bmks270 said:
Great insights.
So did the thrust vectoring hydraulic lines lose pressure, is that known to be true or just speculation?
I think I saw somewhere that future vector control may be driven by electric motors?
I am sure the team analyzing the test flight will likely have hydraulic pressure data. It is not publicly known and we may never be told. But some tracking camera angles show that Hydraulic Power Unit bursting into stainless steel confetti. If you look at Booster 7's aft exterior, the HPUs are the two protrusions on each side of the aft section that have a boxy faring with the two black dots of them.
The booster seems to start tumbling off course within seconds of losing this HPU. That's what gives me this impression.
There are a lot of well educated observers who posit that the integrated Starship is aerodynamically unstable with the fins being so far forward on the stack. This makes sense because it seems as though the center of drag is further forward on the stack then the center of mass. However I question this notion because while this may be true on the pad and just after liftoff, the point in flight where this is of greatest concern is a point where the booster propellant tanks are more depleted which would bring the center of mass farther forward and could potentially be at or ahead of the center of drag. But I am not certain of this. Nevertheless, there are a large number of successful aircraft that are aerodynamically unstable that still fly with no issues due to sophisticated control systems. But good rocketry is managing probabilities and perhaps we may see the addition of some of some type of additional fins, chines, or strakes on the aft of the boosters to help here.
I'm looking forward to how SpaceX responds with future iterations nonetheless.