Caught on Camera: hidden ballots pulled out after poll watchers told to leave

24,196 Views | 302 Replies | Last: 3 yr ago by FIDO95
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If GA 21-2-408 is the entirety of the law governing poll watcher it does not mention what happens if poll watchers are not present to observe votes that are counted. However, there may be another section of GA law that governs the counting of ballots in regards to poll watchers.

I think common sense would indicate that if there are poll watchers for that precinct then good practice would indicate they should be present for all ballot counting activities. All reasonable efforts should be made to include them and if they are not included for whatever reason all activities without them should be documented to provide for a clear auditable record of events that take place.
Houston Lee
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aginresearch said:

If GA 21-2-408 is the entirety of the law governing poll watcher it does not mention what happens if poll watchers are not present to observe votes that are counted. However, there may be another section of GA law that governs the counting of ballots in regards to poll watchers.

I think common sense would indicate that if there are poll watchers for that precinct then good practice would indicate they should be present for all ballot counting activities. All reasonable efforts should be made to include them and if they are not included for whatever reason all activities without them should be documented to provide for a clear auditable record of events that take place.
The poll watchers were made to be in a corner where they could not observe ballots properly. Then you have the polling place telling everyone to leave. Then they kept counting. Then bins appear from under a table. Earlier you have video of things being slipped from one person to another. Looks like a USB drive. Then after the bins appeared and after folks were sent home, you have the mysterious spike in the Biden vote count.
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TurkeyBaconLeg said:

aginresearch said:

If GA 21-2-408 is the entirety of the law governing poll watcher it does not mention what happens if poll watchers are not present to observe votes that are counted. However, there may be another section of GA law that governs the counting of ballots in regards to poll watchers.

I think common sense would indicate that if there are poll watchers for that precinct then good practice would indicate they should be present for all ballot counting activities. All reasonable efforts should be made to include them and if they are not included for whatever reason all activities without them should be documented to provide for a clear auditable record of events that take place.
The poll watchers were made to be in a corner where they could not observe ballots properly. Then you have the polling place telling everyone to leave. Then they kept counting. Then bins appear from under a table. Earlier you have video of things being slipped from one person to another. Looks like a USB drive. Then after the bins appeared and after folks were sent home, you have the mysterious spike in the Biden vote count.
This video wraps everything up. It corroborates all the things we have been hearing about the GA election. The observers being sent home. The leaking pipe. The crazy Biden spike in vote count. This video is literally the smoking gun everyone has been looking for.
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RedHand said:

TurkeyBaconLeg said:

aginresearch said:

If GA 21-2-408 is the entirety of the law governing poll watcher it does not mention what happens if poll watchers are not present to observe votes that are counted. However, there may be another section of GA law that governs the counting of ballots in regards to poll watchers.

I think common sense would indicate that if there are poll watchers for that precinct then good practice would indicate they should be present for all ballot counting activities. All reasonable efforts should be made to include them and if they are not included for whatever reason all activities without them should be documented to provide for a clear auditable record of events that take place.
The poll watchers were made to be in a corner where they could not observe ballots properly. Then you have the polling place telling everyone to leave. Then they kept counting. Then bins appear from under a table. Earlier you have video of things being slipped from one person to another. Looks like a USB drive. Then after the bins appeared and after folks were sent home, you have the mysterious spike in the Biden vote count.
This video wraps everything up. It corroborates all the things we have been hearing about the GA election. The observers being sent home. The leaking pipe. The crazy Biden spike in vote count. This video is literally the smoking gun everyone has been looking for.

It will still be completely dismissed by Democrats, Liberals, legacy/left wing media, and even Republicans involved in the Georgia election that don't want their work tarnished. At least half of the country will believe them and if any action is taken to rectify this situation, they'll scream "stolen election" for the next two decades.
John Maplethorpe
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RedHand said:

John Maplethorpe said:

Read article. They're both named. Including the lead investigator.
Actually only two are named. One refuses so who knows if that person is who they say they are and Gabriel Sterling is a known liar. You can read about it here. This is how fact checking works right?

That's how the number "2" works. This was your quote


Two high-level officials with the Georgia secretary of state's office and a state elections board monitor each told Lead Stories that their investigations revealed nothing suspicious in the video.

