Trump supporters, you ain't gonna like this...

19,323 Views | 225 Replies | Last: 3 yr ago by Wearer of the Ring
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Perro Blanco said:

I've been an active TexAgs subscriber since 2012, primarily because I love Aggie football, recruiting, and all else associated.

I've never posted to the Politics board before, but I couldn't help but do so given the current chaos. I will readily admit I've never been politically active, so allow me to express an unbiased perspective...

Good gawd! It is absolutely shocking to me that anyone could continue to support Donald Trump!

First and foremost, TRUMP IS A NARCISSITIC MANIPULATIVE LIAR! Those of you who can't see that are either wearing ignorantly-tainted Republican glasses, and/or you've obviously succumbed to his predatory tact of... "I'll seduce the masses by preaching my agenda at an eighth-grade reading comprehension level..."
That's a FABULOUS idea, Donald! AMAZING, really.

I will give the man credit for coining "Make America Great Again," that was a gem of a ploy. But for those of you who don't recognize that as nothing more than marketing spin, I've got some condos to sell you in the Everglades.

As to being an outright liar... Trump has contended, and continues to contend, that the election was fraudulent. Okay, it's within his right to do so. But each and every court in the land has determined there was no basis to support that the election results were fraudulent. In fact, of the 60+ contentions filed, absolutely ZERO were considered of merit. Thus, all of you continuing to support the narrative of a fraudulent election are effectively indicting our democratic process a whole.

Even more so, it was Trump's continuous lying about the election results that was responsible for inciting the insurrection at the Capitol. Trump began spinning his "fraud" yarn well before the election, as a hedge, because he suspected he might get buried by the disenchanted "early vote." So when he did lose, he played the "fraud card," and he has been perpetuating that myth for over two months now, and that is the fuel that stoked the fire of the insurrection.
To the contrary, I've read some of your comments that assert, "It ain't so, show me some proof." Well, allow me to suggest, go watch the videos of the assault on the Capitol... DAMNING INDICTMENTS. Please don't tell me you support the "Q-Anon Shaman"-- what an absolute disgrace. Even more farcical is that your "Patriots" didn't have the discipline and foresight to realize that video and social media would be their undoing.

You want more? How 'bout the most recent damning of two-faced Trump? His initial video reaction to those attacking the Capitol... "We love you. You are very special..." The successive video, within a couple hours, "We don't condone violence in any way..."

And how 'bout your orange-haired boy sitting on the sidelines for the last two months while our country is grappling with a world-wide pandemic that has decimated our people for almost a year? Donald Trump has done nothing for two months other than perpetuate his narcissism, pout about his election loss, play golf, and disrupt everything he can for the incoming administration.

IMO Donald Trump has been a world-wide embarrassment as a President for our country. I sincerely hope that he is soon convicted as to his impeachment and can never hold office again.

Come Jan 20th... buh-bye!!!

You and people like you are what's wrong with our nation.

Why should anyone give a **** how the rest of the world views us? Our way of life is better than theirs. If you disagree, perhaps you lack the intestinal fortitude to handle what liberty entails and should move to a country where the government will take care of the weak-willed such as yourself. Quit ****ing it up for the rest of us.
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Perro Blanco said:

First and foremost, TRUMP IS A NARCISSITIC MANIPULATIVE LIAR! Those of you who can't see that are either wearing ignorantly-tainted Republican glasses, and/or you've obviously succumbed to his predatory tact of... "I'll seduce the masses by preaching my agenda at an eighth-grade reading comprehension level..."
That's a FABULOUS idea, Donald! AMAZING, really.

So your whole argument starts with Trump is a narcissist and a liar. I would bet a large percentage of Trump supporters would agree. They will then turn around and point to every other politician in DC. The main difference is that Trump is loud, bombastic and speaks off the cuff. Trump has no filter and that leaves lots of misstatements to be called lies.

As for the whole election fraud, there are a lot of irregularities but fraud is always very hard to prove.
Zombie Jon Snow
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BallerStaf2003 said:

rocky the dog said:

Wait, did you see a health care plan?

