Kellen Mond's Ancestors Served In Confederate Army

154,270 Views | 969 Replies | Last: 3 yr ago by BigRobSA
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BanderaAg956 said:

So, if Mond is French, Spanish, Mexican, and Black? Does he know all the bad things the French, Spanish, Mexican, and Blacks have done in history? Napoleon, Santa Anna, Ferdinand, MLK, Jesse Jackson, Michael Jackson, Al Sharpton... all have done evil things!
Reality is that we all have skeletons in our closet if we go back far/wide enough in our ancestry.
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Descendant of poor Italian immigrants checking in.

Wish my family had some of that Mond privilege.
“We don't have a government of the people, by the people, for the people. We have government of the people, by the bureaucrats, for the bureaucrats.”

-Milton Friedman
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It also shows that the 1800s in Texas was still the wild frontier. A lot of bad things happened to a lot of people because everyone wanted this land.
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It was still wild in South Texas in the early 1900's
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Charpie said:

It was still wild in South Texas in the early 1900's

Oh yes. My family tree has roots there too.
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So, was Col. Santos Benavides known as "The Slave Catcher"?
"I am an optimist. It does not seem too much use being anything else." - Winston Churchill
Fightin TX Aggie
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UniqueIGN said:

Yall are absolutely crazy omg. Anti-Racist means exactly that being anti racist. Having ancestors who were bad people doesnt mean you cant be anti-racist. Y'all have created this giant narrative in your heads that doesn't even exist in the real world.

You've replied twice in this thread alone to clarify the meanings (in your mind) of intersectional terminology. You told us what "white privilege" really means and now what "anti-racist" really means.

This is part of the problem with the intersectional religion. You can argue and justify it with detailed, nuanced arguments immersed in decades of critical race theory studies, but all of that "scholarship" means nothing when it boils down to the perceptions of average Americans.

You can shout "but that's not what it means" all you want, but it won't make average people ready to buy into the ideology.

Group rights ideologies always lead to bad places. Individual rights is the only answer.
Jimmy McNulty
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BobCatDave said:

So, was Col. Santos Benavides known as "The Slave Catcher"?
Interesting tidbit about Col. Benavides (aka Uncle Santos): he was, like Sully, a renowned "Indian fighter".
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Charpie said:

It was still wild in South Texas in the early 1900's

It's still a little wild in spots in the 2000's.
DeWrecking Crew
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I wonder what Kaepernick's agent will tell Mond to do with this info? This will be a fascinating decision to follow. If he's gonna go full Kaepernick, and I honestly think that's his best bet for the NFL, I think he has to denounce and apologize for his family name. I don't know how prideful he is, but gotta be a rough decision to make, I'm sure the NFL is his dream.
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Y'all are all lucky. One of my ancestors just showed up in Texas on a census around 1900 or so. He had a very common surname, but no birth record or any census info from anywhere else that could be found. We're pretty sure he was running from something but we have no idea if it was criminal and/or abandoning a family or what. My ancestor did something and we don't even know who we need to apologize to or just exactly how we should feel guilty about it.
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UniqueIGN said:

DTP02 said:

UniqueIGN said:

Yall are absolutely crazy omg. Anti-Racist means exactly that being anti racist. Having ancestors who were bad people doesnt mean you cant be anti-racist. Y'all have created this giant narrative in your heads that doesn't even exist in the real world.

I will type more slowly for you this time. Try harder to keep up. And leave the childish omg's on the playground with the rest of the kids.

"If you aren't anti-racist, you're racist." That's what Kellen said and it's the current dogma for the "movement." What it means is that you have to call out and attack all examples of racism all the time, or you're racist.

Applying the standards that Kellen and his influencers would apply ( not standards I would want applied, mind you), Kellen is racist for not disavowing his ancestors, calling for the removal of any honoring or recognition of them, and abjectly apologizing for their sins.

That is the inevitable, logical requirement of the view he espoused.

Being antiracist doesnt mean always going out of your way to find racist acts to call out, it means calling out racist acts that you see. Furthermore that logic doesnt follow at all when this thread was made *last night* and this isn't even confirmed to be true. You cant say someone is going against their logic before they even have a chance to respond to it. It's crazy that y'all still believe that we think everyone should apologize for what their ancestors did and should feel guilty for it.
to the bold:

but then you realize the marxist said it..........

Fightin TX Aggie
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UniqueIGN said:

Nah man, it isn't racist for one black person to call another black person a c*on. It has completely different meanings depending on the person who uses it. That's how reclaiming words works!
Lol reclaim??

She called him that in order to marginalize him.