Sorry I didn't see a "lie" in the Gateway Pundit blog post- not that GP is credible anyway.
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Things that make you say, "Hmm."
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According to the left, MSM and many RINO Republicans we are supposed to believe the following:

  • No voter fraud in Georgia despite an unexplained spike in Biden votes corresponding with shady video evidence.
  • Many swing states with large Trump leads only to have huge numbers of Biden votes come in late at night.
  • Uninspiring Biden outperforming Obama?
  • Higher voter turnout for Trump from Blacks and Hispanics this year but he somehow lost support from college educated whites? (As a college educated white, I can't name one person that voted for Trump in the first election but didn't in the second)

If you believe all this you probably also believe the following:

  • Epstein killed himself.
  • Hillary's emails were about yoga and wedding planning.
  • The Clinton Foundation is a legitimate charitable foundation, not a shell for kickbacks.
  • Obama didn't weaponize the FBI and use it to spy on his political enemies.
  • Obama didn't have the IRS target his political enemies.
  • Obama had zero scandals during his tenure.
  • Hunter Biden receiving millions from companies he had no experience to be on their BOD.
  • Iran receiving Billions of dollars in seized cash with no oversight was the right thing to do.
  • Seth Rich was shot and killed in a robbery where they didn't actually rob him.
  • Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny and Tooth Fairy

People just need to open their eyes and look at the evidence in front of them. How can people not put 2 and 2 together and not see the answer is 4. Who knows how many other things I left off these list. Looking at them on a one off basis and they can be easily dismissed. Taking a mile high view of all that goes on and how can you not see there is a bunch of shady **** going on?
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you left out:

people that believe that OJ didn't kill Nicole
Houston Lee
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John Maplethorpe said:

Joseydog said:

Just getting caught up with this. There needs to be an immediate and comprehensive investigation.

Here is more disputing what this BS article claims.

The table with the ballots hidden under was put there at 8am. There are ballots in them and they are being taken out and counted. Why would you have boxes of ballots on Election Day under a table the morning of the election? If they were absentee ballots, who opened the envelopes and when? If they were Election Day ballots, how did they get there after only 1 hour of the polls being open?
Stinky T
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I try not to get into conspiracy theories too much, and I am not saying this is one in any form. I just have a comment.

The amount of money in presidential politics is enormous compared to college athletics, and the number of people/moving parts is certainly no less. Yet there are people that absolutely disavow the prospect that large numbers of people could be bought/silenced/convinced to cheat in a presidential election. All while knowing that it happens in college athletics all of the time - and always for money. And probably 1% or less is actually caught.

It just boggles my mind that there are some that think substantial shady activities can't occur in an election process.
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Amen brother. I've been preaching that also.

My example has been the Astros and Patriots
The Debt
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It couldnt "not happen."

Means, motive, opportunity?

Yes, YES, and absolutely.
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especially with.... millions of mail in ballots being scattered everywhere.

It is a joke, actually
Red Fishing Ag93
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Four years ago a Black Panther with an assault weapon lingering around a Philly voting location.

Multiple videos of poll watchers being blocked, and hundreds of them stating the same in Affidavits.

Honestly, that's all I need to know these elections are worthless.

When PA or GA or MI is stolen, my vote here in TX doesnt count.
Stinky T
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And the thing is that there did not have to be widespread activity. Realistically, they only needed to be effective in a 8-10 cities/counties/precincts. They don't even need to buy off players in entire states. It is one of the major downsides to population centralization.

Let's just take this video in Georgia for example. How many people in that room needed to get an bag of cash on their doorstep? Two, maybe three - and an election in an entire state could be controlled from there.
John Maplethorpe
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Red Fishing Ag93
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How about after 10:01, Jackwad?
John Maplethorpe
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You really thought you got em this time didn't you? This was the one thing that wouldn't dissolve like cotton candy in a hurricane.
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The observers left just after 10:00... (or 10:01)...
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The libs are proud of their cheating. This is where they're taking our country.
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John Maplethorpe said:

Oh he spent 2 hours going through 14 hours of surveillance footage? Close the case guys, it was all on the up and up.
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John Maplethorpe said:

You really thought you got em this time didn't you? This was the one thing that wouldn't dissolve like cotton candy in a hurricane.
It's amazing how much faith you put in Democrat scum bags and how much derision you have for Republicans. Why does a supposed "Libertarian" spend so much time goal tending for those that are ideologically opposed to everything you claim to believe in and are corrupt to the core?
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aggieforester05 said:

John Maplethorpe said:

You really thought you got em this time didn't you? This was the one thing that wouldn't dissolve like cotton candy in a hurricane.
It's amazing how much faith you put in Democrat scum bags and how much derision you have for Republicans. Why does a supposed "Libertarian" spend so much time goal tending for those that are ideologically opposed to everything you claim to believe in and are corrupt to the core?

