TommyBrady said:
What do y'all eat on a daily basis? Like whats a typical day look like? I want to start the low carb and low sugar lifestyle but not sure whats best to eat to maximize effects.
I did the Keto diet and not the carnivore diet like this thread is about, but this is how I started.
Download a phone App and track everything that you eat. What I found was when I tracked what I ate, then I really became aware of the extra snacks, carbs, etc I was consuming because it was there or I was bored. So it is an accountability aspect. I use Lose It on Android the Free version, but I am sure it is on all platforms. It has many common foods already in it and even some restaurant meals so you just have to put portion size.
There are many similar apps.
First things first, on Keto it is all about Carbs. Carbohydrates whether sugar or bread type carbs are stored as fat if not used on the day you eat them. The idea behind Keto, is if you remove the Carbs, the body will eventually realize it (3-7 days) and will start breaking down the fat to use as energy.
To get into Ketosis, takes 3-7 days and there are ways to test it with test kits (breath or pee test) to determine if you are in Ketosis. Ketosis the process of breaking down fat and it leaves the body in your pee. Oddly enough, I could smell the difference in my pee (weird I know) and can tell when I am in Ketosis. My wife also hates it and won't kiss me, she says it is on my breath (which has been confirmed by web accounts as well)
How do you get into Ketosis? By Limiting Carbs of course. My goal based on reading is to stay below 25 NET carbs PER DAY. What is a NET Carb? That is a good question and had no idea when getting into this. If you look on the back of any food, you will see Carbohydrates and Fiber. A Net Carb is Subtracting the Fiber from the Carbs. Why do you subtract? Well the idea is that Fiber is insoluble Carbs and so don't really count.
Here is example of Net Carbs...
So in this example, the 4 gram of Carb tortilla could be loaded with meat, cheese or any other 0 or very low carb food and I could eat 6 of them PER DAY and still stay below my goal of 25 net carbs.
My brother did Keto after I had success and he stayed below 50 Net Carbs and had good results with lots of exercise. So the 25 is not a hard number. Some days I would do 18 Net Carbs, other days 35 net Carbs.
Quick Hitter Advice.
When you start, eat breakfast because at first it will feel like you are starving. Omelet, Bacon and Eggs, Sausage, cheese. Just check the label and keep it under 5-8 carbs (pace your carbs throughout the day, breakfast low carb is the easiest)
Once you get into Ketosis, you will occasionally get hungry, but it is a different kind of hunger, you don't have the stomach grumbling like I do when I skip a meal on no diet
After about 3-4 weeks, I would eventually go to Intermittent Fasting and not eat anything (water and coffee only) from 10 PM to 11 AM. I would then eat a brunch type food at 11 or so when I got hungry.
Look up Keto Recipes online. There are a bunch of good ones on the internet. Keto Pizza Crust, Keto Sausage Balls, Keto waffles, almost any meal you can think of.
I eventually got into making Keto desserts (with Zero Carb Sugar Substitutes) as well, but many people think that can make dieters fall off the wagon.
For a quick dessert, I would get Sugar Free Jello with Ready Whip (1 Carb) and Keto Ice Cream (like 2 or 3 Net Carbs).
If you have specific questions, respond or PM me and I will be happy to answer Keto questions.