Whistleblower comes forward about Justice John Roberts

17,129 Views | 168 Replies | Last: 3 yr ago by K2-HMFIC
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VitruvianAg said:

schmendeler said:

What, they can't yell at each other on a zoom call?

I know a guy that whipped out his member to whip it up on a zoom call, and he's still getting paid by CNN!
this is world cup level goal tending. here is the event being described that this goober above was recounting.


"Hal, as you know I am a clerk for one of the Justices on SCOTUS. Today was like nothing we have ever seen. The justices are arguing loudly behind closed doors.

The Justices met in a closed and sealed room, as is standard.
Usually it is very calm, however today we could hear screaming all the way down the hall.
They met in person, because they didn't trust telephonic meeting as secure.
Chief Justice Roberts was screaming
"Are you going to be responsible for the rioting if we hear this case?"
"Don't tell me about Bush v. Gore, we weren't dealing with riots then"
"You are forgetting what your role here is Neil, and I don't want to hear from the two junior justices anymore. I will tell you how you will vote."
Justice Clarence Thomas says "This is the end of Democracy, John."
When they left the room, Roberts, the Libs and Kavanugh had big smiles. Alito and Thomas were visibly upset. ACB and Gorsuch didn't seem fazed at all."
tell me more about this "zoom call".
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Tanya 93
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VitruvianAg said:

schmendeler said:

What, they can't yell at each other on a zoom call?

I know a guy that whipped out his member to whip it up on a zoom call, and he's still getting paid by CNN!
so are they zooming from their offices in the building?

or are staffers working in their homes with them?

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leftcoastaggie said:

Gyles Marrett said:

C@LAg said:

even if you are a pro-Trumper, if you still believe any of the **** that Lin Wood is pedaling, you are a ****ing idiot.
Was Lin Wood considered a loon before November 2020?
Yes. In September of 2020 his law partners sued him because he lost his damn mind.



An attorney representing Nick Sandmann has demonstrated "erratic" behavior and has said he is being directed by "God Almighty," three former law partners allege in a lawsuit.

L. Lin Wood, who is based in Atlanta, is being sued in Georgia state court by the three attorneys who say they are his firm's former partners: Nicole Wade, Jonathan Grunberg and Taylor Wilson.

Among Wood's high-profile clients is Sandmann, the Northern Kentucky teen who has pursued lawsuits stemming from news coverage of him at a 2019 incident in Washington D.C. Wood also is representing Kyle Rittenhouse, the teen charged in the fatal shooting of two people last month during protests in Kenosha, Wisconsin.

The attorneys allege that they left the firm in February because of Wood's "erratic, abusive and unprofessional behavior." That alleged behavior included "incoherent" phone calls and emails from Wood, the lawsuit says.

In a statement, Wood called the lawsuit "a shakedown" filled with false claims. He said it was an attempt to "extort money."

"These young lawyers have chosen to willingly engage in a disgraceful and unprofessional effort to publicly attack me by including irrelevant, out-of-context private messages I sent to them in the midst of a difficult time in my personal life arising primarily from my family's reaction to my faith in Jesus Christ," Wood said. "Now, in a shakedown effort to coerce me to do what I believe the ethical rules of my profession prohibit, they manipulate and ignore truth to try to force me, without my client's consent, to pay their separate law firms an unreasonable portion of my earned fee, while repeatedly refusing to provide to the client any proof of the work they claim to have performed on the case."

It's not clear if this will impact Wood's role in Sandmann's cases that are still pending.

The Washington Post settled with Sandmann earlier this summer and CNN settled in January. There are outstanding lawsuits against NBC, ABC News, CBS News, The New York Times, Rolling Stone and Gannett. The Enquirer is owned by Gannett.

The Northern Kentucky attorney representing Sandmann, Todd McMurtry, did not return a message Friday.

The lawsuit involving Wood's firm surrounds a settlement agreement Wood and the attorneys entered into in March. The settlement allegedly said the firm would pay them fees collected in several cases. The three had performed "substantial work if not the majority of the work" on the cases, the lawsuit says.

The lawsuit alleges Wood's behavior became concerning last year.

In the fall of 2019, the lawsuit alleges that Wood committed an "assault and battery" on one of the attorneys who went to Wood's home to check on him.

