Peeps vs the juice

72,721 Views | 597 Replies | Last: 3 yr ago by Jimmy McNulty
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Just realized I don't get Esquire.
Objective Aggie
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When searching for Esquire show, I found some other Simpson show. Two hours of straight clips with no narration. Really cool. Sounded just like a condensed version of the Esquire show. (No relation in shows). is here, but you can search your program guide if you have this or if it is being replayed.

I don't have time for ten hours, two is fine.

And after watching, Travolta does not have Shapiro's mannerisms. As mentioned in this thread, has made him into a Travoltaian character. It is not necessarily a bad thing for viewers of the show, but probably the least accurate portrayal in the show (next to Larry King of course).

David Schwimmrr actually really looks like Kardashian. Again, he is not exactly acting like him but close enough for a cable drama.

They really captured the essence of Marsha, Cochran, FLBailey, Ito, Goldmans, that Vanity Fair writer, Darden, etc.

Cuba as OJ is fine, just not spectacular.

Oh yeah, that scene at the church where they called Cochran up and prayed for him - - pretty much exactly as it happened.
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ID has "O.J. Simpson Trial/Real Story"

OWN has "The People vs. OJ Simpson: A Where Are They Now Special"

A&E has "O.J. Speaks: The Hidden Tapes"
J.P. 03
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Did Kardashian really spew right after the verdict???
Know Your Enemy
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I want to know if a juror actually gave OJ the black power salute after the verdict was read.
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Someone dressed up in a chicken suit?
Joan Wilder
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The juror giving the black power salute really happened according to everyone in the courtroom.

You knew Kim goldman's reaction was coming and it was still gut wrenching. That poor family.

Interesting they intercut actual news footage of people watching the verdict - that's the first time they've done that in the series.
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It's amazing how differently I see everything now, versus when I was 15.
Franklin Delano Bluth
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The promo for Atlanta was pretty funny

The verdict continues to be disgusting 20 years later
Joan Wilder
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The crazy thing is, the jury asked to have Alan Park's testimony read back to them. That witness was completely credible and corroborated and really draws into question OJ's whereabouts....and then they acquitted. Why would they want that read back to them when so many were dead set on acquittal?
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At 15, I was pretty indifferent to the verdict because I never really watched/understood the facts of the case. I remember listening to the verdict in Chemistry class. I remember the horrified look on my teacher's face when the verdict was read. Now, I feel ashamed that I didn't really care about the verdict at the time. I wish I would have been disgusted. Today, as an adult, I am disgusted.

Side note: I lived in Miami at the same time OJ was living there. I was in a bar with a group of friends one night and OJ strolled by to go to the bathroom. Our male friends wouldn't let any of the girls go near the bathroom until they knew OJ was gone.
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Oj isn't roethlisberger.
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No. In the beginning they used the footage of Rodney King and Reginald Denny.
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Toobin wrote in his book that the high profile cases (menendez bros, for example) tried by female prosecutors under Garcetti had lost. Darden only tried two sid cases and he lost those. Poor decisions from the beginning.
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OJ doesn't have a strong history with the white women.
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Weakest episode of a great season.

The Framed Pic of Arsenio in Lance Ito office made me laugh out loud.
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Why was Cochran allowed to talk about Furman in his closing statements, saying or quoting Furman on things the jury never heard?
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OJ doesn't have a strong history with the white women he's in a relationship with.

FIFY. He saw Nicole as property that he owned. He would decide when he's done with her, not the other way around. Id imagine some girls passing by him going to the bar or bathroom, he'd be very charismatic, not a creepy sceezeball. That's how he did so well after football and one reason why he was openly accepted into the wealthy, white world in the late 70's until his arrest.
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Why was half of what the defense did allowed? How did Ito manage to remain on the bench after this trial?

I'm going to try to read the "If I did it" book. It supposedly has some "He did it"section that the Goldman's contributed. We'll see.
Big Al 1992
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I have never heard of a defendant getting a chance to say anything - in front of a jury or not - that should have immediately allowed OJ to be cross examined and statements used by the prosecution. Does that really happen? How did Ito ever let that happen?!
Ervin Burrell
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I have never heard of a defendant getting a chance to say anything - in front of a jury or not - that should have immediately allowed OJ to be cross examined and statements used by the prosecution. Does that really happen? How did Ito ever let that happen?!