Nope... but I saw the individual mandate repealed which was a great first step.

I also saw about 90% of what he promised delivered which is pretty damn good in the history of Presidents, both those I voted for and those I did not.

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AustinScubaAg said:

So your whole argument starts with Trump is a narcissist and a liar. I would bet a large percentage of Trump supporters would agree. They will then turn around and point to every other politician in DC. The main difference is that Trump is loud, bombastic and speaks off the cuff. Trump has no filter and that leaves lots of misstatements to be called lies.

As for the whole election fraud, there are a lot of irregularities but fraud is always very hard to prove.
So is he a liar or is he not?
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Save pets. Vote Trump 2024.
Zombie Jon Snow
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bad_teammate said:

AustinScubaAg said:

So your whole argument starts with Trump is a narcissist and a liar. I would bet a large percentage of Trump supporters would agree. They will then turn around and point to every other politician in DC. The main difference is that Trump is loud, bombastic and speaks off the cuff. Trump has no filter and that leaves lots of misstatements to be called lies.

As for the whole election fraud, there are a lot of irregularities but fraud is always very hard to prove.
So is he a liar or is he not?

ALL politicians are liars. 100%. No exceptions.


Cowboy Curtis
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Skipped over the OP and was hoping to find The Fugitive's "I Don't Care" gif. After 4 pages it still hasn't been posted. Sorely disappointed...
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Everything you posted is based on lies. You back nothing up with links or facts. Sorry you have been lied to by the Democratic Party leadership and mainstream media.
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Zombie Jon Snow said:

bad_teammate said:

AustinScubaAg said:

So your whole argument starts with Trump is a narcissist and a liar. I would bet a large percentage of Trump supporters would agree. They will then turn around and point to every other politician in DC. The main difference is that Trump is loud, bombastic and speaks off the cuff. Trump has no filter and that leaves lots of misstatements to be called lies.

As for the whole election fraud, there are a lot of irregularities but fraud is always very hard to prove.
So is he a liar or is he not?

ALL politicians are liars. 100%. No exceptions.


Besides, their Democratic Party media have made determining that truth with any confidence impossible. Deleting every discussion and bit of evidence. Including 2006 totally unrelated indicators about how Chavez won his election that CNN ran.
FrioAg 00:
Leftist Democrats "have completely overplayed the Racism accusation. Honestly my first reaction when I hear it today is to assume bad intentions by the accuser, not the accused."
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Get Off My Lawn
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I'm pretty sure it's safe to say that if we could review OP's news consumption, they'd prove a the perfect example of "garbage in, garbage out."
1. Only ever gets 'news' from one side.
2. Has been effectively programmed to believe themselves a free thinker, while simply regurgitating what they've been told.
3. Chooses to yell rather than listen when confronted with something that challenges their paradigm.

Dunning Kruger Effect personified.
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Only foreigners or emotional weak minded beta Americans value personality over policy in a POTUS.
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Perro Blanco said:

I've been an active TexAgs subscriber since 2012, primarily because I love Aggie football, recruiting, and all else associated.

I've never posted to the Politics board before, but I couldn't help but do so given the current chaos. I will readily admit I've never been politically active, so allow me to express an unbiased perspective...

Good gawd! It is absolutely shocking to me that anyone could continue to support Donald Trump!

First and foremost, TRUMP IS A NARCISSITIC MANIPULATIVE LIAR! Those of you who can't see that are either wearing ignorantly-tainted Republican glasses, and/or you've obviously succumbed to his predatory tact of... "I'll seduce the masses by preaching my agenda at an eighth-grade reading comprehension level..."
That's a FABULOUS idea, Donald! AMAZING, really.

I will give the man credit for coining "Make America Great Again," that was a gem of a ploy. But for those of you who don't recognize that as nothing more than marketing spin, I've got some condos to sell you in the Everglades.

