smitshot said:
Ag with kids said:
Medaggie said:
This is multifactorial and essentially the perfect environment for EVs esp Tesla
1. Tesla started in California
2. High income state
3. Weather best for range
4. Cal mandates for EV conversion including businesses
5. High gas prices
6. Superchargers everywhere
7. Affluent young who are techies
8. High population concentrated in large cities thus most drive locally
So...we can't apply that model of customer base and infrastructure to the rest of the country?
Good grief. He's saying the "perfect" model. Tesla's are being sold out everywhere on the planet except the Sahara desert and maybe northern Arkansas. If you move to one of those areas then maybe you can avoid ever hearing about or seeing an EV again.
Again...CA bought almost HALF of the EVs in the US. So, he explained why it worked for CALIFORNIA.
But, I was being a little smartass about how that model doesn't extend to the other 49 states...
How many ****ing times do I have to tell you people that I don't care if EVs get sold? I'm an engineer and I love cool tech. So, I'm not against them. I work with UAS and will be doing a lot of work with AAM. Many of those AAM UAS are EVs. Hell, all but one of our UAS platform is an EV.
However, every time anyone mentions some roadblock to EV adoption, the EV folks on here Poo Poo those roadblocks and handwave them away as if that's how **** works in the real world.
There are REAL issues that will hamper adoption. Until the EV folks actually accept they exist, I just shake my head because they're being myopic.