In other words, she wanted to marginalize a man who she believed was already marginalized by dint of his skin color.

In her own words: "When a Black person calls another Black person a c**n it is to highlight how the they kiss up to the white race for approval." Dear heavens, that sentence drips racism with every syllable.

Again, average people don't have religious degrees from the Social Justice Seminary. We take blatant racism as...racism.
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WatchOle, I want Rocky posting for me.

Welcome back Rudy -er- Rocky!! :P
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I was given up for adoption by a single irish woman and adopted into a poor farming family with roots in East Texas and Arkansas. Dad had to go the GI Bill route to afford college. Since he stayed in farming, I had to take out loans to pay for A&M.

I believe my story is more typical of Aggies pre-2000, than Mond's. I've been waiting for the benefits of my so-called white privilege for a long time, but it is elusive!

Our athletes are the most privileged class around. They get school paid for because of their ability to throw, hit, or kick a ball, with very little to do with their ability in the class room. Most can land a decent job based on their athletic connections with very little to do with their GPA, degree, or success in holding down a job while being a student.

Who is privileged?
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Good post!
Satellite of Love
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Yelnick McWawa said:

UniqueIGN is the hands down GOAT of mental gymnastics.
My god, talk about a walking, talking indictment of the education system in this country.

What should scare you the most is he is in our engineering department. I don't know if we should be awarding degrees to people without critical thinking skills.
TefIon Don
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It's POTD material, but no for the reason that OP would like.
Zombie Jon Snow
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Fightin TX Aggie said:

I know some are reveling in the irony.

I'm amazed by the beautiful picture of America.

Kellen Mond is a poster image of who we are. France, Spain, Mexico, Texas and Africa, all in one family. His lineage of privilege and power and yet also challenges I'm sure he has experienced. He is a gifted athlete and the leader of a major football program. He's getting a world class education at a premier university.

I love it. Our country is amazing! Nothing like it!

If only Kellen felt that way. Weird right.

Fightin TX Aggie
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Wanting a better country doesn't mean you don't love it. If we should take the good with the bad in relation to Sully, surely we can find some grace for Kellen too, am I right? Seems like if you insist Sully be forgiven but you have no forgiveness for Mond, you'd sound a bit hypocritical, no?

I disagree with Kellen on Sully, but I'm not going to run him down personally. He's our QB1, and he's a fellow Aggie and Texan, so I love the guy.
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UniqueIGN said:

Being anti-racist doesn't mean always going out of your way to find racist acts to call out, it means calling out racist acts that you see.
This, here, is key.

We may judge actions. Not people. People are too complex. Situations and context too obscure. Motivations too opaque.

We, as a people, ought to focus on calling out racist (and other evil) actions.

What bothers me is the wholesale judging of humans instead of actions. Doing so is evil in itself.

*note that I am one who couldn't care less about removing the statue- I actually see value in doing so at this point in time.
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Novelty t-shirt idea for Kellen:

Mi Tio Santos era un "Slave Catcher"
And all I got was this stupid t-shirt

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Is it wrong to think that Kellen should be just as proud of his "Confederate roots" as his "African roots" or "Hispanic roots" or "French roots"?

None of us has any control over who our ancestors are.
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Fightin TX Aggie said:

Wanting a better country doesn't mean you don't love it. If we should take the good with the bad in relation to Sully, surely we can find some grace for Kellen too, am I right? Seems like if you insist Sully be forgiven but you have no forgiveness for Mond, you'd sound a bit hypocritical, no?

I disagree with Kellen on Sully, but I'm not going to run him down personally. He's our QB1, and he's a fellow Aggie and Texan, so I love the guy.

Will feel the same... soon as I hear an apology.
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UniqueIGN said:

Nah man, it isn't racist for one black person to call another black person a c*on. It has completely different meanings depending on the person who uses it. That's how reclaiming words works!

Brown v. Board of Education made it clear separate cannot be equal when it comes to education. Why is it then we insist on the same word having having a separate meaning based on the tongue that wags it?

We have been struggling for a couple of centuries to create a nation of equality. Equality means equality everywhere, not just some part equal and other parts not quite the same. Even Richard Pryor reached a point where he decided to stop using the n-word because he thought it was counterproductive to helping the black community.
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UniqueIGN said:

GCP12 said:

UniqueIGN said:

Gap said:

UniqueIGN said:

aggie appraiser said:

UniqueIGN said:

FunkyKO said:

You don't understand...we are talking the founding fathers of cities (Plural) in south Texas. It's not gonna happen.

So yeah it's hypocritical.

Doesn't change anything for you. You've got no skin in the game. Not your family tree.

