutting THAT.

$75B here...

.....$75B there....

........soon, we're talking about real money!

How about "No" to funding, because it's stupid, liberal policy and we're crackhead wanting to suck you off for a hit broke. And then, gut entitlements.

Entitlements aren't on the table with Dems, and also ot with most Rs. So, just say "No" to adding to the idiocy.
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My view is we broke it, we bought it. We should have left it alone over a decade ago and let Russia have its sphere of influence playground if they wanted it so badly. But it really started before that with the security guarantees in exchange for removing the nuclear and strategic arsenal.

We did that and then had a treaty obligation, effectively. Instead of leaving well enough alone, we had to go manipulate their elections and get deeply involved in their internal politics with our state department and CIA color revolution work, and then Obama all but told Putin to go ahead and make a land grab any time after the 2012 election. Then that idiot Biden did the same thing in 2022. "Just the tip" Biden.

We throughly f'ed up Ukraine with everyone watching. The rest of the world jumped right in to help along with us so there is a substantial international prestige and influence factor at stake, as well as our Allie's and enemies gauging our reliability and strength of will. Showing weakness is a big long term risk to our global economic and power projection influence and advantage, which we extract immense value from in regards to beneficial trade terms. It affects every level of our own economy to be the respected superpower, and we put that up for critique with Afghanistan already, and now Ukraine.

There is a lot at stake for us, and it's not to be taken lightly.
Logos Stick
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Jeeper79 said:

Ciboag96 said:

One country thinks men in dresses are women.

The other country thinks men in dresses are freaks.

Don't believe everything you see in the media.
So that makes us the bad guys and them the good guys? Well that's certainly a take.

We are very bad in many aspects, including Dem leadership who are now completely lawless and degenerate. Russia is very bad because they have a dictator in charge.
Logos Stick
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How did we break it? You talking about deposing the Russian leader?
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Hungry Ojos said:

We might as well take $80 billion and light it on fire. Ukraine can't defeat Russia. Russia is eventually going to win and we did nothing but burn billions of dollars and ensure thousands more Ukrainians are killed. The only way Russia was going to be defeated was if other countries contributed troops on the ground which no one is willing to do. Stupid, stupid, stupid. I take solace though knowing that every quarter when I write a huge check to the government, they send it off to Ukraine who funnels it right back into our politician's pockets. Awesome.

Define "win". Russia want's all of Ukraine and they won't get it. They won't even get one of Kharkiv, Kherson, Kiev, or Odessa.
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Secolobo said:

Their leader is so scared for his life that he catches flights to the US to beg for money (to be laundered later) from our elected representatives...

Churchill visited the White House to ask for aid while they were being attacked by Nazis. He draw your ire too?
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aTmAg said:


1) Biden is corrupt as hell, and I wouldn't be surprised if his support is basically hush money to ensure that Ukraine doesn't expose all of this schemes.

Really good post overall.

This quoted section is where I am at.

The irrational zeal Biden and democrats have for Ukraine is manifesting something more corrupt.

There is some non trivial national interest in repelling Russia. I'll grant that…But it pales in comparison to Taiwan and Japan's needs preventing Chinese aggression. In fact there are many national interests that are well ahead of Ukraine.

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If only you guys were as passionate about cutting entitlements as you are about cutting Ukraine.

The former is the cause of our ruin.
Ghost Mech
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Biden is corrupt as hell

Think about what you just said when you consider looking the other way on this...

We have a President that has been illegally selling influence for multi-million dollar financial benefit for his family and others via our national treasury in Ukraine for more than a decade. Furthermore he's willing to lie to your face, let hundreds of thousands die, and let a sovereign country be destroyed (physically and financially) to protect what he's done. If that's not bad enough, he's lead the charge to kill the confidence in the US dollar throughout the world via sanctions and confiscation of Russian assets.

The man (and his conspirators) should be hanging from the end of a rope for these crimes and incompetence.

This isn't a fight about freedom and democracy, this a fight about high crimes and avoiding the consequences of the actions of a despicable human being.
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fixer said:

There is some non trivial national interest in repelling Russia. I'll grant that…But it pales in comparison to Taiwan and Japan's needs preventing Chinese aggression. In fact there are many national interests that are well ahead of Ukraine.
The two go hand in hand. If we had done nothing in Ukraine, then I'm convinced that China would have rushed to invade Taiwan before Biden left office.

