Meanwhile, over at Legal Insurrection, William Jacobson offers his thoughts on "Where we are right now."
In a nutshell, getting congress to accept the Trump electors is a nonstarter. The war over this election started earlier this year when the well-organized democrats hatched their maniacal plan to cheat. It involved not just getting the mail-in ballots approved, but also strategically stacking the courts with liberals, such as how the WI court was today when the Trump team tried to get the election overturned unsuccessfully.
So the nomination of alternative electors, and the vow to contest the electors on January 6, is a dead end. It's a dead end that could have serious consequences if it causes Democrats to win both Senate runoff elections in Georgia on January 5. That would put the Senate (along with the House) in Democrat hands with a Democrat president, and a power-hungry Obama-third term (at best) crew in charge.
It also distracts from a necessary organization of a resistence to the radical Democrat agenda, a resistence that needs to be organized now. The merging of the Democratic Party and the high tech oligarchs who control the flow of information is one of the most serious threats non-liberals have faced politically. They will hit the ground running. Will we?
]Previously I have likened the current situation to the time period after Obama's election, when the Obama juggernaut seemed unstoppable. The rise of the Tea Party movement in opposition changed the course of history. It didn't stop the Obama agenda in its entirety, and was undermined by establishment Republicans, but it did change the trajectory dramatically. It can happen again, but only if people don't engage in futile and useless gestures in the next few weeks instead of organizing.
So that's were I see things at this hour. Now I'm going back to get some rest.
source: Legal Insurrection
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