Beginning in late 2019 and into February of this year, "incoherent" phone calls, text messages and emails in the middle of the night from Wood "were the norm," the lawsuit says. It alleges that Wood once summoned them to his home at about 1 a.m.

Most of the communications, according to the lawsuit, professed that "God or the Almighty was commanding his actions" and nearly all were abusive.

At 1:03 a.m. on Feb. 11, the day after Wood summoned the attorneys to his home, Wood sent an email in which he fired them, the suit says. By the afternoon of the same day, Wood "had completely changed his mind," the lawsuit says, and left voicemail messages for each attorney "rescinding his withdrawal from their partnership," according to the lawsuit.

The lawsuit alleges that two days later, Wood hosted a three-hour teleconference with the attorneys, during which "he spoke almost nonstop," "referred to himself as 'Almighty,'" offered to fight the attorneys "to the death," and demanded their complete loyalty.

Days later, the lawsuit says Wood repeatedly called the attorneys, "berating them and also threatening them with alleged civil claims." On Feb. 14, the attorneys and two employees walked out of the firm before a meeting with Wood, "out of fear for their physical safety," the lawsuit says.

A series of "irrational and incomprehensible email, text and voicemail threats" followed, the lawsuit says. Wood sent an email at 1:42 a.m. on Feb. 15, the lawsuit says, to 14 people saying he had been victimized "by some unspecified action" and that he would use punishment "at the discretion of Almighty God."

Two hours later, according to the lawsuit, Wood emailed the attorneys and nine others, saying "God was somehow commanding or directing him to accuse (them)" and that "God has given me permission to be profane in this email."

According to the lawsuit, the email said, in part: "You damn dumb mother------s You are going to be ruined financiallyHere are the findings of your final judgment day on earth for today, the day after my Valentine's Day massacre."

In the email, Wood threatened to meet with the U.S. attorney for the Northern District of Georgia. "God Almighty told me to get you back to where you belong. Broke and essentially homeless," the email said, in part, according to the lawsuit.

The lawsuit also says he referred to one of the attorneys as a "Chilean Jewish (expletive) crook."

Three days later, on Feb. 18, Wood sent an email to the attorneys and 18 others, recanting "every one of his accusations," the lawsuit says. Wood said in the email he had made "accusatory statements with incomplete information and out of anger, coupled with a tried brain and body."

WGAF, I'm sure he's perfectly content with his CNN money to do more work for God!
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schmendeler said:

VitruvianAg said:

schmendeler said:

What, they can't yell at each other on a zoom call?

I know a guy that whipped out his member to whip it up on a zoom call, and he's still getting paid by CNN!
this is world cup level goal tending. here is the event being described that this goober above was recounting.


"Hal, as you know I am a clerk for one of the Justices on SCOTUS. Today was like nothing we have ever seen. The justices are arguing loudly behind closed doors.

The Justices met in a closed and sealed room, as is standard.
Usually it is very calm, however today we could hear screaming all the way down the hall.
They met in person, because they didn't trust telephonic meeting as secure.
Chief Justice Roberts was screaming
"Are you going to be responsible for the rioting if we hear this case?"
"Don't tell me about Bush v. Gore, we weren't dealing with riots then"
"You are forgetting what your role here is Neil, and I don't want to hear from the two junior justices anymore. I will tell you how you will vote."
Justice Clarence Thomas says "This is the end of Democracy, John."
When they left the room, Roberts, the Libs and Kavanugh had big smiles. Alito and Thomas were visibly upset. ACB and Gorsuch didn't seem fazed at all."
tell me more about this "zoom call".
"per cnn/abc/cbs/nbc/MSNBC that all the proof we require. Lock em all up " - Adam schiff...oh wait
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Not buying it one bit.
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NOTE: Two weeks ago, the ad company named TABOOLA severed its 6 year relationship with me because they didn't like the content of this site. Those ads were the revenue I used to feed my family. I am in serious need of public support. If you can, please make a donation using the yellow DONATE button above, and click an ad below which will generate two or three cents ad revenue to help defer data transfer costs to bring this story to you.
This is what is at the bottom of that page.

This guy is literally raising money for his hard hitting journalism.

I'm wondering when some of y'all are gonna wake up and see that these guys are just as bad as libs...literally feeding you what you want to hear so that they can make money
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Artorias said:

Is anyone surprised?
Acquiescence isn't the answer. Write your congressmen.
Fight! Fight! Fight!
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Tanya 93 said:

VitruvianAg said:

schmendeler said:

What, they can't yell at each other on a zoom call?