Biden's corruption made him luck into his only correct foreign policy decision of his entire career.
Hungry Ojos
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aTmAg said:

If only you guys were as passionate about cutting entitlements as you are about cutting Ukraine.

The former is the cause of our ruin.

I'm with you, but entitlements will NEVER be cut. Ever. They aren't going anywhere because to do so is political suicide.
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Ukraine will get smaller and Russia will get bigger. I said this very early on. It is and will remain correct.
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aTmAg said:

If only you guys were as passionate about cutting entitlements as you are about cutting Ukraine.

The former is the cause of our ruin.

I am, since I'm a conservative. You don't say "Well, we can't get a cut in entitlements.....might as well go full ruhtard and add more debt....". You say "No" to adding more debt and then work on the other stuff.
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Ghost Mech said:


Biden is corrupt as hell

Think about what you just said when you consider looking the other way on this...

We have a President that has been illegally selling influence for multi-million dollar financial benefit for his family and others via our national treasury in Ukraine for more than a decade. Furthermore he's willing to lie to your face, let hundreds of thousands die, and let a sovereign country be destroyed (physically and financially) to protect what he's done. If that's not bad enough, he's lead the charge to kill the confidence in the US dollar throughout the world via sanctions and confiscation of Russian assets.

The man (and his conspirators) should be hanging from the end of a rope for these crimes and incompetence.

This isn't a fight about freedom and democracy, this a fight about high crimes and avoiding the consequences of the actions of a despicable human being.
FDR was corrupt. That didn't mean fighting the Germans in WW2 was bad policy.

When Trump wins, he should continue the fight in Ukraine (do it smarter), AND throw the entire Biden family in jail for corruption.

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We meddled in their internal politics and elections for the last 2 decades, particularly during the second Obama administration and now during the Biden administration. We pressed fairly hard against Russian influence and pushed Ukraine towards western alignment. That's not unusual but we went pretty far in manipulating their internal election politics to counter Russia. Then we (Obama) basically invited Russia to use military force to take parts of Ukraine.
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PlaneCrashGuy said:

Ukraine will get smaller and Russia will get bigger. I said this very early on. It is and will remain correct.

And Russia goal was for Ukraine to not exist at all. And we stopped that dead in its tracks. Lines will be frozen largely where they are now.
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Teslag said:

PlaneCrashGuy said:

Ukraine will get smaller and Russia will get bigger. I said this very early on. It is and will remain correct.

And Russia goal was for Ukraine to not exist at all. And we stopped that dead in its tracks. Lines will be frozen largely where they are now.

You've been saying this months and the lines keep moving.
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I never got this idea that Russia isn't going to stop with Ukraine. It's always been the reddest or redlines to Russia. Going back centuries, it's always been an attack vector on their mainland. There are too many videos to pull one specifically but going back to the late 90's even mentioning the idea of flirting with Ukraine & the West would be akin to China/Russia courting Mexico into a Communist regime change. Arguably the closest we ever got to global, nuclear war was Russia trying to ensconce themselves into Cuba…so this notion of their attacks being "unprovoked" isn't completely accurate. NATO has been marching east for decades now, and Ukraine is the line in the sand that Russia will not abide by losing.

Then you have the military logistics. Russia can win a slug-fest, war of attrition in Ukraine and take territory, but it can't hold it. What was thought to be a blitzkrieg style of attack has turned into trench warfare. They can level cities, but they can't hold and rebuild them. This is a proxy-war to artificially prop up our own military industrial complex and try to bleed Russia dry. Problem is, they are flush with cash, but not manpower and manufacturing. They are suffering hundreds of thousands of casualties that are difficult to replace. This is not WWII and the defense of the Motherland this is going on the offensive with men and material that they are losing faster than they can replace them.

Now imagine an occupation while also trying to pivot and attack other nations. We had a chance to end this war early with the Munich accords. WE shut that down. We want this war for the reasons mentioned. This nation is ruled by three oligarchs: the technology/internet companies, the military industrial complex, and big pharma. Pharma got COVID, but after pulling out of the ME, the MIC needs another war and they've gotten it.

WE facilitated a presidential regime change in UA. WE flirted with bringing then into NATO, knowing what the response was going to be. WE siphoned off billions in funds through corruption in UA. WE allowed UA to stop holding elections, and WE could have pushed through the Munich accords and put this entire thing to bed. The ethnic Russians DO NOT want to be a part of UA. Let them go.

And the biggest piece of irony, all the while EU is funding billions in weapons to fight Russia, they are dependent on Russians O&G to keep them from freezing
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