I suppose because it wasn't in front of the jury-I agree it's still ridiculous if it happened.
P.C. Principal
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Look I get the reasoning behind finding him not guilty but it's seriously ridiculous to argue that he's not guilty. Watching the verdict read and the Goldmans' reactions, even though you know what's coming, was just gut-wrenching. And infuriating.

Amazing series.
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Know Your Enemy
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I have never heard of a defendant getting a chance to say anything - in front of a jury or not - that should have immediately allowed OJ to be cross examined and statements used by the prosecution. Does that really happen? How did Ito ever let that happen?!

I suppose because it wasn't in front of the jury-I agree it's still ridiculous if it happened.

It did happen.
Objective Aggie
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I believe the show started that scene without the jury and then morphed into the scene when the jury was there. Could be wrong.
Ag Since 83
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DVR didn't record the last half hour
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This has happened before to folks. I don't understand stand. What kind of dvr do you have? I'm getting a genie today. Getting nervous about it.
Ag Since 83
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I moved into a new house last month and got DirecTV, so I have their system. When I was fast forwarding through commercials, the bar at the bottom showed the episode as being 1 hour, 33 minutes long, but when it got to the 1:04 mark it just stopped and asked if I wanted to delete it. I tried in two different rooms with the same result.
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My Xfinity X1 dvr recorded all of it.
Ervin Burrell
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I moved into a new house last month and got DirecTV, so I have their system. When I was fast forwarding through commercials, the bar at the bottom showed the episode as being 1 hour, 33 minutes long, but when it got to the 1:04 mark it just stopped and asked if I wanted to delete it. I tried in two different rooms with the same result.
If it makes you feel better, the actual episode length was only like 1 hour 9 minutes so you only missed the last five minutes.
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It was a surprisingly well balanced and fair series that shed light on the incident and how a jury could acquit despite the evidence presented. When I was younger I guess I couldn't grasp the ramifications of what Furhman represented and how that was able to trump the forensics. Those who celebrated the verdict were really celebrating the fact that LAPD lost. It is sad to think that people like the Goldman's became footnotes to the incident and didn't get the true justice they deserved.

Luckily OJ ended up where he deserved. He became a social pariah, lost his assets and eventually his freedom. I imagine his parole officers next year will keep in mind this injustice and keep him where he belongs.
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Look I get the reasoning behind finding him not guilty but it's seriously ridiculous to argue that he's not guilty. Watching the verdict read and the Goldmans' reactions, even though you know what's coming, was just gut-wrenching. And infuriating.

Amazing series.
I reread William Dear's(Private Investigator from Dallas) book and I don't think that OJ did it. I think his son is who committed the murders.

There is still a lot about this case that does not make any sense. Everyone disses the jury, and If I was on the jury I think I would have been like the foreman.

Do I think that OJ did it? Probably an 80-90% chance that he did. Do I think that the prosecution proved their case? Not at all.

The only thing that they proved was that OJ was most likely at the crime scene.

Prosecution case hinged on these things:
1. DNA evidence. The defense made this evidence inadmissible by destroying Dennis Fung. Fung actually shakes hands with the OJ and the defense team after getting off the stand. No one really knew what DNA was back in 1995. This is before CSI and DNA evidence became mainstream.

2. The Detective that found the glove lied under oath, was a blatant racist, and pleaded the 5th amendment when asked if he planted evidence in this case.

So everything to do with DNA and Mark Fuhrman is tainted. Did the prosecution ever show the jury a murder weapon with OJ's prints on it?
Did the prosecution ever produce a witness that saw OJ with Ron Goldman and Nicole right before the murders?

One of the jury members talked about how the prosecutions story did not make any sense to her. The story that Marcia Clark told over and over again was that OJ was a serial wife beater who battered his wife and this led to murder in June of 1994.
The evidence presented during the trial showed that the last time that OJ was physical with Nicole was January 1, 1989. That is a 5.5 year gap between that incident and the murder.