As to being an outright liar... Trump has contended, and continues to contend, that the election was fraudulent. Okay, it's within his right to do so. But each and every court in the land has determined there was no basis to support that the election results were fraudulent. In fact, of the 60+ contentions filed, absolutely ZERO were considered of merit. Thus, all of you continuing to support the narrative of a fraudulent election are effectively indicting our democratic process a whole.

Even more so, it was Trump's continuous lying about the election results that was responsible for inciting the insurrection at the Capitol. Trump began spinning his "fraud" yarn well before the election, as a hedge, because he suspected he might get buried by the disenchanted "early vote." So when he did lose, he played the "fraud card," and he has been perpetuating that myth for over two months now, and that is the fuel that stoked the fire of the insurrection.
To the contrary, I've read some of your comments that assert, "It ain't so, show me some proof." Well, allow me to suggest, go watch the videos of the assault on the Capitol... DAMNING INDICTMENTS. Please don't tell me you support the "Q-Anon Shaman"-- what an absolute disgrace. Even more farcical is that your "Patriots" didn't have the discipline and foresight to realize that video and social media would be their undoing.

You want more? How 'bout the most recent damning of two-faced Trump? His initial video reaction to those attacking the Capitol... "We love you. You are very special..." The successive video, within a couple hours, "We don't condone violence in any way..."

And how 'bout your orange-haired boy sitting on the sidelines for the last two months while our country is grappling with a world-wide pandemic that has decimated our people for almost a year? Donald Trump has done nothing for two months other than perpetuate his narcissism, pout about his election loss, play golf, and disrupt everything he can for the incoming administration.

IMO Donald Trump has been a world-wide embarrassment as a President for our country. I sincerely hope that he is soon convicted as to his impeachment and can never hold office again.

Come Jan 20th... buh-bye!!!

To even suggest that you are unbiased or examining Trump's presidency objectively is absolute delusion. GTFOH with the pathetic crap.
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Detmersdislocatedshoulder said:

Only girls write in caps to make a point
As a chick, I resent this. I prefer italics.
barbacoa taco
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MouthBQ98 said:

What about policies? He didn't lie about those, as many of the things he claimed he wanted implemented, he actually set about getting done as best as he was able, given the opposition or practical realities.

I found Trump to a bombastic narcissist with an annoyingly combative and self congratulatory personality but at least he had some sound policy ideas regarding economic growth and foreign policy.

No wars, reduced foreign deployments, better trade deals, exited stupidly negotiated foreign policy agreements of previous governments (Paris agreement, Iran nuclear delusion, etc). border security, military readiness, regulatory simplification, etc.

That is what Trump did do that got him a lot of support DESPITE his personality. I can totally understand people being extremely put off by the man, but to make that out as the totality of the man as a leader is simply not valid.

Now, if you actually favor reckless, foolish, and often sociopathic leftist power seeking political policies, then maybe you have an argument that he is really truly terrible on all levels from that perspective.
While I don't agree with it, I can at least understand the idea of voting for Trump for the purely policy reasons you listed and otherwise not liking him as a person. I know plenty of people who are just like that.

However I get annoyed when they act like the ONLY reason people hate Trump is he's kind of an ass as a person. I mean, come on. Who at this point still thinks his only flaw is being mean? He is clearly a mentally unwell narcissistic sociopath who is willing to do some pretty ****ed up things to get what he wants.

I really can't wrap my head around people who see everything from the past 4 years (much less the past 2 months) and think "I want 4 more years of him." I completely understand not liking Biden or the Democrats. But man, the party is now hostile toward anyone who isn't fully on board with Trump and everything he does.

Honest question. How are you not sick of him at this point? Don't you want to be done with him? The GOP is in disarray because of him. He's caused so much damage to the party. Don't you want to move on from him and present a strong, unifying challenger to the Dems in 2024?
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My answer is still "I'd rather have Trump for the next 4 years than Biden based on the policies Biden wants to implement".

