Ghostbusters trailer

48,425 Views | 413 Replies | Last: 7 yr ago by Icecream_Ag
Urban Ag
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The problem with the cast is not that the Ghostbusters are all women, it's that it's three white women and one African American woman. Further, the one AA woman's character is clearly meant to further the racist cultural stereotype of black women being loud, crude, and ghetto fabulous. Why couldn't she have been educated at Columbia or Brown, politically active, with at least a small amount of screen time dedicated to showcasing the epic struggle of trying to make it the paranormal removal services, an industry completely dominated by wise cracking, white males, with advanced degrees, historically unavailable to women and minorities. At least two of the white women need to be re-cast. One should have been a single mom latina who recently lost her cleaning job at Trump Tower due to her undocumented status. The other should have been cast as either an Indian or Asian, trying to break free from the confines of a life steeped in mathematics, programming, and general overachieving, so that she could experience the fulfillment of the modern, sexually liberated, New York woman. Keeping one white female is fine as long she portrayed as openly gay, who's in it for the pure adrenaline rush of taking down slimers and ghouls and roaring around NYC in the 1959 Cadillac hearse that she personally restored and maintains. Also, she spends a couple of nights a week on the couch at the office because "ya know, my wife's bustin' ma balls again". And Chris Hemsworth? Uh no. No matter how nerdy you make him, that's still Thor. A huge, testosterone infused, muscled up, hyper-masculine, insult to feminism. Hello, #rapecultureanyone?
Professor Frick
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See, now that's some good PC bull****.
Deputy Travis Junior
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The problem with the cast is not that the Ghostbusters are all women, it's that it's three white women and one African American woman. Further, the one AA woman's character is clearly meant to further the racist cultural stereotype of black women being loud, crude, and ghetto fabulous. Why couldn't she have been educated at Columbia or Brown, politically active, with at least a small amount of screen time dedicated to showcasing the epic struggle of trying to make it the paranormal removal services, an industry completely dominated by wise cracking, white males, with advanced degrees, historically unavailable to women and minorities. At least two of the white women need to be re-cast. One should have been a single mom latina who recently lost her cleaning job at Trump Tower due to her undocumented status. The other should have been cast as either an Indian or Asian, trying to break free from the confines of a life steeped in mathematics, programming, and general overachieving, so that she could experience the fulfillment of the modern, sexually liberated, New York woman. Keeping one white female is fine as long she portrayed as openly gay, who's in it for the pure adrenaline rush of taking down slimers and ghouls and roaring around NYC in the 1959 Cadillac hearse that she personally restored and maintains. Also, she spends a couple of nights a week on the couch at the office because "ya know, my wife's bustin' ma balls again". And Chris Hemsworth? Uh no. No matter how nerdy you make him, that's still Thor. A huge, testosterone infused, muscled up, hyper-masculine, insult to feminism. Hello, #rapecultureanyone?

Still a better love story than Twilight.
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You don't have to preface every complaint with your disclaimer about approving of the cast. We get it, you're ok with the female recasting and everyone else is sexist.
The amount of legit, spiteful HATE for an all-women version of this movie is straight up disturbing. I get that it feels like a cheap ploy - and I agree that is - but the level of vitriol has gone past complaining about that aspect and instead comes across as insanely sexists. It's creepy, and I'm not going to NOT bring attention to it.

That said, on the same token, you don't have to call me out in EVERY ******* thread either. Seems your goal on this board lately has been playing TCTTS police. No matter where I post, you follow up with some passive-aggressive (re: smiley face icon followed by your true feelings) counter point, and it's getting super old. And if I truly am being annoying or coming across as holier than thou or whatever, then maybe it's time I take a break for a while. Because no matter what I say lately has been met by uber-sensitive posters with over-reactionary/opposing opinions. At least more than usual.

Ah yes hate. Perhaps the American people are straight up sick and tired of Hollywood and the media shoving SJW **** down our throats for no ****ing reason and then getting angry when none of us give a **** about the show/movie because it's full of political bull**** about how we're bad people because we're men (many of us white) and straight. There is no hate, you're just seeing the realization of years of pent up anger over this issue. People now actively root for this garbage to fail because it's nothing but pandering and it's so obvious that it's impossible to ignore.