It literally isn't hypocritical to have ancestry with confederate soldiers and to argue against having statues of confederate soldiers. Your ancestors don't dictate what you can fight for. It's only hypocritical if you dont want to get rid of your ancestors statues who did horrible things and want to get rid of all others.

Maybe he should bring down the buildings/statues/parks/etc named for his confederate family first.

If this is actually true, and that's a big if, then it doesn't matter what he tries to bring down first as long as he doesn't support either of them. The one where he has the most say in right now is the Sully statue since he's the quarterback at the university where it's a problem. It makes sense to fight most for the things you have the most say in, and the places where you can make the biggest impact

All power to him as I presume he will journey to erase honors his ancestors collected.

To answer your question, he is asking others to live up to a standard and position that he hasn't addressed within his family. A lot of people were harmed by his ancestors and still are made uncomfortable living and seeing the name honored where they work and live. It seems appropriate for Kellen to use his power as a family member to have those things scrubbed from the society we currently live in before asking others to do something he has not address personally with family to accomplish.

Here's the thing, he most likely has absolutely no ability to change any schools or monuments that are named after his ancestors because there have been several generations since then and several splits of the family. It makes the most sense to fight where you actually have a voice, and that's at Texas A&M as the quartback for the football team. If people want to change the world where we live in, it makes the most sense to divert your efforts to where you could get the most done.
I would like him and his entire family erased from history. As an American, his ancestors offend me deeply. I went to Texas A&M and therefore have more of a voice in A&M matters than any other that I can think of.

Is my new found cause worth considering in your opinion ?

None of us who want the statue taken away from the academic plaza want to erase history. Maybe you, but you said "us", there are many on your side of the aisle calling for project Lincoln 1619, calling for elimination of books(some as innocuous as Tom Sawyer or 1984), The left is actively seeking to eliminate certain history or distort it beyond recognition.

If you tear down the statue, the history is still there, the news articles are still there, as long as the history is taught it isn't erased. See above your side of the aisle is fighting for just that and it is deplorable and unacceptable.

These statues weren't placed to teach history, they were placed to glorify and memorialize individuals. So this is a false equivalency In most cases they were erected to memorialize the honorable aspects of their lives. It is a form of history to remember people.
You are being used by people who don't hold your beliefs and pretty much hold you in contempt.
Among the latter, under pretence of governing they have divided their nations into two classes, wolves and sheep.”
Thomas Jefferson, Letter to Edward Carrington, January 16, 1787
Zombie Jon Snow
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Fightin TX Aggie said:

Wanting a better country doesn't mean you don't love it. If we should take the good with the bad in relation to Sully, surely we can find some grace for Kellen too, am I right? Seems like if you insist Sully be forgiven but you have no forgiveness for Mond, you'd sound a bit hypocritical, no?

I disagree with Kellen on Sully, but I'm not going to run him down personally. He's our QB1, and he's a fellow Aggie and Texan, so I love the guy.

You read a lot into 8 words that I said.

None of which said I have no grace for Kellen, that I "insist" Sully be forgiven, that I have no forgiveness for Kellen, nor that I am going to "run him down".

Maybe stop putting words in other peoples mouths and making assumptions about them or their words?????

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UniqueIGN said:

Nah man, it isn't racist for one black person to call another black person a c*on. It has completely different meanings depending on the person who uses it. That's how reclaiming words works!
so effing stupid. The term was used in an abusive, insulting, derogatory manner. To try and argue otherwise is just comical.

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I think more of these Millennials may have eaten Pods than we knew of.
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After reading through a lot of the thread, it's fair to say uniqueIGN was a little triggered to find out one of his SJW hero's had a lot of ties to the confederacy.

Maybe they should dive into their own family tree, I bet they'll find some fun surprises.
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Gap said:

Source please.

If you have an ancestry account it's not that hard to look this stuff up.
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UniqueIGN said:


Here's the thing, he most likely has absolutely no ability to change any schools or monuments that are named after his ancestors because there have been several generations since then and several splits of the family. It makes the most sense to fight where you actually have a voice, and that's at Texas A&M as the quartback for the football team. If people want to change the world where we live in, it makes the most sense to divert your efforts to where you could get the most done.
This post caught my eye as I'm trying to catch up on this unbelievable set of events. What a gem to wake up to! Kellen Mond is being used. If he wasn't the QB at Texas A&M these new friends of his wouldn't give a damn about him. This morning Kellen should tell all of these people to pound sand. He has a proud family history in this state. Stand up for it and stand up for this state - and that includes Sul Ross.
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Is UniqueIGN the author of Mond's Sully history?
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