That's how great a threat I see Biden and the Democrats to our country.
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Honest question. How are you not sick of him at this point? Don't you want to be done with him? The GOP is in disarray because of him. He's caused so much damage to the party. Don't you want to move on from him and present a strong, unifying challenger to the Dems in 2024?
You would have a case if we were rid of Pelosi and Schumer and the OTHER side of all the disruption and division since 2016...
FrioAg 00:
Leftist Democrats "have completely overplayed the Racism accusation. Honestly my first reaction when I hear it today is to assume bad intentions by the accuser, not the accused."
Zombie Jon Snow
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larry culpepper said:

MouthBQ98 said:

What about policies? He didn't lie about those, as many of the things he claimed he wanted implemented, he actually set about getting done as best as he was able, given the opposition or practical realities.

I found Trump to a bombastic narcissist with an annoyingly combative and self congratulatory personality but at least he had some sound policy ideas regarding economic growth and foreign policy.

No wars, reduced foreign deployments, better trade deals, exited stupidly negotiated foreign policy agreements of previous governments (Paris agreement, Iran nuclear delusion, etc). border security, military readiness, regulatory simplification, etc.

That is what Trump did do that got him a lot of support DESPITE his personality. I can totally understand people being extremely put off by the man, but to make that out as the totality of the man as a leader is simply not valid.

Now, if you actually favor reckless, foolish, and often sociopathic leftist power seeking political policies, then maybe you have an argument that he is really truly terrible on all levels from that perspective.
While I don't agree with it, I can at least understand the idea of voting for Trump for the purely policy reasons you listed and otherwise not liking him as a person. I know plenty of people who are just like that.

However I get annoyed when they act like the ONLY reason people hate Trump is he's kind of an ass as a person. I mean, come on. Who at this point still thinks his only flaw is being mean? He is clearly a mentally unwell narcissistic sociopath who is willing to do some pretty ****ed up things to get what he wants.

I really can't wrap my head around people who see everything from the past 4 years (much less the past 2 months) and think "I want 4 more years of him." I completely understand not liking Biden or the Democrats. But man, the party is now hostile toward anyone who isn't fully on board with Trump and everything he does.

Honest question. How are you not sick of him at this point? Don't you want to be done with him? The GOP is in disarray because of him. He's caused so much damage to the party. Don't you want to move on from him and present a strong, unifying challenger to the Dems in 2024?

sick of him?

a. what has he done to me?

b. the GOP needs to be destroyed, all political parties need to be destroyed

c. the strong unifying challenger does not exist

I believe in the following

1. God
2. The Constitution
3. Our system of government

None of that is the GOP. Political parties are the enemy, we are just currently stuck in this 2 party system which means you make decisions based on where you stand not on politicians or personalities. If you are making decisions based on your feelings you deserve what you get.

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We all know Trump is a liar and a narcissist. But his foreign policy has been great and domestic policy has been far more conservative than we feared from a lifelong Democrat. In all, up until the Corona virus, Trump had the best economy in our nations history and had arguably the most consequential first 3 years in office of any president ever.

But we support our president and show our loyalty to him, not because we were seduced by his lies or the morality of his philandering lifestyle, but because he has sacrificed his business, fortune, and personal reputation in order to stand between the Marxists and us. Put simply, he takes their vitriolic attacks on our behalf.

He has seen the political opposition weaponize the DOJ and conduct illegal surveillance of his campaign while the media mocked him for claiming his wires were tapped.

He endured a 3 year Russian collusion investigation that was based on lies peddled by Hillary's campaign.

We've seen the FBI falsify reports to get a conviction against Trump's National Security Advisor.

His first impeachment was based on hearsay evidence that was proven false when Trump released the Ukraine transcripts. But the leftists continued to perpetuate the notion that Trump was using his foreign policy for political purposes yet completely ignore the fact that Trump was pursuing a legitimate investigation into accusations that Biden used the US foreign policy in Ukraine to enrich his family (now proven true via Hunter's laptop).