I know a guy that whipped out his member to whip it up on a zoom call, and he's still getting paid by CNN!
so are they zooming from their offices in the building?

or are staffers working in their homes with them?

You think those old farts knows how to use Zoom?

They don't have their helper bees holding their hands on the mouse? .......Your Honor, you put the mouse right here and you click left mouse button when you want to change it to multi screen....... and then right click when you ....................

Com'on now, they're not sitting around alone at their homes by themselves..........

Even if it wasn't exactly as this guy said it, I could see something within that realm of possibilities being likely.
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lb3 said:

I said in the beginning that nothing would happen if conservatives didn't take to the street. The rules of the game now require civil disobedience and violence if you wish to achieve justice.
It does work
Fight! Fight! Fight!
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C@LAg said:

even if you are a pro-Trump, if you still believe any of the **** that Lin Wood is pedaling, you are a ****ing idiot.
You don't believe this about Roberts? You haven't been paying attention.
Fight! Fight! Fight!
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Im Gipper
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TexAgs91 said:

C@LAg said:

even if you are a pro-Trump, if you still believe any of the **** that Lin Wood is pedaling, you are a ****ing idiot.
You don't believe this about Roberts? You...
....haven't been paying attention to the latest Q drops!!! Its all in there!!


Donald J. Trump is your President for 34 more days
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a guy claiming to be a SCOTUS clerk calls into a radio show and tells a bull **** story about over hearing the justices screaming at each other in a closed room and then reports their facial expressions as they exit.

except they have only been meeting via teleconference, not in person.

and there are still posters saying "well even if it didn't happen exactly like that, i could still see it being true in part."
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will25u said:

Ervin Burrell said:

No sirens on his tweet...not buying it.
Here ya go!

The Chief Justice of the United States gives antifa and BLM a win. f'ing coward.
Fight! Fight! Fight!
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TexAgs91 said:

C@LAg said:

even if you are a pro-Trump, if you still believe any of the **** that Lin Wood is pedaling, you are a ****ing idiot.
You don't believe this about Roberts? You haven't been paying attention.
Without evidence, no, I don't. There's a reason hearsay isn't (normally) admissible in Court.
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schmendeler said:

a guy claiming to be a SCOTUS clerk calls into a radio show and tells a bull **** story about over hearing the justices screaming at each other in a closed room and then reports their facial expressions as they exit.

except they have only been meeting via teleconference, not in person.

and there are still posters saying "well even if it didn't happen exactly like that, i could still see it being true in part."
Trump got impeached for less. I say it's time to check those balances
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Vader Was Framed said:

Lin Wood will lie about anything to get paid. Griftin' fer God. It gets eaten up. Pulling out the MAGA hat reveal at the GA rally was epic though.

Like I said, WGAF!

I certainly don't care who or what he voted for in the past, I've certainly made my mistakes, I'm happy he has learned from his! To be honest, I've only once voted Democrat once, oops no twice...I voted for a Democrat neighbor in a primary for County Supervisor and then this last spring for Bernie in the primary......had to come home a take a shot of tequila and jump in the cold water shower right away!

Makes it even better that he's no longer a Democrat!
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Icecream_Ag said:

schmendeler said:

a guy claiming to be a SCOTUS clerk calls into a radio show and tells a bull **** story about over hearing the justices screaming at each other in a closed room and then reports their facial expressions as they exit.

except they have only been meeting via teleconference, not in person.

and there are still posters saying "well even if it didn't happen exactly like that, i could still see it being true in part."
Trump got impeached for less. I say it's time to check those balances
you're whatabouting at an impressive level. great job.
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This information should have been put in a dossier then leaked to a news outlet that it can cite as a supplemental source.

Only then can we get investigations with the backing of all the 3 letter agencies.
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C@LAg said:

even if you are a pro-Trump, if you still believe any of the **** that Lin Wood is pedaling, you are a ****ing idiot.
Ad hominem argument is ad hominem. You need to get a new schtick.
Fight! Fight! Fight!
Ervin Burrell
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schmendeler said:

Doesn't matter. ROBERT (American flag emoji, camera emoji, clock emoji) BUILDER, (courthouse emoji) TEAM TRUMP MR NOBODY said on Twitter with sirens that this is true...if you can't trust that, what can you trust?
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C@LAg said:

_mpaul said:

TexAgs91 said:

C@LAg said:

even if you are a pro-Trump, if you still believe any of the **** that Lin Wood is pedaling, you are a ****ing idiot.
You don't believe this about Roberts? You haven't been paying attention.
Without evidence, no, I don't. There's a reason hearsay isn't (normally) admissible in Court.
but it sure is acceptable in Congressional impeachment hearings.

