Gunny456 said:
Heck yea. And by not voting or voting for someone who will get 200 votes nationally will fix the problem. What a good plan. That just makes the Dems that much stronger. So I hope you like their ways the best.
There's millions that sound like you, vote for the lesser of evils, a vote for a 3rd party is a vote for Biden. I strongly suspect those millions will change their tune right when it's too late.
It doesn't take much, a handful of seats to gain power and start change. It's not about any one election or even the presidency. It a slow process of we save ourselves. Just getting 3% gains funding for example.
Otherwise it's a vote for the eventual end. I'm not telling my daughter and grand kids I was too caught in a red vs blue team game to vote for real change outside the 2 party ride off the cliff like Thelma and Louise.
I don't see any way we don't go off the cliff with the government split between and red and blue teams
And BTW, a vote for Trump in 2016 was a vote for Biden or anyone not named Hilary in 2020. Here we are again, Rs didn't learn and will nominate Trump again. I suspect he'll lose to whoever runs for the Ds again. He'll probably even predict a cheat again, won't be able to stop it again, and won't be able to prove it in numerous court cases again. And again, not a serious party.