Wiliam Dear book brings up a lot of the same questions that the jury was asking during the deliberation scene. These are things that still do not make any sense.

Ron Goldman was a 6-1 200 pound man. If OJ killed two people with a knife then he should have been covered in blood. There should be blood all over his car. On the seats, on the brakes and all over this clothes. The only thing that was found where small blood spots.

What happened to the bloody clothes?
The LAPD checked out the draining pipes at OJ's house and did not find any blood.
If OJ took a shower to clean up, then there should a lot of blood in his draining pipes. Everything that was found where small, minuscule blood spots.

These two points where all made during the trial by the defense witness Dr Henry Lee. The television show did not show this happening at all I have a feeling that the television show did not show Dr Henry Lee's testimony because they didn't want to show anything that might make viewers feel that OJ didn't do it.

I also think that they wanted to limit the amount of times that the defense team was doing "Real Lawyering" because the race baiting makes for much better television.

Dr Henry Lee gets on the stand and states repeatedly that the blood evidence presented by the prosecution does not make any sense.

Contrast this to what Barry Sheck and the defense team did to Dennis Fung and you could see how an acquittal could happen.

The other thing that does not make sense is Ron Goldman. Ron Goldman apparently had some serious defensive wounds on his hands and put up a great fight. If OJ killed two people......shouldn't he have bruises to show that he was in a fight with another man?

Why has William Dear convinced me that his son did it?
-OJ Simpson was zeroed in as the suspect within the first hour of the cops finding the murder victims. No other suspect was ever seriously considered by the LAPD.

Jason Simpson was never interviewed by the LAPD.

- The day after the murder OJ hired a big time Los Angeles defense attorney for his son.
-His son was a chef that worked with knives for a living
-Jason Simpson was a walk on football player for USC. Large enough to kill two people with a knife.
- His son was on probation for attacking a previous boss with a knife
- Jason Simpson had gotten into a fight with a previous girlfriend and cut off her hair with a knife
- Jason Simpson had once almost choked an ex girlfriend to death
- He had a long history of depression and rage disorder.
-Nicole Simpson had accused Jason Simpson of stalking her.

Has OJ ever attacked someone with a knife?
His son has attacked multiple people with a knife and worked 10 minutes from the crime scene.

Why would OJ do this and ruin his rich and famous life?
Do you all really think that OJ Simpson couldn't get another woman?

From the books I've read about this was well known that Nicole Simpson got around and had a lot of mail suitors. Apparently....this is what OJ and Nicole used to fight about all the time.

Why would OJ kill his ex wife with his two kids sleeping upstairs?

Dear's theory is that Jason Simpson committed the crimes and then called OJ and told him that something happened to Nicole. OJ rushes over to Nicole's house (to also make sure his kids were okay) and stumbles onto this horrific crime scene.
He removes the bloody glove(to protect his son) and some of Ron and Nicoles blood gets on his shoes and socks.
This is how the blood trail gets from the crime scene back to his house.

The easy way out is to just believe what TV tells you and that OJ must have did it.....but there is still a lot of things about this case that don't add up.

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Spare me the "people who believe what TV has to say" lines after a long post spewing what some guy wrote to sell books.
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Spare me the "people who believe what TV has to say" lines after a long post spewing what some guy wrote to sell books.
Read the book and get back to me. William Dear has done more investigation and legwork on this case then all of us combined.

Don't sit her and tell me you just believe everything you see on television.
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I don't need to read the book to understand that a well written book of this type tends to make its case well. The writer is convincing you, but it's never the whole picture. One merely has to read books or watch documentaries of the same type about JFK and other things like that to see how authors can bend and make a believable case without necessarily proving their case using ALL of the evidence.

The problem with the Jason Simpson and OJ both being at the crime scene is that the time allowed is really tight. OJ had a flight. Its also known when Goldman left the restaurant and its known from things like dogs barking when the murder occurred, its not like the murder can be pushed back 15 minutes for it to happen, and have Jason call OJ. An OJ trip to the crime scene AND back hurts the timeline rather than just a trip back from the scene for only OJ.
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