You work in Hollywood, yo live in a damn bubble of leftists, communists, Bernie Sanders' supporters, SJWs, and other crazies who have no business talking about politics. Yet you're whining about the "hate" when everything about this movie is a slap in the face to the average man? "IF YOU DON'T LIKE THIS MOVIE YOU'RE A SEXIST MISOGYNIST ****LORD." Get over yourself and get out of here with your self righteous ****.
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While I like the way TC acts on this board less and less slowly becoming our go to entertainment snob, attacks like this are completely ******ed and unnecessary.
Vince Blake
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I have not read this whole thread so my apologies if my questions have already been addressed. But has anyone read the script or know more about the plot? Is this supposed to be a fresh reboot or a sequel many years later similar to TFA? Or is this supposed to be Ghostbusters Earth 2 (some sort of alternate dimension that interacts with the original)--some of the images, the dark cloud over the skyscraper, the burnt face of Stay Puft, gave me that feeling. Just curious.
Professor Frick
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FWIW. We are all agreeing that this will likely suck.
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While I like the way TC acts on this board less and less slowly becoming our go to entertainment snob, attacks like this are completely ******ed and unnecessary.
His views are representative of general society now and typical of how Hollywood views the average person. He lives in a complete bubble and is surrounded by people who essentially are seeking to destroy Western civilization, so how exactly should we react to that when he's starting to display the exact same political views in more and more of his posts?
Deputy Travis Junior
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Come on man. Can't you post your disagreement without the extreme personal attacks? Unlike the politics board, this one is actually fairly civil (well unless you post book info in the show only GoT thread).
Professor Frick
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Maybe it's not fair of me to pile on, but man, given that he's so hellbent on destroying Western civilization, I don't feel bad posting this picture I found of TCTTS:

I think you guys are on to something.
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Yet you're whining about the "hate" when everything about this movie is a slap in the face to the average man?

He lives in a complete bubble and is surrounded by people who essentially are seeking to destroy Western civilization

These may be two of the most utterly insane things I have ever read on TexAgs, which is saying something. That some of you get THIS angry over an all-female remake of an '80s movie - in which grown men shoot lasers at ghosts - is hilarious if it wasn't so sad. Don't get me wrong, I love the original Ghostbusters. It's an all-time classic, and deservedly so. But some of you are acting as if it will cease to exist the second this new version is released.

However, again... I agree that this new version looks like complete and utter trash. Everything from the premise (obviously) to the jokes to even the cinematography comes across as tired, cliched, and just plain uninspired. My ONLY point is that some of the hate for this movie seems to be directed not at the things I just mentioned, but rather at *women* instead. Which comes across as creepy, f*cked up, and sexist. There ARE men's rights activists protesting this movie. It's a legit thing that's been covered by multiple online outlets, and not a leftist thing or part of some liberal agenda. It's just factual reporting. And intentional or not, a lot of MRA dialogue has been echoed nearly word-for-word in some of the posts in this thread.

Which leads me to my next, more personal point... a fair number of you lately - in this thread and others - have been jumping to and attacking this stereotypical version of who you perceive me to be, outside of this message board, which couldn't be further from the truth. First of all, I spent the first 25 years of my life in Texas. I come from an incredibly conservative family who I talk to multiple times a week, one that depends on the oil industry for its livelihood, for God's sake. The vast majority of my close friends in LA are either fellow Texans or from the midwest, and definitely not California or New York natives. I seriously laugh at all this "Hollywood bubble" talk. As if I attend liberal parties at Bill Maher's house, sipping champaign and smoking weed with Michael Moore as we all come up with ways to sh*t on bad movies when we're not trying to "destroy Western civilization" (ha, seriously, I can't get over that). If anything, Los Angeles is whatever you want it to be, politically and culturally speaking. Anyone who's ever spent more than a few days here would know that, instead of spouting off the most cliched, stereotypical, fear-mongering jargon about the whole place being full of snobs and elitists hell bent on starting wars on Christmas or whatever. Not to mention, my dad would have shot me already had I gone full-liberal or "Hollywood elite."

That said, enough people have complained lately that the way I "act" is rubbing them the wrong way, and I fully admit that I can do a better job of not coming across like d*ck on this board. I legit try to be an inviting person on this board. I try to be fun and encouraging and affable. I try to respond positively to every post I can and encourage discussion. It makes my skin crawl when someone mocks me for defending my "precious Entertainment Board." I've said it before, and I'll say it again... thinking of myself as some kind of insider-expert for or self-appointed "king" of a message board is about the lamest thing I can possibly think of.

Yes, the more ingrained I get in what I'm trying to do professionally, the more I naturally want to talk about it. And a number of you seem to enjoy being along for the ride and enjoy whatever stories and anecdotes I may have. But on the same token, a number of you are making it crystal clear that I'm apparently coming across as a know-it-all assh*le in the process. And for that I apologize. That is never, ever my intention. I will say that, frankly, I do enjoy arguing sometimes. I like to challenge people's ideologies. But I love having mine challenged as well. Either way, if I've come across as an assh*le, I will try to do better.

What I am proud of, however - save for the one time I snapped at an idiot on this board who would NOT stop telling people they'd go to hell for lusting after Beyonce - is that I have never, ever been as frothing-at-the-mouth mad as some of you are, to the point of telling someone to get essentially GTFO. Especially over a movie about "busting" ghosts. Let's tap the brakes a bit, have some perspective, and PLEASE try to understand that most people here aren't as agenda-driven or as egomaniacal as we may think they are. Which goes for the way I can sometimes view posters on this board as well.
Definitely Not A Cop
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I always enjoy your posts TCTTS. Don't take this place so seriously, remember that it's an Internet forum.