Trump released the transcript of his call. Hard to claim that was hearsay. This on the other hand is the definition of hearsay.
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Gyles Marrett said:

C@LAg said:

Gyles Marrett said:

C@LAg said:

even if you are a pro-Trumper, if you still believe any of the **** that Lin Wood is pedaling, you are a ****ing idiot.
Was Lin Wood considered a loon before November 2020?
irrelevant. actions since November reflect current status quo.

shyster. pure and simple.
Really? Not going to get specific here but If someone had a several decade long record that was outstanding and for 2 months fight for a crazy cause, the decades before are irrelevant to evaluating the person?
If say someone, like a President, had a decades long record of misogyny, infidelity and just basic moral ambiguity, we should just forget all of that because he sidled up to the Christian Right? So should ones history be used to judge ones current character? Sounds like you're saying yes.
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will25u said:

Didn't we have second hand whistleblowers smear Donald Trump about Ukraine? And that is good enough?

This is why we need riots, burnings and even demanding folks like Roberts come out on the street with threats to him if necessary by the right ! We do not need to put innocents out of business we need to tear some liberal bastions down MSM HQ's anyone some liberal leaders homes under conservative assualt for a change, just sayin.

The left has done such in front of homes of countless Conservatives shouting threats and worse and nothing from anyone so it is time to answer in kind. Seriously it's the only way if Roberts is afraid of rioting etc... then it is time to scare him into action toward the right or correct direction for a change.
“Death is preferable to dishonor"
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schmendeler said:

Icecream_Ag said:

schmendeler said:

a guy claiming to be a SCOTUS clerk calls into a radio show and tells a bull **** story about over hearing the justices screaming at each other in a closed room and then reports their facial expressions as they exit.

except they have only been meeting via teleconference, not in person.

and there are still posters saying "well even if it didn't happen exactly like that, i could still see it being true in part."
Trump got impeached for less. I say it's time to check those balances
you're whatabouting at an impressive level. great job.
I think both are FOS, but if a potus can be impeached based on something someone thought they heard someone say someone else said, then these claims against scotus need to be fully investigated. I mean fair is fair, right?
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will25u said:

Didn't we have second hand whistleblowers smear Donald Trump about Ukraine? And that is good enough?

I want to believe, I really do. And I'm a Trump supporter. And I can't stand Roberts' recent rulings. But if this was really heard through walls, you can't tell me said staffer wouldn't have recorded it on thier phone. As a result, #RonBurgandyDon'tBelieveYou gif.
unmade bed
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Well Roberts's alleged logic checks out - there were no riots during Bush v Gore, so I'm willing to entertain the possibility that this might be true (unlike most of what Lin Wood has been peddling).
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BluHorseShu said:

Gyles Marrett said:

C@LAg said:

Gyles Marrett said:

C@LAg said:

even if you are a pro-Trumper, if you still believe any of the **** that Lin Wood is pedaling, you are a ****ing idiot.
Was Lin Wood considered a loon before November 2020?
irrelevant. actions since November reflect current status quo.

shyster. pure and simple.
Really? Not going to get specific here but If someone had a several decade long record that was outstanding and for 2 months fight for a crazy cause, the decades before are irrelevant to evaluating the person?
If say someone, like a President, had a decades long record of misogyny, infidelity and just basic moral ambiguity, we should just forget all of that because he sidled up to the Christian Right? So should ones history be used to judge ones current character? Sounds like you're saying yes.
I'm assuming you're not referencing Trump.

He hired a woman to build one of his first large buildings (may have been Trump Tower, don't care to look up the specifics) at a time when women weren't much more than a "go get me a cup of coffee, honey" or "please take this dictation".

I started my professional life in that era.
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Artorias said:

Is anyone surprised?
At Kyle Becker shoveling more horse**** to an audience eager to lap it up? Not in the least bit.
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i love that this SCOTUS story has been shown to be complete fiction but people are still like "hmm might be true".
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