You know the answer to that. He, and all of his socks, are lib dem.
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Rockdoc said:

The libs are proud of their cheating. This is where they're taking our country.
And they really think people will believe this election wasn't fraudulent. That we can't trust sworn affidavits, personal testimony from hundreds of people on the front line, and see with out own eyes what happened.

They expect us to believe without question the proven liars from the MSM after four years of fake news, like they don't have a dog in the hunt.

Said it earlier, but they are pi**ing on our legs and telling us it's raining. Well, nobody is buying that line of crap. Liars lie and now it's time to take out the trash. Trump isn't backing down, he's gaining momentum.
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I normally consider myself to be a well composed and politely mannered human being, however the last several months of "liberal" tactics (violence) and messaging (propoganda) has even me feeling on edge these days. I can't imagine how someone on the right with even an ounce lof less self control will continue to stand by and just allow these Marxists take control of everything, and to think the real loonys will sit by, I just don't see it.

You idiots on the left need to stop supporting this crap. People will not stand by in silence much longer. If you don't, this will not end well I assure you.

Every lie defended is like dropping yet another lit match on a keg of gunpowder. It hasn't exploded yet, but for some reason you don't think it ever will so you continue dropping them. It's absolute madness.
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And they're already removing posts.
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I'd still rather be Trump getting screwed over than Fed Chair Powell who will have to choose between allowing our economy to crawl again or completely reverse mortgaging our grandkids' futures. We have bridged the gap to a what?!
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A senior source in Raffensperger's office told Fox News that the video has been investigated and claims that it showed ballot fraud deemed unfounded, adding that Fulton County election officials had a designated observer at the location the entire time -- a practice that has been in place since June.

Raffensperger's office also debunked allegations that the ballots were stuffed in a pair of "suitcases" that one election official pulled out from beneath a table in the video, saying footage shows the ballots in the cases that they were supposed to be kept in.


Fulton County Elections Director Richard Barron told the Board of Registration and Elections during Friday's hearing that he had not seen the video, but his staff told him the footage showed "normal" activity.

Barron took questions from Republican board members Kathleen Ruth and Mark Wingate, who voted against certifying election results.

In response to claims that staff and media left the counting site early, Barron said no one was told to leave early and that certain staff left after their duties concluded.

Democratic board member Aaron Johnson said the board needs to "sit down, look at what actually happened" and do what they can to "find out what happened."

A senior source in Raffensperger's office told Fox News that the video has been investigated and claims that it showed ballot fraud deemed unfounded, adding that Fulton County election officials had a designated observer at the location the entire time -- a practice that has been in place since June.

Raffensperger's office also debunked allegations that the ballots were stuffed in a pair of "suitcases" that one election official pulled out from beneath a table in the video, saying footage shows the ballots in the cases that they were supposed to be kept in.


So EVERYONE thought they were wrapping it up for that night. So they "secured" the ballots by putting them under the table?


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Apparently they were wrapping it up for the night but the media caused a ruckus reporting it so SOS called Fulton County election official and told them to keep counting.

Problem is everyone had left because they were told they were done counting except a few people and they just decided to pull the ballot boxes that were under the table presumably to "keep them out of the way". Tabulated ballots for 2 hours while no republican monitors were present.

This also happened to be the counting period that correlates to the huge Biden vote spike. All of this is just a complete misunderstanding and giant coincidence. Bull*****
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AggieKeith15 said:

I normally consider myself to be a well composed and politely mannered human being, however the last several months of "liberal" tactics (violence) and messaging (propoganda) has even me feeling on edge these days. I can't imagine how someone on the right with even an ounce lof less self control will continue to stand by and just allow these Marxists take control of everything, and to think the real loonys will sit by, I just don't see it.