I don't hate the women for doing this movie at all (well, besides Leslie Jones). Do think the people in charge were stupid for thinking an all female cast and a fresh coat of paint on one the greatest movies of the 80s would somehow automatically guarantee money. They deserve all the bad things in life to happen to them, and only them.
Professor Frick
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If I were to take guess as to who's taking this whole thing too seriously, I'm going with the dude who thinks Hollywood is essentially seeking to destroy Western civilization.
Definitely Not A Cop
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If I were to take guess as to who's taking this too seriously, I'm going with the dude who thinks Hollywood is essentially destroying Western civilization.

Especially since it's thanks to Hollywood that they base "western" civilization off of anything.
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If I were to take guess as to who's taking this whole thing too seriously, I'm going with the dude who thinks Hollywood is essentially seeking to destroy Western civilization.

Never said Hollywood was, just that it's full of communists and cultural marxists who want open immigration and want the US to be like Europe. I couldn't give a **** about this movie, I saw the trailers thought it was another piece of Hollywood pandering trash and moved on. What I do care about is the insinuation that the only reason to hate the movie is because you're a misogynist.

If TCTTS had done his research versus taking the media at face value (something you should never ever do anymore), he would realize that the claims of MRAs is almost entirely bull**** propaganda in the same manner as the anti-gamergate with video games and Sad Puppy with scifi literature. It's the exact same group who is making the claims in all 3 areas. It's a bunch of SJWs who want to vilify anything and everything that doesn't directly support their political agenda. Thus, if you don't like anything they like, then you are automatically a sexist and you should be censored. These people have lots of control and support in the news medias, which is why the opposing viewpoint is never heard or suppressed.
Professor Frick
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never said Hollywood was

He lives in a complete bubble and is surrounded by people who essentially are seeking to destroy Western civilization

Ok, so, Brentwood? Century City? Are the good folks of Pacific Palisades seeking to destroy Western Civilization?
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Vander just take yourself to the politics board, literally no one cares about your Hollywood tinfoil hat. We are Just here to talk about movies, I can't stand people who go out of their way to ***** about movies having a political agenda. Who gives a **** as long as it is a good story and is entertaining.
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That some of you get THIS angry over an all-female remake of an '80s movie - in which grown men shoot lasers at ghosts -


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I don't hate the women for doing this movie at all (well, besides Leslie Jones).
Because she's black amirite!
Brian Earl Spilner
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Jesus Christ. Some people need to take it down like five notches.

I take responsibility for lighting the match, but I definitely did not expect it to turn into this.

TC, you're good people. As I said in my last post, I was poking fun, nothing more.
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I'm in favor of a Star Wars Reboot with all gender roles swapped.

Who's with me?!
Brian Earl Spilner
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Rosie O'Donnell as Jabba.
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I'm in favor of a Star Wars Reboot with all gender roles swapped.

Who's with me?!
The kinda just did that right
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Vander just take yourself to the politics board, literally no one cares about your Hollywood tinfoil hat. We are Just here to talk about movies, I can't stand people who go out of their way to ***** about movies having a political agenda. Who gives a **** as long as it is a good story and is entertaining.

If the story is good I can overlook the political agenda. If it's not, like this movie, and one where people call you a sexist for not liking it, well it's rather difficult to ignore.
Urban Ag
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I'm in favor of a Star Wars Reboot with all gender roles swapped.

Who's with me?!
The kinda just did that right
yeah pretty sure you won't see a hetero white male under 60 in a "hero" role for about forever

Bruce Almighty
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If this movie sucks, it won't be because of a women cast. A good director and a good script can make it work.
Atreides Ornithopter
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TCTTS crossed a line ( or at least the streams) with that laser comment.
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While I like the way TC acts on this board less and less slowly becoming our go to entertainment snob, attacks like this are completely ******ed and unnecessary.
His views are representative of general society now and typical of how Hollywood views the average person. He lives in a complete bubble and is surrounded by people who essentially are seeking to destroy Western civilization, so how exactly should we react to that when he's starting to display the exact same political views in more and more of his posts?

Can you go back to whateve hole/forum you crawled out from and stop ruining the entertainment board?
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I always enjoy your posts TCTTS. Don't take this place so seriously, remember that it's an Internet forum.

I don't hate the women for doing this movie at all (well, besides Leslie Jones). Do think the people in charge were stupid for thinking an all female cast and a fresh coat of paint on one the greatest movies of the 80s would somehow automatically guarantee money. They deserve all the bad things in life to happen to them, and only them.

Id like to see the cast, minus the supremely unfunny and untalented Jones, do some original content.
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Once someone brings up SJW into a convo, I usually tune out. Pretty good rule to live by.

Back to the movie: Trailers were trash/generic for Bridsmaids and Spy, and I loved those movies. I'm willing to give these trailers a pass.
Brian Earl Spilner
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Agree 100%.
Definitely Not A Cop
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Oh I agree. I'm just saying I don't blame them for taking an acting job that will pay them money.
double aught
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Jesus Christ. Some people need to take it down like five notches.

I take responsibility for lighting the match, but I definitely did not expect it to turn into this.

TC, you're good people. As I said in my last post, I was poking fun, nothing more.
Congrats on the perfect gif for the situation.
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