And we now know Antifa was leading the riots at the Capitol despite the FBI's assurances that they weren't there. We know that those plans to infiltrate the Capitol were weeks in the making and yet the Leftists in congress voted to Impeach Trump a second time, two weeks before leaving office, for a speech he gave 30 minutes beforehand in which he implored everyone to remain peaceful.

Trump has condemned violence at every turn unlike Obama who stoked racial tensions and incited the assassination of nearly a dozen police officers. Or the Berniebro who attempted to assassinate Republican lawmakers practicing for a charity baseball game. Or the BLM/Antifa riots this summer with nearly every Democrat cheering on the burning and looting of our cities. Or the mostly peaceful protestors that scaled the fences and stormed the Whitehouse grounds.

Now that Trump has been effectively silenced, you may have noticed how the media, big tech, and corporate boardrooms are now turning their cancel culture warriors against mainstream conservatives.

Trump is not an embarrassment, it's the 'unbiased' people who chose to support Marxists because they don't like Trump's Twitter game that are the national embarrassment.
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Actually it was Ronald Reagan that coined the phase Make America Great Again in 1980 campaign. Trump just dusted it off and put it back in play. Trump did a lot of good things like having one of the best economy's ever pre-Covid, tax cuts & reform.

During Covid had some pretty economic numbers and job growth, tax cuts, added a lot of conservative judges at all levels the most out of any president, got the energy industry booming all time high and was energy independent for the first time in long time, tough on terrorism including knocking out ISIS, tough on trade outsourced to China, tough on China, North Korea, Iran, Pro American culture and jobs, tough on immigration reform, passed right to try for terminally ill patients to access experimental therapies to name a few things. He did a lot of good things. Sure he has a big ego which rubs a lot of people raw but a lot of his policies were good. There was some voting fraud during the election to some degree as there's some legit proof. Was it to the degree Trump and some his lawyers were saying most likely not and that could of been handled better. The courts punted on a lot of the legit agreements on some of that stuff.

barbacoa taco
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lb3 said:

And we now know Antifa was leading the riots at the Capitol despite the FBI's assurances that they weren't there. We know that those plans to infiltrate the Capitol were weeks in the making and yet the Leftists in congress voted to Impeach Trump a second time, two weeks before leaving office, for a speech he gave 30 minutes beforehand in which he implored everyone to remain peaceful.

Good Lord. You all need to stop it with this. This is such an embarrassing narrative. It was hardcore trump supporters that stormed the capitol and there is indisputable proof from videos and social media that this is the case.

Stop. This is cringe-worthy. The insurrection was not Antifa. Get over it.
barbacoa taco
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titan said:


Honest question. How are you not sick of him at this point? Don't you want to be done with him? The GOP is in disarray because of him. He's caused so much damage to the party. Don't you want to move on from him and present a strong, unifying challenger to the Dems in 2024?
You would have a case if we were rid of Pelosi and Schumer and the OTHER side of all the disruption and division since 2016...
Whataboutism isn't helpful here. It doesn't change the question I asked. and for the record I don't like Pelosi or Schumer.
Ukraine Gas Expert
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Now do joe then kamala. They have a career of way worse factual data to use.
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Is this the channel that you get your news from OP?

"Cult expert Steve Hassan told CNN on Tuesday that "all of America needs deprogramming" due to the negative influence of President Trump, especially rioters who stormed the U.S. Capitol."

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larry culpepper said:

MouthBQ98 said:

What about policies? He didn't lie about those, as many of the things he claimed he wanted implemented, he actually set about getting done as best as he was able, given the opposition or practical realities.

I found Trump to a bombastic narcissist with an annoyingly combative and self congratulatory personality but at least he had some sound policy ideas regarding economic growth and foreign policy.

No wars, reduced foreign deployments, better trade deals, exited stupidly negotiated foreign policy agreements of previous governments (Paris agreement, Iran nuclear delusion, etc). border security, military readiness, regulatory simplification, etc.

That is what Trump did do that got him a lot of support DESPITE his personality. I can totally understand people being extremely put off by the man, but to make that out as the totality of the man as a leader is simply not valid.