You idiots on the left need to stop supporting this crap. People will not stand by in silence much longer. If you don't, this will not end well I assure you.

Every lie defended is like dropping yet another lit match on a keg of gunpowder. It hasn't exploded yet, but for some reason you don't think it ever will so you continue dropping them. It's absolute madness.

Sure, all that evidence, all those affidavits that turned out to be from confused, non-educated, and not credible witnesses(from multiple judges AND the GOP), all that fake news that is resulting in being laughed out of 40+ courtrooms across the United States.

If you choose to believe all this... twitter clickback scammers over our courts that have almost unanimously thrown out every scam, including by Trump appointees, what else is to say?

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CondensedFoggyAggie said:

AggieKeith15 said:

I normally consider myself to be a well composed and politely mannered human being, however the last several months of "liberal" tactics (violence) and messaging (propoganda) has even me feeling on edge these days. I can't imagine how someone on the right with even an ounce lof less self control will continue to stand by and just allow these Marxists take control of everything, and to think the real loonys will sit by, I just don't see it.

You idiots on the left need to stop supporting this crap. People will not stand by in silence much longer. If you don't, this will not end well I assure you.

Every lie defended is like dropping yet another lit match on a keg of gunpowder. It hasn't exploded yet, but for some reason you don't think it ever will so you continue dropping them. It's absolute madness.

Sure, all that evidence, all those affidavits that turned out to be from confused, non-educated, and not credible witnesses(from multiple judges AND the GOP), all that fake news that is resulting in being laughed out of 40+ courtrooms across the United States.

If you choose to believe all this... twitter clickback scammers over our courts that have almost unanimously thrown out every scam, including by Trump appointees, what else is to say?

So, like the chair of the board of cavassors of Wayne County. No credibility for that woman at all, correct?
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Stinky T said:

I try not to get into conspiracy theories too much, and I am not saying this is one in any form. I just have a comment.

The amount of money in presidential politics is enormous compared to college athletics, and the number of people/moving parts is certainly no less. Yet there are people that absolutely disavow the prospect that large numbers of people could be bought/silenced/convinced to cheat in a presidential election. All while knowing that it happens in college athletics all of the time - and always for money. And probably 1% or less is actually caught.

It just boggles my mind that there are some that think substantial shady activities can't occur in an election process.

The same people that think shady activities can't occur in elections also think the FBI/CIA did not spy on Trump or abuse FISA courts, even after those leaders effectively admitted it under oath.

These morons also think Trump colluded with Russia. They believe what the MSM tells them to believe here as well....that's what makes them morons.
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AggieKeith15 said:

OK, so Trump was NOT a puppet of Russia after years of investigation, and this election was fair and square according to the relevant courts in the land.

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BusterAg said:

CondensedFoggyAggie said:

AggieKeith15 said:

I normally consider myself to be a well composed and politely mannered human being, however the last several months of "liberal" tactics (violence) and messaging (propoganda) has even me feeling on edge these days. I can't imagine how someone on the right with even an ounce lof less self control will continue to stand by and just allow these Marxists take control of everything, and to think the real loonys will sit by, I just don't see it.

You idiots on the left need to stop supporting this crap. People will not stand by in silence much longer. If you don't, this will not end well I assure you.

Every lie defended is like dropping yet another lit match on a keg of gunpowder. It hasn't exploded yet, but for some reason you don't think it ever will so you continue dropping them. It's absolute madness.

Sure, all that evidence, all those affidavits that turned out to be from confused, non-educated, and not credible witnesses(from multiple judges AND the GOP), all that fake news that is resulting in being laughed out of 40+ courtrooms across the United States.

If you choose to believe all this... twitter clickback scammers over our courts that have almost unanimously thrown out every scam, including by Trump appointees, what else is to say?

So, like the chair of the board of cavassors of Wayne County. No credibility for that woman at all, correct?

If she's guilty, by all means take it to the courts and jail her.Thats great, I'm all for rats being jailed

But honestly if regardless of left or right, if one side is losing in the courts 40 times or something, would you not also think "You know, I'm a bit skeptical after all those loses, so let me hear how things are going in court"
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