Now, if you actually favor reckless, foolish, and often sociopathic leftist power seeking political policies, then maybe you have an argument that he is really truly terrible on all levels from that perspective.
While I don't agree with it, I can at least understand the idea of voting for Trump for the purely policy reasons you listed and otherwise not liking him as a person. I know plenty of people who are just like that.

However I get annoyed when they act like the ONLY reason people hate Trump is he's kind of an ass as a person. I mean, come on. Who at this point still thinks his only flaw is being mean? He is clearly a mentally unwell narcissistic sociopath who is willing to do some pretty ****ed up things to get what he wants.

I really can't wrap my head around people who see everything from the past 4 years (much less the past 2 months) and think "I want 4 more years of him." I completely understand not liking Biden or the Democrats. But man, the party is now hostile toward anyone who isn't fully on board with Trump and everything he does.

Honest question. How are you not sick of him at this point? Don't you want to be done with him? The GOP is in disarray because of him. He's caused so much damage to the party. Don't you want to move on from him and present a strong, unifying challenger to the Dems in 2024?

There's a psychology as to why, but it'd be viewed as a personal attack for members of this board and I'd probably get banned for posting it.

People have their own psychology when they blindly follow narcissistic sociopaths
Ukraine Gas Expert
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Same for anyone leaning further right than the far left on twitter, facebook, news, sjw businesses, so there's that for you. You have your own echo chamber and are definitely no Jon Snow.
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larry culpepper said:

lb3 said:

And we now know Antifa was leading the riots at the Capitol despite the FBI's assurances that they weren't there. We know that those plans to infiltrate the Capitol were weeks in the making and yet the Leftists in congress voted to Impeach Trump a second time, two weeks before leaving office, for a speech he gave 30 minutes beforehand in which he implored everyone to remain peaceful.

Good Lord. You all need to stop it with this. This is such an embarrassing narrative. It was hardcore trump supporters that stormed the capitol and there is indisputable proof from videos and social media that this is the case.

Stop. This is cringe-worthy. The insurrection was not Antifa. Get over it.
Incorrect. BOTH are true.

FrioAg 00:
Leftist Democrats "have completely overplayed the Racism accusation. Honestly my first reaction when I hear it today is to assume bad intentions by the accuser, not the accused."
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The media threw a hissy fit for 4 years while Trump was in office they made people sick of hearing about it and him..I think this is why people voted for Biden they were just tired of it.
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Perro Blanco said:

I've been an active TexAgs subscriber since 2012, primarily because I love Aggie football, recruiting, and all else associated.

I've never posted to the Politics board before, but I couldn't help but do so given the current chaos. I will readily admit I've never been politically active, so allow me to express an unbiased perspective...

Good gawd! It is absolutely shocking to me that anyone could continue to support Donald Trump!

First and foremost, TRUMP IS A NARCISSITIC MANIPULATIVE LIAR! Those of you who can't see that are either wearing ignorantly-tainted Republican glasses, and/or you've obviously succumbed to his predatory tact of... "I'll seduce the masses by preaching my agenda at an eighth-grade reading comprehension level..."
That's a FABULOUS idea, Donald! AMAZING, really.

I will give the man credit for coining "Make America Great Again," that was a gem of a ploy. But for those of you who don't recognize that as nothing more than marketing spin, I've got some condos to sell you in the Everglades.

As to being an outright liar... Trump has contended, and continues to contend, that the election was fraudulent. Okay, it's within his right to do so. But each and every court in the land has determined there was no basis to support that the election results were fraudulent. In fact, of the 60+ contentions filed, absolutely ZERO were considered of merit. Thus, all of you continuing to support the narrative of a fraudulent election are effectively indicting our democratic process a whole.

Even more so, it was Trump's continuous lying about the election results that was responsible for inciting the insurrection at the Capitol. Trump began spinning his "fraud" yarn well before the election, as a hedge, because he suspected he might get buried by the disenchanted "early vote." So when he did lose, he played the "fraud card," and he has been perpetuating that myth for over two months now, and that is the fuel that stoked the fire of the insurrection.
To the contrary, I've read some of your comments that assert, "It ain't so, show me some proof." Well, allow me to suggest, go watch the videos of the assault on the Capitol... DAMNING INDICTMENTS. Please don't tell me you support the "Q-Anon Shaman"-- what an absolute disgrace. Even more farcical is that your "Patriots" didn't have the discipline and foresight to realize that video and social media would be their undoing.

You want more? How 'bout the most recent damning of two-faced Trump? His initial video reaction to those attacking the Capitol... "We love you. You are very special..." The successive video, within a couple hours, "We don't condone violence in any way..."

And how 'bout your orange-haired boy sitting on the sidelines for the last two months while our country is grappling with a world-wide pandemic that has decimated our people for almost a year? Donald Trump has done nothing for two months other than perpetuate his narcissism, pout about his election loss, play golf, and disrupt everything he can for the incoming administration.

IMO Donald Trump has been a world-wide embarrassment as a President for our country. I sincerely hope that he is soon convicted as to his impeachment and can never hold office again.

Come Jan 20th... buh-bye!!!

Very unbiased analysis! Not at all politically active hahaha
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bad_teammate said:

AustinScubaAg said:

So your whole argument starts with Trump is a narcissist and a liar. I would bet a large percentage of Trump supporters would agree. They will then turn around and point to every other politician in DC. The main difference is that Trump is loud, bombastic and speaks off the cuff. Trump has no filter and that leaves lots of misstatements to be called lies.

As for the whole election fraud, there are a lot of irregularities but fraud is always very hard to prove.
So is he a liar or is he not?
As stated all politicians are liars. My point was a lot of what the media has called lies are misstatements. Trump has lied just like all politicians.
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larry culpepper said:

titan said:


Honest question. How are you not sick of him at this point? Don't you want to be done with him? The GOP is in disarray because of him. He's caused so much damage to the party. Don't you want to move on from him and present a strong, unifying challenger to the Dems in 2024?
You would have a case if we were rid of Pelosi and Schumer and the OTHER side of all the disruption and division since 2016...
Whataboutism isn't helpful here. It doesn't change the question I asked. and for the record I don't like Pelosi or Schumer.
Its not whataboutism. Those two were INSTRUMENTAL in the divsision. Its not going away - you already see it, so don't know what you are are expecting different other than the shrill level from the mindless media? So your vision of "done with it" is futile. Only if those two are forced to step down might there be real dialogue.
FrioAg 00:
Leftist Democrats "have completely overplayed the Racism accusation. Honestly my first reaction when I hear it today is to assume bad intentions by the accuser, not the accused."
barbacoa taco
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BallerStaf2003 said:

There's a psychology as to why, but it'd ring way too grow for members of this board and I'd probably get banned for posting it.

People have their own psychology when they blindly follow narcissistic sociopaths

You are right. I keep thinking people will finally see him for the evil he is but it doesn't happen.

They make excuse after excuse for him. The most recent one being the insurrection. I and many others warned people for the past year that Trump's insane complaining about the election being rigged and it being stolen from him (he TOTALLY set the stage for this **** throughout 2020) was dangerous. I said that his lies will spread and be reported as fact and millions of people will believe him and it could lead to something dangerous like a revolt.

Everything we warned about came to fruition 2 weeks ago. And yet we STILL have millions of people blaming Antifa for the insurrection. The mental gymnastics required for that are so extraordinary it's not even worth trying to reason. He will be gone tomorrow but the nasty stain he left will remain for a long time.
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And..... what day of the week do you wear women's underwear?
Old Tom Morris
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Were you warning people about Democrats saying 2016 was rigged? They shouted it for years and not only was it completely unfounded, extremely shady behavior by the previous administration was uncovered about their efforts to push that false narrative. More frightening than unarmed Dances With Wolves taking selfies in the capitol

Talk about mental gymnastics.
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